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Sven's Ride (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 19

by Sara Crest

  Seeing a city empty like this was unlike anything I had ever seen.

  Suddenly three motorcycles pulled out of a nearby intersection as we passed it, they matched our speed and followed us.

  One of the men sped up so he was on the right side of us, keeping one hand on the handlebars and using the other hand to point a small shotgun straight at us. I could feel my heart skip a beat as I looked down the barrel of his gun, he was trying to steady his aim and I could see his finger begin to squeeze the trigger as the other two men made sure we couldn’t escape.

  Sven turned to look at him, raising the arm where had had crossed off his old initiate tattoo. Showing him the already scaring over “X” that he now wore proudly on his his wrist.

  The biker hesitated for a moment, it looked like he still wanted to put a bullet in us, but after a few seconds he lowered his shotgun and waved us to follow him, making a sharp turn.

  We barely made the turn in time, we leaned so much on the turn that my hair was only inches away from the ground before Sven levelled us out.

  They took us to a small park where dozens of Empire State bikers were waiting.

  The bikers who led us there got off their bikes and waved us over. Sven took my hand and we walked towards them. I looked around and we were surrounded by men who had wanted us dead just 24 hours ago. I just had to take a deep breath and trust Sven that everything would be fine.

  As we approached the biker the sound of engines revving could be heard in the distance, I could only assume it was coming from the Freedom Rider’s bar, that must have meant we were closer than I thought.

  “Clay’s been waiting for you” the biker said. “We’ve been making sure that nobody gets in or out of their bar. Just walk through the alley over there, he’s waiting on the other side.”

  Sven nodded at him as he took my hand and began to lead me across the park, but before we could go anywhere the biker put his hand on Sven’s shoulder.

  “You sure you want your girl coming with you? We could look after her here.”

  I squeezed Sven’s hand tight, there was no way I was being separated from him now.

  “We’ll be fine” he replied.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing buddy, I don’t want any more of my friends dying. They’re like brothers to me.”

  “You have my word that only one more man is dying tonight. I’m bringing that fucker Walsh out for you all, then you’re never hearing from me ever again.”

  He took his hand off of Sven’s shoulder. Sven took my hand and we crossed the park trying to reach the building with the alleyway the biker told us to go through. I could feel Sven gripping my hand harder, his breathing changed and I could see his whole body tense up.

  One biker lay in the grass, watching us walk by, I could feel his eyes staring at my ass.

  “You gonna share that fuckin’ broad?” the guy asked.

  Sven let go of my hand and walked towards him, kicking him hard in the stomach as he lay on the grass, knocking the wind out of him.

  I could see anger building up in him, anger that I didn’t want him to have. Was he hyping himself up for what he was about to do to Walsh or was he angry at him having to be in this situation.

  I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the man he was kicking, the other Empire State Rollers just sat there and watched him beating on their brother. Some even laughed.

  “Don’t ever disrespect me” Sven said to him as the man lay on his hands and knees holding his stomach.

  Sven turned to me and looked me in the eye, I could tell he was angry, I could tell he was ready to unleash that anger on Walsh. Sven gave more than 15 years of his life to the club and it betrayed him and played him, I just hoped that once this was over that anger would be gone too.

  We walked through the alleyway, with each step we took I worried more and more about him. The sounds of the motorcycles on the other side revving their engines was almost deafening in here as I felt myself become more and more anxious about this situation. I thought I could power through it but now that reality was setting in I just wanted to run off.

  “Power through it Emma, for him” I said to myself. The engines were so loud in the alleyway that he couldn’t hear me anyway.

  We walked out to the other side to see an old rundown bar, I didn’t know if it was rundown before but it certainly was now. There were bullet holes peppered all over the building. The windows were shattered and the door looked like it was shot down.

  There were a dozen bikers all speeding in a circle around the bar, completely cutting it off from the rest of the world as they hooted and hollered. They had started this gang was only two days ago and already they were on the cusp of taking over this whole city.

  We saw Clay sitting down in what looked to be a beach chair, watching his men speed around the bar from a safe distance across the street. He was smiling and drinking vodka straight out of the bottle, stroking his beard and moving his head back and forth rhythmically as if he was playing a song in his own head.

  “Where do you want me old man” Sven said as we approached him. I kept myself behind Sven so that I wouldn’t really be noticed by Clay, I’d rather forget that I tried to give my life away to save Sven and failed. To think Clay almost kept me alive for his own entertainment… how things have changed.

  “I was wondering when you would get here, I thought I was gonna have to have all the fun to myself.”

  He turned and pointed at the bar. “I’m sure you’re familiar with that piece of shit. We got about 20 of your guys holed up in there, we know Walsh is in there too. He’s all yours.”

  Clay took a whistle out from his jacket pocket, putting it to his lips and blowing it as loud as he could.

  The bikers slowed to a stop, turning their engines off and letting the silence of the situation seep in.

  “If I bring you Walsh, you’ll let my other brothers walk?”

  “If that’s what you want” Clay replied taking another sip of vodka.

