Submissive Nanny

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Submissive Nanny Page 8

by Viktor Redreich

  “I’m really alright, but thank you for the offer,” Bianca replied, trying to keep her voice as calm and steady as possible. But even she could hear the slight tremble, the discomfort at being offered what she wanted so badly — and having it torn away.

  She kept eye contact with Angela and did her best to tell her without words that it would be better for all of them if she just left. Stepped away. Moved on with her life.

  But then, Angela’s face darkened a little, sending a jolt through Bianca’s system.

  She recognized that expression.

  Angela leaned forward so that they were just a few inches apart.

  Bianca caught the scent of the outrageously expensive perfume she wore. It sat on her nightstand and more than once Bianca had put it on in her fantasies of pretending to be Angela, inhabiting the same place in Zev’s heart that she did.

  “I know that you’ve been fucking my husband, Bianca.” she murmured, her voice soft, almost gentle.

  Fear slammed through Bianca.

  She couldn’t read Angela’s tone, but she knew she had to be in trouble. More than trouble. Angela could ruin her life if she wanted to. Blacklist her through the business, make sure that she never worked again. Expose what she’d been doing with her husband.

  What would happen to her and Zev? Would they be together, or would Zev hate her too much for ruining his life?

  “How did you find out?” Bianca breathed.

  Angela smiled and leaned back in her seat. Then, she began to explain.

  Chapter 15

  Twisted fantasies

  “I know what Zev’s like,” Angela began. “He’s been this way since the first day we met, and he never made any bones about it. Never made like he was anything other than what he was.”

  Bianca swallowed heavily. She was still alive, that was enough. She just needed to keep Angela talking. Maybe she could get this woman to see that Zev was the one who was in control of the relationship. It would have been something of a lie since Bianca had loved every moment of it, but still.

  “The stuff that he did with you, he needs it,” Angela continued. “And he knew he was never going to get me to submit to him that way. I made that very clear from the start. But I love him, and I want him to have everything he needs. I want him to be happy.”

  “You knew about this?” Bianca gasped. “All of it?”

  “All of it,” Angela grinned widely, looking like a shark as she observed the girl sitting opposite her.

  “But you . . .”

  “I hired you because the last girl Zev was carrying on with met someone she wanted to settle down with,” Angela went on. “I didn’t know if you were going to go for it, sometimes they don’t. But I knew about you from the very first moment you were together. He fucked you in the kitchen, didn’t he? Took your virginity?”

  Bianca nodded slowly, wondering in what world Angela wasn’t about to tear her apart. She eyed her warily, very aware of where the nearest exits were, prepared to leap up and flee if she needed to. If Angela turned on her and suddenly pounced across the table.

  I mean, it did make things so much clearer. Of course, Angela had known all along. Bianca was crazy to have thought anything different.

  “And every single little thing that’s happened between you, I’ve heard about it,” she shook her head. “I was shocked at how far you went. I don’t think he’s ever had anything like what he’s got with you. You’re . . . special. Different. The change in him, it’s been intense. I know this is what he wants, and whatever he wants, I want.”

  “You’re really serious about this?” Bianca asked.

  Angela nodded. “Come back,” she told Bianca, taking her hand from across the table.

  The touch was gentle and sweet, taking Bianca by surprise.

  “The kids miss you. Zev misses you more. The house isn’t the same without you around.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that,” Bianca shook her head. She remembered how it felt when she’d left, how sure she had been when she’d packed up her stuff. She would never have the relationship with Zev that she wanted. Or at least, she was dead certain that she wouldn’t.

  But now, Angela was sitting across the table from her, telling her that she’d known all along. That they had been sharing Zev. Not that Bianca had been stealing him.

  “I know that all of it can seem so intense,” Angela assured her. “Trust me, it took a while for me to come to terms with it too. But things can be different if you come back.”

  “Different like how?” She asked.

  “Different like it’s not just the two of you then Zev and I,” she began, speaking slowly. “I’ve never done anything like this before, but I see how much it’s doing for Zev. I want part of it. I want it to be the three of us. All of us knowing, all of us together.”

  “Oh my God,” Bianca ran her hands through her hair. She‘d thought all this time that she was jealous of Angela, but now she was sitting there opposite her, she realized that feeling could have been something else. Desire. The need to share in this with someone else, with another woman.

  “If you don’t come back, we won’t penalize you,” she assured her. “It’s not going to change anything between us. But we want you back, Bianca. Both of us.”

  Bianca stared at the woman. She couldn’t believe she was considering this. The thought of it both scared her and excited her. All of this was so new, so fresh. The possibilities were utterly dizzying.

  Angela’s hand was still on top of hers, and it was the sweetest bit of affection she’d had in a long time. With this, on top of everything else, it could be enough.

  Bianca raised her gaze to meet Angela’s and smiled.

  Angela smiled back.

  It seemed like, in only a moment, the two of them had come to an understanding.

