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Sven's Ride (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 21

by Sara Crest

  “Higher ups have their connections” Axel replied.

  “So how much is that pay?” I asked. “I’m not wasting my time doing some work that isn’t even good enough for Rusky lackeys if the pay isn’t good.”

  “The pay will be fine Jack, more than whatever you’re used to I can guarantee you that. We’re riding for Chicago ASAP to meet my uncle and get the details. The sooner we get there the sooner we can start and the sooner we can start the sooner we get paid. Understood?”

  “The fuck are we waiting for here then?” Chuck blurted out getting up from his seat. “I got debts to pay let's go make that fuckin’ money.”

  I don’t like this. Ruskies have no business hiring us, they gotta be up to something.

  Chapter Two


  It was starting to get harder, I was beginning to realize this really wasn’t the life I wanted to live.

  My father kept me on constant watch, when I was younger I used to be able to get away with going outside if I brought my guards with me but recently dad’s been cracking down. I always thought that he did this because he had my best interest at heart but recently I’ve been starting to doubt that.

  He had told me to stay in my room for the day, well more like ordered really, I don’t know what was going on but he was talking to my bodyguards outside. A while ago I thought I heard a lot of yelling but I couldn’t tell, when it came to what my dad was doing I tried to keep my head down and my ears covered.

  I had watched him rise through the ranks of the Russian mob, something like that changes a man and not for the better. He was becoming more controlling and there was nothing I could do.

  I got up off of my bed and looked out the window. Our highrise suite apartment looked over lake Michigan, I don’t know how many times I’ve taken pictures of the sunrise over it because I didn't have much else to take pictures of.

  My life was anything but normal, and whenever I looked down onto the street and saw people walking with their friends and loved ones I couldn’t help but feel jealous. What was the point of being the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the whole city if he kept me locked away in here like I was some kind of prisoner.

  I wandered over to my closet, it was full of beautiful clothes that I hardly ever got to wear. Dad bought them for me for the sole purpose of making me wear them when he paraded me around the other Dons of the Russian mafia on the few occasions he even let me meet them.

  His intention was to try and marry me off to the son of a Don so that he could use the connections, yes that was really the kind of person he was. I had no say in any aspect of my life and that was the bottom line.

  I had never been on a real date, or at least one I wanted to go on, let alone been intimate with a man. The only men I was ever surrounded with were my bodyguards and they were all much older men past their prime who only got the job from experience. Not exactly the kind of man I was looking for but then again I didn’t have enough experience to even know what kind of man I wanted.

  I was starting to get really impatient about it too, I almost thought about making my dad hurry it up with this whole dating the sons of other Dons thing so that maybe I could finally feel what it was like. It was just that… if I gave it up to someone just for the sake of finally feeling what it was like I thought I would regret it. I mean a woman definitely has her needs but I wanted my first time to be with someone who really got me going, not some pampered asshole who thought he could buy me because his dad was also a Don.

  But I guess I should focus on solving the more important issue, actually breaking away from my dad and starting my life.

  You might think that I could just walk out at any time, just take the elevator down to the ground floor and leave and just like that all my problems would be solved. I mean why would I need protecting from my dad’s enemies if I wasn’t anywhere near him or associated with him right? The thing is though, my bodyguards worked both ways.

  They weren’t just there to make sure others wouldn’t hurt me, they were there to make sure I didn’t escape. When I was a kid I thought that meant that they didn’t want me running off and getting kidnapped for ransom money but now I just think that my father has something planned for me. I’ve been trying to figure out for years what that is but I don’t know what.

  “To have a real life, to see what’s outside this city. To have a man hold me in his arms and protect me in a way that a bodyguard never could… that’s all I want. Is that too much to ask for?”

  Chapter Three


  We traded one shithole for another, would it kill us to actually operate out of a building that wasn’t falling apart?

  We were waiting in an old warehouse somewhere about 25 minutes outside the city, waiting for Axel’s uncle to actually show up and give us the info. I was a little pissed off that I didn’t know the details before hauling ass for two hours up to Chicago but I needed that money. Can’t have a real way out of this club without money. I think being so close to being able to leave but being not quite there was really starting to get to me, I just had to stay calm and I’d be free from these jackasses soon enough.

  Chuck, Mike, and our fourth guy Ron were all off having a smoke by the vent unit while Axel was doing something on his phone. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that we were in for something that we weren’t properly equipped for.

  Finally we heard a bike rolling in, it seemed like the sound of that engine was relief for the other guys. The front door opened and Axel’s uncle stepped in, I thought it was kind of telling that I had been in this sad excuse for a Motorcycle Club for at least a year and a half and this was the first time I was ever seeing the guy. Probably just enjoyed living off of the yearly dues and the kickbacks he got from grunts like us.

  “Uncle, you’re here. You got the info for us?”

  “What kind of question is that? You think I’m an idiot of course I got the info for you.”

  I liked this guy already.

