Chubby Chicks Rule

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Chubby Chicks Rule Page 8

by Desiree Day

  Samantha peeked into the refrigerator. “Eww, this looks like a health food spit up in here.”

  “I decided that we needed to focus on the food list.”

  Samantha glanced at her friend over her shoulder and pulled out an exclusive Evian Palace bottle. “Dang girl! I saw this on TV. I thought only restaurants carried this?”

  “Yeah, but my dad has connections,” she answered, then said, “Maybe we can lose a few pounds before the dance. So that way we’ll look nice and find something that fits…”

  “Hey, I always look nice, and I always find something that fits, so I don’t anticipate a problem, do you?” Samantha insisted.

  Jessica blushed. Shopping wasn’t on her list of favorite things to do. No matter how much money she had or what store she went to, the sales person always managed to make her feel like a clumsy cow. “Nope!” They spent the rest of the limo ride talking about what they wanted to wear.

  As soon as the limo pulled into the mall’s parking lot people stopped and pointed. “Ooh, I feel like Beyonce,” Samantha gushed.

  Jessica laughed, Samantha was fun. “Yeah, and I’m Mariah Carey,” she said playing along.

  “Let’s shop like a rock star, totally dude,” Samantha joked. Jessica quickly instructed her driver to meet them in four hours. Jessica figured that would allow her and Samantha enough time to get outfitted.

  They sauntered into the mall, it was Saturday afternoon and there were so many people there that it made Samantha think of a T.I. concert. “Let’s start at Versace,” Samantha decided.

  “But we can’t wear Versace,” Jessica said. “All their clothes are for Zeros. Besides, since when could you afford Versace?”

  Samantha stopped walking and turned to her friend. Jessica saw immediately that she had hurt her friend. “What did you say?” she didn’t wait for her friend to answer. “Just because I’m a Black middle-class girl, who doesn’t have a limo driver and doesn’t live in a mansion, you think that I can’t afford Versace?” Samantha asked, hurt.

  “I didn’t mean that. And I’m Black too, crazy girl. I was just asking because—because—because,” she faltered, searching for words the same way Dolly Parton does her wigs. “You’re right. That’s why I said it. I’m a snob.” Her eyes watered.

  Samantha wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulders. “Just a little, but I’ll break you out of it. Come on, let’s check out Versace.”

  “’kay,” Jessica sniffled. “Hold on a sec. I need a tissue.” They strolled until they found a napkin dispenser.

  “Now we can do Versace.”

  As soon as they stepped into the exclusive boutique Samantha immediately knew that she had made a mistake. Not only did an outfit cost more than her mother’s hooptie, but none of the clothes were bigger than one of her legs. But she forged on. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw the salespeople curiously watching them as though they were hippos on a shopping excursion. “Zeros,” she muttered under her breath before casually strolling to a strapless, knee-length gold sequined dress. “Beautiful. I can so rock this.”

  “I love it,” Jessica agreed.

  “Excuse me,” Samantha called to one of the clerks. “I need this in an eighteen.”

  The Zero eyes widened a bit then said, “The biggest size is a ten.”

  “Oh,” Samantha answered disappointed, but immediately cheered when she saw a little black dress.

  The Zero followed her gaze. “Eight is the biggest size. There’s a Lane Bryant’s down the way,” she offered.

  “I don’t want Lane Bryant’s, if I wanted Lane Bryant’s I would’ve gone to Lane Bryant’s. I want Versace,” Samantha said angrily.

  “I’m sorry but we’re unable to accommodate you.”

  Just then Chloe, Tamia and Chelsea strolled into the store. “I don’t believe this,” Chloe drawled. “Look who’s here, Humpty and Dumpty.”

  Jessica unconsciously backed up and Samantha strutted up to Chloe. “I’ll dump your skinny azz out this store if you keep talking to me like that.”

  “You know Samantha, you seem to make a lot of threats, but you never do anything to back it up. I think you’re all talk,” Chloe said bravely.

  “Oh yeah, I think you’re a skinny, sorry looking Paris Hilton wanna be,” Samantha snarled. “And if you don’t get out of my way, you’ll see if I’m just talk.”

