Submissive Nanny

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Submissive Nanny Page 9

by Viktor Redreich

  "Oh!” She cried out, as he pushed deeper, so deep that it almost hurt – in the best possible way, of course. She was used to the feeling of his hardness inside her, filling her up. This had been the man to take her virginity, after all, and everything that had happened since then had just been a reminder that he had been made to fit into her like this, made to match her body with his the way she needed him to.

  He pushed his fingers roughly into her mouth to keep her quiet, and she bared her teeth against his skin. He might have been the one in control here, but she liked playing at the rebel, acting as though she might have had a hope in hell of taking charge here. He slapped her ass, hard, hard enough that she knew it would leave a mark for the next day, a punishment and a reward all at once. She was already getting close to cumming. She had been since he had ordered her to go around that evening without panties on. She loved knowing that he was thinking about her all day long, that when he looked at her he could see a collection of holes that were just there for his use, to do with what he wanted.

  He reached around and pressed his fingers against her nub, stroking her softly in time with his thrusts – she gasped and clutched on to the table, glad that it was there to keep her upright because otherwise her legs might have just gone ahead and given out right from underneath her. She was close, she was so close, she could almost taste it, feel it...

  "Ahh!” She cried out, as he withdrew his fingers from her mouth just in time to hear the exclamation of relief from her lips. When she came, as she always did when she was with him, she came hard, like her whole body had been craving that kind of release all day long. But before she could even feel her tight pussy pulsing around his shaft, he grabbed her, turned her around, and pushed her to her knees. Taking his cock in his hand, he began to stroke it, looking down at her.

  "Open your mouth," he commanded, and she parted her lips and extended her tongue, knowing just where this was going. She didn’t take her eyes off him as he came all over her lips and her tongue, covering her face with his salty seed. She loved it when he gave her this gift – it was as though he was claiming her, reminding her that she belonged to him and only him. As though she needed the reminder at all.

  He groaned and tipped his head back, stroking himself a couple more times to make sure that he had unloaded the last drops of his sperm on to her face. Once he was satisfied that he had, he tucked himself back into his slacks. She went to stand up, but he put a hand on her shoulder.

  "Wait here," he told her firmly. "I’m not done with you yet. I just want to check in downstairs and make sure nobody’s noticed we’re gone, alright?”

  She nodded. When he made her cum, it was often hard for her to come up with the appropriate words to answer him. She knew he understood her; he got her, deeply and profoundly, in a way almost nobody else ever had before. She sat back on her heels, covered in his semen, and watched as he walked out of the room, back downstairs, and towards the party. And, of course, towards his wife.

  It was strange, sometimes, thinking of Angela like that, but it was the truth. Angela had been the one to marry Zev in the first place – she was the one who could strut around with his ring on her finger, and have people comment on how romantic it was that they had been together for so long and still found a way to make it work. She was downstairs at the party even as Bianca knelt there upstairs, coated with her husband’s cum.

  But, of course, Angela probably knew full well what was going on up there. As soon as she had seen Zev and Bianca slipping off and out of the big fundraiser that the couple was hosting downstairs, she had given Bianca that look that told her that she’d better do a good job. Because, otherwise, Angela would be there to punish her for it. Punish her in the most delicious way imaginable.

  It was hard to believe, even for Bianca, that this had been going on for nearly six months now. Six months and nobody had a goddamn clue what was going on behind the closed doors of their outrageously expensive London townhouse. That was just the way Bianca wanted to keep it.

  Because there was something special about sharing a secret with the two of them. To anyone else, they would have looked like nothing more than professional partners. Bianca took care of the kids, and got a room in their gorgeous home, and got to travel with them when they went abroad and generally enjoy the kind of life she could never have imagined enjoying without them there to make it possible. She had grown fond of the children, and she even saw herself as their third parent. Yes, it was a lot, but it was the truth. She was around them nearly all the time, and she felt like that deserved a more central part in their lives.

  And she had become part of this unorthodox family, for sure. It suited her, better than she would ever have imagined it could have. If someone had told her a year ago that she would have been involved in this passionate three-way relationship with a man and his wife, she would have laughed them off as crazy. But now, here she was. Wrapped up in the both of them.

  At first, it had just been an affair with Zev – or at least, she’d been sure that’s what it had amounted to. In fact, when she had first been involved with the man she was working for, she had spent a long time agonizing over it, over her attraction to him, over everything that he seemed to want from her. She was eager to give it to him, but she was fearful – fearful that if she found out, she would lose her job, be branded a slut and a homewrecker and get evicted from everything that she had always considered so important across the course of her life.

  She hadn’t been able to stop herself though. The connection she had with Zev was profound and powerful, the kind of thing that rendered her unable to resist. Even after all this time, she still found herself gagging for him, doing everything he wanted in an attempt to please him. She adored him, worshipped the ground he walked on, and anything he desired from her, she would bend over backward to give him. Sometimes literally.

