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Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den)

Page 15

by Aline Hunter

  “My female is in this area,” Shane snapped, although Declan could tell the male didn’t like sharing the information. “I’m not sure where. I’ve tried to find her without success.”

  Poor bastard.

  Declan stood and went to a cabinet. He retrieved the whiskey he kept on hand for special occasions and two glasses. Placing everything on the table, he said, “Once we get through this shit I’ll help you find her.”

  Shane opened the bottle and poured their drinks. “I’m not sure you can.”

  “We’ll see.” He didn’t know why Shane’s mate hadn’t sought him out. Perhaps—if he could get invitations to other hunts outside their area—he could help Shane strike gold. “I appreciate your honesty.”

  “Whatever,” Shane muttered. “So you’re taking the weight off my back. Good. I need the break. There’s not much to tell you. Things have been fine since you left. Cole and Wyatt have been squaring off but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.”

  Not a big shock. The cousins argued often. “What are they fighting over now?”

  “A piece of pussy.” Shane took a swig of his whiskey and continued, “Some witch they met at The Divide. I told them to leave her the fuck alone. We don’t need the drama.”

  “Good choice.” Werewolves and witches didn’t mix. “Are they cool now?”

  “For the most part.”

  A small relief but a relief nonetheless. “Thank you for keeping things under control.” Grasping his own drink, he focused on the upcoming hunt and big reveal. “You still have our snitch underground? How’s he holding up?”

  “He’ll make it to the full moon. It didn’t take much to get the information I needed.”

  “I’m not sure how things will go from here.” Usually he took his time drinking. Under the current strain he tossed the alcohol back. It burned a direct path to his gut. He covered his mouth, releasing a cough. “Even if we expose Simone she won’t man up in front of the packs. Uniting with Gavin’s wolves will probably scare her enough to keep her in line. But then again she’s fairly stupid. She might try something again.”

  “How many wolves is Jackson taking on?”

  “Including us?” Shane nodded and Declan answered, “There’ll be fifty-six if Gavin sticks around.”

  “He’d be an asset.”

  Yes, he would. The man had money and power. “That part’s up to Chloe.”

  “She’ll make the right choice. That female is a force to be reckoned with.”

  Declan’s thoughts drifted to his own force of nature—the female resting in his bed. Rachel had shown him just how dangerous she could be. She didn’t back down. In the face of adversity she stepped up, even if she was the underdog.

  As the Lupa of the packs, Chloe needed a strong supporter.

  She now had it in her best friend turned packmate.

  Light eclipsed darkness, giving him hope.

  Things were finally looking up for a change. Time to get serious.

  Declan poured himself another drink, smiling. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Declan had said he was going to spoil her rotten.

  He hadn’t been kidding.

  Rachel sank into the tub, relaxing in the hot water, letting the bubbles rise to her chin. The bossy man had told her not to ask any question when he woke her up, serving her breakfast in bed. Thanks to a grumbling tummy she hadn’t argued, sinking into a plate of grits, pancakes and sausage. He’d rushed to the bathroom just before she’d finished. She heard the steady flow of water and thought she knew what he was up to.

  What better way to seduce a woman than give her good food?

  She’d been ready to reward him for his efforts, her slit becoming wet in anticipation. To her dismay he didn’t take advantage assisting her into the tub. She’d wondered if he hadn’t been interested until she’d seen the large bulge in his jeans. When he saw what she had been staring at, he’d told her Chloe and Jackson were coming over. He’d woken her early so she had plenty of time to get ready.

  It hadn’t been easy to fight her libido and watch him leave.

  Even now her breasts felt unbelievably heavy, her nipples hard and pointed. She dunked her head under the water, trying to stave off her sexual appetite. She broke the surface and took measured breaths. If she wanted to help Chloe she needed to get her priorities in order. She also needed to ask serious questions, preparing herself for what she couldn’t avoid.

  Tomorrow night she’d change for the first time.

