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Wolves at the Door

Page 16

by Lidiya Foxglove

  “I thought it might be weird, but it’s actually like tackling any project,” Jake said. “Assess the situation…divide up the work…” They switched places. “…make sure to finish the job to absolute completion. Every nook and cranny.”

  “Oh! Oh…” Jasper’s fingers found my hard nipples through the fabric of my dress and brushed against them as Jake took a few deep, exploratory licks of my very wet pussy.

  “Royal nectar,” he said.

  “You’re never ever going to stop teasing me about my bloodline, are you?”

  “I’ve never been one to miss an easy target.”

  As Jake was talking, Jasper spun me around to face him. “But I get her first,” he said. “I liked you first. I kissed you first. And I’ll make you mine first.”

  “I might come just standing here,” I said. “After all of that.”

  “Well, then, it’ll just be the first of many.”

  Jake didn’t argue his brother’s claim to going first, but I already had a feeling they would leave me as tired as any incubus. And then Graham would come back! Four men really is a lot, I thought, but I got more wet just thinking about it. I had been lonely and horny for most of my adulthood, so I had plenty of catching up to do, and I was pretty sure I’d read that women don’t even peak sexually until later than men do, so…

  Yeah, I could do this.

  Especially when they were all this gorgeous. Jasper swept me into his arms and then laid me down on the blanket.

  “You don’t want to try standing up?” Jake said.

  “I do want to try it, but maybe not today,” Jasper said. “I want to just do it the old-fashioned way.”

  “Maybe we can do it standing up in that nice new shower,” I said.

  “I like the way you think,” Jake said.

  I was shivering a little now that I was laying on the ground, even with a thick blanket under me. As Jasper stripped off his clothes, Jake came up behind me and put his arms around me, keeping me warm. He pulled the hair ties out of my hair and pulled the strands loose. I’d never dated a guy that didn’t love my long hair, even if it was more dirty blonde than blonde, I guess it was my one royal feature.

  Jasper leaned over me, his body sliding in between my legs, his cock pressing against me.

  I froze.

  “Birth control!” Oh wow. How embarrassing. What a total fuck up. They probably assumed I was taking birth control spells. And at this point, I should be, but you needed a functioning kitchen to brew them.

  “Do you need a potion?” Jake asked.

  “Do you have a potion?”

  “Our grandmother gives them to all the grandkids when they get to the age when they might need them,” Jasper said. “There’s one in the first aid kit in the van. It’s the type you can take afterwards.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’ll run back and get it if you want.”

  “No. I’ll trust you. I guess worst case I’ll have to spend all night brewing one. What an awesome grandmother!” I flopped back. “Take me.”

  I really wanted to meet the Sullivan family now. I just knew that, while I had five bitchy sisters and just one I really liked, they had some really awesome women in their family. The kind that made sure their sons and grandsons took good care of the women in their life and taught them to take responsibility. Oh, that was hot. They would probably be awesome dads too.

  I could just succumb to the moment.

  And what a moment it was.

  Jasper entered my soaked passage and every nerve in my body screamed, finally. I needed to be filled. I needed to be fucked. Jake kept playing with strands of my hair, letting his brother have his space but staying involved by a thread, as it were. It was surprisingly seductive, just feeling that little bit of pleasurable touch at my scalp as my pussy was getting a lot of stimulation. I arched my back and wrapped my hands around Jasper’s muscular back, finding his rhythm and matching it with my rocking hips as he stroked me hard. I could feel a lot of tension in his hard muscles. I’m sure he was a little nervous about sharing me with Jake. He wouldn’t want to look weak, or rushed, or too slow.

  They had to get used to this too, so I expected he was driving kind of hard. But it felt damn good. I could take it. He wasn’t as well endowed as the incubi, but that was nice too (and also, to be expected). I liked feeling stuffed, but I also liked how hard Jasper could go without hurting me.

  “Can you handle two hard orgasms in a row, Hel?” Jake asked. “Or do you need a break in between?”