  Sven took my hand, leading me to the bar. He raised our hands over our heads to that they would know we were coming to them with peaceful intentions. Too bad that was only half true.

  A shot rang out and hit the ground next to Sven.

  “Come any closer and I’ll blow your fucking head off!” someone from inside yelled.

  “I recognize that voice. Saul, Saul it’s me Sven, let me come in and everything will be alright.”

  “Fuck you asshole I’m not falling for it, Sven is dead.”

  “Fuck you Saul just look at where you’re shooting for two goddamn seconds and you’ll see it’s me.”

  I saw Saul lean out of the window, sighing in relief when he saw that it really was us.

  “What the hell are you doing here Sven.”

  “I’m here to talk to Walsh, we can work something out.”

  “We’re not working anything out you European faggot” I heard Walsh call out. I could feel my heart begin to race, Sven and I were standing in between two warring gangs and we could be shot from both sides at any moment.

  “Walsh, it’s over.” Sven said walking towards the door. “It’s over and you can come out now, everything is gonna be fine” he said lying.

  There was no response for a few seconds, Sven and I inched closer to the doorway step by step as he tried to gauge how dangerous the situation was.

  Suddenly an arm reached reached out of the doorway and pulled me in, ripping me out of Sven’s hands. Sven rushed in only to see Walsh with his arm around my neck and a gun to my head.

  “Get every last one of them to leave or I’m blowing her brains out.” His arm was tight around my neck, I wanted to see if I could maybe bite his wrist and free myself but I was helpless.

  I tried kicking him, swinging my leg backwards to try and hit his groin.

  He squeezed my throat even harder, practically choking me. “You stupid bitch, if you don’t stop that I’m gonna shoot you and your traitor boyfriend.”

  He turn
ed to everyone in the bar “that goes for fucking all of you! If Any of you tries anything I’ll blow all of your fucking brains out I swear to fucking christ!”

  I looked around to see men that looked tired and worried for their lives. I saw the faces of men who wanted nothing more than to give up and hope that the Empire Rollers wouldn’t kill them.

  I could see the anger in Sven’s eyes, it looked like he didn’t just want to hurt Walsh, he looked like he wanted to kill him.

  “Sven, everything will be alright if-”

  Walsh hit the back of my head with the butt of his gun. My ears rang as pain shot throughout my skull. “Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt I’m trying to think!”

  “You decrepit son of a bitch if you don’t let her go right now I’m gonna-”

  “You’re gonna what? Kill me? And how are you gonna do that? Are you gonna shoot through your pretty little girlfriend here?”

  “I know about my dad Walsh, I know about what you let happen to him. I know that you tried to pump crystal meth into New York City, that’s why we’re really in this fucking mess, not because of what I did to John.”

  “You pumped crystal into Empire MC territory?” Saul asked stepping forward. I looked down next to Saul to see Barron lying unconscious, or at least he seemed unconscious. He didn’t look dead but he definitely wasn’t fine and dandy either.

  I continued to struggle against Walsh but he kept choking me, I felt so defenseless and angry, if I was this angry I couldn’t imagine how Sven felt. The choking combined with the hit to the back of my head was making me woozy, I could feel myself struggling to stay on my feet.

  “Yeah, I did. We weren’t pulling in the money I fucking wanted so I started pumping crystal into NYC. You should have seen the fucking money come in.”

  “And now the club is fucking dead” Saul said slowly raising his gun, pointing it at Walsh. He was so angry that he couldn’t even hold it steady.

  “Saul hold on now” Sven said. “That’s my girl right there don’t you dare put her in danger.”

  “We’ve given our life to this fuck Sven” he said looking right at him. “Don’t you want to tear his goddamn face off? Don’t you want to get him back for what he did not only to this club but to your own dad? This son of a bitch-”

  Walsh moved his gun from aiming it to my head to aiming it at Saul, and without hesitation he pulled the trigger. I went limp right as I saw him take aim, my weight threw him off balance causing him all three shots he took to miss Saul’s body with only one hitting him in the arm.

  Saul dropped the gun and yelled out in pain.

  Sven rushed towards Walsh with rage in his eyes that I never thought possible, his blue eyes felt like they could tear right through you as he closed the distance between him and us.

  Walsh put the gun to my head, I could see him smirking, and I could feel my life about to be take from me.

  “Fuck you Sven” he said chuckling.

  “Don’t you fucking dare Walsh!”

  I closed my eyes and tears streamed down my face.

  “Sven I’m so sorry!” I cried out.

  Walsh pulled the trigger hard, but instead of a bang, there was nothing but a click. Just one loud click.

  I opened my eyes, why was I still alive?

  That one loud click turned into many as Walsh fruitlessly pulled the trigger over and over. He had used up the last of his bullets against Saul, he was out.

  Sven clenched his fist in rage as he charged towards Walsh.

  “You mother fucker!”

  Sven swung his fist and hit Walsh hard enough for him to let me go and fall onto the ground.

  Walsh fell face first, struggling to get up.

  Sven pulled me into him and kissed me, causing my racing heart to calm down. I was almost taken away from him, Walsh fully intended to kill me right then and there but here I was in Sven’s arms safe and sound.