  Bianca went back to the hotel as soon as they parted, with a hug and a promise to see each other soon. She packed up her stuff with a grin on her face half a mile wide. She was going back to them, finally. It felt as though they had been apart for so long, as though there had been a hole in her heart that she hadn’t even known they’d filled.

  She waited until later that evening to go back. She wanted to see Zev and Angela that very night. She could pick up her childcare duties tomorrow. Tonight would be adults-only. She could hardly wait to see what they had in store for her.

  Arriving outside the house just after dark, she paused outside the door for a moment. It wasn’t hesitation that was keeping her away from them. No, it was the thrill of anticipation, the promise of what was to come for them. Everything had changed. For good. She hoped it was for the better.

  Bianca walked up to the door, and before she could knock, someone pulled it open.

  To her delight, she found Zev waiting for her on the other side.

  “Bianca,” he pulled her into his arms, as though he was relieved to see her. “I was so worried about you.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and bathed for a moment in the kindness of his touch. This kind of affection wasn’t going to stick around forever, but she was happy to have it for now. She inhaled his scent and wondered how in the hell she’d managed to keep herself away from him for so long.

  She craved him, craved what they shared, the structure he gave to her life. She had fallen for him in a way that she hadn’t ever before with anyone else.

  He pulled back and clasped her face in his hands, looking deep into her eyes. “I missed you,” he murmured softly, brushing his nose against hers. “So much.”

  “I missed you too,” Bianca confessed, then she realized Angela was standing just behind them, absorbing the moment as it unfolded in front of her.

  Bianca pulled back, and Angela strode up to them, slipping her hand into Zev’s. That might have made Bianca jealous just a few days before, but now it just warmed her. They had their relationship, and now Bianca had her own specially-defined relationship with Zev as well.

  “So, what happens now?” Bianca asked nervo
usly, glancing between them.

  Zev turned to Angela. His wife smiled back at him before leaning in to steal a kiss from him. When she pulled back, she returned her attention to Bianca.

  “If you want it,” she began slowly, her voice soft and laced with desire. “We both take on the dominant role. You belong to both of us. The same way you belonged to Zev.”

  Bianca gasped. She hadn’t even considered that would be an option for them, but the way Angela was looking at her, she could tell they weren’t messing around.

  “I thought you said you didn’t get involved with . . . this,” Bianca pointed out. Angela glanced at Zev and smiled.

  “I didn’t, not before,” she confessed. “But with you it’s different. Zev’s told me everything, and I know that I want in on it.”

  Bianca had never even considered being with a woman before. But it wasn’t just Angela. It was her and Zev, all three of them together. No lies, no hiding. Just them.

  “I want that,” she agreed without a second thought. “So much.”

  Zev moved in. “Good girl.” He murmured in her ear.

  His approval was enough to let her know that she’d made the right choice. The only choice. She closed her eyes and felt her knees trembling. How could she have walked away from all this? How could she have ever believed she could have walked away from it?

  “Go wait in the kitchen,” Angela told her, stroking her hair gently like she was her pet. “Don’t make a sound, and don’t move.”

  “Of course,” Bianca ducked her head and angled her gaze toward the ground.

  “You will address me by my title,” Angela told her firmly. “Mistress. From now on.”

  “Of course, Mistress,” Bianca murmured.

  Angela squeezed Zev’s hand, and the two of them turned to head upstairs to their bedroom.

  Bianca watched them for a moment then headed over to the kitchen, as she had been told, her heart racing.

  She could hear them moving around upstairs, but they were keeping it down for the kids.

  What were they doing up there? What would her initiation be to this twisted-up little fantasy of theirs? She had no idea what to expect, but she knew it was going to be intense. More intense than anything they’d done before.

  She hoped it was Zev who would come down to see her. She’d been craving his beautiful cock for so long now. She felt as though it was the only thing that could satisfy her. But she had a feeling they were going to make her wait. That was their game, after all, keeping what she wanted from her and getting her to go a little crazy in the process.

  She finally heard movement descending the stairs. She glanced around, scolded herself, and returned her gaze to the counter in front of her, rubbing off a small spot on the marble with her finger. She would wait for them. She would wait for them all night if she had to.


  When she turned, she found herself presented with a sight she’d never seen before.

  Angela, bare-ass naked.

  It reminded her of the first time Zev had just appeared before her, naked and unapologetic, all those weeks ago when her desire for him had just started to grow.

  Angela was magnificent under her clothes; her body was strong and soft. Her hair was messy, and she was breathing hard. That’s when Bianca noticed the dribble of cum down the inside of her leg.

  “He just fucked me,” Angela told her, walking toward her, closing the distance. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? Him inside of you?”

  “Yes, mistress,” Bianca nodded.

  “Well, this is the closest you’re going to get for a while,” Angela took another step toward her and pointed to a spot on the ground below her. “Lick me clean.”

  Bianca sank to her knees without hesitation, well-trained enough to recognize a firm command when she heard one. It took her a moment to register what else Angela was asking for. Angela wasn’t one for waiting as she grabbed Bianca’s head and drew it to her pussy.

