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Nut Cream

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by Jade Buchanan

  Nut Cream by Jade Buchanan

  Nut [nuht] noun, verb.

  A dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell.

  Slang, Vulgar – a testis.

  Cream [kreem] noun.

  A soft solid or thick liquid containing medicaments or other specific ingredients, applied externally for a therapeutic, or cosmetic purpose.

  Slang, Vulgar – to have an orgasm.

  Toby Madison is coming into his mating phase, and is leaking pheromones all over the place. He is about to find out what happens to bad little wolves, in the best possible way. Cliff Bullen is more than ready to place his mark on the man he has always wanted as his mate – with a little help from a bottle of nut cream.


  "The talented Jade Buchanan delivers yet another laugh out loud funny and very sensual story." – Rosemary, Joyfully Reviewed

  “Ms. Buchanan is a talented writer with the ability to make even the seemingly impossible into the believable.” – Susan W., The Romance Studio

  “Jade Buchanan is a natural at creating believable characters and stories that reach out to the reader." – Scandalous Minx, Literary Nymphs

  “The sexual tension and the sexual culminations were so hot I was wiping the fog off my ebook reader’s screen." – Hayley, Fallen Angel Reviews

  Nut Cream


  Jade Buchanan

  Copyright 2019 Jade Buchanan

  Smashwords edition

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Chapter One

  “Hey, can you hand me the nut cream?”

  Toby Madison whirled, startled by the deep voice behind him. Nut cream? What the hell?

  The man standing in front of him wore a shit-eating grin, the corners of his full lips tilted up and the sides of his expressive baby blue eyes crinkled. Wonderful, just what he needed today—Cliff Bullen. The man could give a statue a hard-on. Too damn bad Toby wasn’t interested.

  He snorted—like hell he wasn’t interested. He blushed when Cliff continued to grin at him.

  Cliff towered over him by about half a foot. He was built like a linebacker—solid, ripped and all muscle. His black hair was cut short, just curling above his ears. He was dressed casually, in a pair of worn jeans and a black tee. Toby glanced down at himself, frowning at his pressed jeans and pale yellow golf shirt. Cliff’s feet were bare, his toes long and elegant. Christ, why was he thinking about Cliff’s toes?

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Nut cream… See?” Cliff teased, reaching over Toby to grab a bottle of lotion off the kitchen counter.

  The bottle was white, the label clearly spelling out in large letters Nut Hand Cream. Toby blushed again, cursing his fair skin. He felt his cock start to stiffen just being so close to Cliff. Cliff’s grin got wider and he chuckled.

  “See, it has shea butter in it. It just makes everything so soft. Silky smooth,” he murmured, brushing his fingers against Toby’s heated cheek.

  Toby shivered, backing up so they weren’t touching anymore.

  “What’s taking so long, Bullen?” Mick, Toby’s brother, called out.

  “Just chatting with your bro,” Cliff replied, staring down at Toby.

  Toby muttered a goodbye under his breath, ducking under Cliff’s outstretched arm to hurry to his room.

  “Running away, Toby?” Cliff taunted after him.

  Toby refused to turn around. He entered his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Cliff’s soft laughter followed him, lingering in the small space. Toby threw himself on the bed. He couldn’t deal with this right now. He willed his damn cock to settle down. His jeans pressed hard into his sensitive flesh, the rough material abrading his cock where it pushed insistently upward. He almost wished he had put on underwear this morning—at least the cotton would be soothing. His whole body was aching, throbbing at him to relieve the growing tension. He cursed the stupid mating phase that was hitting him. The last thing he needed was a phase that made him hard in the first five seconds of being around Cliff.

  It would be so much easier if he could just find his mate, although to be honest he didn’t want anyone other than Cliff. But there was no way Cliff could be his mate. Surely Cliff would have acted on it by now if he went crazy with lust every time he was within feet of Toby.

  For years he had been in love with Cliff Bullen. The most popular guy at school. The most popular guy in the pack. It was ridiculous to be so affected by the man. It wasn’t as if Cliff would ever look twice at Toby, so there wasn’t any reason to even try to catch his interest. It would only end badly for Toby when Cliff rejected him.

  Seven years older than Toby, Cliff had been best friends with his brother Mick for longer than Toby could remember. He used to trail after them, joining in whenever Mick let him, hanging on to every word Cliff said. He was pretty sure everyone knew he had a crush on the man. He just hoped they didn’t know how bad it was.

  He shook his head. Of course everyone knew he had a thing for the man. It was pretty obvious when they would be able to smell his arousal any time he got within five feet of Cliff. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t the middle of summer. Now, faced with two months off from his teaching job, he had nothing to do but sit in the house, and try to avoid Cliff.

  If Toby thought teaching fifth grade was bad, it was nothing compared to dealing with his brother and Cliff all summer. He couldn’t exactly disappear while Cliff was over. Toby was only staying with his parents because he taught out of town and didn’t have a place to go when he was inside the city limits. He supposed he could have spent the summer in his apartment in Turner Valley, but he wanted to be close to his family. He didn’t know what was wrong with him. It wasn’t normal for him to be acting like a horny, out-of-control teen who couldn’t control his dick.

