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Nut Cream

Page 4

by Jade Buchanan

  Hell, if anything, it should be Mick acting this way. Despite being older than him, Mick had a jokester streak a mile wide. He also had quite the temper. Toby couldn’t wait for Mick to find a mate of his own. He’d been searching for years, but Toby was desperately praying that it would be someone who’d tie Mick up in knots. It would serve him right.

  “Language, Tobias Edward Madison,” his mother admonished, interrupting him.

  “I don’t see what the big deal is,” Mick said, straddling one of the kitchen chairs. He tipped forward, resting the chair on two legs.

  Toby had an overwhelming urge to kick the chair out from under him. Only the sure knowledge that Mick could beat his ass—not to mention the lecture he’d get from his mom and dad—stopped him. It was a pretty close call though. He fumed silently, gritting his teeth to keep still.

  “If you don’t understand it, then I’m not explaining it to you. Jackass,” he couldn’t help adding. “This is between me and Cliff.”

  “Well, if you’re looking for Cliff, try following the path to the river. That’s the direction he took off in when we got home. He told me you could find him there.” Mick regarded him with curious eyes.

  Toby hesitated, not sure if he wanted to talk to Cliff right now, before he realized that he had to talk to the ass sometime.

  Nodding his thanks, he headed out the door.

  He followed the path, kicking at the grass in his way. He was pissed and surly and Toby wasn’t about to let the good weather get him out of his funk. How could Cliff do this to him?

  He’d been panting after Cliff for years, so why now was Cliff showing an interest in him? Was it only because of the mate thing? Would Cliff ever have looked twice at Toby if he wasn’t mated to him? He couldn’t figure out what was worse. Having Cliff know for months that they were mated and not telling Toby about it, or having Cliff know that Toby had been getting a hard-on every time they were in the room together and ignoring the mating urges.

  Toby had been freaking out every time he was within feet of Cliff, and apparently he shouldn’t have. He didn’t have to be so embarrassed and humiliated. He didn’t have to hide his feelings. Why hadn’t Cliff said something to him earlier?

  It was bad enough that all the other werewolves treated him differently. Did they think he didn’t know what they said about him? Yeah, he was half human, but he wasn’t ashamed of that. It made him unique, although he wasn’t lower than them. So what if he’d been a virgin at the ripe old age of twenty-six. Who cared if most weres lost their virginity when they hit twenty? It didn’t make him stupid, or naïve or innocent.

  “Okay, so yeah, I’m the first Madison to become something other than a laborer. Being an elementary-school teacher isn’t exactly easy, and none of those fucktards would be able to do it. I’d like to see them face down a classroom of thirty kids, and still keep their so-called cool,” he grumbled.

  He just hadn’t realized that Cliff was of the same mind as all the others.

  “Hell, he came to my graduation. He was in the fucking front row, cheering me on when I accepted my degree.”

  He felt so incredibly dumb. When his father said that Cliff already knew, well that just put the nail in his coffin. He shook his head, depressed at the thought that Cliff felt he had to protect “poor, little Toby”. Why else would he have hidden his mating urges for months? It had to be because he didn’t think Toby could handle it.

  “We should make all his decisions for him. Cut up his meat in case he stabs himself with the goddamn fork and knife,” he sing-songed. “Fucking idiots.”

  He could smell Cliff before he saw him. The path bent up ahead, twisting before it met the bank of the river flowing through the park. His stupid fuckhead of a mate was waiting at the river for him, probably pleased as could be. Toby knew Cliff would realize he was coming. Cliff had a better sense of smell, he would have to, being full-blooded.

  “Noo, it’s just me, the stupid half human who can’t smell anything. Can’t smell my stupid mate, can’t smell at all,” he muttered to himself, kicking at a rock in front of him.

  “You do realize I can hear you, right?” Cliff asked, appearing in front of him suddenly.

  Toby yelped, cursing when he let out the sound. He cursed again when he realized he had cursed.

  “Ah, fuck.” He exhaled loudly, shaking his head.

