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Chubby Chicks Rule

Page 9

by Desiree Day

“I haven’t said anything, yet.”

  “Jessica! So did he come right out and say that he wanted to test the mattress with you?”


  “Well, what gave you the idea that he wanted you like that?”

  “Chloe,” Jessica whispered, the music gobbled up her friend’s words.

  Samantha leaned towards her friend. “Who? What?”

  “Chloe! She got a room for her and Marco!”

  “So she’s easy—what does that have to do with you?”

  “Duh, Marco is Matt’s best friend and best friends always do everything together.”

  “Nu uh, just because you’re my best friend, you’re not going to see me coordinating my make out times with you.”

  “So you don’t think…”

  “Hell naw! Matt’s crushing on you and everything, but I can’t see it going down the way you think it might go down,” Samantha said.

  A sense of relief surged through Jessica. I wasn’t ready for that conversation with Matt.

  “Gotta go, my baby wants me.”

  “Sure. Find Matt and me when you’re ready to go.”

  “Okay,” Samantha called over her shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.

  “Tonight was so much fun Matt. I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much as I did.” They were sitting in the limo outside Jessica’s house while Samantha and Sean walked around the grounds. It was frigid and Jessica and Matt had bet each other that Samantha and Sean would be back in the limo in five minutes.

  “Me either.”

  Jessica started giggling.


  “I shouldn’t be saying this,” Jessica said.


  “Don’t tell Marco I told you.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Promise!” Jessica pressed.

  “I won’t say anything.”

  “I won’t tell you unless you promise.”

  “Okay, I promise!”

  “Chloe got a room for her and Marco.”

  Matt shrugged. “So.”

  Jessica raised her eyebrows. “She got a room with a bed.”

  “Ooh, word?” he said comprehending.

  “You didn’t know?” Matt shook his head. “I thought you guys told each other everything.”

  “He’s my boy not my boyfriend. We don’t roll like that. And he doesn’t tell me everything. If there’s something he wanted me to know then he’ll plug me in. How did she get a room?” Matt wondered.

  Jessica shrugged. “Don’t know. Maybe she reserved it over the phone or she had a big sister who did it for her.”

  “What was so funny about them getting a room?”

  This time Jessica burst out laughing. “Because when Chloe told me that she had gotten a room for her and Matt, I thought you had gotten a room for us.”

  Matt wrinkled his brow. “What’s so funny about that?”

  “Us, you and I in bed together, don’t you think that’s funny?”

  “No. Why would you?”

  “First of all next to Samantha you’re my best friend. Secondly, both of us on the same bed would probably cause the springs to pop out and lastly, we’ll look like two walruses fighting over the last piece of fish.”

  “So that’s funny?”

  “Well, yeah,” she answered as though he had asked her if the stars were out.

  Matt bent down and gently brushed his lips against hers and Jessica nearly fainted from the shock of feeling Matt’s lips on hers. Matt firmly applied pressure and gently prodded her lips with his tongue. Jessica tentatively opened her mouth, Matt slid his tongue in and caressed hers. She snaked her arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Matt reached down and ran his hands through her curly hair.

  Matt pulled away, they both were breathing hard. Jessica’s face was flushed and her lips puckered as she looked up at Matt through dazed eyes. He looked down at her. “Now did that feel like two fat walruses kissing?”

  “What do you think I should do?” Jessica called from the pull out sofa. She had let Samantha have her bed. It was three o’clock in the morning.

  “I think you should take your butt to sleep,” Samantha grumbled. Although staying with Jessica was like being on vacation, she wanted to sleep in her bed snuggling with her stuffed animals.

  “I will. But the sooner you answer my questions, the faster you’ll be on the train to sleepy town.”

  “Damn you!” Samantha said as she tossed a pillow at Jessica, but it missed its mark and fell on the floor. She flipped over onto her back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Talk!” she demanded.

  “Do you want me to come over there?” Jessica asked excitedly.