  “Well, then, wait for me,” he said. “Unless you want to be out here all night.”

  “I’m…close,” Jasper panted.

  My skin was hot, my toes curling. I was close too, but I tried to hold back. I really wanted to prove I could satisfy them both.

  I’d always been a girl who tried to prove I could handle anything. I hired out some work, but only things I truly didn’t have the time or physical strength to manage. If I could do it, I would. I didn’t have a team to do all the hard stuff. Now I realized that I wanted to handle them. I wanted all four of them to be wild about me. Damn straight.

  Jasper let out a groan through gritted teeth, clenching me as he came hard, and my body felt so small in his arms. A wave of sweat broke over me as I tried not to come with him. I was so close I thought I would die for holding back.

  “Oh…please,” I whimpered, as I felt his hot seed fill me, and I gave him a little push away before I went over the edge. I looked at them helplessly.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” Jasper managed before rolling off of me. Jake had already been stripping and he only gave me a second to breathe before he took over.

  My body welcomed his, and the explosive feeling inside me didn’t wait for long before it took me over. Almost as soon as Jake thrust inside me, release swept through my body and as he was fucking me—wasting no time—I was hit with one burst of pleasure that ebbed back for a few moments before his deep strokes started to stir it up again and another wave hit me, more intensely than the first.

  “You’re too beautiful,” Jasper said. “I have to kiss you.” He kissed me as his brother finished off inside me and I was clutching at both of them, feeling warm and tired and ready for sleep.

  Graham would probably arrive tomorrow. And this time, he was here to stay. So the real test of this arrangement was about to begin.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I was past Birmingham, Alabama, and about five hours from New Orleans. Brooding a little, as I drove through the south, seeing the struggles of America that I thought I might work toward in the government, and now the landscape of my country seemed foreign. I thought I was a part of this world, and I wasn’t. I was from somewhere else.

  I was thinking about Helena a lot. I didn’t even have a suitcase. I didn’t want to go to my apartment alone. I thought the wizards might be watching me. So I just had a wallet, a few new outfits I grabbed at Target on my way out, and an uncertain future.

  My future had been so close. I would have surely won the election if I fought for it. I woke up the morning after my loss in the hospital feeling like a truck rolled over me.


  I felt free.

  This was about when I noticed that the same old Rolls Royce with darkly tinted windows had been following me for a while and was still there after I stopped to get gas.


  I tried to call Helena but I knew her phone didn’t work at the house. I tried the landline at the house instead, but no one picked up. They might be banging on stuff and not even hear it, and there was no answering machine. I couldn’t tell them I might be in for a second wave of trouble. My body wasn’t going to handle this twice.

  They won’t do magic in view of humans… Even Piers attacked me in the corner of a lonely parking lot.

  The road was fairly empty, but I stuck close to a minivan that was cruising down the road ahead of me even though it meant going sl
ower. The minivan was full of kids who kept looking at me. When a truck full of workers pulled on from an exit going faster than the minivan, I sped up and got behind them instead. If I could just stick close to another vehicle the whole time, they probably wouldn’t try anything.

  And then I would lead them straight to Helena.

  This was not ideal.

  But they probably already know where she is. So we might as well face the threat together.

  My body was tense and anxious, and that continued tension was making me ache all over. I wasn’t up to a fight. Was Jasper? I doubted it. Piers was picking us off one by one.

  Too much of a coward to face us all at once, huh?

  I didn’t need to know much about the wizard councils to know that he pissed me off. I had grabbed a grilled chicken sandwich when I got the gas, and I was so busy anxiously keeping close to other drivers that I didn’t touch it until it was cold.

  When I pulled off the highway, I was alone on the road. The car was right on my bumper. I sped up, blazing down a residential road, gritting my teeth.

  An arm extended out the window, a wand pointing toward me in my rear view mirror. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

  A bolt shot out at me and I jerked my car sideways to dodge it, but nearly drove off the road into some shallow water on the side. I corrected, my wheels bumping back onto the pavement just in time before I lost control. My heart was thrumming in my ears. I was close to Greenwood Manor now, and yet still too far.

