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Warrior, coupe

Page 14

by Michael A. Stackpole

  * * *

  Lying next to him in the bed, her head resting on his left shoulder, Candace brushed the fingertips of her left hand lightly across the patch of lighter colored flesh on the right side of Justin's chest. "Aside from the skin tone, I can't really tell that you've been hit."

  Justin nodded and kissed the top of her head. "Thanks to Tsen Shang's foresight, we had a fully equipped biolab on the Drop-Ship that remained with our JumpShip at Bethel. Though your father would not allow his top scientists to man the lab, those who did had enough knowledge to analyze the myomer fiber we stole. It's fortunate they also had the expertise and equipment to culture a skin graft to cover up my wound."

  She shifted around so that her right forearm lay against his chest to support her chin. "The preliminary reports said you'd lost people and that the 'Mechs had been hit. I was worried."

  Justin forced himself to smile. "Well, things might have been a bit worse for me if one of the JumpShips hadn't suffered a liquid helium leak. That meant its Kearny-Fuchida jump drive wouldn't work, so we had to recharge the JumpShip we were using. Because there was no transfer, and we had to wait ten days to recharge, the scientists had the time to make up the culture." He snorted a hoarse laugh. "That is, however, the last time I want research scientists to work on me. As one of them said, 'Citizen, if you were a rat, I could be sure this would work, but I cannot make a Human any promises.' Luckily, the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers had a real doctor with them who supervised everything."

  Candace smiled and kissed his chest. "I was so happy to hear you were alive that I almost took a shuttle out to meet your Drop-Ship when you finally jumped into this system. I had no desire to lose my only ally against my sister."

  Justin touched her cheek tenderly, wondering what Candace would say if she knew the truth, that it wasn't a Davion security officer who'd shot him but one of her own sister's agents. Romano certainly took the news of Ling's death calmly. But then, she'd had a week of knowing I'd survived before I set foot on Sian.

  Candace traced a small circle on Justin's chest with her index finger. "Did you manage to deliver the present I left in the cockpit of your 'Mech?"

  Justin nodded and gave her a squeeze with his left arm. "Unless my father's people have actually sunk to the level of incompetence claimed by our propaganda, they'll find it." Justin narrowed his brown eyes. "In fact, that's how I got shot—accomplishing that little feat. The guard shot Ling and then me before Alexi killed him."

  Candace smiled contentedly. "Excellent." She reached up to caress the side of his face. "I shall have to remember to thank Alexi Malenkov for saving your life. What would be a suitable gift?"

  Justin chuckled lightly. "Alexi is a man of simple tastes. Perhaps making him a Mandrinn on Warlock would suit him."

  Candace's eyes became gray crescents. "Good idea, lover, but slightly off target. I shall make him a Mandrinn on Teng. He will become your vassal, to remind him that you are important to both of us. I believe Dao Shan Province is within your holding. I shall give it to him as a reward for his loyalty to you."

  A light tapping sounded on the teakwood door. "Mistress?" asked a timid voice that Justin recognized as belonging to Candace's maid.

  Candace looked toward the door. "I left orders that we were not to be disturbed, Li."

  The nervous tremor in the servant's voice survived translation through the doors. "I know, Mistress, but there are men here, and they have orders to bring Citizen Xiang to the Chancellor. I have told them you would not know where he might be ..."

  Candace swung her legs around over the edge of the bed and stood. "Tell them to wait in the outer chamber." She pulled on a silken yellow robe to cover her nakedness, but let it gap open as she leaned over to kiss Justin full on the mouth. "This had better be more than one of my sister's tantrums. If she has pulled us from my warm bed for no reason, I will personally supply reasons for white ribbons to decorate her portrait."

  Justin felt a sinking sensation when the two Death Commandos escorted Candace and him toward the briefing room and not the Chancellor's throne room. Something dire must have happened.

  The door of the chamber retracted into the ceiling, allowing Candace and Justin access to the black chamber. Behind them, the door descended again, sealing them within a nearly featureless ebon capsule. A holographic display table dominated the center of the room, and the Chancellor stood hunched over its far end. Midway along the left side, Tsen Shang feverishly entered data requests on a keyboard, then gave soft commands to Alexi on the other side of the table to repeat his calculations.

