Taylor's Geek Charming

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Taylor's Geek Charming Page 5

by Angela Franklin

  “Oh, that makes sense. I don’t want to lose you.” Sophia sniffled.

  “You won’t. Taylor said to tell you Hi.” Chad smiled.

  “You’re with her?” Sophia asked him.

  “She is getting ready for the cookout. I’m holding down the couch while I wait.” Chad said looking around the room.

  “Good idea, it might float away.” Sophia laughed. “Did you stay last night?”

  “No, I just got here about fifteen minutes ago.” Chad told her.

  “Oh. Fifteen minutes late is what most women consider on time for a date. She will be out in a minute.” Sophia replied.

  “It will take longer than that just to dry her hair.” He murmured thinking of how it curled around his fingers.

  “Maybe she over slept.” Sophia reassured him.

  “She didn’t know I was coming. She wanted to meet there, but I didn’t want to wait.” Chad smiled picturing her face when she opened the door.

  “That wasn’t very nice. I hope she makes you wait forever.” Sophia snarked, and he heard Taylor laugh behind him.

  “Wow.” He whispered when he turned to look at her, and she blushed.

  “What? I can’t see. We have to set up video calls.” Sophia grumbled. Chad looked down at his phone, he had forgotten it was on speaker.

  “Hey, Sophia.” Taylor laughed.

  “Hey, you should have made him wait.” Sophia huffed.

  “If I didn’t want to go cuddle the baby, I would have.” Taylor replied smiling. Chad sat still just listening as he held the phone.

  “Baby? You get to cuddle a baby?” Sophia squealed.

  “Yep. Kara will have hers in another month or two, but for now we have Luke’s, and then Callie’s twins and Chasity’s baby,” Taylor’s face lit up as she talked about the kids.

  “I’m due in a few months.” Sophia’s excitement was clear over the phone.

  “Chad didn’t mention you were pregnant. Do you know what you’re having yet?” Taylor asked excitedly.

  “Not yet, but we will find out soon.” Sophia sighed.

  “I’ll let y’all get back to your conversation. Sorry I interrupted you.” Taylor said as she as she turned to leave. Chad reached out and grabbed her hand holding her in place.

  “You aren’t interrupting.” Sophia assured her. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “If I can.” Taylor said and gave him a confused look.

  “Take a picture of y’all together and send it to me.” Sophia told her.

  “I don’t think…” Taylor started.

  “I’ll do it.” Chad said before she could finish.

  “Great, I’ll talk to y’all later.” Sophia sing-songed and hung up.

  “Ready?” Chad said as he stood and pulled her close, putting the phone on selfie mode.

  “No, you can send a picture of just you.” Taylor tried to pull away.

  “Taylor, picture.” He commanded pressing her against him.

  “There is no reason for this.” She tried again.

  “Sophia wants it, and so do I.” Chad said molding her back to his chest.

  “I’m not dressed for a picture.” Taylor protested.

  “You’re beautiful. Now smile.” He held the phone up. She gave him the same fake smile from yesterday. “A real smile.”

  “This is my real smile.” She told him.

  “Sure, it is.” He murmured as he pushed her hair off her shoulder with his chin.

  “What are you doing?” She asked as she wiggled against him.

  “I’m getting ready to take a picture.” He made sure his breath hit her as he spoke, causing her to shiver.

  “Stop it, that tickles.” She tried to pull away, giggling.

  “So, you’re ticklish.” He grinned and tickled her with the arm around her waist. When he heard her laugh, he took a couple of pictures.

  “Stop it. You need to take the pictures so we can go.” She whispered as she gasped for air.

  “I already took it.” He said pulling up the pictures he took.

  “You cheat.” She whined.

  “Pick one to send Soph.” He whispered against her neck.

  She touched a picture and he sent it. His phone dinged immediately.

  Sophia: So Cute.

  “We should go.” She told him as he put his phone in his pocket.

  “In a minute.” He whispered and watched as his breath raised goosebumps on her neck.

