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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

Page 25

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  “I know, but one day together will be awesome. Hey,” she said, “how about you call me at my midnight tonight, and I'll call you at your midnight, since we can't be together. It would at least seem like we're with each other.”

  “I like that,” Dylan replied. “I'll talk to you later. Have fun today, and don't let Chels get you in trouble.”

  Aimee replied with a snicker, “Will do.”

  She ended the call, put her cup in the sink, then went to get up Chels. Within forty minutes they were dressed and in the taxi to the spa. Aimee had never had a massage before so Chels was treating her to her first one in the couple's room so they could relax and chat together.

  After about half way through the massage, Chels couldn't keep quiet any longer. “I'm gonna miss you when you leave Tuesday,” she said. “You sure you don't wanna move out here with me and finish school? I think we could squeeze one more person in the apartment if you don't mind sleeping on our hide-a-bed,” Chels said while the therapists busily worked their magic.

  Aimee thought about it for a couple seconds, then answered, “Chels, I've had an amazing time, but where would we put Dylan?”

  Chels scoffed. “Oh, him. You know, there have been at least a half dozen guys, maybe more, this past week who would looove to ask you out, and at least one, you know Michael, the reeeeally cute one, mentioned to me he reeeaally was into you the other night when he met you at Rita's party.”

  “Michael? I figured he was into guys, not girls.”

  “Nope,” Chels confirmed. “He's as straight as a ruler.”

  “Well, thanks for trying to match-make, but I'm already taken, or have you forgotten? What is it, you don't like Dylan?” she asked a bit disappointed her best friend could even think of Aimee with another guy.

  “Of course I like Dylan, and I know how much you two care for each other, but I just think you need someone who will be dedicated to just you. You know, if Dylan does get snagged by some team after college, he's not gonna be around much during preseason and when they're playing. I just think you would be better off with someone who can dote on you all of the time.”

  Just then, Aimee's therapist turned her over into supine. While she got settled, she thought about what Chels said. Chels was right. Aimee would be home a lot by herself when Dylan was on the road, but she was willing to be apart as long as they were together whenever he wasn't playing. Besides, a little time away from each other makes the heart grow stronger, and the sex better when you're back together, Aimee snickered to herself. “Chels, thanks for looking out for me, like you've always done, but I think I'll take my chances with Dylan. It'll work out just fine.”

  “All right, but I'm just saying that you have other options if you ever get tired of being by yourself. I bet you’ve already had plenty of time alone this quarter, huh?”

  Aimee replied, “Yeah, but I just have to make a life of my own when he's gone so I don't get lonely. Only I'm not you, Chels. I'm not a social butterfly. I need to be better at making friends.”

  Chels looked over at Aimee for a few seconds, then replied, “I know, Aimee, but if you were here I could help you, just like I did when we were kids.”

  “Yep,” Aimee answered. “I know why you want me out here so bad.”

  Chels inquired, “Why?”

  “Cause you miss your BFF, don't you?”

  Both were quiet for a long moment. “Yeah, you're right. I miss my BFF. But I love it here, so I'm not ever coming back to Oregon,” admitted Chels. “Well, maybe once in a while to see family and friends, but this is gonna be my home, so I guess you better get used to coming for a visit. Kay?”

  “Kay,” Aimee replied.

  After pampering themselves, the two made it home to get ready for New Years Eve. It was almost time to leave. Aimee pulled her heels on, then stood up and twirled around in the full length mirror checking out her attire. She looked amazing, and she felt quite sexy, but she really didn't want to feel sexy without Dylan. So she took her phone, snapped some very steamy pictures, then texted them to Dylan. Within a a minute her phone rang. DT was on the screen. Aimee grinned, then answered, “Hey, did you get my pics?”

  “Damn, woman,” Dylan moaned, “I was using the head here at Jason and Mark's when the pictures came through. I can't leave the bathroom or they're gonna wonder what I've been doing in here.”

  Aimee snickered. “I'm sorry. Why don't you think about something or someone you don't like, and see if that helps. How about Brandi?”

  “Aimeeeee,” Dylan growled. “I so can't wait until you get here. I'll be thinking about these pictures until you get home.”

