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Submissive Nanny

Page 17

by Viktor Redreich

  "No, they’re not," Angela replied. "They love Bianca, actually, and I know she dotes on them, too."

  "You can’t be serious with this," Her mother shot back, one last time, still groping hurriedly for proof that she was actually in the right. But Bianca could see her resolve wavering – she could see her certainty beginning to drop away, to slide from her face. She felt a swell of triumph in her chest. They might not have won every battle that lay ahead of them, but they had sure as hell managed to knock this one out of the park.

  "You can get out, or you can accept this, Mum," Angela told her mother, one last time. "The choice is yours. We’re not going to push it on you. But if you can’t accept this, I’m going to have to ask that you get out of here and don’t bother coming back again, because this is the way that I want to live my life."

  The room was silent for a moment, as though nobody could believe that Angela had really just said all that to her mother. Hell, even Zev seemed tense as he tried to wrap his head around what had happened. Bianca had seen just how foul Diana could be, and she couldn’t remember ever being more impressed with Angela in her life. She had stood up to her family. She had struck out and reminded them that this was her life and that she got to live it any way that she saw fit.

  Diana took a step back down the stairs, away from Angela, and with that, the curse seemed to have been broken.

  The rest of that day...well, it was hardly a walk in the park, Bianca had to admit, but she enjoyed every second of it. She got to actually be with Zev and Angela. She could hold their hands and kiss their cheeks and laugh at their jokes and with them.

  The whole family was there – well, everyone who had turned out for the now-aborted wedding, at least. It was strange, to think of how all of them must view Bianca. They had decided at first that she was a homewrecker, steaming into the lives of this family and making it impossible for them to go on with her in tow. But, as the night wore on, people seemed to come around to what was happening. Bianca slipped out to pick up the kids from school, and she noticed a few people watching her with interest as she came back in, noticing how good she was with them. It was a strange notion, to be looked at in such a new way so suddenly. She had been the help up until so recently, and now, all at once, she was part of the family. A tentative part, for sure, but a part nonetheless.

  Bianca hung back in the kitchen for a little while as everyone milled around them – and, soon enough, Diana appeared in the doorway. She’d been drinking all day, and Bianca could hardly blame her. Finding out that your daughter was in a three-way relationship with the nanny had to come as something of a shock to any mother, let alone one who had always seemed as old-fashioned as Diana had.

  "Bianca?” She asked, and Bianca nodded to her in greeting, still cautious. She knew that Diana wasn’t going to lash out at her daughter or her son-in-law, so it might just be that she got to bear the brunt of her annoyance over the situation.

  "Yes?” Bianca asked, a little nervously. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. This wasn’t exactly the relationship she had dreamed of having with her in-laws, but if that was what it took, she would give her the time of day, the chance to make things right.

  "I just wanted to say..." Diana began, gathering herself up and clearly forcing herself to take a run-up at what she was going to come out with.

  "That I’m sorry for the way I treated you before," she finally admitted. "I can see now that this is… well, that this is something that makes my daughter very happy. And I don’t think I want to know anything more about it than that, but as long as you keep doing that, I can’t argue with it. Alright?"

  "Apology accepted," Bianca replied, and Diana offered her a smile – a genuine one, this time, not one that was just meant to paper over the cracks of her obvious distaste for Bianca. Bianca felt a surge of hope – that maybe, just maybe, she could actually forge something of a good relationship with this woman out of what they had started with. She knew it was a long shot, but they had to try. They were family now, like it or not, and whatever happened with them, it happened to everyone, too.

  "You guys alright in here?” Angela asked as she appeared in the doorway, hovering over the two of them nervously as she tried to figure out what was going on. Bianca nodded.

  "We’re fine," she assured Angela and, just because she could, she went over to her lover and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Angela smiled and put her arm around Bianca’s waist.

  "I think there’s still plenty of party to get back to," Diana remarked, gesturing towards the door. "Enough of you two canoodling in the kitchen, you have guests to entertain.

  "I suppose we do," Angela agreed, and she beamed at Bianca for a moment. Being bathed in the brightness of her acceptance, of her support, Bianca felt as though the sun was beaming down on her and her alone. And she knew that she would be able to make it through any of this, no matter what the rest of the night threw at her. Because she had Angela. She had Zev. And they had her.

  Chapter 28

  How does it feel?

  "Oh my God," Angela muttered, as she practically sprinted past Bianca in a rush to find a dress that she could actually wear.

  "Slow down, slow down!” Bianca called to her, stopping her in her tracks. "You alright? You look like you’re going to burst."

  "I feel like I can’t breathe," Angela moaned to herself. "This is just… I can’t believe Lydia’s actually doing this while she’s here in the States."

  "Me neither," Bianca agreed, and she turned her attention to the mirror in front of her. She hoped she looked alright. She had her hair half-up, half-down, and was trying to figure out just how she wanted to have her hair sitting for this wedding.

  This wedding. She could hardly believe that it was actually happening. Lydia, tipsy after a few too many glasses of wine, had announced the first night that they’d all arrived at the house that she wanted to get married while she was in the city.

