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Hittin' the Bricks: An Urban Erotic Tale

Page 9

by Noire

  The PO held up a pair of handcuffs and called out at his back. “Three strikes and you’re out! Tuesday is report day! You miss it, I click it!”

  “Yeah, baby,” the lead photographer moaned. “That’s how you turn a muhfuckah on!”

  They were in the West Chelsea Photo Studio and Eva was working the shit outta the cameras. Standing on her cue spot, she swirled her hips and arched her back, and there was so much heat in the room the walls seemed to sweat.

  Eva was in her element and digging that shit. No matter how scared or nervous she got in her real life, put her in front of a camera and she went the fuck off. She felt hot and sexy just hearing the shutters click. She was confident and her body was vicious. She got turned on like a mug, just from the sight of the lens, and her pussy would be slick and creamy by the time it was all over.

  “I’m feeling you, baby,” another voice urged behind her. Eva tooted out her phat ass and dipped her shoulder to emphasize the V in her waist. “Yeah, give it up to me, Eva,” he laughed. “You got my shit so hard I can cut off one of my legs and stand up on this muhfuckah right here!”

  Everybody in the room bust out laughing and the set director called a cut. They killed the lights and Eva strutted off the spot and walked into Mello’s strong brown arms.

  “Crazy ass,” she said, laughing as he kissed her real quick. “You better stop playing like that on company time. You know the Birthday Cake campaign is way behind. They gone get mad and fire your ass.”

  Mello shrugged. “It ain’t my fault the last model, Saucy, fucked around and threw everything off schedule. She was too hotheaded to handle her own success, but that ain’t gonna happen to you. Besides”—he placed her hand on his bulging dick—“You feel this shit? It’s hard as hell, Eva. It’s hard for you.”

  Tingles zipped all over her body. Eva’s nipples were already sticking out two inches through her red bikini top, and the juice that was collecting between her pussy lips felt hot and slippery.

  Mello grinded up on her for a moment, then gently slapped her on the ass.

  “Time to go, baby. The clock is running. But I got something I wanna slide up in them bottoms later, baby. Make sure you take those little red panties home so you can pose for me again tonight.”

  The next set called for her to get sprayed down with whipped cream. Eva was a little bit nervous about these shots because they’d hired a couple of male models who were supposed to lick her clean.

  “You think the makeup is gonna come off?” she’d asked Mello earlier. Not all of Eva’s scars had faded. The ones she had left still embarrassed the hell outta her and she was always scared that somebody was gonna find out the kinda life she’d lived and what she’d been through.

  Mello had shaken his head. “The makeup is gonna work just fine, Eva. And nobody is gonna know anyway. But with or without the makeup, you’re still beautiful, baby. Finer than any girl I’ve ever seen. A couple of old scratches on your body doesn’t change that, baby.”

  Eva smiled inside. It felt so damn good to have a man like Mello. In just a few short months he’d taken every bad thing that Rasheena and Jahden had done to her and turned it into a positively good thing.

  Before getting with Mello, Eva had always fucked with the lights off. She wore makeup to cover the crisscrossed belt marks on her arms and legs, but that shit would rub off on the sheets during some good fucking and embarrass her to death.

  One time she was with a dude that Alex had set her up with. He’d been sweating her for about five months when Eva decided to give him a try. It was summer and she had patted concealer on her worst spots before going to his crib. But when they dipped into his bedroom and he got to licking her and they were sweating all over his sheets, it looked like all the color was rubbing off her body.

  That niggah clowned on Eva hard.

  “Itch! Uss all iss?” he said, sticking out his tongue. It was caked with makeup. Eva had never used that brand before and she must have spread way too much because his long pink tongue looked like he’d been licking mud. He wiped his tongue off on the sheets, but then saw that there was makeup all over them as well. “Get the fuck outta my bed!”

  Eva had been so embarrassed she wanted to cry. Not only did dude get stupid on her, he told all his friends too. Alex had cursed him out when she found out what happened, but still. The damage had been done. Eva was real careful about how she got down after that. His trifling ass had taught her a real good lesson.

  But with Ramel “Ice Mello” Williams it had been different. He seemed to love her even with all her flaws.