  “Whatevah, I don’t have time for this crap. Come on ladies.” Her friends fell into step behind her.

  Samantha watched through narrowed eyes as Chloe sauntered over to the strapless, knee-length gold sequined dress and plucked it up. “Size zero,” she said arrogantly.

  Jessica and Samantha looked at each other and burst out laughing. “I told you she was a zero,” Samantha sputtered.

  “You were right,” Jessica chuckled.

  “Size zero please,” Samantha said, mimicking Chloe which made Jessica laugh even harder. She howled as tears rolled down her face.

  Samantha pointed at Chloe. “Look at those skinny arms and legs they look like twigs.”

  Even though it was fall and the temperature hovered around forty degrees, Chloe and all her crew had on short sleeved, belly baring sweaters, Juicy Couture Skinny Jeans and Juicy Couture Flat Boot Shoes. They all look like clones, Jessica thought.

  “Let’s go,” Jessica pulled at her friend. “We can go somewhere else. Or we can have our dresses specially made for us.”

  Samantha looked at Chloe and her friends before stepping out into the mall. “I can’t afford to have a dress made,” she sheepishly admitted.

  “I’ll pay for it,” Jessica nonchalantly offered.

  “You can’t do that,” Samantha protested.

  “Sure I can, I can afford it and it’ll be fun. Besides you’re my friend, my BFF,” she said, teasingly. “And I know that you’re always going to be in my corner. So why not be in my corner and look nice.”

  Samantha broke out with a wide grin. “Thanks girl. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! But do you think we can find something nice in our size?” She asked, completely forgetting the conversation in the limo.

  “Of course, the designer I have in mind can work wonders.”

  “Who is it? Who is it?”

  Jessica grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Tell me! Tell me!” Samantha begged.

  Jessica paused, then said, “Giorgio Armani.”

  Samantha’s scream of joy could be heard from one end of the mall to the other.

  Chapter 13

  “I love this dress! Just love it!” Jessica said as she studied her reflection. The black bubble mini dress floated around her body.

  “I love mine too,” Samantha practically cooed. She had the same style dress except hers was red. “I can’t believe you’re doing all this for me.”

  Jessica had decided that Samantha should spend the weekend with her, and they had spent the day doing each other’s hair, doing their nails and makeup. Samantha had shown Jessica all her makeup tricks, which she had never told anyone. But since Jessica had paid for the dress, which Jessica had refused to tell her the price, Samantha felt indebted to her.

  There was a knock on her door. “Come in,” Jessica called.

  Her mother walked in as soon as she saw Jessica her eyes watered. “Oh you look so beautiful. So gorgeous. You’re a young lady.”

  Jessica blushed. “Thanks Mom.”

  She squeezed her daughter’s hand. She didn’t want to mess up her makeup. “You’re stunning Samantha,” she said admiring her. “I got you this,” her mother said, suddenly remembering why she came into her daughter’s suite. She held out a long velvet box to Jessica.

  Jessica saw the box and her heart sank. “Mom this isn’t necessary,” she said.

  “What is it?” Samantha asked.


  Samantha opened the box and for the second time that evening her mouth dropped. Nestled inside the box sat a diamond collar. “Oh wow!”

  “That’s what
I said when I saw it,” Jessica’s mother joked.

  “It’s nice,” Jessica stalled. “But I don’t think it’s appropriate for a high school dance.”

  “Of course it is. A lot of girls will be wearing them.”

  “Yeah but theirs will be cubic zirconia. And everybody will know that mine are the real thing.” Thanks to Chloe, her cover was blown. Now she was not only the fat girl, but the rich fat girl. She decided a different tact. “I don’t want to risk getting robbed.”

  Her mother looked sad for a moment then smiled sadly. “You’re right baby. It’s a different time. I just wanted to share something of mine.”

  “Mom you did,” Jessica reassured her. “Look at this dress, you paid for this. Look at my suite, you and Dad pay for it. But most of all you give me your love everyday. And that’s the best thing you can share with me.”