  "What are you talking about?” Angela gasped, shooting a panicked look over at Zev and Bianca, who were just about ready to start going to bed.

  "It’s a celebration of love!" Lydia had declared happily. Bianca’s jaw dropped as she realized that she wasn’t, somehow, actually kidding around. This was real. This was actually happening.

  "Are you sure you don’t want to wait until you’re back home?” Zev asked, clearly ready to get rid of the bunch of them sooner rather than later. Bianca understood it, she did – they had hardly been welcoming of Bianca at first, and she wanted to do what she could to make Zev feel comfortable.

  "We should do it here, while everyone’s around," Lydia sighed happily. "Think how perfect it would be! We were thinking about eloping anyway..."

  "You were thinking about eloping?” Diana squeaked, clearly shocked by the revelation. Bianca had to admit, she was in the same boat. She had never thought of any member of this family as the kind who would just do something as wild and crazy as taking off to get married on a whim.

  "Yes, we didn’t want to do the whole big church wedding thing," Lydia replied. The booze had made her tongue looser than it had been before, and Bianca was pretty taken with this version of her. She could imagine sneaking out late at night to drink and dance with this Lydia, the one who had been offering to make her drinks all evening long.

  "I want to do it while we’re here," she explained. "It won’t take much to convince him that this is for the best, and we already have the wedding license, after all..."

  And from there, everything that had happened had been in double-time. They had thrown together the wedding as fast as they could, getting as much together as they could manage without letting the quality of the event slip. Diana, it turned out, was pretty impressive when she turned her skills to actually helping instead of hindering, and she used her considerable influence to get what she wanted for her daughter. She even spent an afternoon with Bianca, helping to pick out flowers.

  "If you’re going to be sticking around," she told her briskly. "I supp
ose I should get to know you a little better."

  It wasn’t much, but it was a start. And a start was all that she had needed, anyway. Bianca chose peonies, soft pink and sweet. The wedding was thrown together as fast as they could all manage it, and soon enough, they were standing there in a registry office, watching as Lydia got married to the man of her dreams. Bianca had been sure that the fact she was ducking out of the wedding was an indicator that she wasn’t feeling too keen on her husband-to-be, but as she watched her say her vows and share a kiss with her beloved, Bianca understood that it had been more about the enormity of the wedding than it had anything else. Maybe they had a little more in common than she realized.

  After the wedding was done, everyone headed out to a local bar to drink beer and wine and put away cheap bar food as they talked over the music. It was far from the fancy affair that had been planned back when they had been in England, but maybe it was a little more applicable to reality than that event had been. Everything out there had been steeped in tradition, but perhaps once in a while, it was alright to dismiss the call of what had been to give in to the call of what felt right, instead.

  Speaking of which. Bianca danced with Angela and Zev for most of the night, one at a time, laughing and hanging on to them as she got drunker and drunker and tried to remember a time when she had felt this happy. A few people were watching them with confusion, clearly not really sure how any of this actually worked, but that was for them to figure out and Bianca to just enjoy while she could. She quite liked being this mysterious woman of mystery, anyway – there was something to be said for just getting over the notion of what people thought of her and embracing what she truly wanted in the face of it all.

  By the time they made it home, all of them were a little more than drunk – they giggled as they came through the door, the kids already asleep upstairs, dealt with by Diana in a brisk but motherly fashion. Angela pressed her finger to her lips to indicate that they should keep it down, and Bianca had to bite back a shriek of laughter at the sight of her trying to play it so cool. Zev had an arm around both women and was guiding them towards the stairs, towards the bedroom. Bianca couldn’t believe that, just a few days ago, she had been planning on walking out of this place once and for all – she had been done, ready to leave, ready to give up. Well, now, she couldn’t think of anywhere in the world she wanted to be more than right there, by their sides.

  They made it to the bedroom, and Bianca hopped on one foot as she pulled off her shoes. She tossed them aside and caught hold of the dressing table to keep herself from toppling over on the spot.

  "Here, let me help," Zev offered, and he came over and unzipped the dress she had slipped into for the occasion. Bianca shivered as he traced his hands down her arms, letting the dress fall away from her completely. Still, after all this time, his touch made her crazy. She could remember when it had been so taboo for her to even enjoy it, but now she wanted to bathe in it until there was nothing left but the feeling of his hands on her body, the feeling of him touching her, using her...

  "And what exactly do you think you’re doing with my husband?” Angela asked, her voice commanding and a little flirty. Bianca opened her eyes and stole a glance at the older woman – she had that look in her eyes, that one that told her that this was going to make for a fun game to play.

  "Oh, I’d almost forgotten you were there," Bianca joked playfully, and Angela cocked an eyebrow. She was standing there in the doorway, still in her heels, towering on the spot as though she could have plucked Bianca right off the spot and gotten her to do anything at all that she wanted.

  "Well, if you’re going to do this right in front of me, the least you can do is get it right," Angela remarked, and her eyes traced down the two of them together, clearly trying to figure out how best to orchestrate their debauchery. Bianca shivered. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that Angela had this edge to her, this hardness that could command and control anyone in the room around her. The very first time they had been together, Angela had pushed Bianca to her knees and made her eat her husband’s seed from her pussy. That was the kind of woman she could be.