  “Eva, that dude is sprung on your ass,” Alex had told her late one night as they ate pizza and drank beer while Alex packed. Eva had been crying earlier in the day and she was still sad as fuck. Her girl was leaving Harlem for a while and Eva was gonna miss her. Alex had auditioned to sing in a play, and had blown the part up. The producers had hired her on the spot, and she was heading to D.C. in two days to begin her pre production training. Alex had been born to sing and Eva was truly happy for her friend, but she loved Alex like a sister and she didn’t know what she was gonna do without her.

  Alex grinned and swigged her brew. “Between Mello and Reem, I’m leaving you in good hands, chica. For real. You got Mello open, girl.” She laughed. “And not just because you got a big juicy ass, neither. Dude is into you. I mean really, really into you.”

  And it seemed like Alex was right. Everything about Mello felt good. The way he looked at her and really paid attention when she spoke. The way he seriously considered what came outta his mouth when he was talking to her, instead of just blurting out the first thing on his mind. He was thoughtful like that. He was generous and kind and not afraid to share his feelings and his dreams. On top of being sexy as fuck, Mello was romantic too. He gave her lots of small presents too, just to surprise her and make her happy. Once he was slow-fucking her with her legs spread open wide, and sucking her toes at the same time. Eva was shivering and trying to hold back on her nut, and didn’t even realize that he’d had a diamond-crested toe ring in his mouth and had slipped it onto her second toe while he was sucking and fucking her. He’d brought it from Cartier and wanted to surprise her with it.

  Eva dug that shit to the utmost. She dug everything that Mello put on her sexually and otherwise. She liked to lean back on him and tease his hard dick as he rubbed it between the crack of her soft, fluffy ass. He would breathe hard into her ear, his lips nibbling on her neck as he felt her up with both hands. Eva’s soft moans would float into the air as her pussy leaked and warm cream slid from her crevices. The best would come next, when Mello would tease her nipples into hard peaks and send heat shooting through her body that felt like delicious firecrackers going off between her legs. By the time they were both naked sweat would be covering their bodies and their mouths would be exploring each other’s hottest zones. Mello was a heavy hitter and he was working with a package that was a certified sexual apparatus. By the time he got through with his devastating foreplay, Eva would be begging for him to lay it on her, and Mello would be about ready to shoot his sticky semen as far up in her as he could get it.

  All of her man’s sexual virtues were on Eva’s mind as Mello snapped photo after photo after photo. He urged her on with his beautiful deep voice. He whispered all kinds of sexy shit that he knew would turn her on. By the time the session was finally over Eva was so horny that she’d had two silent orgasms for Mello, just from the sound of his voice.

  “Check you out,” Mello said a few minutes later as he showed her some of the early stills.

  Eva peered at the pictures with a keen eye. She was her own worst critic and she could be so hard on herself. Besides, these photos were for a major campaign and Eva wanted them to be perfect.

  “Yeah, I sure hate what happened to Saucy,” Eva said as she studied her prints. She held out what she felt was the best picture, careful not to get whip cream anywhere near it, and sighed. Saucy Robinson had been the original Birthday Cake m
odel, but that chick ended up being just as crazy as she was beautiful. Saucy had gone ballistic and dropped a dime on every cheating, scheming niggah she could think of in the entertainment industry, and in the end she’d messed around and lost her modeling contract and her life. Eva shook her head. “It was real sad how things ended up for her and all, but I’m damn sure glad they picked me to take her place.”

  Mello just shrugged. “Saucy was fire in front of the camera, Eva, but she had mental issues. Ain’t nobody never seen her body so I don’t think the psycho chick is really dead, but whatever. You’re finer than her anyway, Eva. Way finer. You got a better body and a calmer attitude too. That’s why Noire chose you to model her gear. You’s a winner, baby. A straight winner.”

  Eva grinned, but she had to admit that he might have been right. Mello was just a part-time intern at the studio, but the shots he got of her looked better than what most professionals could do. Maybe it was because he was fucking her so good on and off the set, or maybe it was because Mello spoke the truth. Whatever it was, he was right. The photos were top-notch. Worthy of a high-end publication. They made Eva’s ass look like it shoulda been plastered on billboards.