  Despite everything she still feared the unknown. Ice obliterated the heat building in her stomach. Chloe had survived the shift. Surely she would too? There were plenty of people who’d been bitten and they’d lived. But that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be pain. Once she had time with Chloe she’d ask about the transformation. She needed to know what to expect.

  With that in mind she snagged the bottle of shampoo next to her and got to work. She washed her hair, scrubbed her skin and put the razor she’d found to good work. She shivered as she removed the bristles that had formed along her crease, remembering how good it felt when Declan’s mouth caressed her there. Shaking the image off, she climbed quietly from the tub, toweled herself dry and put on the clothes Declan had put on the counter for her.

  He’d thought of everything, making the morning easy for her.

  She couldn’t remember that last time she’d been cared for like this.

  After she ran a brush through her hair, she inspected herself in the mirror. She froze when she saw the eyes reflected back at her. Normally a dark shade of blue, they were now light as a summer sky. The spike of adrenaline that went through her changed them even more, making them glow. Telling herself to be calm, she leaned closer to inspect them. Around the edge she could see traces of the original color, followed by the brighter hue that swept all the way to her pupils.


  Peering down, she pulled her lips back and inspected her teeth.

  Thankfully they hadn’t changed, looking like the normal chompers she’d always had.

  Deep laughter drew her attention. Declan was watching her from the door. He was nearly too big for the entranceway, his shoulders almost as broad. He’d leaned against the side, at ease in his home. He’d changed his clothing, dressing in a snug black shirt and jeans. His tattoos were exposed, the denim clinging to his hips worn and faded. Her body ramped up at the sight, clit throbbing, pulse racing.

  It might be cold outside but indoors it suddenly felt very, very warm.

  “Should I ask what you’re doing?” he asked, his gaze sweeping over her.

  Moving from the mirror, she met his eyes. “No.”

  He shifted his weight, pushing away from the wall. Opening his arms, he murmured, “Come here, baby.”

  No way was she going to argue. She craved his strength, aching to smell him. She wanted to immerse herself in the heat of his body, feel the firmness of his muscles beneath her hands. In two steps he had her in his grasp, tugging her close. She sighed, resting her cheek against his chest.

  “You weren’t easy to resist, you know.” He rested his chin on top of her head. “I had to remind myself to be a gentleman.”

  Skimming her nails over his shirt, she teased him. “I wouldn’t have complained.”

  “I would have.” His chest vibrated as he growled. Fingers suddenly wound into her hair, forcing her head back. His eyes met hers, the golden centers fixated on her face. “The next time I take you to bed, nothing will be able to pull me away.”

  So that was why he’d left her alone. “When might that be?”

  His gaze dipped, resting on her lips. “Soon.”

  She sagged when he kissed her. The arms he’d snaked around her kept her upright, holding her close. His woodsy scent lined her nose, his warmth like a miniature heater. His tongue lashed out and she met him halfway, deepening the kiss. He moaned, bringing a hand down to cup her ass. Lifting her up, he thrust his hips against hers. She felt the
hard ridge of his cock, aware that she was the reason he was turned on.

  A loud knock at the door had both of them groaning.

  No wonder he’d said what he had.

  The next time she got him alone she wasn’t letting go either.

  He whipped around and carried her from the bathroom. She leaned against him, knowing her wouldn’t drop her. When they made it to the door he lowered her, taking his time so she felt every last inch of his engorged length. His lips left hers and she immediately missed the contact, wanting to breathe him in.

  “Soon,” he repeated, meeting her gaze.

  She tried to collect herself when he let her go, running her trembling fingers through her damp hair. The door opened, sending brisk autumn air crashing into her. She stepped back to make room, relieved to see Jackson and Chloe had come to see them alone. The members of the pack were nice but she didn’t know them well. Not yet.

  Chloe rushed through the door with open arms and Rachel greeted her as she had in the past, wrapping her arms around her friend. Jackson strode past them and Declan closed the door.