  The Chancellor did not raise his head even though an image burned to life in the air before him. "You are certain, Citizen Xiang, that this new myomer fiber will make our 'Mechs strong?"

  Justin nodded. "Yes, Celestial Supremacy, it will."

  The holographic display taking shape above the table distracted Justin before he had a chance to notice the effect of his reply on Maximilian Liao. The image, which represented what had been the Capellan Confederation at the beginning of the Davion invasion, glowed with different colors. The renegade Tikonov Free Republic burned with a defiant blue, while a fierce red denoted the planets Davion troops now occupied. A rich green colored the space of still loyal and intact planets, but Justin noticed that a new fork of red stabbed into the Sarna Confederation.

  Justin's mouth went dry. "The fifth wave... Davion's launched a fifth wave."

  Tsen nodded his head wearily. "They hit Matsu, Zaurak, Menkib, New Macao, and Mandate—all defended by militia alone."

  Justin narrowed his eyes. "Reinforced militia, or just the standard stuff?"

  Alexi, peering closely at his data terminal, punched up a summary of the action. "Menkib, New Macao, and Mandate had all called up reserves, and they had supplies. Matsu had done no call-up. Zaurak had initiated some activity, but this is the season of storms in the northern hemisphere so we don't know how far they got in their efforts."

  Justin nodded idly as he leaned forward to see. "What have we got to oppose them on Wei, Remshield, and Tsingtao?"

  Tsen glanced at his data screen. "All three battalions of Sung's

  Cuirassiers were on Wei, but Davion dropped regiments in on them, as per past attacks. The other two worlds have single battalions defending them and are facing full regimental combat teams."

  Tsen Shang shot a haunted glance at the holographic map as a dagger of red stabbed deep into the heart of the Sarna Commonality. "By the gods, they can't." He looked up at Justin, then over at Alexi. "Have you got confirmation?"

  Alexi's head sank forward as he nodded. "I've got enough Jump- and DropShips for at least two RCTs."

  Justin stared open-mouthed at the world now slowly burning red. I don't believe it. They've actually done it! "Sarna!" he said aloud.

  Maximilian Liao's head came up as a deep, insane laugh echoed from his throat. "Sarna. They actually struck at Sarna."

  The harsh sound of his laughter echoed in the room, and struck Justin with a momentary fear. He's lost it. The Chancellor has finally lost it. "Highness, this is their deepest and boldest stroke."

  Liao's eyes narrowed until they were no more than black, reptilian slits. "Have you forgotten, Justin Xiang, that you yourself anticipated this attack? McCarron's Armored Cavalry has not left Sarna. They will smash the invaders and then, with 'Mechs strengthened by the new myomer fibers, we will force the invaders from our domain." Liao smiled cruelly. "Hanse Davion does not realize it, but he has overextended himself. This attack is the beginning of the end for House Davion and its conquest of the Successor States!"


  Landing Zone Pulsar, Sarna

  Sarna Commonality, Capellan Confederation

  27 May 3029

  Captain Alanna Damu gritted her teeth and pushed her feet down against the foot pedals on her command couch. The gentle pressure ignited the Victor's jump jets, slowing the assault 'Mech's rapid descent. She glanced at the altimeter readout on her auxiliary monitor. Three, two, one
... A quick push on the pedals softened the impact, then she bent the Victor's knees to absorb the shock of landing.

  As her 'Mech hit, the landing did not jar Alanna as much as she'd expected, despite the speed. Either I'm better at dropping than I remember, or.. . She flicked a dark hand over the command console's keyboard, then snarled as the requested information flashed onto her auxiliary monitor. "Damn! The last thing I need is for my company to land in a goddamn marsh!"

  The Victor's sensors gave her full view of the wide, shallow valley that Invasion Command had designated Landing Zone Pulsar. Off to the west, on a slow rise, was an evergreen forest with trees so tall they dwarfed even the BattleMechs. The thick green growth broke against the rolling hills toward the north, where the Gray Mountains rose up to form the northern horizon. From their snowy heights flowed the broad, muddy river that had overflowed its banks to flood the valley. The mountains tapered off toward the east, but more hills in that direction restricted visibility as well. Only to the south, where the sluggish river escaped, was the landscape wide open.

