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Builder's Price: A Hotwife Novella

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by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  1: New Digs

  2: Old Temptations

  3: Revelations

  4: Indecent Invitation

  5: In Charge

  6: Slow Seduction

  7: Possibilities

  More from Lexi Archer

  Builder’s Price

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, August 2015

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: New Digs

  "So what do you think?"

  I couldn't believe it is what I thought. I turned to Abby and grinned, and she smiled right back at me. I turned back to the house before me. It was beautiful. It was incredible. I couldn't believe we'd actually finally been able to build our own house!

  "It looks wonderful," I said. "Right honey?"

  "Right," she said.

  As I was watching her I saw her eyes briefly dart over towards Blake. I looked at the builder, but his attention was all on the house. Which was a little bit of a surprise. Usually men didn't have any trouble paying attention to my wife, but every time we'd been around him he'd studiously avoided looking at her.

  Not that I dwelled on it too much. Blake was young enough and fit enough that I imagine he had plenty of girls beating down his door without him staring at other men's girls. Still, I couldn't help but wonder. It seemed guys staring at Abby was just a natural reaction that I was used to at this point, and it always confused me when I saw someone who didn't.

  Maybe he played for the other team and I just didn't realize it. It didn't exactly fit with the big burly builder image that I had in my head, but then again there was nothing saying that every gay guy I ever met had to be prancing around like he was on his way to the Folsom Street Fair or something.

  "So are you guys ready for the final inspection tour?" Blake asked.

  "You bet I am!" I said.

  "Sure," Abby said.

  I frowned as I looked at her. For some reason she seemed distant. She didn't seem quite as enthusiastic as I figured she'd be. This had been her dream for just as long as it had been mine, after all. We finally had enough money to build our own place after living in apartments forever. We'd always talked about how much we were looking forward to this day, and I figured she'd be just a little more excited.

  I shrugged. Oh well. I guess if she was going to be a downer then she could be a downer. I wasn't going to let it ruin my enjoyment of this moment though.

  We started with the living room. I'm sure there was all sorts of cool stuff about the walls and the paint that Abby could tell me about, I'd left most of that stuff to her, but I was immediately drawn to the glowing LCD screen in the room. Hey, what can I say? I've always been a technophile, and so I was always going to be drawn to the glowing screen in the room even if it wasn't offering a video game or something.

  "Nice," I said.

  I started hitting buttons and different options came up for climate control. Then I backed out and saw there was an option for an intercom system. Just like I'd asked for.

  Had this combination security system and intercom and everything else been a little pricey on top of everything else? Sure, but I figured if we were building a house to live in until we either died or were carted off to the nursing home then I wanted to make damn sure the house had everything I could possibly desire. And so we'd spent a little extra on this. I hit a button and the intercom menu popped up.


  I turned around to ask Abby what she thought of it, though something told me she wasn't going to be as impressed with the gadgets as I was. No, she'd been more concerned with things like granite countertops, what color we were going to paint various rooms, and making sure the builders weren't running over or screwing us. She'd been far more hands-on with most of that stuff than I was since she had more free time with her part time gig versus me usually working a lot of overtime.

  Only when I turned around it wasn't the scene I'd expected. No, she was standing there with her arms crossed under her breasts as Blake was pointing things out, but she looked standoffish. Now that was really weird. Usually Abby got along with everybody. Usually she had a ready smile on her face. The only time I'd seen her acting like that was when we were out together and a guy who was maybe a little too drunk decided to get a little too up close and personal with her.

  Only I'd never seen Blake do anything of the sort. Like I said, it was almost as though he didn't acknowledge my wife's existence as a sexual being whatsoever. He never even gave her a second glance. Much to my slight frustration, as screwed up as that sounded.

  "You've done a wonderful job," Abby said. "Really."

  There it was again. She sounded polite enough on the surface, but I knew her well enough to know when she was pissed off. Whenever she wasn't exactly happy. And right now she didn't sound all that happy.

  I decided to do a little bit of investigating. To see if she maybe needed a rescuer. It wouldn't be the first time I'd pulled her away from a guy she wasn't comfortable with, though I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she wouldn't be comfortable with Blake.

  "Hey babe," I said as I came up to them. Blake turned to me and smiled. "I was thinking about checking out some of the stuff upstairs. Do you want to join me?"

  Her answer was even more of a surprise than the standoffish way she'd been acting with Blake. She smiled at me and shook her head.