  And slowly, she had come to terms with the fact that Angela, his wife, knew about their affair – and that, if anything, she found the whole thing hot as hell. She had let Bianca in on the secret, catching her up on the fact that she knew she was fucking Angela’s husband, and Bianca had been left reeling trying to fit the pieces together in her head. She had assumed that Angela would have kicked her to the curb as soon as she learned the truth, but if anything, she seemed secretly delighted by the discovery.

  She had known for a long time, she had revealed to Bianca, long enough that none of this came as a shock to her. Long enough that she had already formed her own plans about what she wanted to do about the affair. And, while many wives would have only been interested in shutting it down, Angela guided it out into the open. And now, it included all three of them.

  Bianca had never been attracted to a woman before, not the way she was attracted to Angela. She had respected women before, she had liked them, but she had never felt that rough, raw lust take control of her the way it did when she was around Angela. When the older woman looked at her, she felt like her skin was on fire – like her body was begging for more, for something that only Angela could give her. When they were in a room together, Bianca found herself drawn to Angela, even when she knew she should have been playing it pointedly cool.

  It was as though the love that Zev had for his wife was passing over and into Bianca – when Bianca saw him checking out Angela, when she saw him laughing at a joke she made or congratulating her on something she’d pulled out of the back, she began to see the same things in Angela herself.

  And she supposed that was what was happening when Angela looked at her, too. Because she could see the shift in the way the older woman addressed her. At first, she had been sure to act like she was the one in charge of all this, to state her power and her confidence, to make sure that Bianca firmly understood what her place was in the whole affair. She had known since the start, she had revealed to her eventually, and all the way through she had been nervous about getting involved herself – but endlessly curious as to what this kind of arrangement could offer all three of them.

  And, as it unwound and they got to know each other a little better, inch by inch, Bianca found herself falling for both of them at once. It was wild to think that just a few months earlier, she’d been a virgin, the kind of girl who would have balked at even the thought of kissing another woman. These days, however, she couldn’t get enough of Angela, couldn’t escape the passion she felt for her, couldn’t get enough of her electric, womanly charms. She had both of them, and they fucked her any way they wanted, any chance they got. The reality of being wanted by the two of them at once, at having two such spectacular examples of each gender choosing to be with her above all else, that was enough to boost her self-esteem to places it had never even been close to before. She felt powerful, passionate, wanted – truly desired, like the universe looked at her and wanted to take a bite.

  And so she knelt there, on the floor of the office room, with his seed sliding down her face and over her neck and her breasts. Anyone from the party that was taking place downstairs could have walked in and seen her in this state, and there would have been no denying the fact that Zev had been the one to do this to her. And yet, she found it hard to care. Nothing mattered but the fact that she was pleasing them, that she was good at pleasing them. As long as she was good at pleasing them, then they would keep her around, and that’s all she cared about...

  She heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and a shiver ran down her spine. Who was it? It had to be Zev, right? She wasn’t sure how long he had been away for, but he couldn’t have risked leaving her this long in this room without checking in to make sure that she hadn’t been disturbed...

  But then, the door opened, and Bianca looked up – and saw Angela standing right there in the door, looking down at her. She had a small smile on her face, and Bianca felt like she was going to burst just looking at her like that. She was so...there was just something so gorgeous about her when she was like this when she was taking in Bianca in front of her like she was a gift she couldn’t wait to unwrap.

  "Don’t move," she ordered Bianca, and she carefully locked the door and made her way towards her. And at that moment, Bianca knew that her night was only just getting started.

  Chapter 17

  Rock the boat

  "Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?" Zev asked Angela, and there was some genuine concern in his voice. Bianca furrowed her brow – this didn’t sound good. She paused on her way up to the bedroom, where she had been bringing a handful of laundered clothes, and leaned back so that she could see them talking it out in their kitchen.

  "Is everything okay?" She asked, concerned. Angela was distracted, going through her phone, and Zev glanced around as though he had half-forgotten that Bianca was still in the house.


  "Fine," Angela finished up for him, not letting him get a moment further into that conversation. "Everything’s fine, Bianca, thanks for asking."

  "Angela has a family wedding to go to," Zev explained to Bianca. "And she doesn’t want me or any of us to go with her."

  "Oh," Bianca remarked, a little surprised. "But why not? I mean, if it’s your family..."

  "If you’d met my family, you’d know," Angela replied grimly. "I just think it would be better for all of us if you guys were to stay home and..."

  "And leave you to get through it without any help?” Zev shot back. He wasn’t impressed. Bianca glanced between the two of them and tried to figure out whose side she was on here.

  Angela didn’t talk much about her family, but Bianca just assumed that she was usually too busy to even think about them – she was constantly running around, trying to keep on top of everything, making sure that her social gatherings were the best in town and her kids could make it to all their after-school activities. She was always busy, busy enough that she didn’t seem to give them much thought. But maybe that in itself was by design, to make sure that she didn’t have to consider their existence and how it might have related back on to Angela herself.