  “You okay?” Chloe whispered.

  A simple question with a complex answer.

  Was she okay?

  She closed her eyes, embracing the young woman she’d always trusted. Here—in Declan’s home—she’d been cared for and pampered. She’d also been pleasured, adored and cherished. The wolf—her wolf—endorsed the sentiment. She felt the creature but no longer fought it. In accepting this was going to happen she’d gained an enormous advantage. Everything that had brought her to this moment might have been difficult but Declan—her mate—had made the rest so very easy.

  “Believe it or not,” she answered, her gaze darting to Declan’s, “I am.”

  * * * * *

  Declan listened to Jackson but kept his attention on Rachel. The last few hours had given him a glimpse of how their future might be. Within minutes of Chloe’s arrival his mate had become more relaxed than he’d ever seen her. To his delight she’d started laughing at Jackson’s horrible attempt at werewolf jokes. There was no fear or worry about what was to come.

  “Hey, pay attention.” Jackson tapped the counter, yanking Declan’s eyes from the female seated in the living room. “I understand how you feel right now but she’s going to be fine.”

  “If you understand how I feel, then you know I’m worried about tomorrow night,” he said, keeping his voice down. As a beta he could influence wolves but he didn’t have the ability to fully control them. He couldn’t force Rachel’s shift or make it faster for her. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Jackson said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “After we deal with pack business I’ll make sure to stay close. Whatever path the packs take for the hunt, take the opposite. Chloe and I won’t be far behind.”

  “Are you sure you can call to her?” Declan had intended to keep Rachel out of everyone else’s sight. She’d be horrified if she had to change in front of anyone else. “What if we’re too far away?”

  “I made sure to get a lock on her scent.” Jackson reclined in his chair, absolutely confident when he said, “I’ll be able to find her. When she’s ready give me a howl. I’ll make sure it’s quick.”

  Give him a howl? His anxiety changed to good humor. “I can do that.”

  Jackson’s cell phone dinged. He checked the screen, saying, “I figured you could.”

  “Any news?” Shane had promised to check in. The males were in charge of keeping the rogue hidden. They had strict orders to deliver him to the hunt, approximately thirty minutes before things got started.

  “A bit.” Jackson rested the device on the counter. “Look,” he said, a hint of fatigue in his voice, “this has been hard on you but I’m afraid I need a favor.”

  Declan met the alpha’s stare. “What kind of favor?”

  “A few wolves in Gavin’s pack are raising a ruckus. We need to go over and talk to them.” Jackson peered over at Chloe. “We have to keep this quiet, so they’re meeting us a town over. There’s a good chance you’ll be gone most of the night.”

  Fuck. “I can’t leave.”

  “As my Beta you don’t have a choice.”

  “With everything that’s happened,” Declan had to beat his wolf back, “would you really leave Chloe alone? Do you think that’s smart?”

  “I’m not leaving her alone.” Jackson’s smile was that of a smartass, with a touch of menace. “Gavin has his wolves positioned all around your place. None one is allowed within a hundred yards of the perimeter. No more pizza delivery. Our mates will have to eat in.”

  “You son of a bitch,” Declan snarled. Rachel glanced up, hearing the anger in his voice. He didn’t look at her, toning it down. “You knew you were going to ask me to leave when you got here.”

  “Sorry, man,” Jackson replied smoothly, not sounding apologetic at all. “Shit happens.”

  Rachel had risen from her seat. Declan closed his eyes when her small hands pressed on his shoulders, her voice soft in his ears. “It’s okay.” She massaged his muscles, inching closer. “Chloe’s going to stay here. We’re going to finish the movie night we started. I’ll be fine.”

  “When did she tell you?” Declan didn’t want her to stop touching him. He loved how gentle she was, how cautiously she loosened the tightness in his neck. Opening his eyes and staring at the Jackson, he resisted the urge to punch the male in the nose. The Alpha was only doing his job.

