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Submissive Nanny

Page 10

by Viktor Redreich

  "It just freaked me out, that’s all," Angela admitted, the words tumbling out of her like she had been waiting to speak them into existence. Sometimes, with Zev, she could hold back a little, but she was always blunt with Bianca – that was the joy of being in a relationship with another woman, the fact that there was nothing to hold back any longer.


  "Because this is the first time I’ve had a reason to be around my family since...well, you know. Since this started with the three of us," she explained, gesturing to Bianca. Bianca raised her eyebrows. That hadn’t crossed her mind, although it made sense. What they had was hardly conventional, and she had no doubt that Angela’s uptight, old-fashioned family would hardly be pleased if they caught even the vaguest hint of what was going on in this house.

  "But they don’t have to know anything," Bianca pointed out. It stung her a little to say it out loud, the reality of what she was hiding hitting her hard, but if it meant that Angela would be happy, then she didn’t even have a second thought. It was frustrating that so many people would have seen what was happening between them as wrong and dirty and deviant, but that was the world they were living in and they would just have to find some way to navigate through it.

  "I know, I know," Angela sighed. "I need some time to think, alright? I don’t want to fly all the way there by myself, I know that."

  "And you don’t have to," Bianca promised her. "We’re here for you."

  With that, she squeezed Angela’s hand and got to her feet to give her the space she needed – she knew that Angela would always need time to go over everything in her own head, that was just how she worked. She had always been passionate about knowing her own mind, and sometimes that meant that she could come off as a little solitary and focused on herself. Not that Bianca minded. In fact, it was something she wanted to aspire to herself, that ability to take care of her own mind and her own wants before anyone else’s.


  She turned in the doorway and was surprised to see Angela standing up.

  "I want you to come with me."

  Bianca stared at her for a moment, trying to wrap her head around what her lover was saying to her. Angela never came out with anything that she didn’t mean, and Bianca was certain she couldn’t have misheard her.

  "Come with you...?”

  "To the wedding," she replied, and she smiled – a beautiful smile, the kind that lit up her whole face, the whole room.

  "I want all of you to come with me," She explained, taking a step towards Bianca and taking her hand. "Zev, you, the kids...I think you should all be there."

  "You mean it?” Bianca replied. She was a little taken aback, she had to admit. She knew that Angela liked having her around, but this was something way bigger than that. This was a full-blown family gathering, and she wanted Bianca there with her.

  "I mean it," she replied with certainty. "You’re my family. You should be there."

  Bianca lowered her gaze for a moment, overwhelmed by emotion. This had to be one of the sweetest things anyone had ever offered her. To be accepted into the family like that was a profound and powerful sensation.

  "You think you can do it?” Angela asked, a little worried, and Bianca realized she hadn’t given her an answer. She nodded, at once.

  "Yes, I do," she agreed, and she giggled. "I mean, we’ll have to make sure they don’t catch on..."

  "Guess we’ll just have to be extra-careful, huh?” She replied, and there was a flicker of excitement to her gaze that told Bianca she was hardly averse to the thought of it. A shiver ran down her spine. Yes, this was going to be good. Angela took her hand and guided it to her lips, brushing her mouth across the skin of her knuckles. And Bianca knew that this was going to be about the most exciting family vacation any of them had ever taken before in their entire lives.

  Chapter 18

  On your knees

  "Oh, thank goodness, we’re here," Angela muttered to herself, as the car pulled around the corner, and finally they were right there in front of the enormous English estate that belonged to her family.

  "This is where you grew up?” Bianca asked, her jaw basically hanging open as she took the place in. She knew that her family had to be rich, but this was something else entirely – this was something beyond what she had ever imagined.

  The car that Angela and Bianca had taken from the airport paused outside a pair of enormous wrought-iron gates, and a moment later they swung open to let them in. Bianca glanced over at Angela, wondering if she was excited about being back here after all this time – or if, as she had been implying all week, she was nervous about a return.

  The two women had traveled down by themselves, with Zev and the kids in another car. It had been at Zev’s suggestion – he had been happy to come along with them to make sure that Angela’s family didn’t get the better of her and drive her too crazy, but he knew that she needed the help of another woman to get her through it all without losing her mind. In fact, he had gone ahead and told Bianca the same, when they had been organizing the tickets and booking travel and accommodation for everyone.

  "She invited you because she knows that you’re going to be able to handle it better than I could, you know," he remarked. They were lying in bed, Angela out with the children at a small gathering that was being held over at the local school. Angela liked to be more involved with the kids these days, making more of an effort to take them places and be present when they wanted her around. It was what Bianca had been hired to do, but since they were all three of them in this relationship together, the division of childcare had become a little more even.

  "What do you mean?" She asked, lifting her head from his chest and looking at him with curiosity.

  "She knows that you’ll be able to keep your head better than I’d be able to," he explained. "You haven’t been around them for so long, you haven’t heard shit about them going back more than a decade. It’s good that you’re going to be there, trust me. Good for her, good for me, good for all of us."