  We all gathered around his uncle, anxious to hear about this job he wanted us to do.

  “Alright fellas, I’ve known Petrov for a while know. Over the past few years he’s risen through the ranks and has found himself to be the Don of the Russian mob up here in Chicago, he’s got a big job for us and you better not fuck this up or it’ll be my head on a silver platter.”

  He took out a manila folder, opening it up and pulling out a photo before handing it to Axel. The fellas passed the photo around before handing it to me. It was a portrait, looked like it was professionally taken; a photo of a beautiful girl lying in a field of flowers.

  “Wouldn’t mind having a turn with that” Axel said chortling.

  His uncle raised his hand and backhanded him hard across the face, causing him to stumble before catching his footing.

  “You dumbass if you talk like that you’ll get us all killed! That’s Petrov’s daughter Viktoria, the pride and joy of his entire world, and he wants you guys to make sure that she stays protected for a week while he goes to take care of some business out of town.”

  Of course, that was the catch. Petrov didn’t want us to just help some of his guys throw some of their weight around, he wanted us to protect one of the most targeted people in the city. Might as well paint a target right on your back.

  “Why us?” I asked “I mean why trust us with his daughter, why not get some of his own guys to do it? Wouldn’t it be safer that way?”

  “Rumor has it Petrov is having a couple of issues right now. He’s been having some issues with the Italians and isn’t sure who he can trust. Since him and I go way back he figures if he can trust me then he can also trust my guys so it goes without saying that you all can not fuck this up!”

  “Yeah, don’t fuck this up” Axel repeated with a smug look.

  His uncle looked at him, clearly sick of dealing with his nephew already. “What you think you’re beneath this kind of work? You’re going with them.”

  “What? You’re putt
ing me out there in that kind of danger?”

  “If you do this shit right then there won’t be any danger. Petrov is expecting you at his place at 10 tonight so you got a few hours, get whatever you need through our connections but above all make sure you’re prepared.”

  He took a couple rolls of bills out from his jacket pocket, tossing them to each of us. I counted mine quickly, it came out to more than 2 grand.

  “Not to sound like an ingrate or nothing, but 2 grand each to protect a girl like that? I mean we don’t even know how to be body guards and now we’re expected to go out of our element for this kind of pay? We make nearly as much as this in a few weeks of breaking up meth labs and hocking their equipment. Sounds like a lot of extra risk for not much of a pay increase” I said counting and recounting the bills.

  “That’s where you’re wrong” Axel’s uncle replied “this is just the first payment, you all come through and there’s another 10 grand for each of you.”

  Smiles went across all the guys’ faces, 12 grand total? Now that’s a payday. I still had my suspicions though, 12 grand for work that easy? Looking after a girl for just a few days? There had to be a catch somewhere.

  I looked at the picture of Viktoria again, she really was gorgeous, a young little thing that couldn’t have been older than 25. Can’t say I didn’t blame Petrov for wanting to protect a girl like that but I was still unsure. Unsure about our duties, unsure about this girl, and unsure if I could protect someone after a lifetime of being the aggressor.

  Chapter Four


  “What about my normal bodyguards? You just hired new ones without telling me?”

  “You think I don’t know how you manipulate your old bodyguards? They’ve been around you since you were a kid and still see you as a kid, sure that means they’re not going to try anything but it also means they bend too easily. I’m sick of you tricking them into giving you more time out and about so I got you some temporary protection until I can sort out some permanent guys I can trust” Dad said.

  All my life I’ve been stuck under the protection of bodyguards, this whole “out and about” thing was an exaggeration. At the most they let me take a walk through a nearby park for a little longer than I was supposed to.

  “I just want some kind of freedom, I’m tired of not being able to live my life I didn’t choose to be like this.”

  “I’m not risking you getting kidnapped and then being used against me while I’m gone”

  “Then let me come with you, please” I pleaded, at least a change of scenery would be nice.

  “I just can’t risk that. I’m sorry but that’s just the way it’s gotta be. I got my old friend over at the Iron Horses biker club to send some guys over to look out for you while I’m away.”

  “Bikers!? You trust bikers to protect me more than you trust me being able to fend for myself?”

  “Yeah, I do, and they’ll be here any minute so you better be on your best behavior.”

  I couldn’t even be left in the house by myself let alone go out alone, it just wasn’t fair. It made me feel like I was a child but I had no way out, and even if I did get out where would I go? I have no connections…

  My father’s phone rang and he answered immediately. “Yeah the top floor, you have the code for it right? Ok, see you soon.”

  “That’s them Viktoria, at least try to smile when you meet them you’re going to be spending so much time with them you might as well make a good first impression.”

  I sighed, I really just wanted to get this over and done with. What was the point of meeting the people who were hired to protect me, unlike my last bodyguards who were around almost my whole life in some way or form these guys would just be in it for the money. I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to, they wouldn’t care about what I said, they’d just keep me under lockdown until they got paid.

