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Cocky Savior: A Hero Club Novel

Page 21

by Jane Blythe

  Throwing on jeans and a sweater, Florence grabbed her purse and ran out of her apartment.

  She was going to find Eli, and she was going to make him listen to reason. He’d said he was going to fight for them and while it hurt that he had given up, this relationship thing wasn't a one-way street. She had her fears and insecurities, and he had his too. If he couldn’t fight for them right now then she had to. Give and take, strengthening and supporting one another, lifting each other up, and sometimes even carrying the other when they were paralyzed by fear.

  It was the middle of the day, she doubted Eli would be at the hotel, and after the time they’d spent at his penthouse choosing furniture she didn't think he would go there, which meant he would be at his office.

  The journey there felt like it took forever, but finally she was in the lift on her way to his office.

  “Mr. Lennox asked not to be disturbed,” a pretty young woman informed her as she walked past.

  Florence ignored her, she’d come all this way to see Eli, and she wasn't leaving until she’d seen him.

  “Ma’am? Ma’am?” The woman got up from her desk and hurried after her as she threw open Eli’s office door.

  He was sitting at his desk, and his head lifted as he heard her enter.

  Just seeing him was like a balm to her aching soul and she felt better already. She loved this man, and there was no way she was letting him go, now all she had to do was convince him that he wasn't going to lose her.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Lennox, I told her you didn't want to be disturbed, and she didn't listen,” the secretary apologized.

  “It’s fine, Elaine,” Eli said, giving the woman a dismissive nod. “What are you doing here?” he asked once the secretary had closed the door behind her.

  “Convincing you that you're being stubborn and unreasonable.”

  Eli huffed a small chuckle at that before growing serious. “Are you going to quit your job?”

  “You know I can't do that. I don’t want to lose you, Eli, you're the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’ve taught me so much, how to trust, how to love, and how to let my barriers down and let someone in. But my job is a part of me, it’s who I am. I can't not do it. It would be like me asking you to give up running the company your father created from the ground up, that he sacrificed for to create, that he dedicated decades to building. You couldn’t do that any more than I can give up being a cop.”

  “So, nothing has changed.”

  “I understand that you're afraid of losing me, but you could lose me a million other ways. A car accident, an illness, a plane crash, anything could happen, you can't live your whole life being afraid. You taught me that.”

  “It’s not living my life being afraid. Yes, I could lose you in a car accident, or you could get sick and die, but that’s not the same. That’s out of your control. My mother spent years fighting to live, she went through chemo even though it made her so sick she couldn’t get out of bed, she tried every treatment option they offered. She fought.” His dark eyes were full of anger, passion, lust, and love. He still loved her he just felt like he was trapped in a dead end.

  He couldn’t see a way out, and she knew all about that.

  Half her life she’d felt trapped by circumstance, not sure where to go or what to do. But she’d never let that stop her. In life you had to keep moving forward, even if it looked like there was no way to keep going, you just looked until you found it because there was always a way.


  “This isn’t about me,” she said calmly. “This is about you. This is about your fears. You know that it’s not really my job that’s the problem because Toby Lane wasn't connected to me through that. He would have come after me at some point regardless if I’d become a cop or a hooker. You lost your brother, your mom, and your dad, I understand that you’re afraid of losing me too. But you know what?” Florence planted both hands on his desk and leaned over so they were nose to nose. “You’re going to have to find a way to deal with it. You have to learn to compromise. I get that you're used to getting your own way, ordering people around, but that’s not how this works. If we’re a couple, then you have to understand that it’s give and take. I'm not one of your employees, you don’t get to just give me an ultimatum and expect that I’ll fall into line.”

  Eli stared at her for a long moment. “I don’t want to lose you either, Florence. But I don’t think you understand what it’s like to love someone and lose them because you’ve never loved anyone before.”

  She winced at the words even though she knew he didn't mean them the way they sounded. Just because she’d never had anyone in her life to love besides her brother, didn't mean she was incapable of loving or understanding what it would be like to lose someone you loved.

  “When I look at you I see the future that I want more than anything, I see everything that I've ever wanted. But when I look at you I also see it slipping through my fingers. I can't survive that.”

  “So, you’d rather lose me anyway by just breaking things off?” What was the point of wanting to end things because he might lose her but lose her anyway by ending things?

  “I'm sorry, Florence. You think this isn’t killing me? Because it is. I feel like I've been forced to rip off a part of myself to survive.”

  She shook her head at him. She’d come here to fight for what she wanted, to fight for them because she knew Eli needed her to, but there was only so much she could do it he wasn't willing to budge. “So, you lied.”

  “About what?”

  “When you said that you would always be there for me, that I was special, that you cared about me. You’re just like everyone else. You leave. You break promises. You don’t mean what you say. I told you that once you got me into bed you’d lose interest and move on and surprise, surprise, that’s exactly what happened.”