  Cliff had the good sense to turn his back, pretending to study something off the path, but Toby had already seen the smile that bloomed across his face.

  “I don’t want to talk to you right now. I’m mad at you, fuckhead,” Toby said, refusing to hide his feelings. If Cliff was his so-called mate, then he better get used to how Toby acted when he was mad. Apparently he hung out with kids too much. He was starting to sound like one.

  “What did I do, Tobe?” Cliff brushed back the hair at the side of Toby’s face. He leaned into the caress before he realized what he was doing. He was supposed to be mad at Cliff. He jerked away from the touch.

  Toby tried to walk past Cliff, but was hampered by the large hand that grasped his biceps.

  “Toby, are you mad that I left this morning? I didn’t have much of a choice. I didn’t want to disrespect your father by staying in his house before I had formally approached him. As it was, I ended up talking to him bare-assed naked. Not exactly the way I always envisioned petitioning for mating rights.” He chuckled ruefully.

  Toby quirked his lips, amused despite himself at the image running through his mind. That would have been a sight worth seeing. He couldn’t dream of having his dad walk in on them as Cliff was trying to make a getaway.

  “What did he say?” he asked, shuffling his feet.

  “He said that you deserved better than me,” Cliff said quietly.

  Toby opened his mouth to protest, shutting it when he remembered he was still mad at Cliff for hiding the fact they were mated. He remained silent.

  “He also said that I needed to talk to you, explain what was going on. So, I think we should have that talk now, don’t you? I’m not exactly sure why you’re so put out. Do you want to explain it to me?”

  Toby exhaled noisily, looking off in the distance.

  “Come on, baby, let me in,” Cliff cajoled.

  “I’m mad at you because Dad said you knew months ago that I was your mate,” he whispered. Cliff had to lean in to catch the soft-spoken words. “Why did you wait?” he finally asked, his anger giving way to simple hurt. “Did you think I was too immature to understand? So what if I was innocent, that doesn’t make me stupid. I’ve got my goddamn degree in education, how stupid does that make me?”

  “Enough!” Cliff snarled, startling him out of his rant. “If you ever call yourself stupid or immature again, I will turn you over my knee and blister your ass raw. You are the smartest man I know. You think I could have done what you did? Going to school and leaving town. No, you wanna talk stupid, how about the guy who just barely managed to get his high-school diploma. You have your fucking degree, Tobe. You sat through four years of university. I never could have done that. I think you’re incredible for doing what you have. So, don’t you ever belittle yourself again! Is that clear?” he growled.

  Toby sniffed, trying to stop the flow of tears. He didn’t know what to say.

  “Tobe, I had to be positive. I’ve never felt this way before, so I had to be sure that what I was feeling was real. I needed to know that you were really my mate and not just some guy I popped a boner over. I couldn’t figure out why I only saw your face in my dreams. Every night, I went to bed and dreamed of you. It didn’t make sense that the man I had grown up with was tying me up in these great big knots. I didn’t know why your face was the last thing I saw before I went to bed, and the first thing I saw in the morning. Why, I couldn’t wait to go to Mick’s on the off chance that I might see you. Can you forgive me for making you wait until I figured out what I was going through?” he asked, holding out his arms.

  Toby hesitated, long enough to see the crestfa
llen look on Cliff’s face. With a smile, he jumped into his arms, unable to hold back. He had finally gotten his wish. So what if he had to wait a few months longer because Cliff needed to be sure. He still ended up with the man he was in love with.

  Cliff shifted him higher, startling a booming laugh out of him. Cliff’s laughter joined with his own, their voices blending together.

  Cliff ran down the path, holding Toby high. Too late, Toby realized where they were headed. “God, Cliff, don’t, stop. Please don’t do this. I swear, if you drop me, I’ll kill you…”

  Cliff ignored his pleas, throwing him high in the air. Squealing, uncaring if he sounded like a little girl, Toby plunged into the water.

  He erupted through the surface with a sputter, glad that the water was at least warm. Cliff stood on the bank, crowing with glee.