  He broke away from me, looking over to Saul who gave him a labored thumbs up, thank god the bullet only hit him in the arm. I had saved his life by messing up Walsh’s shot, it felt good to do something.

  Sven walked over to Walsh who spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground, Sven had a look of anger and determination, a look that gave me mixed feelings as he stood over the man who once ran the most powerful gang in Boston.

  What even goes on through a man’s head in a situation like this?

  Chapter Forty-Three


  The fucker actually tried to crawl away, grabbing his empty pistol and pointing it at me. Each time he pulled the trigger a loud click filled the otherwise silent room. Maybe he thought if he hated me enough that a bullet would magically appear in the chamber and take my life. He had become so disconnected with the lifestyle that he couldn’t even remember what an empty gun felt like in your hand. Pathetic.

  I grabbed him by the back of his t-shirt, turning him over and then pulling him up by his collar.

  Walsh looked up at me and smiled. “So what you think you can just kill me and get away with it? You think the men here won’t stop you from hurting me any more? You’re shit out of-”

  I slammed my fist into Walsh’s face, causing him to go limp for a split second.

  “Did you think I’d never find out?” I screamed in his face, hitting him hard again and again with my right hand. The connection felt so satisfying.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t find out about you and my dad? That you’ve been playing this sick joke with me for a fucking decade and a half?”

  Each time I hit him I could feel weight being lifted off of my shoulders, the only people I ever had to answer to were myself and Emma. Each punch made me feel like Walsh had pulled the trigger every time I killed a man, it was all his fault that my life was where it was. It might not have washed my hands clean of guilt, but goddamn if it wasn’t the closest thing to it.

  “And to top it all off you try and kill my girl? The woman I love? You try and sell her off to the other gang for your own fucking safety and then you try and kill her yourself? Did you think you could just get away with all of this?”

  “F-f-fuck you!” he sputtered out. His face was covered in his own blood, I could feel it running down my knuckles. “Are none of you going to do anything about this?” he pleaded to the few men who remained. They all just sat there solemnly and watched, I didn’t know if it was because they thought Walsh deserved it or if they realized they would be able to walk free with him out of the picture. Either way, nobody was stopping me.

  “I made all of you! You were all just a bunch of drunken idiots getting into bike accidents every day before I came in the picture! You all fucking owe me! You’re all NOTHING without me!”

  Another hard hit, right to the temple. It shut him up real quick.

  Each hit felt more solid than any punch I ever threw before, every time it connected a slapping noise rang out through the room. The sound of flesh hitting flesh, after today I never wanted to hear it again.

  I dragged him by his blood soaked t-shirt out of the bar, dropping him on the street.

  I turned back to the bar and waved everyone out. Emma led them out one by one, some had to be carried, some came out limping, some even sprinted away the first chance that they got.

  She helped Saul and another man carry Barron outside, he was still unconscious.

  “Will he be alright? Will both of you be alright?”

  “We’ve been through worse Sven, you know that… so is this where we part ways?”

  “For now Saul. You two will always be my brothers, you know that.”

  Saul chuckled, looking down at Walsh who lay on the hard pavement. “Don’t go easy on him buddy.”

  “You know I won’t.”

  I watched as they took Barron away, I knew we’d see each other again really soon. Besides, they could handle themselves.

  I waited a few seconds after they were out of view. The Empire Rollers, Clay, and Emma stood there waiting for my next move. I turned my attention back to Wa
lsh, getting down on one knee, giving him another solid punch to the face and watching his blood hit the grey pavement below.

  I let all my anger out, for nearly a whole minute I just hit his face back and forth until he was on the verge of begging.

  I took my father’s handgun out of my back pocket, putting it to Walsh’s forehead and digging the barrel into his skin.

  “You’re not walking out of here Walsh, this is the end of the line for you. Laying on the hard ground realizing that you fucked up.”

  He looked at me, he struggled to maintain his pained forced smile. I could see tears welling up in his eyes. He began crying, in front of everyone, I felt embarrassed for him.

  “I did this for the Freedom Riders, I did what was best for all of us! Please don’t kill me, I’ll leave Boston and never come back!”

  “You did what was best for you, and now the club is done. Soon we’ll be nothing but a bad memory for this city.”

  I cocked the gun, ready to put a bullet in him.

  Emma ran up and grabbed my arm, pulling it away.

  “Sven, please. Don’t let his life weigh in on your conscious, don’t kill him.”

  “I’ve killed so many people Emma, what’s one more? What’s one more when the man deserves it?”

  She got down on her knees next to me, turning my head to look at her straight in the eyes.

  “I want a new start with you Sven. It might not seem like much now but he’ll weigh you down like all the other. Don’t do this to yourself, please.”

  I looked deep into her eyes, seeing the caring woman that I fell in love with.

  I leaned in and kissed her, only for a moment, as I lifted the gun away from Walsh’s forehead, leaving a circle print on his skin right where his upside down cross was.

  “I won’t be the one to kill him Emma, but there is something I have to do for my dad.”

  She looked at me and then to the gun before nodding her head. “I understand.”


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