Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2)

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Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2) Page 3

by Slash, Ana

  I mean, it sounds crazy now thinking about it, but that’s what he said.

  Oh well, I guess I’d have to accept the things I cannot change.

  She walked up to me and said, “I cannot believe you are here. It’s like a dream.”

  I took in a deep breath and exhaled, my chest rose and fell while staring at her beautiful innocent petite frame. Everyone turned to look at her too.

  I pushed slid past them and said to her, “it’s good to see you.”

  The tears welled up in her eyes as she shot me a dark stare.

  She narrowed her eyes on me and asked, “how could you do this to me. I thought you were dead; I thought you lost your life. I tried reaching you.”

  She lifted her hand up, clenched a fist ready to pound my chest.

  But then, she paused, realizing there were a lot of students glaring at us, probably wondering why she was so interested in me.

  She looked around at the other students and with her hair behind her ears, a typical move she made when nervous.

  I started to say something, but then I averted her gaze.

  I couldn’t look into her eyes and lie to her.

  I couldn’t tell her my father made this all up, and whatever happened that night did not affect me physically.

  I got out unscathed while the others got into trouble and ended up in the hospital.

  I said Bella I reached forward to touch her hand that she pulled back. That’s the moment I pulled back too. I realize I had to keep the promise I made to my father not to go back to her.

  It’s for our good she probably wouldn’t understand it, but I knew my father could do so much worse than he already did.

  I wouldn’t want her to get hurt. So, I acted as though I didn’t care about her.

  She looked at me and said, “Why don’t you say it? Why don’t you say you were ashamed to be with me? Just say it Maxim?”

  The bad girls stared daggers at her and rolled their eyes.

  Samantha stepped up and said, “You wouldn’t you stay away? He’s not interested in you. I know you get this idea that all the guys you want to know what he does, Bella.”

  Bella ignored her, she turned to me and said if you didn’t die then who did. I swallowed my father made all this up, and whatever happened that night wasn’t coincidence was in an accident, and the guy who died was collateral damage. I don’t want my darling Bella to have the same fate. No one is safe around here.

  So that’s why I acted like I didn’t care about her.

  I wrapped my hands around Samantha’s shoulders, raised my chin up and said, “good to see you, but we have to go.” And with that, Samantha smirked at her, and we both walked away.


  I didn’t understand why Maxim walked away from me.

  I thought we had something great together, and now he can’t even give me the common courtesy to tell me what happened that night. Maybe, I meant nothing to him. Perhaps, I was just an easy fuck? I shook my head and said to myself, “this would never happen again. I wouldn’t put myself through that experience again.”

  I decided at that moment that I would forget about him.

  So, Maxim’s still alive?

  And there I was, thinking he died or something?

  God, I’m so stupid I whispered underneath my breath. I got mad at myself for being so naïve when this was all a game to him.

  Our first-time having sex meant nothing to him. It was just a stupid, stupid game.

  I watched as everyone walks past the following Maxim and Samantha. I realized at that moment, whatever feelings I have is one-sided. Maxim didn’t care about me. I guess Jessica was right. It was just a game, and I fell for their stupid, insane games, but then he said someone died and why such a mystery? But I guess I’ll never know.

  I sighed and thought I am glad he’s alive.

  That’s the moment Matteo walked up towards me.

  Surprised to see him, I winced and stared at him with widened eyes. I couldn’t believe he recovered quickly. He looked well except for the bandages on his arm. He said, “it’s good to see you.” I told him, “it’s good to see you too.” And honestly, it was the truth.

  I was pleased to see him, but I couldn’t lie, Maxim’s reaction when he saw me hurt like a knife searing my heart.

  Matteo turned my face to look into his eyes. He said, “still beautiful as ever.”

  I swallowed. I stared at him, and why denies thinking is this guy for real if you are saying these things to make me feel happy, does he mean it? He wrapped his hands around me and gave me a big hug I took in his fragrance, and honestly, I was just as drawn to him as I was to the others, Killian and Maxim. I said to Matteo, “what happened that night?”

  He ran his fingers along my face. He tilted my chin up and sighed.

  “Bella, I know you want to know what happened that night, but honestly, it’s best to leave it alone. Listen to the guys, and I got together as we were last year. It’s just Killian and me. Maxim no longer lived with us.

  In the meantime, he’s back at his father’s place. I raised an eyebrow and said that you guys always do things together. Is it because of the accident?”

  Matteo then changed the subject. He said, “why don’t we leave all of that in the past?

  Hey, you know what will be great, my father’s brand-new yacht. I raised an eyebrow and said to him, “let me guess, hmm it’s in the south of France or something?

  He laughed and said, “how did you know?”

  I said, “isn’t it obvious you guys do things you want to do, but I’m sorry I can’t do that I’m dealing with a lot right now and should probably stay local.”

  He laughed and smirked mischievously.

  He moved closer as though wanting to kiss me, but then he pulled back and said, “you know we have class. But maybe we can hang out later? I really would like you at my party, plus you know Maxim would be there.”

  He narrowed his eyes on mine. When he talked about Maxim, he seemed envious.