  And that’s what Bianca was trying to keep in the front and center of her mind as they pulled up the long graveled driveway to the enormous country mansion that Angela’s family lived in. She had asked a few questions about what to expect from Angela’s family, but Angela had always been pretty quick to duck them, not wanting to go into too much detail. Families were tough, Bianca understood that, but she hoped that she would be able to make Angela’s interactions with her own a little easier to handle.

  "You sure you’re ready for this?” Angela fretted from her seat beside. Bianca nodded, and reached over to take her hand – and then realized at once the mistake she had made. She drew her hand back quickly, placing it back in her lap, glaring at it as though it had betrayed her personally. She needed to remember that this was all supposed to be hidden – if her family caught wind of what was happening, Angela seemed convinced that the entire world would come crashing down around them.

  "I know I am," Bianca assured her. "It’s going to be fine, really. You just tell them I’m the nanny, and they won’t suspect a thing."

  "The nanny who sleeps in our bed with us?” Angela asked, a half-smile on her face.

  "Please tell me you at least booked separate rooms," The younger woman replied. Angela widened her eyes, as though the thought had only just crossed her mind. Bianca’s jaw dropped – but then Angela burst out laughing, letting her know that it was a joke.

  "Hey, hey, I’m kidding," she assured her, and she patted her leg, out of the view of the driver. That was the good thing about being in this relationship with a woman, that most people would just go out of their way to see any physical contact as nothing more than an expression of friendly affection. Even when it was obvious that it went far beyond that.

  "Thank goodness," Bianca sighed. But in truth, she was a little sad to think about spending the next few days so far from the arms of the people she wanted to be close to. She knew it was the only logical choice, all things considered, beca
use people were already likely to find it a little strange that they had brought their so-called nanny all the way across the pond to a family wedding, but anything more than that and people’s suspicions might have peaked.

  They were only there for a week. One week. Bianca was sure she could survive a week doing anything at all. A week not allowed to be close to them wouldn’t be any worse than all that time she had spent tormenting herself over the natural desire and lust that existed inside of her. Before they had gotten together, she could never have allowed herself to give herself over so freely to what she really wanted, not when she knew it was both of them. But now, that was distantly behind her, and all she desired was the chance to express the want for the two of them that seemed to rule her much of the time.

  But she would have to find a way to go one week without it. She was sure she could manage, given that the other option was to sit at home with the kids and not be anywhere near them – no, she knew she could never have managed something like that, not now that they were all finally involved with one another. It was frustrating to think of the fact that her family would have torn her a new one if they had found out about her involvement with the help, but that was just how it was. Not only in old-fashioned families like this one, but in society as a whole. People didn’t like the thought of what the three of them were doing together. It was too much of a threat to everything they had held close and dear for so long, she suspected. If this could work – and it did – then what else outside the male-female binary marriage could make as much sense? It was a door that people at large tended to want to keep closed.

  Especially when they themselves were planning on tying the knot. Having a husband hook up with the staff was a cliché so obvious that sometimes even Bianca had to accept that it was crazy. She didn’t care, of course, not any longer – mainly because nobody had ever given her a reason to care, because nobody knew the truth behind it. But yeah – getting hired by a married couple and then becoming their live-in mutual lover while also helping raise their kids? It wasn’t exactly standard-issue.

  The estate was in Sussex, way out in the country where only those with the directions could find it. And Bianca had seen plenty of luxury up until that point – she had been working for the two of them for a while, of course, and they hardly did things by halves – but this was beyond anything she could have imagined, even in her wildest dreams.

  The car stopped outside the mansion, and the driver leapt to grab their stuff from the back of the car. Bianca climbed out and gazed up at the house for a moment, her jaw hanging open in complete and utter shock.

  "This is really the place?”

  "This is really the place," Angela confirmed for her, a small smile on her face, clearly amused by her reaction.

  The house towered over Bianca, large and imposing – grey flagstones made up the walls, and windows that looked as though they had been polished to near-nuclear standards beamed down all around her. A large wooden red door stood proudly in the center of a huge stone archway that led into the house. Angela didn’t even wait before she headed all the way inside, leaving Bianca scrambling to catch up with her.

  Zev and the kids were following close behind, and Bianca decided that her best course of action was to stick with the older woman – she would know better than anyone else how to navigate this strange scenario.

  "Angela!” A voice exclaimed happily as Bianca hurried to catch up with her lover. She practically tripped over a large flagstone as she caught her balance, trying not to crash to the floor.

  "Great to see that you made it," A woman called to Angela, as she came down a huge, sweeping staircase towards the two of them. "And you’re only a little late, we’ve hardly even gotten started."

  "Good to see you too, Mum," Angela greeted her mother and gave her a quick hug. Bianca had to hold back her snarky comment – she had never heard such passive-aggression in her life.

  "And where are Zev? The children?" Her mother asked Angela, her gaze sliding over to Bianca. "I assume your girl hasn’t grown up this much?"