  “Hellz naw. Stay in your own bed,” Samantha answered and snuggled into the sheets and pulled the feathery light comforter around her chin.

  “That is my bed!” Jessica huffed.

  “Not tonight,” Samantha quipped. “Now talk!”

  “Matt kissed me,” Jessica said, still weirded out by it. She could still feel his lips. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “That’s it. I don’t know. You tell me what to do.”

  “What? I can’t do that!”

  “Sure you can. You tell me what to do all the time.”

  “Well not this time. This time I’m going to let you make your own decision. Be free and prosper.”

  “Is that supposed to be some quote from Star Trek? If so, it’s all wrong.”

  “It’s not a quote from Star Trek, it’s a Samantha quote and stop changing the subject. What are you going to do?”

  “I’ll like him back?” Jessica asked.

  Samantha sighed. “This ain’t no pop quiz and if it was, you would’ve gotten a zero. Lawd, you made me a liar already. I’ma tell you what to do.”

  “Okay what?”

  “You’re going to take your time and get to know him as a boyfriend. Let him court you. And if he’s nice then you make him your boo and if he isn’t drop his butt like last season’s Armani collection.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “Good. Can I go to sleep now?”

  “Sure. Did Sean kiss you good night?”

  “Auggg!” Could be heard from Samantha’s side of the room. Then, “Yeah, and girl it was good. That boy should cover his mouth in platinum, because his lips are priceless,” she said in a soft voice. “And so is his tongue.”


  “Time to go to sleep good night.”


  “Talk to you tomorrow over a plate of pancakes.”

  “It’s not on the approved food list,” Jessica grumbled as she settled into her bed.

  “That doesn’t mean that we can’t eat them, does it?”


  “Good night Jessica.”

  “You’re going to tell me about Sean tomorrow?”

  “Yeah yeah,” Samantha promised around a yawn.

  “For real?”

  “Girl would you just go to sleep!”

  “Good night.”

  Chapter 15

  Jessica and Samantha walked into Ms. McKenzie’s room to find four carts lined up in front of the classroom.

  They slid into their regular seats, Matt was already there. In the three weeks since Matt’s kiss Jessica had been as uncomfortable with each him as Brittany Spears standing in a room full of nuns.

  “Hello,” Jessica said to Matt, her voice monotone.

  “Stop it!” Matt demanded.

  “Shop what?”

  “Talking to me like I’m a stranger. All I did was tell you I liked you,” he whispered.

  “And you kissed me!” she hissed in return.

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “You’ve could’ve given me some type of warning.”

  “Like what? A—”

  “Would you two be quiet,” Samantha grumbled. “You guys had almost a month to talk about this, and the stuff is hitting the f
an now? right in The Mack’s, this isn’t the place. So hush!”

  Ms. McKenzie strolled in. “Today we’re going to learn about willpower. I’m sure you all think you have it. And you’re right you do, you just don’t use it. I’m going to show you how.” Wearing a smirk, she stepped to the first cart and pulled off the top with a flourish. A five-inch high chocolate sheet cake with triple chocolate frosting sat on the cart. If she had been looking, she would’ve noticed puddles of drool on half of the desks.

  She quickly revealed the contents on the rests of the carts. Baby back ribs, mozzarella sticks, fried jalapeno peppers, fried chicken, and macaroni and cheese were spread out and exposed to them.

  “What we have here is a dieter’s nightmare. But it won’t become yours. Remember at the beginning of the class you wrote down your food weaknesses, and I’m going to help you overcome that weakness. Now I couldn’t get everyone’s number one weakness because it would’ve been too much. But I got the top ten.”

  Jessica looked at the selection again, she was right, Doritos wrapped in bacon wasn’t there, but her second favorite was, fried chicken.

  “I want you all to fix a plate then have a seat.” Two dozen eyes locked on her then swiveled to each other. “This isn’t a joke. You guys go fix yourselves a plate.” They hesitated. “Go!”