  “Just be sure to not share those with anyone, okay?”

  Dylan said quietly, “They're mine, sweetheart, and only mine. Man, I miss you so much.”

  “I miss you more. I'll be home Tuesday so you better be ready. We are gonna make love like we did in Paris.”

  “Promise?” asked Dylan.

  “You bet,” Aimee replied. “Hey, Chels is hollering at me it's time to go. We're going to eat, then head to Times Square for a little bit before we go to the party.”

  “Be safe, Aimee,” Dylan lectured. “Don't let anyone mess with you. I've worried about you the whole time you've been gone.”

  “I'm fine, Dylan,” Aimee assured him. “Chels gave me a mace gun. She carries one, too.”

  “Good, just be careful. There are a lot of friggin' weirdos out there who wouldn't think twice about taking advantage of you. And that includes any guys at the party.”

  “Dylan, if I didn't know better, I'd think you're jealous,” teased Aimee.

  Quickly he denied it. “No, I'm not jealous, I just want you to come home safe and not have to deal with some horny bastard hitting on you, that's all.”

  Aimee shook her head. This side of Dylan had recently emerged after the encounter with Joseph, and she wasn't sure she liked it. “Dylan, I promise I'll be fine. I've gotta go now. Are you gonna call me at nine, like we discussed?”

  “You bet. I'll talk to you in few hours. Love you, babe,” Dylan said.

  Automatically Aimee replied, “Love you more.”

  Three hours later she and Chels finally made it to the party. The apartment was huge compared to Chelsea's apartment, and it was packed with lots of people who worked at the modeling agency, famous models, and people from the fashion and artsy world. Of course, Aimee didn't know anyone, but Chels introduced her to everyone, and everyone treated Chels like she was their best friend. Aimee wasn't surprised. Chels seemed to fit in well with the ritzy crowd. It didn't take long before Chels was match-making again. She introduced Aimee to one of the photographers at the agency, Zane, then Chels quickly excused herself to go help the hostess in the kitchen. Aimee tried to be socially polite and visit just long enough, then excuse herself to go find her best friend, but it seemed like Zane wasn't going to let her disappear. And if she did get away, it wasn't long before Zane tracked her down. He had been drinking since he got there. Aimee was cold sober. Zane was getting too close for Aimee's liking, but she had to stay cordial enough so she wouldn't embarrass Chels. These people were important to Chels. She tried to duck Zane's relentless pursuit, but he stuck to her like glue. And he seemed to have arms like an octopus. Aimee thought about hiding in the bathroom the rest of the night if he didn't keep his arm off her shoulder. A couple minutes before midnight, everyone grabbed a flute of champagne. Aimee took a glass like everyone else, even though she really didn't want it. At the countdown of the new year, Aimee's phone suddenly rang. She pulled her phone from the clutch and spotted DT and immediately answered. The room was loud with people counting down and music blaring. Before she could get the phone to her ear, Zane loudly asked, “Do you mind if I kiss you at midnight?” Aimee shot him a disgusted stare, then quickly excused herself.

  Except Dylan had overheard Zane from his end. “Whothahell is that?!” Dylan demanded as soon as Aimee greeted him. Just at that moment, midnight struck and the noise exploded so Aimee
couldn't hear anything else. Then the call suddenly dropped. Aimee weaved through the crowded celebration to find a quieter place. She found the closest bathroom, then locked herself in. It was quiet enough to at least hear a conversation. Panicked she rapidly hit Dylan's number.

  On the first ring, he answered, “Whatthahell is going on there, Aimee?! Who was that I heard asking if he could kiss you?” The anger in his voice oozed through the phone.

  “Dylan...” Aimee began, but that was all she got out.

  “I knew something would happen if you went by yourself to New York!”

  Aimee tried again, “Dylan, please don't do this. I didn't do anything.” Her voice quivered. She was on the verge of losing it. After all, just like his jealously over Joseph, Aimee hadn't done anything with Zane to be jealous about. She had to convince Dylan. If he trusts me, Aimee wondered, then how can he think I would cheat on him? The tears had already stirred and were running down her cheeks. There was a long, painful silence. “Dylan? Are you still there?” Aimee finally asked, the emotion obvious in her voice.