  "No honey," she said. "You go and check out everything upstairs. I'll be up there in a minute, but there are a couple of things I want to go over with Blake first."

  Okay. That was just a little odd. Usually when I swooped in to rescue her from someone she wasn't interested in talking to she took me up on the obvious offer immediately. Maybe I was completely off-base. Maybe I was completely misreading the entire situation.

p; Of course now I was stuck in a situation where I pretty much had to go upstairs or I'd look like an idiot. This despite the fact that I was suddenly interested in whatever it was she felt like she had to discuss with our builder. Maybe it was just me going a little crazy, but suddenly I had the feeling that whatever they were going to talk about didn't have anything to do with granite countertops.

  But there was no way out. If I stuck around now it would look weird. So I shrugged once more and moved to the stairs. Made my way up, casting one last lingering glance to my wife and the builder. The muscular builder standing there in a tight T-shirt still not looking at my wife.

  No, there couldn't be anything going on there. That was crazy talk. That was just my mind making things up. That was just an old fantasy that had been with me for years rearing its ugly head once more. A fantasy that I thought I'd gotten under control when I confessed it to Abby a couple of years ago, but it still came up every once in a while. Particularly when I saw her with other men who seemed interested in her.

  So why was my wifey sense tingling now that she was standing there with a guy who obviously couldn't be any less interested in her? Weird.

  So I made my way up the stairs and into the master bedroom. I smiled as I saw one of the telltale LCD screens that meant there was a control panel in the room. There was supposed to be one of these panels easily accessible from every room in the house, though not every room had a dedicated panel.

  On a lark I hit a button and realized one of the intercom channels was still open. I cocked an eyebrow and then I chuckled.

  I couldn't believe it. I'd wanted to be down there to hear what it was they were talking about, and now it appeared my fixation with technology was going to grant me that wish. I'd left the intercom channel from the living room open, and so all I had to do was hit a button and I could listen in on everything they were saying.

  So I hit the button, feeling a little guilty as I did so. I also made sure to stay absolutely quiet, and I pulled my phone out to silence it. The intercom went both ways, and the last thing that I wanted was to alert them to me listening in on whatever it was they were talking about because I had my phone go off on accident.

  Only as I heard their conversation I suddenly felt the urge to do a hell of a lot more than silence my phone. No, I grinned and switched over to a recording app. I held it up to the intercom and listened in as I pressed the record button. This conversation was definitely getting interesting, and I suddenly realized that maybe my wifey sense hadn't been quite as off as I initially thought.

  2: Old Temptations

  I looked Blake up and down. It was an involuntary reaction and I immediately schooled myself to looking straight at his face. The last thing I wanted was for him to catch me looking him over. He'd get that ridiculous smartass smile on his face, and I'd be torn between smacking him and kissing him which was quite the conundrum considering the ring on my finger.

  It was a look just like that one which had gotten me into trouble in the first place. That had led to that first little indiscretion that I promised would never happen again.

  Only it appeared he'd seen the look. He grinned and shook his head, a little laugh coming out. Even the way he laughed was so fucking sexy. His shoulders shook, his broad barrel chest moved back and forth. And that tight T-shirt!

  Can you say damn?

  It was almost as though he'd dressed like that on purpose. Which probably wasn't far from the truth. He knew exactly how I got around him, and so I'm sure he was playing it up. Hell, I was surprised Kevin didn't notice the interplay between us.

  Then again, maybe he had. He had come over with the whole rescue thing, after all. That was usually something he only did if we were out together and there was a guy hitting on me that I didn't want hitting on me. Only as I looked Blake up and down this was definitely a guy I wanted hitting on me!

  Broad shoulders. A muscular body. Six pack abs. Arms that looked more like tree trunks than actual human arms. Those tight jeans that he always wore around me that showed off that ass in the back and that bulge in the front that I almost couldn't believe was actually a cock. It had to be a sock he'd stuffed down there, because no man could be that big!

  He wasn't marriage material, or even long-term relationship material. Nothing like Kevin who had good looks and stability going for him. But still, he was the kind of guy I would've enjoyed having a little fun with back when I was in college. Back before I pledged myself to Kevin forever. Back before I had a ring on my finger. And so I'd figured it would be fun to fantasize. Fun to engage in a little bit of "what if?"

  Only that's what led to all the trouble in the first place.

