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The Jesus Christ Cypher

Page 22

by Sebastian Kentor

  After dressing herself with her last change of fresh clothes purchased back in Cairo, she collapsed on the expandable leather seat.

  I hope to see you again Neo Moore, she closed her eyes and fell in a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Suddenly she heard a familiar deep voice that had guided her for so many years, a voice that inspired power.

  “My child, you have to be brave once again. You have accomplished the unimaginable. I am so proud of you, however, be…”

  Suddenly she opened her eyes but was pulled back by a strange force. The voice of Helene vanished, but its echo was still reverberating in her head.

  “Helene, Helene, I need your help,” Lydia gasped and then realized that a flight attendant was standing above her.

  “Ma’am, are you okay? “

  “We didn’t want to bother you, but you were talking in your sleep. It didn’t seem like a pleasant dream either. Please drink this glass of water with fresh lime juice. It will help.”

  “Your limo is already waiting for you.”

  “We landed ten minutes ago at the JFK airport in New York,” the flight attendant said in a troubled tone.”

  Lydia looked around and noticed that indeed her seat belt was still strapped on. She opened it and lifted herself out.

  Her mind was foggy and her soul in pain. I need to hurry up, and there is still no message from Neo…

  §CHAPTER 105§


  HEADING TOWARDS the exit, she thanked the staff. When stepping out of the plane, she was struck by the sweetness of the first sunshine caressing her face.

  It was a beautiful October morning, and the sun’s heat pleasantly warmed her body.

  She could see in the corner of her XGlass, a temperature of 170C, abnormally hot for this time of year.

  The entire planet was going through a profound yet subtle transformation.

  Pollution levels collapsed across continents as countries tried to mitigate the spread of the virus.

  In front of the red carpet, at the end of the plane staircase, a white-gloved driver dressed in a dark suit was holding the door to a black Maybach Exelero limo.

  She stepped inside and was surprised by the minimalistic interior with plasma screens presenting sad news all over the world.

  “Ma’am, would you like to drink something, or would you prefer I switch off the screens?” the driver politely asked.

  “I am fine, thank you. For a few days, I disconnected from the entire situation. You can leave the screens on.”

  The news was, indeed worrying. In a matter of a few weeks, the entire planet was completely altered. All over the world, streets were deserted as authorities took aggressive confinement strategies.

  Most industries, including some transport networks and businesses, had to shut down. Lydia could feel the effects of lower levels of pollution.

  The air had an almost unnatural freshness, and she could see on her display that for New York, greenhouse gases had been reduced by nearly half due to the measures to contain the virus.

  She had an eerie sensation seeing one of the biggest world’s biggest cities abandoned to such an extent.

  It was as if the entire city was inside an action thriller where all of humanity vanished.

  “We are almost there,” the driver announced while passing the luxurious entrance of the Le Meridien hotel, which seemed abandoned.

  The entrance of 111 West 57th Street seemed impenetrable and warmly welcomed a private and sheltered porte cochère, providing covered access to the building.

  Imposing urn chandeliers, rustic grey granite flooring, and intricate door work inspired by the bronze filigree adorned the building’s exterior.

  At the entrance, a friendly valet opened the door for her.

  “It was a pleasure driving you; I wish you a good day, ma’am,” the driver said.

  Lydia went out and thanked him.

  The entrance was heavily guarded by two Secret service officers.

  Welcome, madame del Biondo, the Vice President, was informed of your arrival. He is expecting you.

  §CHAPTER 106§

  SIMON LIGHTGOOD was peering down again at the Central Park Obelisk. His pupils were dilated, and he seemed paralyzed by an invisible force.

  He was boiling inside.

  His entire life’s achievements seemed to vanish like the morning fog under the sunrise. The news was grim.

  The President of the United States was still on life support due to COVID-19.

  The weight on his shoulders was almost unbearable for anyone.

  What would you do if you were in my place? the Vice President asked himself while staring again at the ancient structure.


  The building’s internal lobby was decorated with the same warm cream stone, opulently styled with golden metallic rods. At its center it was decorated by a pot on a pedestal from which several exotic golden palm leaves were standing tall.

  Lydia entered the private elevator, and the receptionist sitting behind an amber marble desk pushed a button that activated the elevator.

  “The elevator will take you directly to the private quarters of the Vice President.”

  Lydia felt hopeful. She sensed so much goodness in Vice President’s voice.

  “Helene trusted him blindly, and he provided the help I needed.”

  The elevator was ascending fast, and the great height was revealed a beautiful morning across Central Park, the glorious sight projected on the screens embedded into the wall.

  I cannot get enough of this view. It’s so peaceful. A green island in the middle of all this glass and steel, Lydia reflected.

  I need to better understand what happened to me. Maybe the Order will have answers to my questions.

  “In the next few seconds we’ll arrive at the Ember floor. Mister Lightgood is waiting for you in the lobby,” informed the Vice President’s A.I. assistant.