  Disappointment filled her. She’d allowed herself to be lulled into what had obviously been a false sense of security. She’d believed Eli when he’d said those things to her, against all the odds, against all her conditioning, she had actually believed those words when they came from his lips.

  That was her mistake.

  In the end, she didn't have anyone to blame for this predicament but herself.

  Well, lesson learned.

  Part of fighting for what you wanted was accepting when one strategy no longer seemed viable and trying a different approach.

  She’d come here to convince Eli that he was making a mistake, but he obviously wasn't interested in seeing things from her point of view.

  It was time to accept the facts.

  This was over.

  * * * * *

  11:37 A.M.

  Florence’s words cut through him as effectively as any knife could.

  “You know what the worst part is?” she asked, giving that disappointed look.

  He’d rather see her angry, fire sparking from her eyes as she laid into him for ruining what they’d had than see her disappointed in him. It was like when his mother used to give him that same look when he was a boy, and he’d done something they both knew he shouldn’t have. She would never yell at him, she’d just give him that look and guilt would do the rest.

  It worked just as well when Florence did it.

  “The worst part is that you’re the first man I’ve ever trusted besides my brother. I didn't want to, I tried not to, that’s why I kept turning you down when you asked me out. I knew it would all end badly. I should have trusted my instincts. I’ve made it this far in life on my own, I don’t need a man, I’ll be fine by myself.”

  That wasn't what he wanted.

  Florence had faced her fears and hadn't given into them.

  Why couldn’t he be that brave?

  He wanted to, he didn't want to let Florence go. Graham’s words kept echoing through his head. He was going to regret this. He knew it, and yet he couldn’t seem to make his mouth say the words because his mind kept conjuring up images of Florence lying in a cof
fin, her hands folded across her stomach, and her blonde hair lying in soft waves around her still face.

  Florence looked at him, opened her mouth then snapped it closed again. With that, she turned and walked out of the office without another word.

  Eli sat staring after her like an idiot.

  What was he doing?

  Was he really going to let her just walk away?

  Was he really going to let it end like this?

  Did he want to spend the rest of his life regretting this one moment in time?

  Florence was right, what was the difference between losing her to her job or losing her because he was too afraid of losing her. Either way, she was gone and no longer a part of his life. Graham had said that while it would gut him to lose his family, he would rather have had them and lost them than to never have had them, and that was the same way he felt about his parents’ and brother’s deaths. He wouldn’t give up the good times they had shared, the values they’d instilled in him, or the love they’d showered on him for anything.

  He was being a jerk.

  A controlling jerk.

  A stubborn one too.

  Jumping out of his chair, he flew out of his office, he had to catch up to her before it was too late. He had to do whatever it took to get her to forgive him, he’d get down on his hands and knees and grovel if that would work. Whatever it took he’d do, somehow he’d make it up to her for putting her through this.

  Bypassing the elevator, he took the stairs three at a time as he made his way down to the lobby.

  When he burst through the door he scanned the room, but he couldn’t see her.

  Running now, he pushed through the front doors and stood on the street looking wildly about.

  Where was she?

  Was it too late?

  Was she already gone?

  It wasn't like he didn't know where she lived, but somehow he felt it in his bones that if he didn't find her fast and explain, he would lose her forever.

  He spotted a flash of purple.

  Florence had been wearing a purple sweater in his office, he distinctly remembered that because purple had made her eyes appear more violet.

  It was her.

  Standing where she had been when the car came screeching toward her that night they had first met.

  Quickly looking from side to side he darted across the street, ran straight to her, grabbed her by the shoulders, and pulled her in for a kiss.

  “You’re right, I'm an idiot,” he whispered against her lips.

  “I never called you an idiot,” she countered.

  “Not in so many words, but I got your message,” he grinned.

  “What are you doing down here?” she asked warily, disentangling herself from his grasp and taking a pointed step back. He couldn’t blame her, but it still hurt, even if he didn't have anyone but himself to blame for the distance between them.



  “I figure I owe you. You were right, I was being an idiot. You conquered your fears, and I let mine control me. I want to protect you, so nothing ever hurts you again, but I know I made a mistake in trying to control you and make you give up something you love. Seeing that man holding a gun on you, knowing that you would have taken a bullet for me. That you did take a bullet for me,” he amended, lightly touching the white bandage circling her neck. “I shouldn’t have let you go home alone, I knew you were in danger, I knew he was stalking you, and yet I let you go anyway because I had a meeting. A meeting. How would I have felt if he’d killed you or kidnapped you?”

  Her eyes softened, and Eli knew in that moment that he hadn't lost her. “You know how I told you the cocky thing could be attractive, well it can also be extremely annoying. You didn't let me do anything. I’m an adult, and a cop, I can take care of myself. I get that we worry about the people we love, but you can't be acting like a possessive, controlling jerk every time I'm not in your line of sight.”

  “I saved your life, remember? I'm responsible for you.”