  The scent of it was overwhelming, intense, musky, and deep, laced with Zev.

  Bianca had never gone down on a woman before. She worried about not being able to please her new master.

  “Clean me, Bianca,” she ordered once more.

  Bianca nervously extended her tongue and closed her eyes. Before she knew it, her mouth was full of Angela’s pussy.

  She was surprised by how natural it felt. Angela tasted good, the flavor full as it spread over her tongue. She moved down to her hole and lapped hungrily at the cum left there. The closest thing she was going to get to Zev for the foreseeable future. Closing her eyes, she let out a moan as she licked every drop of Zev’s cum out of Angela.

  Angela began to grind back against her face, a groan escaping her mouth as she used Bianca for her selfish pleasure.

  Once she’d eaten all of Zev’s seed, Bianca moved upward, searching for her clit. Finding it, she sealed her lips around the nub and sucked softly. She was just mimicking what she wished Zev would do to her, acting out that fantasy on Angela.

  Her body needed this, required it. She craved it so deeply it hurt. But this was something more. This was a chance for her to show her skills, her commitment to the two of them.

  “Fuck!” Angela suddenly cried, the sound ripping through the quiet air around them. She grasped Bianca’s head and held it to her pussy as she rocked her hips back and forth against her. She was coming, hard. The contractions of her pussy pushed the last of Zev’s seed from her, which Bianca dutifully swallowed.

  Angela pulled back from her and, to Bianca’s surprise, leaned down to kiss her. She could taste the three of them mingling on her tongue — the intoxication of their new arrangement filling her from top to bottom.

  When Angela pulled back, she looked down at Bianca and smiled gently. She petted her hair, eyes so full of desire for her, and her husband. “I think this is going to be a lot of fun,” she said, then licked her lips as though savoring the next word out of her mouth. “Slut.”

  Bianca found that the phrase had no power over her any longer. She smiled up at her mistress, knowing she’d done well. She nodded. “I think it is, mistress,” she agreed.

  And she knew that it was the truth. Nothing but.


  My Beautiful Sexy Reader,

  You’ve just finished reading Book One of Submissive Nanny.

  It’s one of the most successful books I’ve ever written.

  An earlier version of this book gathered over a million reads among my community of beta readers in a matter of weeks.

  It was so successful that my initial readers demanded a sequel.

  They needed more of Bianca, Angela, and Zev. Much more.

  Specifically, my readers needed to know how the three of them would realistically maintain a relationship with each other.

  Would Bianca’s involvement with Zev and Angela forever be a naughty little secret, shared only among the three of them? Would Bianca have to keep a low profile forever, and always be forced to act like nothing more than the nanny when in public?

  What if the kids accidentally slipped up and told their friends? What if their friends told their parents, and rumors began to spread? How much damage would such a scandal cause?

  What if news of the three-way affair with the nanny became public knowledge? Would Zev and Angela’s business partners and associates stand by them in the midst of such reputation-destroying perversion?

  What if their extended families found out?

  Parents of young women often hope that their daughters will eventually find a nice man to settle down with, to marry, to have children, and to raise a family with.

  Very few parents, I would imagine, would wish for their daughters to become secret sex slaves to extravagant, high-society couples.

  Triads aren’t exactly mainstream. Not yet anyway.

  While a three-way relationship is a fun concept for a romance novel, how does it hold up to the real world?

  Book Two, which I’ve entitled Savage
Satisfactions dives deep into these sexy complexities.

  Before you continue, though, I want you to read the quick prequel to Submissive Nanny, in which you can learn more about Zev and Angela’s raunchy adventures before meeting Bianca.

  You can read the prequel, Submissive Penny, for free on .




  Savage Satisfactions

  Chapter 16

  Don't move

  As Zev pushed her down over his desk, Bianca moaned softly, happy to lose herself to the moment. Would she ever grow weary of this? She was sure that would never happen.

  As soon as she felt his swollen head pressing against her slit, she groaned delightedly. She had been waiting for this all night long – the way he had looked at her across the room, ignoring the crowded garden party that had been taking place around them, she had known just what he was thinking, just what was going through his mind. And she was more than happy to indulge him.

  Zev had ordered her upstairs to wait for him in his office space, and she had done as she was told at once. She knew it was always worth it, letting him take control. It had been the same ever since she had first come to this house. He was the one calling the shots and that was the way Bianca liked it. She had to do so much just to keep the household running, what with looking after the kids and everything and having him lift the burden of control from her, just for a little bit, was everything that she needed.

  He moved into her hard, gripping her hips roughly as he invaded her – her dress was pushed up over her hips, and her panties non-existent. He had ordered her not to put any on before the party had begun, and she had, of course, agreed at once. This was a man who knew just what to say to get her excited, and he had left her the whole night with the swelling, burning feeling of her desire taking control of her as she waited for him to finally, finally make his move...


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