  Atanna frowned deeply. Too much open ground. I wonder if Marshal Tamara Hasek picked this spot, or if the real power behind the throne chose this landing zone? She saw an Orion touch down amid the company's other 'Mechs and jettison its temporary rocket assembly. Opening a radio link, she contacted that 'Mech's pilot. "Look alive, Leftenant. This is an arcade shooting gallery if I ever saw one."

  "Roger that, Captain. I bet old Heart-of-Stone closed his eyes and touched the map to plunk us down here. Yuck! A swamp."

  Alanna found herself smiling at Rex Archambauld's nickname for the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers' "Combat" Commander. Tamara Hasek, the late Duke Michael's 70-year-old aunt, was listed as the unit's supreme commander and reportedly did take part in planning all the Fusiliers' activities. Day-to-day command, however, was handled by Duke Michael's crony, General Gordon Hartstone. Though a capable commander, his attitudes and manners did little to endear him to certain members of his command.

  Rex knows he’ll get another slug on his record for that remark when the battletapes are reviewed, but I suppose it won't make any difference to him. He's too good to be busted out of the service, and the AFFS knows it. I think they keep him a Leftenant just so he won't stir up trouble among the enlisted personnel. Alanna smiled. I don't mind.. . Couldn't find a better second in command in the whole Army.

  Alanna switched her scanner over to magnetic resonance and scoured the hills to the north. "Rex, the hills north look clear. Let's get everyone out of this swamp and over onto the hill."

  Rex's strong voice filled her neurohelmet. "Good idea. Do you want anyone to go over the top?"

  Alanna chewed her lower lip for a second. "Yes. Get the company on the hill, then send Jack up in his Ostroc."

  "Roger, out."

  With a huge, sucking pop, Alanna worked the Victor's right foot free of the marsh. It left a hole the size of a luxury aircar behind that the swamp rapidly filled with brown, muddy water. Laboring mightily, she pulled the left leg free. This could take forever!

  Suddenly, the computer painted a mass of highly metallic images on the edge of her holographic display. Like a swarm of bees, they headed down from the forest, speeding across the marsh. Alanna turned the Victor's head to center the approaching craft on the display, then flicked the sensor-feed back to visual. "Heads up, children. We have company."

  Leftenant Opal Karsten snapped an order over the radio. "Fire

  Lance. Bogies, two-seven-oh degrees. Fire when ready!" After a pause, she asked hesitantly, "Cap, what the hell are those?"

  Alanna's fingers flew over her keyboard. "The computer has no definite match, but profile and speed makes them Savannah Masters. Listed as experimental—a shipment of the hovercrafts was lost to Periphery pirates a year ago." Alanna narrowed her brown eyes as she studied the auxiliary information. "Hit what you shoot at. They're fast and nasty."

  Knute King's voice, arrogant as ever, filled the combat channel with harsh laughter. "Bugs. Nothing more."

  Alanna shivered with anger. On her screen, she watched the wedge-shaped hovercraft formation spread out as it came into range. Barely larger than a 'Mech's foot, each one-man hovercraft was little more than a fusion engine, some armor, a medium laser, and a huge fan. Under normal circumstances, their attack would be suicidal, but with us stuck here and moving slow, we’re sitting ducks!

  Alanna opened the radio channel. "All jumpers, blast off and move south two hundred meters. We'll bracket them. They're going to come at our backs. Make your shots count!"

  The Victor blasted toward the sky. Feathering the left pedal, Alanna flared the left leg's jump jet and turned the 'Mech over so it stared down at the approaching hovercraft. Extending the 'Mech's left arm, she targeted a group of five coming in at Archambauld's mired Orion. Too fast to track, she thought. Just have to trust to luck. Without waiting for the computer lock she knew would never come, she tightened up on the trigger.

  One of her two medium lasers hit a hovercraft. The beam sliced through armor on the Savannah Master's left side, dropping molten globules steaming into the marsh water. The craft skittered to the side as the pilot shied away from the intense heat, but it lost no speed. Firing in unison with the other four craft in its attack group, the pilot drilled his laser into Archambauld's Orion.

  Four medium lasers hit the heavy 'Mech. Two lanced into its right flank, carving glowing red scars beneath its armpit. A third lopped a chunk of armor from the 'Mech's right arm and the last lanced into the Orion's right thigh. The beam played across the armor, vaporizing what it touched, but failed to pierce it fully.