  “Your dates are here,” came through the intercom.

  “Showtime!” Samantha said.

  “Let’s hurry up before Daddy talks them to death.”

  Jessica and Samantha gave Mrs. Smith a quick hug before racing downstairs. They walked into the library to find Matt, Sean and Mr. Smith talking as though they had known each other forever. “Whew! It’s not as bad as I thought.”

  Jessica heard the dreaded three word phrase. “It’s picture time!” Her father pulled out his digital camera and began snapping pictures.

  “Time for us to go Dad,” Jessica said and before he could say anything, the group hurried out.

  “Thanks for saving us girl. I love your dad, but he sure can take a hella lot of pics. Made me think I was a cover girl.”

  “You look beautiful enough to be one,” Sean said.

  Samantha beamed. “You look nice too.” He took her suggestion and glamed it up. His Dolce & Gabbanna jacket, jeans and button down looked like an outfit Kanye West would rock.

  Jessica shot a guilty look at Matt, she hadn’t even complimented him. He looked good too. His black Armani suit fitted him perfectly. “Are you losing weight?” she whispered. Matt nodded. She was the first person other than his family to notice. “How much?”

  “Thirty,” he admitted sheepishly.

  “Thirty pounds? You lost thirty pounds? Wow!” She thought back to their lunches and their study meetings. Matt had eaten sensibly while she and Samantha ate like two people just rescued from a deserted island. “And you lost it by eating right?”

  “And jogging?”

  “You jogged?”

  “Yeah, is that so hard to imagine?”

  Well duh, was on the tip of her tongue, instead she said, “Not at all.”

  “It was to me,” Matt admitted. “When Marco asked me to run with him I thought he was joking…and he was. He thought that this tub of lard couldn’t keep up with him. And I couldn’t and still can’t. But give me another couple months. He’ll be running after me,” Matt boasted, his voice ringing with confidence.

  Jessica’s eyes shined with admiration and respect for Matt. “Cool!”

  They stepped into the limo. Samantha and Sean were already there, hugged up as though they were honeymooners, instead of two kids a couple months deep into dating.

  Jessica and Matt comfortably settled into the seat opposite them. “You didn’t have to do this,” Jessica said to Matt and Sean. “You could’ve used my limo.”

  “True dat, but we’re not moochers,” Matt said. And for the second time in less than ten minutes Matt impressed her.

  Jessica and Samantha caught each other’s gazes and grinned at one another. Tonight is going to be crunk, their eyes said.

  Matt reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a chilled bottle. “Let’s toast to an evening that’s going to be off de chain!”

  “Um, no alcohol for me,” Jessica whispered.

  “It’s alcohol free. This is sparkling white grape juice.”

  “Oh,” Jessica blushed. “Well pour me some.”

  Matt pulled out the champagne glasses, Sean turned on the music and stuck in a Jay Z CD and they all sat back and chilled until they got to the dance.

  “You guys ready to go in and face the music?” Jessica asked. “Pun intended.” They stood outside the ballroom. The school had rented a room at the Holiday Inn. P. Diddy’s latest song floated out to them, mixed in was laughter and conversation from their schoolmates.

  “It won’t be that bad, it’s going to be wild,” Samantha said, but Jessica could hear the nervousness in her friend’s voice. It was as apparent as a bad weave job.

  “Come on baby, let’s join the party,” Sean said then grabbed Samantha’s hand. She seemed to float into the room.

  Matt held out his hand and Jessica looked at it as though it was covered in poop. “You want me to hold your hand?”

  “First you insult my exercising skills and now you don’t want to hold my hand. You looked at it like I had stuck it in a pile of garbage. You sure know how to make a guy feel good,” Matt said, feigning hurt.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it that way at all. You just took me by surprise that’s all.” She chuckled nervously. “It’s not like you’re my boyfriend.”

  “Can you pretend that you’re my girlfriend and take my hand?” Matt asked softly.

  Jessica could feel a flush starting at the root of each and every one of her hairs and coloring her shoulders. “Sure.”