  After several seconds, he answered, “What?”

  “Dylan, this guy has been stalking me all evening. I've wanted to leave since I got here, but Chels is having a great time, and she said the party is just getting started.”

  Dylan insisted, “Then get a cab and go back to the apartment.”

  “All right. I'll call a cab and get Chelsea's key. I don't think I can stay here. This guy is creeping me out.” Aimee could sense just how upset Dylan was. “Dylan, I'm so sorry you heard that. I promise I'll get out of here as soon as we hang up.”

  “You better,” he ordered. “Man, I wish I was there. I'd kick his ass.”

  “Dylan, I'm okay. The guy's been drinking, and I'm sure as soon as I leave he'll be hitting on someone else. Don't worry, he's not a problem for me.”

  Again more silence. Finally, Dylan said, “I need to go.”

  “Where are you?” Aimee asked.

  “I'm at Amanda and Tim's,” he answered shortly.

  “Dylan,” Aimee started, the quivering returning. “Are you gonna wish me a Happy New Year?”

  A few seconds went by before he muttered, “Sure. Happy New Year. So are you going back to the apartment?”


  “Right now?”

  “Yes, right now. I'll call you when I get there. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he replied. “Be careful.”

  “I will. I'll talk to you in a bit.” Dylan ended the call without another word. Aimee stuffed her phone back in the clutch. She looked into the mirror at the mascara running down her face. She took a tissue, wet it, then tried to rub the mascara off. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

  “I'll be out in a sec,” she responded as she turned off the water. She tossed the tissue in the trash basket, swiped her bangs out of her eyes, cleared her throat, then opened the door. Chels was in the doorway.

  “You okay?” Chels immediately inquired.

  “Yeah,” Aimee answered trying to disguise the emotion. She stepped out into the hall. The party seemed to be even louder than it was a few minutes earlier.

  Chels continued, “Well, you disappeared, and Zane didn't know what happened to you.”

  Aimee figured she better resort to a white lie. “Well, I guess too much fun this week has caught up with me. I'm getting one of my migraines.”

  “I'm sorry. Do you wanna go back to the apartment?”

  Aimee felt a big relief Chels brought it up first. “Do you mind?” Aimee replied. “I mean, I can get a cab to go back by myself, and you can stay here and party. I don't wanna ruin your New Year’s Eve.”

  “You sure?” Chels asked. “I really would like to stay a while longer.”

  “No, I don't mind at all. You don't need to leave now to babysit me. I'm just gonna take some ibuprofen, and then go to bed.”

  Chels dug into her clutch and pulled out her keys. “Here,” she said, then she handed Aimee some money.

  “No, I'm not taking that. I've got money.” Aimee handed the two twenties back to Chels. “Besides, you'll need it to get home. You gonna be okay?” asked Aimee.

  Chels chuckled, then said, “Oh, I'll be fine. I'm used to going all night.”

  Aimee just shook her head, then hugged her best friend. She said, “Well, I'll see you in the morning.”

  Chels smiled at her best friend, “Don't worry. I'll be home early, and we'll go out for lunch. Tomorrow's your last day. I don't plan on sleeping in all day.”

  Aimee smiled, then headed back into the living room. Zane was on the other side of the room. It looked like he had already found another girl to harass. Aimee spotted the hostess. She quickly wound through the crowd of people, thanked her and her partner for inviting Aimee, then left without Zane noticing her exit. As soon as she got outside of the building, a taxi pulled up, and Aimee jumped in and gave the driver the address. The cab jerked away from the curb and sped towards Cobble Hill.