  "Get on your knees," she ordered, and Bianca did as she was told at once. She knew better than to argue with Angela when she had that look in her eyes, when she seemed so certain that this was what she needed from them. Bianca, wearing only a pair of panties, sank to her knees before Zev and gazed up at him. His jaw was tight and he was just as ready for this as she was, but they were both waiting for Angela’s command to keep going.

  "Take his dick into your mouth," she commanded, and Bianca slipped her hand beneath Zev’s pants obediently and took his impressive cock into her hand. It was hard to believe that this was the only cock she had ever encountered in her entire life – she felt like she had so much experience now, so much that she had explored about herself and about the people around her. She closed her eyes and extended her tongue, and let it trail around the head of his cock, tasting the drop of precum that was already waiting for her when she began. She had seen it in his eyes when they had been dancing with one another, how badly he had wanted this. He had grabbed her hips and grasped her ass like he was already thinking about what he was going to do when he got her alone – though Bianca doubted that he had imagined his wife would be the one calling the shots.

  "All the way in," Angela ordered her, and Bianca sealed her lips around his cock and started guiding him deeper into her mouth. She let out a soft moan, and put her fingers between her legs so that she could pleasure herself as this was happening – but Angela seemed to have different rules in place for her that particular day.

  "Hands behind your back. Hold them there. Don’t touch anything until I say that you can."

  Bianca hesitated for a moment, but then did as she was told. She intertwined her fingers behind her back, though her pussy was crying out for the attention that it so sorely needed. She wanted to play with herself, to caress herself, to give herself some of the relief she had been craving all day long, but she knew that waiting was only going to make it even sweeter when she got there.

  Zev placed his hand on her shoulder and started to fuck her mouth – he went slow at first, letting her get used to the feel of it so she didn’t gag on his dick, but then picked up the pace. She loved being used by him in this way – she knew it was filthy, knew it was wrong, but there was a thrill to letting herself be taken like this that she could never get enough of. She could feel his cock hitting the back of her throat and all she wanted was more, more, more. Tasting his dick, tasting it as it filled her mouth, as it passed her lips...

  "Suck his balls," Angela demanded, and Bianca moved to the task at once, as though she had been compelled by some unseen force to do just that. Lowering her mouth to his testicles, he held his cock out of the way as Bianca traced her tongue softly over the wrinkled skin of his nuts, slowly parting her lips so that she could take each one into her mouth in turn. They were heavy and full of sperm, and Bianca was already craving it spread out over her face or her tits or inside her pussy...

  She let out a moan, unable to hold it in any longer, and Zev’s cock twitched in his hand. She knew that he was hungering to be inside her just the same way she was aching to feel him. But she was under Angela’s spell, and until the older woman gave her permission to take what she wanted, then she was just going to have to hold out for now.

  Zev pulled her mouth from his balls and drew her attention back to his cock. She was almost panting by then, so ready for what came next but knowing she was going to have to hold out for what she was aching for so badly. She swallowed as much of him as she could, taking him deep into her throat, pleased with the revelation that she could deepthroat him with such ease these days. He was thrusting back against her mouth, filling her with his dick, and she could only clamp her hands tighter behind her back and try to work out some of the excess tension that was building back there.

  But just before Bianca managed to coax her man over the edge and into an org
asm, Angela’s hands wove through her hair, pulling her back and away from her husband. Bianca caught her breath, her head yanked backward so that she had no choice but to look at Angela, deep into her eyes. There was cruelty there, no doubt about it, but a passion, too – something deep and dark and lustful that made her heart pound in her chest. Angela leaned down, as though she was about to kiss Bianca, but pulled back at the last moment, leaving her groaning into the thin air where Angela’s mouth should have been.

  "Take off your panties and bend over," Angela commanded her, and Bianca rose to her feet and carried out the order at once. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to submit this way. She was always surprised at how easily it came to her, as though she had always been waiting for someone to step forward and tell her how to live her life – as though she had always been waiting for people like Zev and Angela, the people who could make everything better, who could make everything work for her.

  She pulled off her panties and tossed them aside, and slowly bent over the bed – she wasn’t facing either of them, but she could feel them both watching her, their eyes on her as they took her in, took in her submission, her willingness to let them do whatever they wanted to her. She bit her lip as she felt a pair of hands grasp her hips – Zev or Angela? She didn’t know. She didn’t care.

  She felt the head of Zev’s cock nudging up against the opening to her slit, and she let out a long, soft moan that filled the room around them. Any other time, she might have been worried about waking the kids, but she knew they were fast asleep. She could just let herself have this, let herself be taken by this...

  "Spread your pussy for him," Angela ordered her, and she began to move around the room, to a seat just to the side of the bed, where she could take in everything that was happening in front of her. Bianca reached back and parted her legs, making sure that his cock was welcome to slide deep into her as soon as he wanted to. A small smile flickered over Angela’s face, and she seemed pleased by the obedience of the woman before her. Bianca would have given anything in her world to see that smile aimed at her again. That was the power that Angela had over her. Bianca would go out of her way to please her, to do anything that brought her pleasure, no matter...


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