Book Read Free

Death's Twilight

Page 41

by A. J. Leavens


  Palmyra, Eastern UT, December 10, 2308 11:10:11 (T-Minus 02:18:29:49)

  Hotaru ran into the forest, narrowly avoiding the low branches of the first tree that threatened to knock her from her feet.  She could hear him behind her, no more than fifty meters. She pushed harder, adrenaline fuelling her flight from death.

  As she ran, her gaze flitted from tree to tree, trying to find something to climb and get out of the way. The trees here were so sparse and thin. Deeper she plunged, using her hands to block the small branches and needles from the pines from scratching her face and neck. She came upon a clearing, and saw it: a large oak tree that would definitely support her weight.

  She ran past the tree, doubling back in a wide circle toward the clearing. The tree was good, but she'd have to get the hounds off her scent if she had any hope of climbing high enough to avoid detection. She shrugged her coat off, and holding it in one hand, grabbed for the knife at her belt. 

  Cutting three small jagged chunks from the bottom hem, Hotaru scattered them in different directions behind her, before sending the remainder of the jacket up a tree that looked like it could support her weight. It lodged satisfyingly on the second row of branches, and she took off again.

  She continued her circuitous route to her escape, dodging trees and fallen limbs as she ran.  Ahead, she could see the remains of a fallen tree, moss-covered and decaying. Approaching the tree, she suddenly dropped to the forest floor as she heard the discharge of a Boom Stick.  It hit a tree ahead of her, producing so much debris there was a mist of toothpick sized wood fragments.

  Somewhat safe under the fallen tree, she calmed her breathing, focusing on the scene around her, seeking her mental center. She piled the leaves and debris around her, and she slowly began to disappear. Another few seconds, and Hotaru was invisible.

  "I know you're here, 0256773," Slade said menacingly, chest heaving from the chase. "I can still hear your breathing."

  Hotaru didn't waste any time, cautiously moving away from the fallen tree and heading toward her sanctuary. She spied a rock ahead, and picked it up, casting it as hard as she could in the opposite direction she was travelling. It landed with a thud behind Slade, and he whirled to face the sound.

  Hotaru took off, sacrificing stealth for distance as she sped away from her would-be captor. She became visible through the low foliage and she began to zigzag to avoid detection. Slade whirled back, and launched another volley from his Boom Stick in Hotaru's general direction. It landed a few meters behind Hotaru, sending dirt, leaves and debris flying in all directions. A fallen branch struck Hotaru in the shoulder, tearing through her shirt and the skin beneath it.

  Wincing, Hotaru clamped her left hand over the wound, and kept running. She smelled smoke, and realized that the last projectile from Slade's Boom Stick had ignited the dry tinder beneath the carpet of leaves and mosses. The ideal conditions found on the forest floor allowed the fire to spread, and smoke quickly obscured Hotaru's vision. The small blaze had quickly become a raging inferno, and burning branches fall from trees in showers of spark and flame as she ran blindly toward her destination.

  The smoke made it hard to breathe, and Hotaru pulled her shirt up over her nose, wet from the sweat of her flight, offering a small amount of protection from the smoke. It didn't last long. In a matter of seconds, her throat and nose were burning, filled with the acrid odor of burning wood and the stinging sensation of smoke.

  She ran, not even sure of her direction anymore, but determined to get to the tree, and up into safety. Her flight was suddenly interrupted as she slammed into something solid at chest height. The impact knocked her flat on her back, and a moment later she felt the weight of someone on top of her, straddling her.

  She bucked her hips, trying with powerful legs to dislodge the attacker.  The smoke was so thick that she couldn't see who was attacking her, but she was very sure that she wouldn't survive long if she didn't get moving again. A punch to her ribs, and she felt the air whoosh out of her lungs.

  Another quick buck of her hips, and she felt the attacker flung off of her. She rolled to her hand and knees, desperately gasping for air, and coughing and choking as the smoke filled air entered her lungs. A sudden pain in her side as her attacker's foot connected with her stomach, sending her flying.

  She landed flat on her back, a shooting pain in her lower back where she connected with a rock. Hotaru cried out in pain, and grabbed blindly to find a weapon.  Her questing hand found a branch, and she grabbed it, swinging it wildly in front of her.

  A thud and a cry of pain were her reward. A second later, she heard Slade hit the ground. She regrouped and stood, stick in front of her. She heard Slade rise slowly to his feet, and she fought to gain her mental center. It was hard with branches falling from above, but she managed to slow her breathing enough.

  Hotaru closed her eyes, breathing shallowly through her mouth to avoid most of the smoke's fumes. She had pulled her shirt up over her nose and mouth again, and it was helping. A sudden move to her left, and she swung the stick, connecting with Slade's arm. He cried out in pain, and thrust quickly with his other arm, a quick jab at her head. She moved to avoid the jab, but it caught her in the left shoulder, and she grunted with the impact.

  Hotaru swung the stick again, but missed, sending her off-balance in a complete turn. Sensing that Slade was about to attack, she dropped her stick to the ground, and fell prone, sweeping with her right arm at his feet. She caught his ankle and yanked him to the ground.

  Pushing away from Slade, Hotaru stood again, and took her horse stance, the first form in her aggressive Tai Chi combat routine. Still blinded from the smoke billowing from the fire around them, Hotaru began her routine. Using sounds from the forest and Slade's injured steps, she focused her mental center on Slade, and continued through her forms.

  Two quick jabs found their mark in Slade's stomach, and were quickly followed up by sweeping arm movements that blocked his return punches. She next gave two quick front kicks and another jab with her right arm. All found their mark, and she heard Slade hit the floor.

  A quick downward combination of knee and fist both connected, and she felt Slade go limp. The fight was out of him now. It was time to get out of here. She could feel the heat of the fire behind her, so, with arms outstretched, she made her way forward.

  Keeping her feet close to the ground to avoid tripping hazards, she slowly edged her way out of the forest. She was surprised when she felt her right foot go cold and wet. She had found water. She quickly tore off her shirt, soaking it in the water and tying it around her mouth as a smoke barrier.

  Cautiously, using her feet as a guide, Hotaru made her way around the water, and she found the smoke thinning. She could see the tree line ahead! She was almost out! Throwing caution to the wind, she took off at a run toward the clearing. Arms and legs pumping, her speed increased as she got closer and closer to the clear blue sky and green grass.

  As her feet crossed the threshold of the forest, she exulted in her escape. She had won! She was free, for now at least. Hotaru put her hands on her knees, taking in deep breaths, cleansing the toxic air from her lungs.

  She felt a whack at the back of her head and the world went black.


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