  I said, “you sound a little jealous?” He laughed and said, “how can I not be jealous when you seem to like him more than us.”

  I thought, wow, where’s this coming from now?

  Should I tell them exactly what happened that night between Maxim and me? NO, I’d keep it to myself; besides, I don’t know what Matteo is up too. I told him I think about it. And with that, we hurried to Class.

  Throughout the session, I felt Max’s eyes on me.

  I turned, looked at him, and he took away. And that also the same moment where some answer gave me the finger. When the professor would look at us, she would turn away and act as though nothing happened.

  I said to myself this chick is insane; something’s going on with her. To make matters worse, Killian was still in the hospital; however, Jessica was also in the class, staring daggers at me. The teacher then looked at me and said, “are you focused on what we’re talking about here. Ms. Bella, always your mind somewhere else? I nodded and said, “I’m listening, Mr. Zanes.”

  And with that, he continued teaching; the day went by pretty quickly, mom picked me up after school.

  The moment I got in the car, she smiled.

  I asked her, “what was going on?”

  She said she had discovered the most fantastic yoga exercise, and that she started practicing Tantric sex is something. I told her that’s too much information , and I wanted to talk about my mom’s sexual life. I probably should let her know about Matteo’s party. Who knows, maybe she would think it’s a great idea? But then the moment we got to the house, mom picked up the bottle and started drinking and before you it.

  She was drunk again.

  I told myself this was unhealthy, watching Mom self-destruct. It just made no sense.

  She had a lot to look forward to them, yet she acted like she had nothing. I said to her, “mom you can’t keep doing this.”

  She laughed and said, “What?”

  I said to her, “this drinking and partying,
and I don’t know why I let you pick me up, you can barely drive!”

  She laughed and said, “I have needs that can’t be denied. Would you lighten up a little? You’re so uptight, and I do know you had something to do with my room that night.”

  I swallowed and thought holy fuck—

  Mom knew what happened that night!

  She laughed and said, “oh, don’t worry about it is a secret between us.” I nodded and watched as my mom drove home, stumbled and out of the car.

  Worried, I reached for her and thought, oh no, not again Mom.

  But she shrugged me off, and then moments later, she fell asleep on the couch.

  I shook my head, looked at my drunken mother and thought great! And that’s the moment I got a call from Susan.

  She shrieked into the phone and said, “I know who died.” I shook my head and said it was one of those things you tell me you know what you don’t know? She said, “no, I know who died. Bella, he took me a moment to sponsor said oh my God, who is it? She paused for a moment. The silence was killing me even more so. So I said to her, tell me who is that? She finally blurted out, “it was Seth.”

  Horrified, I got up and stood still.

  I couldn’t move.

  I said that I said to her, “are you sure?”

  She said, “yes, this time? I am perfectly sure Seth died.”



  I’d be honest I kept trying to process what happened to Seth. I sent a text to Susan and asked, “Are you really sure about this?”

  Susan said sarcastically, “Yes you can ask everyone in your favorite crew.”

  I wondered what was up with her?

  I thought about the first time I saw Seth at the school and felt sad. It hurt to know he died.

  I felt terrible. I knew there was nothing I could do about it. So Seth died and the rich guys are alive?

  And that’s the moment the TV screen blurred in front of me. I turned to listen to the news.

  Then I saw Seth face flashed on the screen. I thought to myself, “he’s really gone?

  The reporter said, “Wexley’s prestigious high school seems to have a lot of your hands these days. Everyone wants to know what really happened that night and why were the students there and why is the building that burned was under repairs by Billionaire Rothschild’s company? We will get the details soon.”

  That’s the moment I realized, Max and dad had a something to do with this, that why he’s evasive about everything?

  Holy fuck—

  This just got real.

  I would never guess that he did not tell me the truth after what we did together.

  Why? What truly happened to Seth?

  Because the following day at school word goes around the school that I am bad company. I heard talk about how I am a bad influence on the guys and probably indirectly caused Seth’s death.

  The bad girls told everyone.

  I scoffed at their insinuation what the hell are you talking about? I have nothing to do with. I had absolutely nothing to do with Seth’s death.

  I felt terrible about what happened to them. And then to make matters worse focuses all I kept thinking about Seth and the times we shared back in the day.

  What wouldn’t I do to turn back time and maybe save them as something but the truth is I can’t even save myself? My life’s a mess.

  I called my mother and left her message not to pick me up from school.

  I needed some time alone to think.

  I decided I would go into town probably had a snack at my favorite restaurant is something.

  What I didn’t realize this is about to run into something even bigger than I thought. I walked into the restroom and behind me the next to guess who Max’s father. I swallowed and treats and then the lady asked me if I wanted to place my order I nodded and said, “I just want a burger.”

  Then I turned to look at Susan.

  Susan averted my gaze. She shifted uneasily standing next to Maxim’s dad, the incredibly handsome and tall, yet conflicted Mr. Rothschild.

  He smiled and smacked his lips he looked me in the eyes and said, “Susan it’s not very nice not to make an introduction.