  I saw at least two people in the car. In fact, they looked like women. Maybe Piers hadn’t come at all. How many wizards were in on this?

  I tried calling Helena again and this time, someone picked up.

  “Hello, Ston speaking.”

  Who the fuck was that? I didn’t have time. I hung up as I hit a bend in the road and I saw the witch’s hand attempting to take another shot while the curve exposed more of the side of my car.

  There was a cop waiting on the side of the road, holding up a speed tracker.

  I didn’t dare hit my brakes, but the witch had to hold off on her spell. The cop jumped into his vehicle and got in behind us, flashing his lights.

  A speed trap had never been so useful. The cop was right on the Rolls Royce, a muffled voice blasting out telling us to pull over. I definitely wasn’t going to stop. I had to take advantage of this human and pray that he didn’t radio for backup and more cops didn’t box us in. But getting hauled in for evading an officer might still be better than getting murdered by witches and thrown into that dark water.

  The Rolls Royce slowed down a little. The witches weren’t going to stop, were they?

  They did.

  Maybe they’re going to enchant him and keep going.

  So this was my chance to pull away. I was driving dangerously, just praying to anyone who would listen as I whipped out of their view. I hit the road that led to Greenwood Manor.

  The Rolls Royce pulled in behind me just as I could see the beginnings of the long driveway. Shit. Now the witch leaned out and shot my tire to bits.

  The BMW’s back left hit the street with a horrible whump. And I had sort of arrived at my destination, but even my GPS wasn’t excited yet. The driveway of Greenwood was a road in itself. I was still a mile away.

  The witches got out of the car and surrounded me, and there were four of them, all on the younger side of middle aged. They were all dressed in knee-length, long sleeved dresses that actually reminded of Helena’s wardrobe although she always stuck to black and other neutrals, and these witches wore bright colors. I guess this was the style for witches—sort of blending in with humans, but not quite, especially since all of them also wore hats, of the small decorative variety like old movie stars.

  “Silence, incubus.” The one in front pointed her wand at me through my car window and I felt some invisible force hit my throat. “No one will hear you call. You were warned about coming back here. Get out of the vehicle.”

  I realized that the one thing that had changed was the air. It was charged, somehow. I could almost see the sparkle of magic in it like when you see tiny dust motes in a sunbeam. I was in the parallel, my magic stirring.

  I threw open the car door and immediately burst into my demon form. Then I spread my wings and flew.

  Sort of.

  My body knew it could fly. I felt it in every aching muscle of my newfound wings. But it was possible that some practice was required. So I sort of leapt over the witches with a very brief, off-kilter flight that ended in my left wing scraping the ground, followed by the entire left side of my body, as I tumbled against grass. The force of the fall probably would have been fine, if I was fine. Unfortunately, I wasn’t, and every bruise and tender spot throughout flared with pain.

  The witches were laughing and when I opened my mouth, I couldn’t even groan, much less curse. I forced myself to my feet and felt my anger building into power. I didn’t know what my powers could do, but I just let it out anyway. The witches seemed struck by it, reeling back a step.

  “My goodness, what a beast,” said the blonde one, not entirely disapproving. She held out a hand. “We don’t want to hurt you.”

  The oldest witch slapped her hand back. “We told the warlock council we could handle incubi and you’re already falling for tricks. Don’t swoon over the demon who is trying to destroy us! It’s time we kill him.”

  She glanced at the other three, and they all held up their wands. Beams of thin light shot toward me and swirled around my body, holding me fixed in place. Now the eldest one began to chant.

  I felt a dark, sick feeling seep into me. I tried to escape it, but their bonds held me, and that chanting voice was merciless.

  Hoofbeats came charging down the road. Billie came charging in on horseback and shot a bolt of magic at the witches. “Shit!” she said. “You’re here, Graham! And you brought company, huh?”