  Back in her dressing room Eva wet a small towel and started wiping the whipped cream off her body. Mello came in behind her and put his arms around her, scooping her body up from her ankles to her waist. She loved it when he did that shit. When he wrapped his arms around her whole body like that.

  “What a fuckin’ day,” he whispered, holding her and nibbling on her ear. “I’m done, baby.”

  Eva led him over to the couch and straddled him. She couldn’t resist. Her coochie was popping like a firecracker and it was still soaking wet. She pulled his shirt up and slid her lips around on his stomach. Mello’s skin was the color of peanut butter and his muscles were round and hard.

  “Don’t get too tired yet, baby. You still got work to do.”

  He responded by cupping her ass and squeezing her thick cheeks. “I ain’t never too tired to get me some of this. He pulled the crotch of her little bikini aside and rubbed her clit. Eva moaned and he fumbled for his zipper.

  “Hold up,” she said, pushing off from him.

  Eva didn’t want no quickie. She wanted the whole experience. From head to toe.

  “Maybe I should take a shower first. I got Cool Whip in a few places where Cool Whip ain’t supposed to go.”

  “Don’t worry,” Mello whispered. His eyes had that sexy-ass look in them as he licked his lips and pulled her closer. “I know all your spots, baby. Even the secret ones. Wherever Cool Whip has gone, Ice Mello’s tongue will follow.”

  He kissed Eva long and deep, and when he released her she got off his lap and slid out of her bikini nice and slow.

  Eva sat back on his lap and kissed him hard. His lips were soft as he opened his mouth and fed her some tongue. Eva took it, sucking it like she wanted to swallow it. His dick was rock hard and her body was calling out for him too.

  Mello let his fingers skim her neck and her shoulders. They tickled her naked back. They slid around front and covered her breasts, and just as Eva moaned he opened his mouth and tugged one of her nipples with his teeth.

  She almost melted all over him. It felt so fuckin’ good! Chills ran through her body as he used his amazing technique to make the bud of her nipple grow even harder. Eva grinded her hips as she felt his dick digging between her legs. She rode that shit through his pants, humping shamelessly as her pussy dripped.

  Mello stood up with her in his arms. He laid her gently down on the sofa and came up out of his clothes. Eva moaned as his dick leaped outta his pants. The Ice Man was fuckin’ hung. He held it in both hands as he walked toward her with a crooked grin on his face. He guided his dick toward Eva’s full, luscious lips. She touched the head with her tongue and it was his turn to moan.

  Eva wet his dick up inch by inch. She gently sucked the head, then nibbled on the underside. She had been planning to tease that dick for a little while, but his scent was so fuckin’ sexy that she lost her head and throated that whole shit at one time.

  Mello gasped. His legs locked as he pumped into her mouth slowly. Eva let her throat go loose, like a trapdoor. He slid almost five of his eight inches over the wet satin of her tongue, and when the head collided with the back of her throat Mello shivered and whispered her name.

  Eva felt pleasure waves boiling in her body. She loved sucking Mello’s dick. She would have sucked it even if he didn’t fuck her. It was just that thick and hard. Just that fuckin’ good. She felt his hands in her hair and took him deeper. Bobbing faster, she timed his strokes as he got up in that throat pussy and loved it.

  “Uhhhhh,” Mello moaned and stuttered. His nut was swirling around in his balls and racing toward the head of his dick like a tornado. His strokes became deeper and harder. His body broke out in a sweat and little gasps escaped his lips.

  Eva prepared herself to drink long and deep. Mello always spurted plenty of hot seed, and nothing in the world tasted better to her. She milked his balls with love in her hands. She stroked the swollen vein that ran up the length of his dick. She felt his orgasm charging upward and she urged it outta him, hoping it was the best one he would ever have.

  But then he flipped on her. He snatched his dick from her jaws and pushed her back on the couch. Grabbing her ass, he pushed her knees back to her chest. Right where he knew she liked them, and drilled his thick dick into her as hard and deep as he could.