  Actually, he should be blaming Mick for this one. Cliff was only over here so much because Mick was at home. He was in the process of building a house a few blocks over, but there was a delay with the construction so Mick had moved back home until everything got sorted out. Toby couldn’t wait for Mick to be finished and then he and Cliff would stop bothering him. He couldn’t turn around without seeing the two weres.

  “Goddamn stupid werewolf senses,” he grumbled. He stared at the stucco above his head. His sensitive ears picked up the sounds of Cliff and Mick in the other room. They were getting ready for the run they took every afternoon. Everyone who lived in this area was pack, so they didn’t have to wait until dark to shift. The subdivision was in the south of Calgary, one of the older communities that was amalgamated into the city decades ago. The park that split the city in half butted right up against their community, something they were lucky to have. It wasn’t easy being a were inside a city with over a million residents.

  They lived on the outskirts of town, right where the park leading into Calgary began. Coyote and deer frequented the area, so Toby and his family blended in perfectly when they were spotted. He had even glimpsed a bear once. He had been driving past on his way to the university years ago when he saw the massive creature down at the river that bisected Fish Creek Park.

  The sight of the bear had given him chills, and he’d felt cold for the rest of the day, even within the safety of the university campus. He’d phoned his dad the minute he got to school, but his dad and the others couldn’t find the bear. Bears were the one threat
to the weres in the park. In a one-on-one fight between a bear and a wolf, the bear would win every time, hands down. Every pup was brought up on the importance of staying away from them.

  Since that morning, no one had seen a bear in the park. Everyone just assumed they’d moved on, which was a good thing for the pack. The weres liked to stretch their legs whenever they could, and it helped when they didn’t have to look out for predators.

  On the other side of their community was wide-open space. The nearby farms were all owned by pack, and they had the run of the land whenever they wanted it.

  He turned at the knock on his door and Mick stuck his head inside. Toby had always seen Mick as a more grown-up version of himself. His body was bigger, his face more rugged, his hair a shade more brown than Toby’s own reddish locks. He was more appealing, in Toby’s mind. Why would anyone look at Toby, when they could see how much better looking his brother was?

  “Sure you don’t want to come with?” Mick asked.

  “Have I ever gone with you?” Toby looked up at the oh-so-fascinating ceiling and ignored his brother. They’d been bothering him to go running since he came back home. As much as he wanted to, he was afraid of giving away his feelings for Cliff.

  “Come on, Tobe. Live a little,” Cliff said, popping his head into the room beside Mick.

  “No thanks, maybe another time.”

  Mick shook his head, turning around to walk back to the living room. Toby waited for the door to shut. When it didn’t, he glanced back to see Cliff standing in the doorway, an uncharacteristic frown on his face.

  “It wouldn’t hurt you to join in, Toby. We are all the same. No one is going to treat you any differently now that you’re back again.”

  He huffed, twisting his body to lie on his stomach. It was rare for any werewolf to move outside the area. The pack tended to stay together—they were stronger when they were all in one place. There had been more than a few protests when he left Calgary to accept a teaching job outside the city, but he couldn’t risk staying here and letting his feelings for Cliff get stronger. His parents might not have known why he was so adamant to move away this past year, but they supported his decision anyway. His dad had even butted heads with some of the elders over it.

  Reaching over the bed, Toby picked up his headphones. He was terrified that Cliff would want to talk to him more. Every time he got near the man recently, Toby feared he would start to stutter, or say something infernally stupid. He didn’t want Cliff to realize how far gone Toby was for him. He wasn’t unintelligent, he was sure Cliff didn’t have feelings for him. Hell, Toby’d never even seen Cliff with another man. He was probably as straight as could be. It would be better for all involved if he could just fall out of love and move on to someone he could actually get. He sighed in defeat.

  “Fine, I can see I’m not going to change your mind today.” Cliff shook his head.

  Toby pointedly ignored him, jacking up the volume. He’d get the hint and leave, and then Toby wouldn’t be surrounded by his appealing scent. The soothing sounds of the Traveling Wilburys filled his ears. He closed his eyes, resting his forehead on his bent arms.

  He jerked when something hit his back. Trying to sit up, he was caught by the lean body that bent to keep him in place. Two tanned hands landed on the bed to either side of his face. Cliff lowered his body, sitting squarely on Toby’s ass. He leaned his head in to smooth his cheek along Toby’s.

  Cliff neatly plucked off Toby’s headphones, replacing the voice of Bob Dylan with his rumbling growl.

  “I may joke around, I may even tease, but I will not be ignored. Is that clear?”

  Toby nodded, breathing hard. Cliff shifted forward on Toby. He felt an increased pressure on his lower back, the slow rise of Cliff’s cock. Toby stayed absolutely still, stunned at the feel of the body on top of him. He smelled his own arousal decorating the air with the scent of his escalating passion. Cliff inhaled noisily. He ground his cock into Toby, causing him to squirm despite his attempts to stay still.

  Cliff chuckled, scraping his teeth along Toby’s jaw.