  Twenty-five pairs of feet scurried to the front of the class and lined up in front of the carts. Ten minutes later the plates were made and everybody was settled in their seats. Stomachs were growling louder than a pack of hungry pit bulls.

  “This looks so good,” Jessica whispered to Samantha. She could barely take her eyes off her plate. The aroma from the barbeque sauce slathered on the baby back ribs teased her, the thick rich chocolate called to her and the sight of her three pieces of fried chicken weakened her knees.

  “I know, I’m ready to inhale it all.” Samantha’s plate held four pieces of chicken, a mountain of macaroni and cheese and a huge wedge of chocolate cake.

  Jessica peeked at Matt’s plate, it looked like a Zero’s plate. His twelve-inch plate held only one piece of chicken and a scoop of macaroni of cheese. Matt caught her looking and winked she hurriedly averted her eyes.

  Ms. McKenzie walked to the front of the class. “It looks like everybody have made their selections. Now I want you all to ignore your food.”


  “Oh H no.”

  “This is bananas.”

  “I know it’s going to be hard. But today we will focus on willpower. And remember, if anybody takes a bite I’ll know it.”

  “How can we forget her bionic nose,” Samantha whispered to Jessica. “She can smell a fart a mile away.” Jessica smothered a giggle.

  Ms. McKenzie glared in her direction but didn’t say anything. She proceeded to talk to the class on needs and wants. Jessica was surprised that she heard any of it since her stomach was grumbling louder than a Zero who had been fasting for two days straight.

  When the bell rang they all stumbled out the class, peeked over their shoulders, and sped to the nearest vending machines.

  “Gotcha!” Jessica jumped, startled. She turned around to find Matt grinning at her.

  “What?” she asked warily as she glanced around for Samantha. Damnit! Jessica saw Samantha and Sean walking down the hall holding hands. She didn’t want to talk to him. Even though they had lunch together almost every day and they shared a class, Samantha served as a buffer between them so that Jessica wasn’t left alone with Matt.

  “Let’s talk babe.”

  “I have to—”

  “It won’t take that long,” Matt said. “Come on.”

  She reluctantly followed him to an empty classroom. “I’ve never been here before.” The classroom was filled with old books, scratched furniture, and other miscellaneous items.

  “I guess they use it as a storage room. Let’s sit here.” Matt pointed to a round table. He pulled out a chair for her and she reluctantly sat down. He plopped down in a chair next to her. “I’m just going to say this. I want you to be my girl,” he blurted out.

  Jessica’s mouth suddenly got as dry as her favorite T-shirt. “What? You want what?” she croaked.

  “You know I’m feeling you.”

  “Thanks?” she said not knowing if he was asking a question or making a statement.

  “Would you say something more! Talk to me!”

  “I’m confused,” she admitted as she absent-mindedly ran her finger over a layer of dust on the table. “First we were friends and now you want me to be your girlfriend. I don’t know how to react to all this.”

  “Just go with your feelings.”

  Jessica sighed. “That’s just it. My heart is telling me no.” Disappointment flashed in Matt’s brown eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. You were only telling me the truth. I can’t be mad at you for that.” He was silent for a second, then: “Are you still crushing on Marco?”

  “No!” Jessica quickly reassured him. “Not after he slept with Chloe.”

  “So if he hadn’t slept with Chloe, you’d be wishing it was him sitting here asking you to be his girl and not me?”

  Jessica sighed. “I’m not saying that.”

  “Well, what are you saying Jessica?” Matt asked.

  “I enjoyed your kiss,” Jessica suddenly blurted out.

  Matt chuckled. “Thanks. Me too.” Matt stood up to go. “Thanks for talking to me and keep living in dreamland. I know Marco and he’s not the person for you. Just forget that I ever said anything. See you.” He nodded before heading to the door.

  “Matt wait!”