  Susan then looked at me and said, “Oh my God, hmm, yes this is my friend, Bella.”

  He scoffed and rudely cut her off by saying, “I know who she is, my best friends’ new beautiful daughter.”

  I swallowed; nerves fluttered in my belly. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to confront him. Hell yes, I wanted to say something to him, but the words wouldn’t come out of my lips. He looked me over and grinned.

  The lady returned with my sandwich. I was about to walk out of the restaurant when Mr. Rothschild asked me to wait. I wondered why?

  And then he said, “so have you decided about your future?”



  I honestly wanted to tell him off, but I decided it was not worth the energy so what did I do?

  Well, I shrugged my shoulders and said to him, “I am sorry I don’t know what you are talking about Mr. hmm.”

  Susan shot me a look; Maxim’s father stood behind her running his fingers over her shoulders. I wanted to scream take your hands off her body. Stay away from her. But then I stayed silent.

  “Oh, come on you know as well as I do what you need to do to stay in school. Don’t act so naïve we can see through a lot you need to consider your options. Look at Susan over here, she made the right decision.

  As though under hypnosis, Susan nodded and feigned a smile. But I could see right through it all. She was not her usual self, and she knew it. She was acting a little weird. I stared directly into her eyes as Maxim’s dad applied pressure on her shoulders. I couldn’t believe Susan would let him do that to her.

  “Looks like my best friend is taking good care of you as he should. But consider the offer,” Maxim’s dad said feigning a sly smile.

  I couldn’t believe it, my step dad was not just up to no good, but he also told his best friend about it?

  I shifted uneasily turned to Susan.

  Then I said, “Hey Susan should we call a shared ride, I think we should go home to study.”

  Maxim’s Dad laughed and said, “Don’t be silly. I’d take her home and I could certainly drop you off at your place, it is after all on my way.”

  I replied, “That’d not be necessary I think I can find my way home plus and ..”

  He interjected.

  “Nonsense, it would be no trouble at all.” I averted his gaze as he raked my body with his eyes.

  I shook my head in disgust.

  I wanted to ask why he would look at me that way when his son was the first guy I had sex with, and why he thinks what he’s doing is justified. Susan might be 18 but that doesn’t mean he should control her life.

  Susan looked at me with pleading eyes as though secretly asking me to go away or something, but I refused to budge.

  Instead I said to her, “Susan hmm don’t we have homework to take care of, I heard French class has additional requests this year and you know your mom would be happy to see us studying together. Hmm Mr. Rothschild, have you met her mom? She’s a lovely woman.”

  Maxim’s dad frowned and said, “You are trying too much. Well, if you don’t need a ride, Susan and I will head out now.”

  He held Susan’s hand and slid her close to him. They turned and started to walk away when suddenly he got a call. He turned to Susan and said, “Excuse me I need to take this call.” He left her alone next to me and that’s the moment, I let it rip.

  “Have you lost your damn mind Susan what the freaking hell are you still doing with this guy? It will not end well for you or me. We both know what happened to Seth wasn’t an accident and honestly it could happen to you or me.”

  She placed a finger on her lips. Then she said,” shh you don’t want him to hear you speak. It's easy for you to say you have nothing to lose. I have never had the princess experience; I finally have it. I will be damned
if you think I man ready to give it all up.

  I will do no such thing. You are free to do what you want Bella that’s your prerogative, but I will not go through with that. Now if you’d ask me, why don’t you leave before he returns, I don’t need trouble. I like him and I think maybe we have a future or something.”

  I shook my head and tried to tell her she’s out of her freaking mind if she thinks there’s a future here. But she wouldn’t listen. Minutes later Mr Rothschild returned, leaned in and held her hand. He pulled her close to his body and said, “It’s good seeing you hmm Bella it is right?”

  “Yes Bella, you son’s girlfriend,” I retorted.

  He laughed and said, “really? that’s a surprise because dear he never mentioned you. I am sure he would have.” Mr Rothschild then leaned in and whispered into my ear, “If I were you Bella, I would take the offer, you have nothing to lose if you do. But if not, you would lose out.

  Oh, and stay away from my son, you know for your own good.”

  I swallowed.

  Nerves trembled in my belly, I watched him pull back and force a smile. And with that I watched as he wrapped his hand around Susan’s waist and walked out. I cursed underneath my breath. Why would she let him treat her this way?

  Why would she give him so much power? She is a beautiful, smart girl who applies herself. I shook my head thinking I guess I’d never know, but I didn’t care. I turned and hurried out of there and headed home.

  Once I got in, I noticed mom dancing with my stepfather. She seemed out of it again.

  I frowned and watched as my step dad’s eyes narrowed on mine.

  He slid his hands down on my mom’s behind, while keeping his eyes on me, he murmured, “clock is ticking do the right thing.” I shook my head and hurried out of the room into my room. I slammed the door shut and cursed out loud. Why is she with him? I palmed my face, slumped on my bed and cried. What will I do now? How do I stop this?


  I couldn’t stop thinking about Bella. I stood on my balcony thinking about that night.


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