  Toby pushed the sodden hair out of his eyes. “Well, if you wanted to get me wet, there are other ways of doing it.”

  Cliff immediately stopped laughing, a decidedly horny glint entering his eyes. His face appeared wanton, his smirk just shy of depraved. “I don’t have to try hard to get you wet, Tobe, and we both know it.”

  Toby blushed, lifting his arms to pull off his soaked tee. He threw it to the bank, where it landed with a plop beside Cliff.

  “Is that so?” He reached under the water for the button on his jeans.

  He wrestled them down his legs, cursing the fact that he probably didn’t look too hot doing it. There went his attempt to be sophisticated. When he glanced up again, he realized it really didn’t matter what he did. The expression on Cliff’s face remained unchanged—he was still aroused just by looking at him. Toby paused in wonder.

  “I didn’t think I would ever see that look on your face.”

  “It’ll always be there when I think of you, Tobe. I promise you.”

  He started forward in the water, drawn to his mate. Cliff shook his head, holding out one hand to stop him.

  “There was a reason I told Mick to guide you here. I have a little surprise planned for you.”

  Toby tilted his head, beaming at Cliff. “A surprise?”

  “Yeah, call it your mate gift. I wanted it to be special. But you need to do a few things for me first.”


  “God, you do me in with your eagerness.”

  Toby bounced in place, bringing up handfuls of water to pour over his head. He tilted his head back, letting the water flow down his torso.

  Cliff growled. “Don’t tempt me, or you won’t get your gift.”

  Pausing, Toby considered what kind of gift Cliff would get him. His curiosity finally outweighed his need to be fucked. He waited, fervently anticipating Cliff’s next directions.

  “Clean yourself off, Toby. I want you sparkling fresh.”

  He plunged into the water, scrubbing the residue from their night together off his skin. He would still be able to smell Cliff on him. Thank God, or he might never have washed again.

  He came up to the surface, patiently waiting for Cliff to tell him what to do. Cliff grinned at him, tapping his chin thoughtfully. He was still fully dressed, wearing the same jeans and black tee he’d had on yesterday. Toby grimaced, realizing that his own clothes were even now somewhere in the park, ripped to pieces, where anyone could find them. Oh hell, who really cared?

  “Now, I’ve hidden something for you. I’ll give you one hint though. It sparkles, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding it.”

  Toby wrinkled his forehead, trying to think of something that sparkled that Cliff would gift him with. “Can you give me a hint to its location? Is it in the river or on the bank?”

  Cliff smirked, remaining stubbornly silent. Toby huffed. So he wanted this to be a treasure hunt? He could find it, no problem.

  He peered into the flowing river, struggling not to stir up the sediment on the bottom. It only took him seconds to realize that Cliff wouldn’t have hid the gift in the river. He would have been afraid it might wash away in the current. His gaze went to the bank where Cliff was standing, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Hmmm… If you didn’t put it in the water, what are the chances that you placed it close to you?” he mused.

  “I love the way your mind works, Tobe. C’mon, smart guy, figure it out.”

  Toby hummed, his eyes not catching any glinting material. He swung his head around to the other bank, slowly moving toward the shore. He tracked his gaze along the bank methodically. Cliff wouldn’t have made it too easy. Where was the fun in that?

  Something caught his eye and Toby pushed through the water to get close to it. There was an item near the bend in the river, right where it curved out of sight.

  “Aha!” He rushed toward the object.

  He was intent on his goal, moving through the water until he reached the bank and waded up onto the ground. A small noise distracted him just as he approached the gold object. Swiveling his head around, he spied a small bear cub. Bear cub? What the hell?

  He backed up, not wanting to startle the little guy. A larger noise sounded to his right, and he swung his gaze directly into the path of a large black bear.

  Oh fuck…

  Chapter Seven

  Toby gasped, a high-pitched noise that had the bear swinging in his direction. Cliff panicked, unable to tear his gaze away from the danger to his mate. He reacted without thought, immediately peeling off his shirt and jeans, shifting even as he waded into the water. Toby was frozen, unmoving. He had to distract the bear long enough for Toby to get away.