  It was almost 12:50 when she finally got into the apartment. She flew to her room, slid out of her heels and dress, then got into a pair of comfortable sweats and a t-shirt. She grabbed her phone from the clutch, and immediately hit Dylan's number. The call went straight to voice mail. Irked, Aimee left a rambling message she was home, and pleaded that he call her back as soon as he got the message. Aimee hung up and tossed her phone on the bed. Her image in the mirror caught her attention. She looked a mess. She yanked the bobby pins from her updo, ran her fingers through her hair to loosen the weave, then headed to the bathroom to wash off the makeup, and brush her teeth. She went back to the room and grabbed her phone. Still no return call from Dylan. Aimee tried again. Again the call rolled to voice mail, and again she left a message begging him to call as soon as possible. She ended the call and headed for the kitchen. She grabbed a cup from the cabinet, filled it with water, and stuck it in the microwave. As soon as it was hot enough, Aimee dunked a tea bag in the cup, snagged her phone, and wandered into the living room. She found the remote and flipped on the TV. She looked at her phone, although she knew it hadn't rung. “Please, please, please call,” she said under her breath. Extremely frustrated, Aimee sighed heavily. She was going to wait a few minutes, then try Dylan again.

  Shortly before two, Aimee tried calling Dylan the fifth time since getting home. Finally, on the fifth ring, Dylan answered. “Hey,” he said. His voice didn't sound mad as before, but the tone in that one word didn't sound good.

  “You all right?” Aimee asked.

  “Fine. I'm fine,” he quickly answered. “Did you finally get away from that asshole?” Aimee noticed his words slurred a bit.

  Aimee asked, “Have you been drinking?”

  “Yeah, I've had a few. It's New Years, remember?” he said shortly.

  “I know,” Aimee replied. She paused a few seconds. Things seemed tense between the two of them. She had to convince him nothing had happened at the party. “Are you still at Amanda and Tim's ?” Aimee inquired.

  “Nope. I'm sitting in my car,” he replied.

  “Sitting in your FJ?” she repeated. “Why?”

  “I just needed to get out of the party and clear my head.”

  “Oh,” Aimee said. Again she paused a while. No one said anything. She couldn't stand the awful lull. “Hey, look Dylan...” she started.

  Dylan interrupted, “Aimee, I can't talk right now. I'll call you later.”

  Before Aimee could say another word, Dylan hung up. Aimee sat there staring at the TV not sure what had just happened. Her head started to hurt for real now. She put her phone down on the table and laid back on the couch. Scrambled thoughts poked through her brain. She had to find out what was going on. She knew Dylan. He wasn't just mad. He was acting strange. Aimee whipped up the phone again and hit his number. Instantly the call went to his voice mail. On the verge of sobbing, Aimee left a long-winded message about how worried she was, and how much she loved him, and that she understood why he was so upset, but there was
n't any reason to be mad. Aimee ended the call and sat staring at the phone. She hadn't done anything except try to be cordial with Chelsea's friends, at the same time keep Zane at bay. She didn't have anything to be sorry for, other than not being where she belonged, with Dylan on their first New Years as a couple. But he was the one who insisted she go to New York without him. And he was the one who seemed to have a trust issue. Aimee had to convince him somehow, but he wouldn't answer the phone so she texted him.

  Dylan...don't do this...PLEASE!!!...I love you with all my heart...nothing happened tonight...I'm worried about you me please!!!

  Aimee sent the text, then heard footsteps in the hallway followed by a light rap on the door. Aimee flew to the door and said, “Chels?”

  On the other side, Chels replied back, “Yeah, it's me.”

  Aimee quickly unlocked the four locks and pitched open the door. She needed her BFF desperately right now. She grabbed Chels and hugged her so tightly Chels couldn't breathe.

  “Aimee...I can't...breathe,” Chels got out.

  Instantly Aimee let go. “Sorry,” she said with tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

  “Hey,” Chels said after she closed the door, locked it swiftly, then took her friend's arm. “What's wrong?”

  Aimee couldn't hold back. She started crying. In between the sobs, she said, “I don't know.”

  “What do you mean you don't know?” Chels continued to quiz. “Something's gotta be upsetting you.”

  Aimee grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes, then blew her nose. Weepy, she tried to answer Chels as they both sat down on the couch together. Chels held on tight to Aimee's hand. Finally, Aimee was able to speak without breaking down. “Everything is screwed up. That dude, Zane, kept hitting on me all night, no matter how many times I told him I was committed, and then just as midnight was about to strike, Dylan called...” Aimee paused to get her breath.

  Chels grabbed her another clean tissue and asked impatiently, “Well, what happened?”


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