  He moved closer. I felt my breathing picking up. I was in a sundress that was pretty thin. It looked damn good on me and I realized now that I was staring up Blake that on some subconscious level I'd probably worn this particular sundress because I wanted to look good for him.

  It was ridiculous. The last thing in the world that I wanted was to look good for a guy like Blake, even though looking good for a guy like Blake would've led to some interesting fun when I was younger and unattached. That wasn't me anymore though. My wild days were behind me. My days of slutting around were gone. I was a married woman, we were thinking about starting a family, and we'd just built this dream house together. The last thing I should be doing was giving into some of my baser urges.

  And yet still he moved closer. He moved his arms until they were down at my waist. I closed my eyes and I took in a deep breath. And that was a bad idea. Taking in a deep breath just allowed his scent to fill my nostrils. It was such a masculine scent. A mixture of his cologne and sweat and sheer fucking manliness. That smell was hitting my lizard brain and making me so fucking turned on. Already I could feel dampness in between my legs. Already I could feel my panties starting to soak, and all he'd done was grasp my waist!



  "What's wrong Abby?" he asked.

  I fixed him with what I hoped was my best withering stare. Unfortunately it was a withering stare that was somewhat ruined by the way I was breathing. It was ruined by the way my nipples were straining out for his body. By how much I desperately wanted, needed to feel him against me.

  I felt guilty even as I had those thoughts, even though it was the more animalistic parts of my mind that were taking over and thinking those thoughts in the first place. What can I say? I had safe married sex with my husband, and sometimes a girl wanted a guy to throw her down and take her. I definitely got that vibe from Blake, even though I knew it was so wrong.

  And yet at the same time there were times I found myself wondering if it really was so wrong. I found myself thinking back to the fantasy Kevin had admitted to me a couple of years ago. A fantasy that had seemed ridiculous at the time. A fantasy that I figured was his way of trying to get into a threesome or get into one of my friends' pants through some sort of stealth reverse psychology bullshit.

  Only it turned out he was absolutely serious. No games. He wanted to watch me with another guy. It was crazy, it was insane, it went against everything I thought I knew about monogamy, and yet there it was. He was obsessed with the idea of me with another man.

  At least he had been obsessed with the idea of me with another man. Right after he told me about that particular fantasy it had resulted in some of the most intense sex of our life. He'd been like a man possessed. He'd been wild, crazy, everything I was projecting onto Blake and then some. I was more than willing to indulge him in the fantasy if it resulted in sex that amazing even if I had absolutely no intention of ever actually going through with it.

  Of course it seemed that fantasy had lost some of its luster for my husband. At the very least he hadn't brought it up in the past year or so, and I hadn't brought it up either even though I'd wanted to, especially after the incident. I'd been afraid that if I did bring it up he'd think it was because I was fishing for a chance to get with another guy and not because I was interested in the animal
in bed that he became whenever he was seized by that particular fantasy. So I'd kept quiet even though I desperately wanted to say something.

  And after what happened with Blake… Well let's just say that my husband's fantasy had been at the forefront of my imagination ever since. It was all I could think about. I'd spun out fantasy scenarios for him when we were fucking back when his naughty fantasy of me with another man was a thing, but after the incident with Blake it had turned into a full-blown obsession for me as well. An obsession made all the more frustrating since it seemed to leave Kevin as soon as it infected me. I'd imagined those fantasy scenarios when I was having sex with Kevin, and it had given me a little boost even if my husband wasn't in on it. Even if I was suddenly afraid to bring up this fantasy that he'd been so afraid to bring up with me in the first place. It was a fucked up reversal of our initial situation where I was terrified of what he would think of me even as he'd been terrified of what I would think of him and his weird fantasy.

  I thought of Blake on top of me. I thought of Blake's muscular body pumping inside me when it was my husband blowing his load inside me. I thought about being a complete and total wanton slut, letting another man take me in every way possible. Letting another man completely dominate me while my husband watched. It was so fucking hot, and the star player in all those fantasies was none other than our hot builder Blake.

  Of course that was all firmly in the realm of fantasy. What was standing before me right now was one hell of a fantasy that had the very real potential to become reality if I let it. Only I was terrified to let that happen. My husband was upstairs in this house, any moment he could walk down and see us like this, and it had been long enough since he'd brought up his fantasy that I was terrified how he might take it if he saw me standing this close to another man.


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