Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2)

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Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2) Page 2

by Slash, Ana

  “OK so since you want to know more, here's the kicker, Maxim's dad left me in the hotel, and he didn't seem bothered by the news. So when I heard about the accident, I wondered if was Maxim. His dad was acting quite strange for someone whose son just got hurt, if you’d ask me."

  “Yes, something seems unreal. I wonder what it is.”

  That's the moment Susan's cell buzzed. She palmed her face and said, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

  "What is it? I asked, concerned. She sighed and stared directly at me. She said, "It's from the crew; they are at the hospital. Maxim's dead!"

  And with that, it felt as though my world shattered, I screamed. Susan palmed my lips to stop her mom from hearing my cries. I clutched her shirt and broken down in a waterfall of cascading tears.

  You have to be kidding me, how could you seriously do that? Why would you do it with Maxim? I warned you about him, but you wouldn’t listen. Well, it's your business. There's nothing I can do about that."

  "Could you stop talking, Susan? The last thing I need right now is you berating me over something. You heard what they said! Maxim's dead. Maxim's dead!

  “You can't judge me for what happened. I know that I have my issues, but right now, the only thing I'm thinking about is Max, and I pray he's OK. I don't want to believe he’s gone. Please tell me he's not dead. The truth is she couldn't say anything contrary to what she heard. She said, "I hope so too.” And with that, I posted my head on her chest, and she ran her fingers through my hair. I said, "It's probably pointless to worry now. I'm worried about the others. Are they OK? I hate to think that this was all a setup or something?" Susan said to me, "I doubt that this is a setup. There's no way someone will make something as sad as this up. Listen, you can spend the night here, but you have to go back home tomorrow. Your mother needs you." I nodded, and with that, we both slid under the covers.

  Susan turned off the lights, and then, we drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  The following morning I got up to find Susan's lips on mine. I pulled back and said, “What are you doing?" She averted her gaze and said, "I'm sorry. "

  I don't know what came over me. It was wrong, and I'm genuinely sorry." And with that I slid the sheets off my body and got out of her bed.

  I said to her, "I need to go home. She sat up on her knees and apologized for the way she behaved.

  I turned to her and accepted her apology. And I told her it should never happen again.

  She shook her head and said “It's too bad you don't know how someone feels about you.”

  I looked at her with widened eyes. I knew nothing could happen between us.

  I grabbed my bags and hurried out the door to a waiting a shared ride. I was so confused. How could my best friend like me that way?

  And what exactly was going on in this town? Everything seemed so strange and weird like I was in this nightmare that wouldn't end.



  I'm not dead, but everybody thinks I am.

  No one understands what I dealt with, living underneath Dad's shadow.

  They all thought I was cool, the superstar, the captain of the team.

  But they didn’t know the half of it. My life was pain all the way. My father did this. I was still trying to figure out why, but I knew better than to question my father because whatever he said is the law, and that’s just the way it’s always been.

  He said to me, “I want you to cut things off with that girl once and for all. I don’t want you anywhere near her.” I didn’t understand it. I thought he would like her. After all, her mother was married to his best friend, right?

  Bella ought to be part of the elitist society now, she’s darn well earned it. But Dad always reminded me Bella is not blue blood, and she would never be one of the elites.

  He scoffed when I reminded him that she was his best friend’s daughter.

  He said, "His stepdaughter. Besides, God only knows how long that's going to last."

  I wanted to ask what he meant by that, but I couldn't get it out. So I stayed silent.

  Dad then added, "You can't be with that girl, Maxim. You have sex, do whatever with those girls. You don't keep them for the long term. She has no class.”

  Angered, I stood up to face my father, ready to tell him off, but then he reminded me that he runs things around here.

  He said, "I wouldn't threaten your father if I were you. You forget who runs things around here. Just because you're taller than me doesn't mean I can't deal with you, son. "I swallowed and slunk back to my chair. I knew this was an impossible task, but I missed Bella.

  The accident that really happened that night? It was all a blur is something I want to keep wrapped up in my memory bank. I just want to forget all about it, but someone lost his life that day. I felt guilty about it.

  I will feel worse that I got out unscathed while my best friends still in the hospital. Killian was still in the hospital. And honestly, I felt as though it was my fault. I wish I could change what happened.

  I thought about Bella. I wondered what she's up to right now? I still haven't seen Killian or Matteo ever since that accident. My father kept me at home lifting weights like it's all I could do it with my life.

  I felt stifled.

  I needed to get out, but he said now was not the time. He said I would return to school like everyone else. But until then I must stay in the mansion.

  This freaking Giga mansion drove me nuts. Yes, it's 25,000-square-feet of space and dead air. I want to go back to the house with the guys. That's where I belong, not here, and he knows it too. Most important, I miss Bella. I miss having her legs wrapped around mine. I missed our first time together. I know it was sudden but regardless, I couldn’t imagine being another girl now.

  I missed thrusting deep into her. As crazy as it sounds, I missed fucking her. Damaged from my thoughts, I screamed out in pain, yet my father ignored me completely, like he's always done. Oh my God, I need you, Bella, I fucking need you like the air that I breathe.