  The doors swung open precisely when the sunrise was at its peak.

  “Reduce luminosity by forty percent,” Simon gently whispered, and the penthouse’s windows instantly tinted.

  “Come in, Lydia. I must apologize. I am afraid my eyes are not so young anymore and I am rather sensitive to light.”

  “Welcome. I was waiting for you. we have so much to discuss.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Vice President.”

  “Nonsense, my dear Lydia, please call me Simon.”

  “You must be exhausted after all this traveling. Would you like something to eat or drink ?”

  She sensed a heavy but pleasant scent of musk and sandalwood floating through the air. There was also a familiar flagrance she could not immediately pinpoint, but then she knew exactly what it was—the light scent of honeysuckle.

  §CHAPTER 107§

  “Look what is happening around the world,” Lightgood said with a sad voice, pointing towards various projections on the windows of the beautiful modern penthouse.

  A large majority of countries were choosing to close their borders, wreaking havoc on global markets.

  In New York, the numbers of dead were climbing at a rapid pace with a total of more than 29.000 victims, close to a third of the total across the country.

  More than two million people were infected in the U.S. with many more asymptomatic carriers as well.

  People were not respecting the temporary home confinement that was put in place to relieve pressure on the world’s healthcare systems, which could not cope with the growing number of infections and victims.

  “Where are we heading Lydia, do you think this world can continue as it is?” he asked with his voice full of sorrow.

  “Mr. Vice President, I would first need your help. My friend Neo Moore just vanished, and I am afraid something happened to him,” Lydia said embarrassed by having to interrupt the Vice President of the United States.

  The Vice President seemed to ignore her question and continued to look at the apocalyptic breaking news.

  He suddenly t
urned to Lydia and asked her, “Should we thank God once again for purifying this planet of the weak and unworthy ones, making a place for a new generation of stronger humans who will help humanity evolve?”

  “It’s incredible how humanity didn’t learn anything from the Spanish flu pandemic only a hundred years ago.”

  He turned his back to her and looked at his favorite spot in Central Park.

  The situation in New York seemed hopeless.

  “All the battles I fought have brought me to this very moment.”

  “All the greed in the world could not satisfy the greed of the richest, who controlled the biotechnology corporations, exploiting those in need and selling antibiotics and seasonal vaccines.”

  “Of course, there was no interest in developing a universal vaccine when the field is so lucrative.”

  “Neo is fine, you don’t have to worry. You’ll meet him soon. He is in good hands.”

  Lydia seemed puzzled at what the Vice President was saying.

  “My child, you brought to me the most precious gift: the last trace Jesus Christ left for his grandiose plan of elevating humanity.”

  “The simple truth is that humanity is not ready for such a challenge.”

  “I have endured more than two millennia and was reborn.”

  “As Apostle Simon Peter, I served Jesus.”

  “He didn’t heed my advice; humanity was not ready for the ultimate gift.”

  “The Church elevated me to Saint Peter, the first Pope, the builder of Christianity, and I will decide its fate.”

  “And I say let it be purged.”

  §CHAPTER 108§

  THE APOSTLE PETER turned to a mortified Lydia, who was starting to understand what was happening.

  “You see, Jesus gave me the gift of immortality. I never died. I always waited in the shadows for the right time to come, but the more I waited, the more disillusioned I became.”

  “I was symbolically crucified, a simple ritual to be purified. In his madness, I did not manage to stop Emperor Nero from purging Rome by fire, but that event was truly epiphanic and made me reborn as the Phoenix, his most trustful advisor.”

  “Eventually, I pushed him to die by suicide.”

  “I also had to kill Helene to protect Jesus’ secret. She started to inquire how she could trace and put together the clues he left, which my order guarded for more than two thousand years. I made a mistake selecting her and giving her so much power.”

  “But now, this is just the past, and I should focus on the future.”

  “You see that obelisk below. It is everything for me. I have managed to bring it here.”

  “I sensed that you are in love with this Neo. Your voice betrayed your feelings when you mentioned him.”

  “I was as well once. She is still inside the obelisk,” Apostle Peter said, turning towards Lydia with a silencer gun aimed at her heart.

  “No need to struggle, my child. You played your role, and all the secrets will die together with you and your beloved Neo,” Apostle Peter bellowed, revealing the diabolical voice of the Phoenix.

  He pointed towards his dark onyx desk, which seamlessly integrated a translucent screen showing a confined and sad Neo in his wheelchair connected to a breathing machine.

  “Do not worry, I’ll make sure his death will be as swift as yours.”

  The bullet pierced Lydia’s heart with a muffled sound, and she collapsed on the floor.

  “I could not let you undermine my entire work.”

  “What de Moncler did not know is that only I had the final piece of Jesus’ device.”

  “All your efforts were futile, my child.”

  “Your parents started this quest against me, and they also cleverly escaped too many times.”

  “But there is no escape from the grasp of the Phoenix.”

  He calmly put the gun on his black onyx desk and looked again at Central Park.