  “Just now,” Rachel whispered, her lips brushing his ear. “Don’t worry about me.”

  “Don’t ask him to do something he can’t,” Chloe said, striding to Jackson. “He’ll always worry about you. It’s how they are.”

  “You tell her, baby,” Jackson purred, yanking Chloe to his side.

  Declan wanted to mirror Jackson’s possessive display. Only once he had Rachel in his arms he wouldn’t let go. He kept his hands where they were, knowing he would only be tempting himself. “When do we have to leave?”

  “As soon as possible.” Jackson stood, towering over his mate. He wrapped an arm around Chloe’s waist and smiled at Rachel. “We’ll give you a few minutes.”

  The pair departed, leaving Declan and Rachel alone. She didn’t stop rubbing his shoulders, her hair drifting against his neck as she leaned over his body. Even if Jackson had indicated they had to leave soon, he didn’t stop her. He wanted the memory of this—her touching him in a loving way—before he left her side.

  “I don’t want you to go either.” Her tongue flicked the inner shell of his ear. “Just so you know.”

  He’d finally gotten a handle on his desire and she went and did something like that.

  “It’s not smart to tease a werewolf,” he growled, his cock growing hard.

  “I think I’m safe.” She laughed and the sound changed something inside him. One day soon he’d find out everything about her, if only to her that sound.

  It wasn’t easy but he placed his hands over her wrists and turned the chair. They faced one another and he pressed a kiss to each of her palms. Her pulse jumped to life beneath his fingers. He heard her draw a ragged breath, smelled the delectable aroma of her desire. He took several more seconds to lift his head, trying to gain control of his own sexual needs.

  “I expect you to keep the doors closed and locked. I’ll show you how to set my alarm. Once it’s activated don’t let anyone inside.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He was certain she’d meant the jibe sarcastically but he couldn’t help himself. “I like that.” Rubbing her wrists with his thumbs, he lifted his chin and looked into her face. “Maybe soon I can convince you to call me sir in the bedroom. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Her eyes widened, lips parting. He took advantage, rising to his feet as he covered her lips with his. He loved how she went soft, shifting closer to him, letting him bear her weight. Even though it was stupid as hell and he knew he’d have to force himself to let go, he slid
his arms around her, placing them at the small of her back.

  The kiss was what he wanted it to be—a promise of something more to come.

  He absorbed her sweet scent, lowered his hand to cup the soft globe of her ass. He didn’t take it further, tangling his tongue with hers. For now he was content to have her like this—a willing and trusting woman waiting for his next move. Soon he’d get what he really wanted. He could be greedy, taking all of her time.

  He’d meant what he said to her before.

  Pack business be damned.

  The next time he had her alone, he wasn’t letting go.

  Chapter Twelve

  Rachel didn’t get a chance to watch Declan leave. Chloe ushered her to the couch the minute the men started for the door, whispering quickly, “Hurry up and sit down. Now that they’re gone you can tell me everything. I want to know it all.”

  Rachel reluctantly walked toward the couch, trying to think of what she’d say. Chloe had been asking about Declan all night. The questions had started tame but took a deviant turn. At first it had been funny. After all, she had been the one to ask Declan to fuck her on his desk the night before. But when things got really personal she realized she didn’t want Chloe to know how good Declan was in the sack. Those moments were private and intimate.

  That part of him belonged to her.

  She sank down on the couch, giving a half-assed answer. “He’s unlike any man I’ve ever met.”

  “I told you that you needed a werewolf in your life.” Chloe grinned and plopped down beside Rachel. “After I met Jackson I knew no other guy would ever compare. Is that how you feel? Has the bonding started? Do you feel your connection?”

  Typical Chloe. Going straight for the throat. “Uh.” Rachel licked her lips, gazing at her friend. “I definitely feel something. It’s…” Crazy? Insane? Fantastic? “It’s hard to put into words.”


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