  "It’s my family, I can handle them," she replied, but she didn’t sound confident. Zev shook his head.

  "I know what your family is like," he reminded her. "Remember? How they were at the wedding, and then when the kids came along-"

  "What happened?" Bianca asked with curiosity. She knew they might have brushed her off, but she was interested to know more about Angela’s past. Despite the fact that they had been fucking each other for a good six months now, Angela could still play her cards so close to her chest when she wanted to.

  "It’s not one thing," Zev replied, and he finally turned his attention to Bianca. "Her family...they’re not the best place for her to be, let’s put it that way."

  "I don’t think you get to decide that," Angela shot back. "They’re my family. They’re my business."

  "It’s a wedding, right?” Bianca asked, addressing the question to Angela. Angela nodded, not looking at her.

  "And if you don’t attend, they’re probably going to hang your absence over your head if they want something from you in the future," Bianca pointed out. "If they’re anything like all the families I know, they’re probably keeping stock of everything that’s going on and seeing when they can pull certain things out of the bag to prove that they were in the right all along."

  Angela sighed and rubbed her hand over her face. She might have wanted to deny it, but she had to know that it was true. These things were never easy, not when it came to family. If she decided not to take Zev and the kids along, they would use that as proof that she didn’t care about them the way they wanted her to.

  She shrugged.

  "Maybe you should come with me, Zev," she remarked, glancing over at her husband, as though she was a little annoyed that she had to concede the point. Zev smiled in Bianca’s direction, silently thanking her for helping out in this.

  But then Angela shook her head again and tossed her hands in the air.

  "I need some time to think," she muttered, mostly to herself, before she marched out of the room and left the two of them standing there, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened – and how they could make it better. Zev ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

  "She doesn’t have a good relationship with her family, I take it?” Bianca asked, trying to be as delicate as possible. It was strange, dating two people at the same time, especially ones who already had a solid history in place between themselves – because sometimes, Bianca felt like she was tripping over herself to keep up with them. She was, however, keen to learn, keen to discover the truth of everything that had led them to that point. Above all else, though, she hated seeing either one of them hurting, and it was clear that Angela wasn’t enjoying the thought of having to deal with her family once more.

  Zev shook his head.

  "They’re just really old-fashioned," he explained. "And they don’t like that she lives out here in New York instead of on their estate in the English countryside."

  "What is this, Jane Eyre?” Bianca cracked wise, trying to lighten the situation. She wasn’t sure it worked, but Zev at least managed a slight chuckle.

  "Tell me about it," he sighed. "They were never happy that she married me, either, because it meant she didn’t get with the man they had chosen for her."

  "Jesus Christ," Bianca muttered, shaking her head. "She’s a grown woman, they’re not still judging the choices she makes, are they?”

  "Seems so," he replied grimly, and he turned to the coffee machine to make an espresso. "You want something to drink?”

  "Only if it has vodka in it," Bianca replied. Seeing Angela in that state made her feel so uncomfortable. She wished there was something she could have done to make it right. She couldn’t just wave a hand and fix everything, but maybe there was something more she could do – an outside perspective, perhaps, one that Angela hadn’t heard before.

  "I think I’m going to talk to Angela," She told Zev, though she was mostly looking for confirmation that it was the right choice. He nodded.

  "That’s a good idea," he agreed. "I’m sure she could use some support right now. I don’t think I’m always the best at giving it to her, given that I don’t exactly like her family very much..."

  "Yeah, I’ll try the diplomacy for now," Bianca replied, and he touched her hand as she went out the door.

  "Good luck," he murmured. And the way he said it, it sounded like he was telling her that she was going to need it.

  She headed up the stairs to Angela’s room, where she found the older woman sitting in bed with her head in her hands. Her thick, long, hair was falling into her face, where it was usually pulled back to keep it away from her eyes. It pained Bianca to see her like that, in so much visible discomfort. Bianca tapped her knuckles on the door, and a moment later Angela looked up.

  "Oh, hello," she replied, and Bianca stepped over the threshold and into the room. She had spent so many nights here, curled up in bed with one or the both of them, but it still felt a little naughty for her to be slipping inside when Zev wasn’t around.

  "You doing alright?” Bianca asked, even though she knew that it was a useless question. She wished there was something she could come out with that would just make it all better, but she knew how hard family stuff could be. There was a good reason that she hadn’t let her own family in on what had been happening here in the city, and she intended to keep it that way, too.

  Angela patted the bed next to her, indicating Bianca to take a seat, and Bianca did as she was told. Whether Angela was her employer or her lover, she always had that very specific power over Bianca, a power that Bianca couldn’t argue with – and had no intention of arguing with, anyway. Angela knew what was best for her, most of the time. Maybe this could be one of the few times where Bianca could take the lead.

  "I’m sorry about everything that’s happening with your family," she began, gently. "Is there anything I can do to help?”


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