  It's a few weeks before school starts.

  Aside from the fact that I still didn't know what happened to Maxim, I heard that Killian is in the hospital, and what was crazy was I still had to come up with the money in a few months or my stepfather might make good on his threat.

  I thought about reporting him to the authorities, but I figured he was bluffing or something?

  I decided to visit Killian in the hospital. Susan couldn't go with me, so I went alone.

  I decided I wanted to see him alone. I wanted to sit next to him and listen to what he had to say.

  The minute I got there, I noticed Killian's step mother, a gorgeous well-dressed, and mild-mannered lady. She turned and looked quizzically at me. I didn't say a word. Then she got distracted by a doctor who walked up to her and said, "Ms.Bloom. Your son will be fine. We're observing him."

  She smiled at the doctor and thanked him.

  I stood at a close distance, watching them.

  Moments later, the doctor walked away.

  She turned, walked towards me, and said, “Are you a friend of Killian’s”

  I nodded.

  Then she said, "well, I guess it's good that he has friends he could use all the friends you can get. He was severely hurt."

  I swallowed, nerves fluttered in my belly. I then asked, "Which room?"

  She pointed the room out and said: "just make him happy."

  I thought, making him happy is a tall order?

  I mean, I could barely understand what's going on with my life right now.

  I nodded and assured her that I would do my best.

  And with that, I walked towards the room.

  The moment I stepped into the room, I saw Samantha seated by his side. I swallowed, great. She frowned and rolled her eyes at me. Then she said in a firm angry voice.

  "Just what the fuck are you doing here? Hmm?'

  Killian cautioned her. He looked at me and smiled. He said, "
Hi, Bella, it's good to see you."

  I smiled and said, "same here. how are you feeling."

  "How the fuck do you think he's feeling, hmm? Why wouldn't you just disappear or something? You are not welcomed here!"

  Killian shot her a dark stare causing her to retreat. She stopped speaking. I ignored her presence; Killian was the reason I came here. Plus I needed to know the truth what happened? So I asked him. He was evasive. He said he didn't want to talk about it. I couldn't understand it all. Even the news reports remained vague about what indeed occurred that night. So if I figured if he wouldn't answer the question, I might as well ask about Maxim. So I did.

  I said, "What about Maxim?"

  He frowned. Samantha shook her head in disgust; she rolled her eyes at me yet again as though saying how the hell do you come over here to see Killian and then ask about Maxim?

  "You have some nerve coming over here and like seriously asking about Maxim? Well, if you'd never showed up at our school, then all of this wouldn't have happened!"

  Once again, Killian cautioned her. He turned his attention to me and asked, "why him?" He looked worried and somewhat jealous. Yet I didn't know why. I figured maybe I imagined things. Perhaps this was all a dream, and any minute now, I'd wake up in cold sweats. But of course, Samantha said, "why are you asking about Maxim hmm. Bella, it was all a game, and obviously, you can't seem to get that into your head, I don't care what you have to say, you need to leave right now!

  I turned to walk away.

  I decided perhaps I ought to visit him some other time, just not today. Killian asked me to stay, but I declined.

  I said, "Perhaps, I will visit some other time."

  And with that, I left the room.



  I thought maybe I should have stayed in the room. I guess I got all caught up in my feelings. I ran my fingers through my hair, thinking to myself, what the hell did I do?

  I went over to visit Matteo, and yet when he wouldn't answer my questions about what happened that night, I decided to change the subject and ask him about Maxim, which turned out to be a sore spot for him.

  He refused to say anything about it.

  I almost wished I could take back my words.

  It didn't help that Jessica was right next to him, and then I thought maybe that's why his mother said he needed friends. Perhaps she didn't trust her? That sounded like a possibility to me.

  But he didn't answer what happened to Max. Did he die or is he still alive somewhere? I decided I should leave it alone until school starts up again. And that's what I did. I left the hospital returned home and helped Mom around the house for the rest of the week. She had gotten a little better after that episode that night.

  I still didn't tell her about her husband's filthy tryst with Susan.

  Besides, I didn't want to hurt her any more than he already did. I just wanted to finish my senior year, and then I planned on telling her everything and hoped she’d keep her husband away from Susan and me.

  Speaking of Susan, she seemed to be in a better mood she called me on the blue to tell me that everything was great and that life it turned out suddenly so peachy. Then I wondered, was it peachy, or was she just saying these things? I guess I'll never know.

  Soon school began again.

  The moment I arrived at the prestigious Wexley Academy, I was stunned to see the students going about their normal business, as though nothing happened. Finally, someone said, "Some people say it was arson or something, but I think it was just a fair little accident.

  Too bad we had to one of our own." I nodded, and right there would like someone to start my heart yet again as I thought about Maxim

  I was confident that he died. After all, why was everyone so guarded and hesitant to tell me the truth?

  Plus it didn't help that when I visited Liam in the hospital, he seemed a little guarded even though he was probably under the influence of some drugs to keep the pain away, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more going on?