  “Are you coming or not?” Mick’s irritated voice interrupted.

  “Not yet,” Cliff crooned in Toby’s ear. “But your brother is damn close.”

  “Jesus, Cliff. Enough,” Mick barked.

  Cliff snickered, pausing to brush his lips along Toby’s cheek before gracefully arching up, swinging his leg over and landing beside the bed. Toby pressed his face into the covers below him, waiting until he heard the snick of the door closing. With a shuddering groan, he looked up. His brother and Cliff were gone. What the hell had just happened?

  Chapter Two

  “Are you done now?” Mick growled.

  “Hell, Mick, I’m just getting started.” Cliff chuckled at the look of irritation on his friend’s face.

  “If you’re fucking with him, I’ll rip your head off. And I damn well don’t mean the one on your shoulders.”

  Cliff grinned, clapping Mick on the shoulder. “You have to admit how cute he is when he gets flustered and turns all pink and squirmy. Makes me want to just eat him up, one bite at a time.”

  “Jesus, that’s my brother you’re talking about. And I say he isn’t ready for a relationship with you. He’s just entering his mating phase. Don’t push him. Do you hear me? ’Cause if you push him, I’ll kill you next time we’re at a worksite. I know how to bury a body so’s nobody will ever find you.”

  Cliff laughed. Mick was always talking about how many different ways you could kill someone out on a jobsite and make it look like an accident. It was fun working with his best buddy. Made things interesting during the day, that was for sure.

  Cliff continued walking to the door leading outside. Mick stepped in front of him, placing his hands on Cliff’s shoulders and stopping him. Seeing the warning in Mick’s eyes, Cliff turned serious. He didn’t want to screw this up. Mick had been his best friend for more years than he could remember, but it was the youngest Madison who had been tying his stomach in knots lately. He couldn’t get within five feet of the young pup without wanting to press him up against a wall…or a table…or the floor… Hell, he’d fuck him standing straight up or standing on his head if he could just get at that luscious body.

  Toby was smaller than Mick, inheriting his human mother’s stature and build. He was lean, lightly covered in solid muscle, but slender all the same. His shaggy brown hair was streaked with auburn highlights, just a tad too long, brushing his chin.

  Cliff had realized months ago that Toby was coming into his phase. It had been right around Christmas, when Toby had come back to Calgary for the holidays. He should have gone through it years ago, but his mother’s genetics messed up his werewolf genes. At twenty-six, Toby was a little old to hit what was basically his second puberty. Werewolf males hit an initial puberty in their teens like human males, but they didn’t reach sexual maturity among their kind until their early twenties. Not that it mattered much. They lived longer than the average human.

  Butch Madison, Toby’s dad, had two children. Mick, a full-blooded were, and Toby, a half-breed. Mick was the result of one night of partying between a group of weres. Butch hadn’t been mated to Mick’s mother—it wasn’t until he met the very human Charlene that he found the one person who completed him.

  No one really knew what it was that attracted mates to each other. Regardless of whether they were male/female, male/male or even female/female matches, werewolf mates just knew they were meant to be together.

  Fate was definitely a bitch, though. She didn’t like to make things too easy, so quite often weres came across their mates in the weirdest ways. Take Butch and Charlene. They met one night when Charlene was on her way home from a party with some friends. Butch had found her, leaning out of a car, puking on the side of the road. Not the most glorious start to a relationship.

  It was rare to mate outside the species, like Butch and Charlene, so the weres in the pack weren’t exactly certain what would happen to T
oby. He was one of the few half-breeds in existence. Most weres his age were already mated or searching for their mates, but Toby was different. His human blood was unpredictable.

  Fortunately, when both mates were werewolves it was a little easier to find each other. The only problem for Cliff was that wolves didn’t give off a mate scent until they reached their mating phase. It made sense, but Toby’s scent had been driving him crazy for the past seven months. He kept popping a boner in the most unfortunate situations every time he scented Toby.

  Cliff had never noticed Toby before, sexually. Toby had always followed them around, but he was just Mick’s younger brother. Now, he knew that the younger Madison was supposed to be his, although he couldn’t do anything about it until Toby was ready for a relationship. Lately, every time the pup had gotten near him, his pheromones intensified. He was positive Toby was ready for him, finally.

  It was a good thing Toby was going to be his. Cliff had always been attracted to other men. It would have been horrible to have a female as a mate. What the fuck would he do with her? It wasn’t unheard of for previously heterosexual couples to find same-sex mates. But, it definitely complicated matters. He didn’t know if Toby was attracted to men since he’d never seen him with anyone, but the fact that Toby seemed to be responding sexually to Cliff’s presence put things squarely in Cliff’s favor.

  To make matters more complicated, though, most werewolves weren’t even interested in sex until they reached their mating phase. Unlike humans, when werewolves hit puberty in their early teens, they normally went through the physical changes but not all the sexual ones. In other words, even though Toby might be ready for a relationship now, he was still innocent compared to other werewolves. He would be completely fresh, his sexual urges not strengthening until recently. How did you seduce a man who was entirely mature emotionally, physically and intellectually, but still a virgin sexually?


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