  "No, this is my nanny, Bianca," Angela explained. "She’s here to keep an eye on the kids for us."

  "Well, she doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job of it so far," The mother remarked. "They’re not even here..."

  And with that, the entire situation seemed to get even worse. Bianca was beginning to understand exactly why Zev had been so insistent on not having Angela go up here by herself. Now that she could see it in person, Bianca understood – Angela would have had to deal with this sugar-coated sharpness all by herself. She could hardly work out how Zev put up with letting them speak to his wife that way, but families were complicated at the best of times, let alone when they had this much money and influence.

  The rest of the day came as a rush, going so fast that Bianca could hardly take everything in. It was a good thing, then, in some respects, that nobody seemed that bothered about making an effort to speak to her. She was the help, as far as they were concerned, and the help wasn’t exactly someone to bother yourself with if you could avoid it. Every time they saw her chatting with the kids, they seemed to lose interest in her even further. But Bianca had learned to listen in as well as she could, and she managed to figure out what was going on and wrap her head around everyone she was dealing with here.

  Angela had two sisters – Martha and Lydia – of whom the latter was getting married to her boyfriend of the last ten years, Martin. Her mother and father were in their early sixties, and they moved around the house like they couldn’t even see anyone else. The way they talked to each other, it was clear that they had chosen to stay inside this little bubble of theirs for as long as they possibly could. The outside world was a secondary factor; as long as they had this place, all the money, all the prestige, nothing else mattered.

  It wasn’t until a few hours after their arrival that anyone bothered to show Bianca where she was going to be staying – she had a small room just down from where Angela and Zev would be sleeping, between them and the children. It was discreet enough that she wouldn’t have to worry about being caught sneaking off into their room later in the evening.

  And that’s just what she did – after she had put the kids to bed, and after she had snacked down on the meal that had been sent to her room, she listened for them to return to their room. As soon as she heard the door close, she opened hers and slipped down the hallway and into their room.

  "Hey," Bianca greeted them, and Angela looked up from where she had planted herself down on the bed. She managed a small smile as she peeled her high heels off.

  "Hey," she replied. "Everything okay? The kids get to sleep alright?"

  "Yeah, they did," Bianca assured her. "How was the rest of your evening?”

  "Pretty much unlivable, but we made it," Zev filled her in, loosening his tie and slumping down in a seat next to the window. The sun was setting in the distance, glowing on the horizon, and the way it lit the two of them up made them look as though they had come from another planet entirely. A planet that Bianca would much rather be on right now than here.

  "Here, let me help you with that," Bianca told Angela, as she dropped to her feet in front of her and started helping her with her shoes. They had silk ties around the ankles that were bound tight as though she had been making sure that they weren’t going to come off, the fabric biting into her skin.

  Bianca traced her fingers over her ankle and slowly undid the ties. She didn’t want to hurt her, and she didn’t want to break the shoes while she was in the process. Taking her time, she unwrapped the ties from her skin and eased the shoes off her feet. Angela let out a sigh of relief as soon as she had freed her feet from their confines.

  "There, is that better?" Bianca asked, taking one of her feet in her hands and softly massaging it.

  "Much," she replied. Bianca leaned down and kissed one of her feet, gently, just softly. Enough to tell her hey, I know how hard this is. I’m here for you right now.

  "Take off her dres

  Zev’s command caught Bianca off-guard for a second, but when she glanced around and saw the look on his face, she knew that he wasn’t kidding. And she didn’t want him to be either.

  She slowly rose to her feet, and moved behind Angela, brushing her hair away from the zip of her dress and peeling it down her body. She loved the way her spine moved beneath her skin, writhing like a snake trapped in a cage. Bianca slowly pushed down the straps of the dress and let it fall from her body, lifting her slowly as it rolled down her shoulders.

  Bianca glanced over at Zev, silently asking him what she should do next. His eyes were inscrutable, but he was enjoying what he was seeing, she could see that much. Normally this would be the point where he would join the two of them, but he seemed more than happy to stand back and watch.

  "Take off your clothes," He demanded. Angela looked at Bianca, and Bianca could tell that the older woman was silently agreeing with her husband, telling her to go further, to play more dangerously. If anyone had seen Bianca walk in to this room, there could be some serious trouble. But it didn’t matter – all that mattered was pleasing them, pleasing them both, making sure that she gave them everything they wanted.

  She undressed, taking her time. She had felt so out of place when she’d arrived here, in her jeans and her tee, compared to everyone else who had been wearing these gorgeous designer garments. When she was naked, she felt more like she belonged. She was serving them, the way that they needed her to. She was part of them and they were part of her, and when they asked her to do something, she did it.

  Slipping her panties off, she stepped out of her clothes and stood there before them, completely naked. Her heart was pounding. She knew that anything that they asked for, she would be compelled to give them.

  "On your knees," Zev commanded, and she did as she was told at once, as though she was under his spell. When he spoke to her like that, with that tone of voice, she knew that there was no choice but for her to take care of his desires.


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