  “Well, as sweet as it is that you take your responsibilities so seriously,” she said with an affectionate grin, “I can't have you hovering over me all the time. I’m as safe as I can be at work, Jake and I watch each other’s backs. Yes, my job can be risky, but despite the bad impression this last week and a half gives, I really haven't ever been held at gunpoint before, or nearly run over with a car.”

  He knew he had to find a way to let it go. Florence was right, he couldn’t act like a possessive, controlling jerk. His mother would never have put up with that kind of behavior from his father, and his father would never have insinuated that his mother was somehow incapable of taking care of herself.

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “I'm sorry. I hate that I hurt you. That I made you cry.” His thumb brushed the dark bags underneath her red-rimmed eyes. It was clear that she hadn't slept much last night, he knew he hadn't, every time he’d drifted off he’d dreamed of Florence’s sweet body. “You know what you said, don’t you?”

  “What? What did I say?”

  “You said, and I quote, ‘I get that we worry about the people we love’. Do you love me, Detective Florence Harris?”

  “That wasn't how I imagined saying that for the first time.”

  “I don’t care how you said it, all I care is that you love me.” Pressing his lips to hers, he kissed her like they weren't standing on a busy street.

  “You know you’re leaving me hanging here…” she trailed off and gave him a pointed look.

  “Oh, princess, I love you. I told you already that you’re mine, and I'm not ever going to let you go. I messed up yesterday. I wish I could take it back. I wish that last night instead of going to my hotel room alone and trying to sleep that I had taken you to the penthouse, made love to you, and then fallen asleep with you in my arms. Forgive me?”

  “Well…” She made a big show of pretending to consider the idea. “I guess I can't fault you for giving in to your fears when I've been guilty of doing the same thing. I forgive you, Eli, but please don’t ever make a promise to me that you don’t intend to honor. I just…I can't…”

  “I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry. But I would never not fight for you, I'm fighting for you right now because the idea of you going to work still fills me with an indescribable terror, but I'm going to learn how to deal with it because it’s important to you. Thank you for calling me out, thank you for fighting for me even though I gave you every reason to hate me. I promise you that I won't ever break your heart again.” He put a hand on her chest above her heart, enjoying the feel of it beating against him. Her heartbeat had become his, it was as vital to his survival just as much as his own beating heart.

  “I believe you.” Tears shimmered in her eyes, round teardrops balanced on her eyelashes before trailing silvery lines down her cheeks, and although he hated to see her cry for any reason, he knew these were happy tears and not sad ones. “I love you, Eli.”

  “I love you, too, princess.” He caught her tears with his lips before kissing her again. “You know we haven't christened my office yet,” he said with an arched brow.

  “You saying you want to go back up there now?”

  “You saying no?”

  “But everyone is there. What if someone walks in on us?”

  “We’ll lock the door, and I’ll tell my secretary I don’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Cos that worked so well when I just ignored her and walked into your office,” Florence said with a laugh.

  “Ah, but this time the door will be locked.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Okay.”


  “Why not? After everything that’s happened since I met you I've learned to live in the moment.”

  He couldn’t argue with that. Bending down, he lifted Florence over his shoulder and carried her back across the street.

  * * * * *

  12:00 P.M.

  Eli set her down on the desk in his office, and
Florence couldn’t believe they were really going to do this. She hadn't ever done anything like this before, and she couldn’t deny that she was turned on.

  “I can't wait to taste you,” Eli murmured in her ear.

  “You better hurry up and do something,” she moaned as his tongue touched her collarbone followed by his lips as he trailed kisses down to the tip of the v of her sweater.

  “This has got to go,” he said, his hands grabbing the hem of the sweater and pulling it over her head. “This too.” He unsnapped her bra and let it fall to the floor, and then his mouth was feasting on her breasts. His tongue swirled around her nipples, teasing her, torturing her until she was begging for more.

  “Eli,” she begged. “Please.”

  “Please what, baby?”

  “Please, I need you,” she said breathlessly.

  “Stand up.”

  She complied, standing on shaky legs.

  “Spread them.”

  She was too turned on to do anything but what Eli told her to.

  Once her legs were spread he unsnapped her jeans and eased them down her legs. Then he knelt before her, and his hands curled around her bottom and pulled her closer.

  “So sweet,” he murmured, then he licked her through her cotton panties.

  “Eli,” she whimpered.

  “So impatient,” he teased, curling his fingers around the top of her panties and pulling them down her legs. Lifting one foot, he slid her sneaker off, before setting that foot down and picking up her other, removing that shoe too. “Step out,” he ordered, and once she did he tossed her jeans and panties off to the side.

  Now that he had her naked, his hands spanned her hips, and he lifted her up and set her down on the side of his desk. His hands on her knees parted her legs, and then he was between them.

  Florence shuddered as his tongue touched her, he licked and nibbled, and then slid a finger inside her, curling it so it touched that spot inside that had her gasping. He added another finger, stroking deep, before curling again to get her sweet spot. His tongue continued to swirl around her bud, and when his teeth nibbled gently, she came undone.


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