  Matt held his hand out to her and she just stared. “Well.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m sorry.” She slipped her hand into his. It’s dry. His hand is dry as a bone and I bet mine is as wet as a dirty dishrag.

  “Relax,” Matt said while squeezing her hand.

  “I’m sorry, I guess I’m a little nervous. This is my first boy girl dance,” she admitted.

  “Just like everybody else in the room. So relax. It’ll be okay. Ready?”

  “Yes.” On shaky legs Jessica let Matt lead her into the ballroom. As soon as she saw all the Zeros in their band aid size dresses she felt like she had three layers of bubble wrap on.

  Matt saw the self-doubt flash across Jessica’s face. “You’re beautiful.”

  Jessica gave him a crooked smile. “Thanks.”

  “You wanna dance?”

  Jessica back up toward the chairs. “I’m not a dancer.”

  Just then Chloe at Marco danced by. He nodded at Matt and winked at her. Wearing her Versace and her hair pinned up Chloe looked like a model. Jessica looked at her dress. I look like a swollen grape.

  “No you don’t,” Matt said cutting through her thoughts.

  “I don’t what?” Jessica asked.

  “You don’t look like, feel like nor act like, whatever demeaning thing you were thinking about yourself when you saw Chloe. You’re beautiful.”

  Jessica blushed and for the first time that evening, she gave him a heartfelt smile. “Oh Matt thank you.” She grabbed his hand. “I’ll dance with you if you want me to. But I’ll tell you now that the Black part of me have no rhythm.”

  “What about the White part?” Jessica laughed and shook her head no. “Don’t worry about it, I have enough for both of us,” he drawled. And he was right. From the moment they stepped on the dance floor Matt moved like he was a regular on Soul Train. Jessica couldn’t match his steps but she had a fun time trying. After the fifth song, she could feel beads of sweat on her forehead.

  I must look a mess. “I need to run to the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.”

  She stepped into the ladies room to find it half-empty. “Awesome.” It took her less than three minutes to use the bathroom, she was at the sink when Chloe strutted in. As soon as she saw Jessica by herself a slow grin spread over her face. She reminded Jessica of a lion eyeing a zebra.

  “Look who’s here all by herself. Where’s your bodyguard Jessica?” she taunted. “I thought you were glued at the butts.”

  “No more so than you and Tamia, your BFF.”

  “Whatever,” she grinned slyly then said, “Marco’s a good kisser, did you know that?”
/>   “Of course,” Jessica said. “I kissed him before.”

  Chloe snorted. “That was a little girl’s kiss for a little girl. He was playing with you.”

  “He wasn’t.” Jessica could still feel Marco’s soft lips on hers. “He was serious.”

  “Yeah, you are so dreaming. Anyway Marco is a man and he likes women. And he’s going to show me how much he likes me. I got us a room for later tonight,” she bragged.

  Jessica’s eyes grew as wide as the circular mirrors hanging over the sinks. “You’re going to sleep with him?”

  Chloe rolled her eyes. “You are so like twelve years old. I have to go. I need to get ready for tonight. See ya later little girl.” Giggling she sauntered back out to the party.

  Jessica stared at her reflection. “Is that why Matt’s being so nice to me, because he thinks I’m going to give it up? He thinks I’m going to sleep with him. Oh my God!”

  Chapter 14

  “Why did you pull me away from my baby?” Samantha asked. She and Sean were dancing to an old Michael Jackson song. He had her cracking up every time he did the moonwalk.

  “You two can tongue wrestle later. I have something to tell you.” Jessica maneuvered her friend into one of the few vacant corners in the ballroom.

  “What?” Samantha asked, almost pouting. “And you saw us dancing, not kissing.”

  “Matt wants to have sex with me,” she revealed.

  “Whuuut? Matt wants to sex you? When and where?” Samantha asked, making Sean a distant memory.

  “Well gosh, I’m not going to do it! It’s not like he’s my boyfriend.”

  “So what did he say when you turned him down?”


  “So he was so broken hearted that you left the dude speechless?”

  “Well, no…”

  “What happened!” Samantha asked, impatient now because no juicy gossip was involved. And Sean was motioning to her.


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