  Eva screamed in pleasure. Her nails raked across his strong, bucking back. Never had she felt anything so good. The sound of his balls beating up her ass turned her on to no end. She opened herself wider and tried to suck his dick up into her chest. He was pounding into her so good that her orgasm snuck her. Before she could hold back, it was right there. It tore another scream from her throat as Mello gripped her cheeks and slid his fat thumb inside her wet asshole. Eva felt another one coming over her. This one would be smaller, but just as fuckin’ good.

  Mello felt her chocolate pussy clenching. She held her breath and he pressed down on her hips and fucked her even deeper. This time, when Eva came, he came with her. His thick, sticky cum filled up her pussy and the overflow spilled out on her ass. Mello and Eva locked their lips together. They muffled their cries inside each other’s mouths until both of them could only whimper the other one’s name.

  When they were finished Eva lay panting against his chest. Mello had given it to her exactly the way she wanted it, and she felt energized and ready to roll.

  Mello stood up and yawned. His pants were around his ankles and his fat, pretty dick hung limp against his thigh. He picked up the towel she’d thrown on the floor earlier and wet it again in the sink. Eva stood there like a baby and let him wipe her neck, between her titties, and down her stomach. He tapped her thigh and she spread her legs wide. He cleaned her pussy and her ass, then rinsed the towel in the sink and started wiping down his chest.

  Eva had just finished dressing when she felt her phone vibrate in her purse. She had missed a text message a few hours ago, probably while she was in front of the cameras. She looked at the number. She didn’t recognize it, but once she read the message a smile came over her face.

  “Hey, baby,” she said to Mello, still grinning. “I know it’s Friday and all, but let’s do Bricks tonight. My cousin Fiyah sent me a text. He got outta Rikers today. He’s never been inside Bricks. You think you can get some laminates or put him on the VIP list so we can hang out?”

  Mello grinned. Eva had told Mello all about her cousin. Mello understood that they were close and Eva loved him like he was her brother. Mello was even cool when on all those long Saturdays that he wanted to chill with her, Eva had to go make a visit with Fiyah on Rikers instead.

  “He’s out? Cool! That’s what’s up, baby. Yeah, we can swing by Bricks. It’s reggaeton night so I won’t be on the mic, but I’ll still go. Besides, I heard ill Nino might be in the house, and I wanna meet him.”

“I know. I ran into Reem the other day and he told me. That’s why I wanna get Fiyah in there. Reem wants ill to meet him.”

  Mello nodded. “Cool. I wanna meet that ill cat too, but I gotta do some editing first. I’ll tell Speedy or Gita to leave you a couple of laminates at the door. You go ’head with your cousin and I’ll catch up with y’all there later on.”

  Eva was hyped. She picked up her jacket from a chair and got her purse. Then she leaned over and kissed Mello on his lips. “Love me?”

  “Hell yeah. You know I do.”

  “I love you too,” she said, then kissed him again and bounced.

  Eva had gone halfway down the block before she saw him. He was leaning on a parked car, grinning at her.

  “Hey, chica! Whassup, you so hot now you iggin’ your own cousin?”

  Fiyah’s arms were open and Eva jumped right into them.

  “What you doin’ here?!” she screamed. Fiyah’s hair was curly and he was so damned cute. Eva kissed him all over his cheeks, leaving lipstick marks on his face. “You look good in street clothes, man!”

  He stepped back and eyed her. “Nah, you the one who’s looking good, baby,” he said, checking out her hot designer mini-dress and all the matching accessories she’d gotten courtesy of the modeling agency. Eva knew she looked real different to him. Because of her job she no longer wore clothes from 125th Street. Her hair was pure butter, done by a professional stylist, and if you didn’t know better you would swear she was the perfect picture of the Upper East Side.

  “Dayyyyyum!” Fiyah couldn’t take his eyes off her. “Evita, your shit is tight. Good thing you didn’t wear no shit like this on none of your visits out on The Rock. There woulda been all kinds of clowns clocking for you then.”

  She laughed. “Boy, why would I get dressed up to ride that nasty prison bus? And I don’t give a damn about impressing nobody on Rikers. Forget that joint. You’re home now, Fiyah.” Eva hugged him again. “All that shit is in the past. Come on,” she said, looping her arm through his. Gimme a walk. I gotta go drop off some proofs.”


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