  Chapter 16

  “I love your home,” Jessica said. This was her first time in Samantha’s apartment. It was Saturday night and they were in Samantha’s bedroom getting ready for their double date with Matt and Sean.

  “My crib is nice, but it’s about the tenth of the size of your mansion.”

  “It’s true, your place is nice and it’s cozy.” The two-bedroom apartment was a little bit bigger than her suite, but it had a homey feeling to it that her home lacked.

  “Thanks,” Samantha beamed. Sensing the sincerity in her friend’s voice. “I’m glad you like it. I was a little ashamed of it.”


  “What are you blind? This place is soooo little and soooo shabby. Look at my bedroom.”

  Jessica glanced around Samantha’s room, her gaudy red walls were covered with posters of her favorite celebrities, her twin size bed took up half the room and three shelves and a piece of rope nailed to the wall served as her closet. “It’s not that bad. I have an interior designer,” Jessica admitted. “Every spring she comes in and redecorates my bedroom. All I have to do is tell her my favorite colors, because that changes all the time, and anything else I want and she does everything. In less than a month, I have a whole new room.”

  “Now that’s whassup.”

  “You know just because something’s different, doesn’t make it better,” Jessica said wistfully.

  “True dat, but your stuff is so much better and that’s the truth.”

  “Just be grateful that you have a place to live. A lot of people don’t.”

  “Trust me. I’m very grateful,” Samantha said, thinking back to seven years ago when her father walked out on her and her mother, leaving them homeless. Then two years after that they lived with different family members and even one time living in their car until they found this apartment. “I’m very grateful,” she whispered.

  “So you’re going to spend the night at my place?” Jessica asked. As much as she loved visiting Samantha’s home, it was small and there was no place for her to sleep.

  “Yep. I have my bag packed and everything.” She loved staying at Jessica’s house, it was just like she was on vacation. She didn’t have to lift a finger, everything was done for her.

  “So Matt’s brother is going to drop us off at the movies?”

  “Yeah. He’s cool. So it�
��s not like he’s going to be all in our business. And his ride is nice. A brand new Escalade. It’s huge!”

  “I’m excited,” Jessica said, then, “I’m nervous about tonight.”

  “Why? You know Matt and you guys have been out before.”

  “Yeah but he was just a seat filler. So I wasn’t thinking about him like that.”

  “Obviously, dude’s been peeping you for a minute. I’m glad you’re giving him a chance. He’s a nice guy. You could do worse.”

  “I know. But I kinda like Marco.”

  Samantha rolled her eyes. “Marco is an ass. And he’ll screw any female that’ll look in his direction.”

  “I still like him.”

  “Guys like him will end up breaking your heart because they’re always looking for the next best thing.”

  “You sure know a lot about boys,” Jessica said impressed.

  Samantha laughed. “I do know a little something.”

  “So how do I look?” Jessica nervously asked. Her curly hair framed her face, Samantha had swiped her lashes with mascara and tinted her cheeks with a little blush.

  “Awesome! I love those jeans.” Where Samantha’s jeans were from the Gap and a blouse from Target, Jessica had a pair of 7s with a Fendi silk top and a pair of Michael Kors pumps.

  “How do I look,” Samantha asked as she sashayed across the room.

  “Fabulous as usual,” Jessica answered. She knew what her friend had paid for her outfit and was impressed out classy she made it. “You look nice. It goes to show you that the clothes don’t make the person, the person makes the clothes.”

  Samantha blushed. “Thanks.”

  “So are you and Sean going to be tonguing each other down during the movie?”

  “Shhh!” Samantha said, as she looked toward her closed door.

  “Your mom knows about Sean doesn’t she?”

  “Of course she does. But all she thinks we do is hold hands.”

  Jessica cocked her head. “What else are you two doing besides kissing?”



  “I let him look,” she confessed.

  “Sam! You let him see that?” she asked and pointed to her crotch.

  “No, not that! My boobs,” she hissed. “I let him look at my boobs.”


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