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Page 8

by Adrian Del Valle

  The judge said, “Counsel, this is all taken quite sympathetically by the court. However, whether or not Mr. Santinelli found this child or even if he was given this child by an unknown, has no real bearing on the custody matter in this case. Since this is not Mr. Santinelli’s paternal child and his home situation has remained unchanged, I’m afraid I’m going to have to rule in the Dubois’ favor.”

  Martin Briscotti lowered his head.

  Annette Dubois looked at Mr. Levenstein with a wide grin.

  Martin said, “May I have a moment with my client, sir?”

  Judge Coleman, an elderly and congenial fellow with kind eyes and of African American heritage, looked over his glasses at the clock on the wall. Don’t be too long, I have a full day ahead.”

  “Yes, your Honor. This will only take a minute.”

  The lawyer sat alongside Nick. He addressed both him and Jaime in a voice that was barely above a whisper. “This is it and I believe the judge is sympathetic towards our side. “

  “I couldn’t get the mayor.” Nick chided.”

  “Yeah, right!”

  “I brought a few character witnesses. They’re sitting behind me.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to help. I don’t want to bore the court with all of that. Besides, Its not your character that’s in question. Are you guys ready to drop the bombshell?”

  “The envelope?” Nick asked.

  “The envelope!”

  Martin winked at them, got up and faced the judge. “Your Honor, may I approach the bench?”

  “Yes, you may, counsel.”

  Standing next to him, Levenstein put his hands on his hips, curious as to what could possibly be in that envelope.

  If he thinks a petition signed by the likes of the corner grocery store owner and his landlord is going to help, he’s wasting the courts time. I got this one in the bag.

  Martin handed the envelope to Judge Coleman.

  The judge spread the unsealed envelope open, took out the stapled papers from inside and unfolded a legal document. Holding in a strong desire to smile, he passed it on to the clerk.

  “Make a copy of that. Please be seated Mr. Briscotti and Mr. Levenstein.”

  The judge folded his hands over the top of the huge desk, looked calmly at everyone that was standing or sitting in the court room and said, “Before I hand down the judgment of this court, I would like to reiterate a little story to all of you.

  “Back in Mississippi, sixty two years ago, a small boy of two was left with his grandmother, because his mother got lost in the world of drugs and prostitution. The father never met his little boy. He was long gone and soon forgotten.

  The grandmother was kind, yet old school strict. She loved that child more than anything, taught him to be fair, devout and mindful of his studies. Unfortunately for the boy, when he was only one year away from finishing high school, she passed on to a better place.

  “For his love of his grandmother, the boy fulfilled a promise he had given to her at her bedside. He went on to college and completed a Doctorate of law degree. Still saddened to this day for her loss, that boy is forever grateful to Sadie for the kindness she showed him. I know that to be true, because that little boy was me.

  “It is the final judgment and may I add, the pleasure of this court, that custody of this child, Curby, shall be given to Mr. and Mrs. Santinelli…”

  Before the judge could finish, a cacophony of whoops and shouts reverberated from the seats.






  “Whoo hoo!”

  (More whistles)

  Taken by surprise, Annette Dubois glared at her lawyer. “Mr. and Mrs.?”

  Judge Coleman, now standing, slammed the gavel down and finished the sentence. “the rightful and deserving future caretakers of Curby.”

  He picked up a stack of papers, turned his back to the court and exited for his chambers, a broad grin on his lips.

  Nick gave his son the biggest and most tearful kiss ever. “Are you going to give your mommy a big hug?”

  Curby stared at him. “That’s Jaime!”

  “Not any more. She’s your mommy.”

  By now, Jaime’s arms were around the both of them along with tears of her own.

  “Well, what’s next, Nick?” Martin asked.

  “A birth certificate, for one.”

  “Hey, congratulations to the three of you.”

  Nick patted Jaime on the stomach. “Hopefully, four, someday.”

  “Then, I’ll congratulate the four of you in advance and you want to know something?”

  “What’s that?” Nick asked.

  “Right now, I want to kiss that judge.”

  “You’re not alone. So do we.”





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