  The rich gals walked by me and rolled their eyes. Susan ran up to me and held my hand.

  She said, "Are you ready for the best year ever?" I laughed. It's incredible how you can be so chipper we know exactly lies underneath that smile. It was none other than pain, and she knew it too, but I guess it was good to start in a better mood.

  Throughout the day, room as well about the whereabouts of Max and he still hadn't shown up, so I figured okay if that's not enough confirmation for me, and I don't know what else could confirm it. I sent it to multiple texts, and it all came back unread.

  Susan wrapped her hand around my shoulder later on that day and said, "At least you still have the memories of you guys being together.” The school was also rife with rumors that Maxim was probably not even dead and that he was somewhere in the south of France, not following the elite school's rules and probably skipping class on his father's super yacht. That would be so like him to do something like that and let me know.

  I figure we sure something special I imagine that it meant something to him. He would take off like that now, would he? And what about his phone not receiving messages? I shook my head and tried my best to focus in school because that's why I was at Wexley—to get an education. For some reason, none of the rich gals seemed bothered by his absence. Even the coach seemed a little concerned.

  So I walked up to the coach and asked, "I'm sorry to bother you, but will Maxim return this year?" He folded his arms and said, “I don't know anybody." I nodded and then he started to walk away. He paused and turned around and said, "And if I were you, honestly, I would leave it alone. You're better than this. You don't need him. You need to focus on getting your grades up because you think the school’s a pipeline to the best schools. It doesn't happen at the medic you gotta work for." He nodded and thanked them.

  The first week went by pretty quickly, and then the second week and then back at home, I would see my stepfather walking to the house, and I would avoid him like the plague. I want points to stop them and said, "The clock is ticking, so what you are going to do?"

  I shook my head then, and then I said to him, "I'm taking the day at a time." My answer seemed to unnerve them. He seemed a little surprised at how bold I was talking back too. But I didn't let it bother me was not I decided the best thing for you, Bella, to avoid this man suck whatever he thinks about the clock ticking you must stand tall. That was easy to say I found out that I did have a few weeks to come up with the tuition, or I'll be out of the school wants whatever he cables out.

  I had it to my neck with his threats, so when my step dad hurried into the house, I confronted him about it. He laughed and said, “you know what you need to do.”

  I wanted to tell my mother everything. I can't I tell her? But then I knew our past and didn’t want to go back there.

  I wanted to complete my senior year.

  My stepdad’s actions hurt. I couldn’t understand it, if a man said he loves a woman, he shouldn't treat the woman's child this way.

  He knew it; I knew it we both knew it, and regardless of what he thinks he can’t continue doing this.

  “I will tell mom everything.”

  Amused by my reaction he laughed. Then he rubbed his jaw faraway in thought.

  I guess the confrontation worked because moments later, he said, "fine, I'm to pay for a few more weeks aside from what I did, but it doesn't let you off the hook. You will do as I ask."

  I scoffed and said, "you can make me do anything."

  He laughed and said, “I run this town, and I have things I know think. You think I married your mother just because she's cute? Yes, she’s a great fuck, but now I can't stand her addiction to painkillers and all kinds of little downers here and there? This is my world, and you must realize it, sweet Bella, dear." He paused and slid his fingers into my curls. I slapped his hand off my curls.

  He scoffed and slid his fingers back in.

  Then he murmured in a low threatening voice, “If you
give a little, just a little bit an inch inside you, then maybe you realize not so bad after all. Your friend Susan doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with what she's doing. She has a cool ride. Yes, she does, and if you were smart enough, you would do the same. Your friend ha a full-ride up to college cause she is smart. She's got a full ride. He twirled his thick fingers in my hair, and I slapped his hand off so fast and moved away from his presence.

  I wasn't going to let him talk to me that way on them no no no no no; it's not going to happen. I heard him laughing as I walked away, but I didn't care. I hurried into my room and slammed the door shut he does know who was messing with now. I am not my mother.

  I returned to school the following day and noticed a commotion close by; I wondered what was going on? I hurried to the sea of heads. Then my eyes widened when I saw who they were staring at walking my way stoically.

  "Maxim!" I blurted out, shocked to see him. I thought he was dead? He’s alive?



  Once I saw her standing there, I couldn’t believe it.

  It was great seeing her again, and to be honest, I got freaking hard, glancing at her beautiful body. But of course, I kept a straight poker face. But god, her petite frame and the rise of her gorgeous breasts, made me yearn for her. I know she hates me. I don’t blame her for being that way after what I put her through; she probably thought I died or something?

  If she had done the same to me, I would be incensed.

  She thought I was dead, but I could tell from the look in her eyes she looked shocked to see me standing there and get the labor. When she said the words, Maxim, my God, it hit home right away how much I’d missed her.

  I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and let her that everything will be okay and that I’m fine.

  But my father threatened me not to have anything with her. I couldn’t tell anyone, especially her, what happened that night. I couldn’t tell her Dad forbade me from being with her because, in his warped mind, she was underneath my status.


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