  The elevator opened and one by one they walked into our home, looking around in awe at all the expensive things dad liked to put on display.

  “Jeez I thought he’d send some bigger guys” dad said as he walked back and forth inspecting my new bodyguards.

  He stopped in front of one guy, the tallest and most muscular of the bunch wearing a plain white t-shirt, a vest overtop, some blue jeans and a pair of boots that looked like they were used for more than just protecting his feet. He had a confident look on his face, I don’t know if he ever did this kind of work before but he seemed like he could learn the ropes in no time.

  “You look… competent. What’s your name?

  “My name’s Jack Mr. Petrov” he replied. His voice was deep and almost boomed across the room, he sounded commanding.

  “Have you ever been in a fight before? Can you hold you own?”

  “Mr. Petrov if I couldn’t defend myself against the best then I wouldn’t be here I can tell you that right now.”

  Dad put his hand on his chin in contemplation, looking at Jack up and down before examining the other men. “You, I’ll put you in charge then.”

  The smallest of the group piped up “actually Mr. Petrov, I’m the leader of-”

  “Are you back talking me?” Dad said as he quickly walked towards the man and got in his face. “Are you questioning my decision on how I protect my own daughter.”

  “Dad I think he was just-”

  “Not now Viktoria, I’m busy” he said cutting me off. He stared down the biker “you’re lucky I recognize you. If you weren’t the nephew of a man that I respect then you would be in a very different situation right now. Still my word stands, this man Jack will lead you all while I’m gone.”

  Jack was the last one I wanted to be put in charge, while he didn’t look strict he looked so confident in himself that I couldn't imagine anyone swaying him from his opinion. If I was going to try and get him to bend a little bit and be more open with the rules then it would be tough.

  I started examining him, he had a rugged look. Stubble covered his face while tattoos covered his arms. I couldn’t tell if they were gang tattoos or his own personal selection because the other men either wore sleeves or didn’t have any visible tattoos. I don’t know why dad asked him if he had ever fought, you could tell just by looking at him that he could hold his own in a fight.

  He had wavy brown hair and had a look in his dark blue-gray eyes that made him seem older than he actually was. I had been around gangsters all my life but no man ever had that look. Jack carried himself a little differently than the other men, I could tell just from the way he lightly swayed back and forth looking at my father that he was a cut above the others. If all else failed then maybe he’d be useful for some interesting conversation to pass the time.

  He looked at me and we locked eyes for a moment. I could feel my heart racing, wondering what he was thinking about as he was looking at me up and down, it was almost as if he was examining me. While my dad chewed out the other bikers Jack was completely indifferent over what he was saying, they all stood at attention like soldiers but he was relaxed like he was in his natural state.

  I looked away from him, trying to make him think that maybe I was just examining him like everyone else.

  As my eyes passed over the other men my curiosity turned to envy. They were their own men, they weren’t forced to be here they could leave whenever they wanted. They knew what it meant to be free from any watchful eye.

  Even after looking at the other men I could feel Jack’s eyes on me, it was almost like a magnetic pull that made me want to stare back at him. I found myself fighting it but I couldn’t and our eyes met again.

  He gave me a cocky smile and I blushed, my guards before had all been so strict that they rarely ever showed emotion.He started staring at my body, going from examining me to outright checking me out. I had been so protected by my dad that I never even had a man look at me like that before, I don’t even think I’ve met a man that had the guts to look at me the way he was.

  Finally he broke our gaze, somehow it left me wanting more. Was I no
t pretty enough for him? Or did he like what he saw?

  Even if they wouldn’t let me out maybe there was something else I could get out of them, specifically him. Something that I’ve wanted for a long time.

  Dad got another call, answering it immediately. He didn’t say anything into the phone he just listened before hanging up.

  “My men are downstairs, you all know what to do. Keep my little girl safe while I’m gone, watch her like she was your own kid. If anything happens to her I can guarantee you that you’ll regret it.”

  Dad walked up to me and kissed me on the hand “if anything goes wrong you call me, ok?”

  I nodded my head, I just wanted him to leave already so that maybe I could see how far I could push some of these guys.

  Dad walked to the elevator, stepping inside and waving goodbye as the door closed. I was stuck, all alone, with bikers neither of us had ever met before.

  Chapter Five


  The girl looked pretty in the picture but goddamn she looked sexy in real life, that picture did not do her justice. Take it easy Jack, you’re here to do a job, can’t let a pretty girl get between you and pay day, especially when you can leave the Horses after you get this money.

  I adjusted my pants, I could already feel my jeans getting a little tighter just looking at that beauty.

  She was one piece of eye candy though, some girls you see and it just makes you stop in your tracks. If she wasn’t Petrov’s daughter, and if I wasn’t about to get enough money to leave this excuse for a club, then I would have chased after her harder than any girl I’ve ever met. Forget the photo of her Petrov should have commissioned an entire goddamn painting.


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