  The Orion let loose with everything it had except for its short-range missiles. The autocannon sprouting from the humanoid 'Mech's right hip fired high over its target, but the fifteen LRMs corkscrewing out from the launcher mounted in its left shoulder hit home. Explosions surrounded a hovercraft, lifting it from the water and pirouetting it through a firecloud. Visible for a half-second amid the smoke and brilliant flames, the hovercraft disintegrated, showering the water with metal splinters.

  Hovercraft swept in at Tom Clark's Thunderbolt from behind. Two of them hit with their medium lasers, but the damage they did was minor. As one swept past his position, Clark tagged it with a medium laser, blasting armor from its nose. Even more devastating, Nancy Campion's Grasshopper goosed one fleeing Savannah Master with a blast from her large laser. The beam ate through the small craft like swamp rot, filling the cockpit with fire and death.

  The third group of hovercraft targeted Karsten's Crusader, slashing at the 'Mech's rear. One beam blasted armor over the Crusader's spine. The other two beams that hit stabbed into the 'Mech's left flank and pierced its side. Steam and yellow-green fluid burst from the wound as the laser beams vaporized three heat sinks. Though Karsten unleashed two flights of LRMs and fired both medium lasers at the hovercraft, all five escaped unharmed.

  Heart in her mouth, Alanna watched as Eric de Chanoui, anticipating the strike at his Rifleman's rear, rotated the 'Mech's arms up and around to cover his rear arc. Mindless of the heat buildup it would cause, he blazed away with the large lasers and autocannon. If he doesn't get them now, he's history!

  The Rifleman's autocannon fired a salvo that hit one hovercraft on the nose. The shells blasted armor into jagged little chunks of ferroceramic alloy that careened off the craft's windscreen like hail. The impact slowed the hovercraft long enough for one of the Rifleman's large lasers to sweep over it. The Savannah Master blurred in the ruby beam's grasp, then exploded in a rolling fireball that skipped like a stone across the water's tortured surface.

  The other four hovercraft swept on through the fiery cloud that had been their group leader. Three of them hit with their lasers, and two cored through the Rifleman's back armor. A series of explosions detonated within the Rifleman's chest as the lasers destroyed the fusion engine's shielding and the incredible heat touched off the autocannon ammo stored next to it. As the fire built within
the 'Mech, the angular outline of its torso softened and flames shot from the hole in its spine.

  Seconds before a massive explosion tore the Rifleman apart, a gout of flame shot from the 'Mech's chest. De Chanoui's ejection seat shot straight up, then angled over toward the hills to the north. The 'Mech he'd left behind split down the middle as an argent spear of flame stabbed up toward the dawn sky. The 'Mech's arms flew off in two different directions while torso fragments peppered the water. The 'Mech's legs, untouched, but trailing smoke from where the torso had sat, remained stuck upright in the swamp.

  Alanna saw another hovercraft explode as Eve Bors hit it with a burst from her Ostsol’s large laser. From her vantage point, Alanna could only see damage on the Ostsol's right leg, but Eve quickly reported that the armor on her 'Mech's back was all but destroyed.

  The hovercraft, which had attacked from the west, continued on toward the east. They followed the river as it curved north and quickly vanished behind the hills where de Chanoui had landed. Alanna frowned. I don't like this at all. Those guys were too good to be Liao militia.

  Alanna radioed Rex Archambauld on their company's command frequency. "Rex, get the others on those hills. Keep alert. Use the jumpers to act as outriders. I'm going over to the Command Channel. I want air cover."

  She hit two switches, expecting to hear the bored voice of a radio operator in the invasion's tactical center. Instead, a babble of voices and noise blasted through her neurohelmet. "We're taking heavy fire on Boomslang Ridge," she heard an excited voice report. The whine of an autocannon accompanied the transmission. "Get us some air support!"

  "Negative, Deuce Battalion. Support allocations are only assigned on request of a commanding officer. My screen shows you're only a Captain. Where is Colonel Harkness?"

  Irritation shot through the field commander's voice. "Harkness bought it when he marched his Marauder into a Liao militia ambush. They had inferno rockets and roasted him alive."


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