  “Don’t fight the pain, my child, embrace it…and everything will be gone in a few seconds.”

  Lydia’s pain was so excruciating that she could not even utter a word, and then she felt her life essence fading away…

  He also killed my parents…

  Mom, dad…Neo, I am so sorry I could not save you… her thoughts were blurring and then there was only darkness.


  §CHAPTER 109§


  “SALVATORE, WHAT have you done? I thought something happened to you.”

  “Have you betrayed me?” the Pope lashed out, his eyes bulging from his skull turning red.

  “There are enemies of the Church everywhere.”

  “Your Holiness, I met with Lydia. So many things happened; I didn’t know who to trust.”

  “You were right, she will play a unique role as a servant to the Church.”

  “She revealed to me a secret that will shatter the foundation of Christianity and all religions.”

  “Saint Malachy was right; you will indeed bring change, but it is up to you if it will help humanity or not.”

  “Rome has already fallen, ruined by the virus outbreak.”

  The Pope was listening carefully to his wise words, looking at him with calm and compassion.

  “Did you try to assassinate Lydia?” Salvatore asked, despite risking infuriating the Pope even more.

  “I need to know; otherwise, she might be in grave danger,” Salvatore said.

  “My son, I would never hurt Lydia. She changed my entire life since the moment I met her. I sent you to find and try to stop her if she was going to endanger us and the Church.”

  “Your Holiness, you know very well the Church is already beyond repair.”

  “This is our last chance to save it.”

  “Helene was trying to warn you.”

  “This is an artifact Lydia discovered in Egypt,” Salvatore said while holding the ankh vial in his hand.

  “It is of Atlantean origins. Jesus was a descendant of Atlantis and possessed knowledge beyond the grasp of any civilization during that time.”

  “He was immortal like his parents. This is why there is no recording of their death. Actually, nobody knows what happened to Mary and Joseph. They simply vanished.”

  The Pope froze when he heard the entire story.

  He could still not decide if these claims were simply a blasphemy or the truth.

  His eyes fell upon the golden ankh vial, solid proof and a piece of Atlantis.

  “Let me hold it, my son,” he said wrapping his hands around the artifact and then started reading the Aramaic inscription on the back.

  The moment he touched it, he felt a strange vibration dissipating through his old body. For a moment, a faint spark ignited inside the vial.

  “You are right, my son; I need to sit down. It was as if divinity peered back to me.”

  The Pope felt dizzy and sat on one of his velvety, curved wooden armchairs pondering at what he should do next.

  “I cannot summon the College of Cardinals. There are so many who are still beyond conservative. When they will hear what I have to say, they will think I am mad!” the Pope lamented. “Our followers need to know the truth. What would you have me do Salvatore? How can we tell the truth without shattering their faith?”

  “Your Holiness, the ankh vial device possesses an unknown technology that has been powered for millennia, and I think Lydia has still many secrets to reveal.”

  “She is now with the Vice President of the United States who is The Order’s Supreme Grand Master.”

  “I am sure she will come back to me. Lydia is a brilliant, kindhearted geneticist who might even find a cure for the COVID-19 virus.”

  “I have a feeling we should trust her, as she still has an import role to play in this entire story, and will likely decide our fate.”

  §CHAPTER 110§

  APOSTLE PETER was looking towards the Obelisk again, whispering.

  “We shall be reunited one day, my soul will always be yours,” he gently

  “I’ll have to purge this world again as Nero has done with Rome, and then I’ll bring you back to rule next to myself.”

  His piercing eyes were unraveling all the events which started his epic journey to reach this moment.”

  “You didn’t listen to me, Jesus.”

  “We could have ruled this world and revive the lost Atlantean civilization.”

  “You forced me to do unimaginable things.”

  “I begged you to reconsider, but you were blind by the faith of your worshipers.”

  “So naïve in thinking that humans could understand the ultimate gift you wanted them to have.”

  “They are not ready even now after millennia of technologic evolution.”

  “The Phoenix has to show them again the way.”

  “Look how they behave locked in their petty squabble.”

  “There is no other way than…”

  The window in front of him suddenly turned red with his brains, and blood splashed all over.

  He didn’t even realize what happened.

  §CHAPTER 111§

  LYDIA WAS STANDING in front of the Phoenix’s corpse, who had collapsed on the floor.

  Her mind was still racing trying to process all the information of the last several minutes: Simon Lightgood was, in fact, Apostle Peter and the same person chasing her—the Phoenix.

  Lydia, you need to finish him, she said to herself, trying to gather courage.

  He cannot have the same chance as you to regenerate, realizing she had to act rapidly.

  This would be my second kill. I didn’t want to take this path, but you didn’t give me any choice.

  “You killed my parents, and you are a monster ready to obliterate most of humanity,” she uttered while noticing that his blown eye socket was slowly reconstituting itself.

  She touched her leather jacket, which now had a perfect bloody round hole as the bullet pierced her heart and cleanly exited on the other side.


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