  The bear reared up, roaring at Toby, who lowered himself to the ground, obviously trying to make himself look small. Cliff made it to the other side of the river, shaking himself so his coat puffed up around him. He didn’t take his eyes off Toby, crawling forward with his teeth bared.

  Toby scooted back, pulling even with him. Cliff placed himself in front of Toby’s body. They wouldn’t win in a fight against a bear, Cliff wasn’t that idiotic. Especially when the bear’s cub was standing two feet away from them. They had to get out of there, now.

  He backed up into Toby, moving him toward the water. Toby tripped, scooting backward. He suddenly stopped, reaching forward past Cliff and grabbing the gold chain from the rock it was resting on. Cliff would have shaken his head, but he was too concerned with the bear to worry about anything else. He waited until Toby was behind him again, before he started herding him to the river. Keeping his eyes on the bear, he ignored the threatening display it presented.

  Attempting to appear harmless, he managed to get Toby into the water. The bear charged, coming straight for them. Cliff growled, snapping and snarling to warn the bear back. He didn’t want to fight the bear, but he would protect his mate.

  He sidestepped, trying to keep away from the slashing claws. He yelped when a fiery blow hit his shoulder. A loud bark sounded to his right, a small reddish-brown wolf distracting the bear. Damn it, Toby was supposed to stay out of this. The bear stopped in place, roaring before he dropped to all fours. Throwing himself to the side, Cliff bounded into the water behind Toby.

  They swam through the water, hitting the other bank where their clothes were. Both wolves stayed low, waiting until the two bears left before they shifted back into their human forms.

  “Jesus Christ, holy crap, I can’t believe that happened,” Toby panted. “Here, let me. Don’t touch it. Just let me see how bad it is.”

  Toby gently maneuvered Cliff until he was seated in front of his little mate. He groaned when Toby probed at the claw marks on his shoulder.

  “Damn, that hurts worse than that scrape on my ass.”

  “Do you want me to kiss it better?” Toby asked, leaning in and licking Cliff’s jaw.

  Cliff hummed, content to remain still. He looked up, making sure they were alone. “We should probably get out of here. I’m not entirely comfortable being this out in the open with a fucking mother bear around.”

  Toby stood, helping Cliff to his feet when he faltered. Toby bent down
to pick up their clothes, his toned ass distracting Cliff from whatever he would have said next. Groaning, he reached forward and grabbed Toby’s ass in both hands. “I’m not going to be able to wait long to get at this again, baby.”

  Toby turned and threw Cliff’s jeans and shirt at him. He caught them deftly, holding them to his chest.

  “If you’re fine to make comments like that, then you must not be that injured. Let’s go.” Toby shook his head, smiling.

  Following his mate, he scanned the area around him. He needed his mate, but he needed to keep him safe even more. They made sure to make a lot of noise walking through the vegetation, hitting the bushes lining the path. It would probably scare the bear away.

  Finally, they came into view of Toby’s house. Stopping his mate with a hand to his arm, Cliff pulled him aside.

  “I think we’re okay. The bear won’t come this close to the smell of people. Especially with so many shifters around.”

  Toby immediately turned. He made several abortive attempts to reach out to Cliff, staring at his wounds and biting his lower lip. Dropping his clothes, Cliff pulled his mate into him, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder. He ducked his head, breathing in the warm scent of Toby. With a shuddering breath, he finally allowed his delayed reaction to set in.

  “Oh God, I almost lost you. I could have lost you, Tobe,” he ground out.

  He nudged Toby, turning him around to guide him into the house. Right at this moment, he didn’t give a fuck if the whole family watched them. He needed inside his mate. Now.

  Hurrying in front of him, Toby whimpered slightly. He was shaking so hard he couldn’t get the screen door open. Drawing in a breath, Cliff was relieved to discover that they were once again alone. He herded Toby into the house, not making it to his bedroom before pushing him down on the couch. He wasn’t going to last very long this time. He would have to make it up to his mate later.


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