  A man was just behind her, holding a rifle, and he pointed it at them too. “Get back in your car and turn around,” he said.

  The lead witch growled at him and shot him off his horse with a magic blast. This spooked the horse and it ran back toward the house, but the man still had a foot caught in a stirrup and was dragged several feet before he fell to the ground.

  “Gaston! You okay?” Billie looked at me anxiously. “Graham, Helena’s at the house working on the kitchen! Go tell her that trouble’s arrived. Gaston and I just rode out to take a look around after someone called the house and hung up, since we knew you were on your way. Hurry! Go! I’ll hold them off.”

  Can you manage alone? I wanted to say. I got the feeling the four witches had more power than Billie. The slightly built redhead looked very small standing against them.

  “Who’s this little witch? She’s not a Hapsburg or a Nicolescu…”

  “I think that’s Billie Pruitt. Mae Pruitt’s girl. At least, she looks just like her.”

  “Ohhh. That explains it all, doesn’t it?”

  They shot a spell at her and Billie hastily summoned a wall of defense.

  I needed to get the others out here to help her. I ran, pausing over Gaston as he was getting to his feet. I pointed toward Billie. I hoped he would be helpful. No one had mentioned this guy to me and he looked like maybe they’d hired him to be a landscaper, judging by the grass stains all over his clothes.

  He jabbed his finger at the house. “Go, go! Tell your witch that these assholes are here.” He went to go assist Billie. Hopefully they could handle it, but I wasn’t so sure. As I was running, I heard Billie let out a scream that faded into a whimper, but I didn’t dare to look back.

  Time in the gym is never wasted, I thought, as my legs pumped. My barely mended body was crying for a rest, but I ignored it. Since I worked out regularly, I was good at pushing through discomfort.

  As the line of trees ended, Greenwood Manor came into full view—and the witches were driving in behind me.

  That quickly, Billie failed to stop them.

  This was heading for disas

  I pushed myself even harder, just when I thought I had nothing left, my leg muscles on fire as I shot up the stairs and pushed through the double doors, where I heard the ordinary sounds of scraping and a few bangs and clinks. Jasper, Jake and Helena had the future kitchen stripped down and now they were just starting to put it back together, putting down flooring with a pale wood look. But Hel, a tool belt slung sexily low around her tight jeans, immediately stood up when she saw me.

  “Graham! Ohmigod! What happened? Where’s Billie?”

  I tapped my throat. Can’t speak. I pointed behind me.

  I heard car doors slamming shut outside.

  “Oh! Oh—la voix!”

  I swear I felt my voice pop back into my throat like snapping in a Lego. “Witches are here. Four of them. Dangerous. Billie and, uh, Gaston, I think they might be hurt.”

  “They’re hurt? Badly?”

  “I don’t really know how bad it is, but I heard Billie go down. She screamed.”

  “Let’s take the fight outside,” Jake said. “I don’t need any witches blasting my flooring.”

  Jasper snorted.

  “Out the back,” Helena said, patting her hips, making sure she had her wand along with her tools. “I hope Billie’s okay, but…I guess it’s too late to worry about her right now.”

  “We all should have gone to check,” Jasper said.

  “Should we turn wolf?” Jake said.

  “It hardly seems to matter against witches,” Jasper said. “They have all these fancy powers and we have…teeth. We can’t even get close enough to use them.”

  Byron appeared in our midst. “You’re right. The Sullivans should hide. I think these are very high ranking witches.”

  “I’m not hiding!” Jake said.

  “Please!” Helena cried. “You’re not doing me any favors if I have to worry about you while we’re fighting. Maybe I can reason with them or something. Just go in the smokehouse!”

  “Graham,” Byron said, “you’re not experienced with an incubus’ powers, but I know how they work best. Put all your focus on shielding Helena. Just imagine yourself impervious. Like your desire for her has turned you into the strongest substance known. Don’t think about anything else. Just be a shield.”


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