  Unable to resist, he leaned in and kissed her neck. At first, she froze, but he could feel how fast her pulse was beating in her neck. He wrapped his other arm around her, and placed another kiss on her pulse point. Her head tilted to the side and he took advantage of the access it gave him. He trailed kisses all the way up to her ear. Her arms rested on top of his, and he felt her go limp against him. When she let go and relaxed, she became more responsive to him.

  “Baby, we need to go.” He said kissing her again.

  “Um.” She murmured leaning her head back against him.

  “Taylor, we have to go now.” He said more firmly.

  “Why?” She asked softly.

  “Because if we don’t, I might do something we’ll both regret.” He said honestly. The words were like dropping ice water on her, and she jerked out of his arms.

  “Get out.” She snapped at him.

  “What?” He asked confused.

  “Go, and don’t come back. Stay away from me.” She fumed.

  “I don’t understand.” He had no idea what just happened.

  “Well I do. You already regret this and we haven’t even kissed, so leave.” She pointed to the door. Her face was a mix of hurt and anger.

  “You misunderstood me…” He started to explain.

  “No, I didn’t. ‘I might do something we will both regret.’ That’s what you said.” She quoted him.

  “I meant things would go too far too fast.” He reassured her. Hearing her say the words made him realize it sounded like he regretted being here with her.

  “Just go.” She tried to storm past him. He grabbed her and pulled her flush against him.

  “Taylor, I want you too much to stay in a house alone, kissing down your soft throat.” Chad rocked against her, relieved gasped. He knew she could feel what she did to him.

  “W-w-we should go.” Taylor stammered looking up at him.

  “Okay, do you need to take anything?” He asked and stepped back giving her room to breathe.

  “No, we can go.” She said moving around him.

  “I really like those jeans.” He said as he grinned at her.

  “I can tell.” She laughed.

  He followed her out the door, and watched as she locked it. After he made sure she was safely in the truck, he got behind the wheel. Once he was on the road, he reached over and took her hand. She tensed at first, but soon relaxed. She gave him directions as they drove. When they got to the ranch, he made her wait for him to open her door and help her out.

  “You do have running boards, I think I could have gotten out on my own.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” He grinned, then kissed her forehead.

  “I’m going to find the girls.” She said and started to walk away.

  “Quick question.” He said and waited for her to turn back to him. “Where should I go?”

  “Sorry, I forgot you haven’t been here before.” She bit her lip.

  “It’s okay, just point me in the right direction.”

  “Come on, we will go through the house so you can meet the girls, then I will help you find the guys.” Heading towards the house, she pulled him behind her. He expected her to knock on the door, but she just went on in. “Callie.” She yelled.

  “Kitchen.” Was yelled from somewhere farther in the house.

  “Hey.” She called as they walked in the kitchen and all of the noise in the room stopped. He had met two of the girls, but the others looked at him curiously.

  “Hello hottie.” One of the gi
rls he didn’t know called to him.

  “Lindy, be nice.” Taylor said trying to pull her hand away. “Girls, this is Chad. He’s new in town. Luke invited him.”

  “Luke mentioned a new guy, but he didn’t say you were dating him, Taylor.” Lindy grinned at her.

  “I’m not.” Taylor said, but he wrapped both arms around her and pulled her against him to contradict her.

  “Really?” The other girl he didn’t know called, raising an eyebrow.

  “Chad, that is Callie, and Lindy.” She said pointing to each girl. “You already met Chasity and Kara.”

  “Hello, ladies.” Chad smiled over Taylor’s shoulder at them.

  “I’ll just go drop him off with the guys.” Taylor said taking a step forward.

  “Bye hottie.” Lindy called.

  “Don’t let Luke hear you call him that.” Taylor called as they walked out the back door.

  “In a hurry to get rid of me?” He asked tugging on her hand.

  “Yeah. Because of you, the girls are going to quiz me.” She huffed.

  “Why?” They seemed fun, but Taylor obviously wasn’t thinking the same.

  “You! They are love drunk, and see things that aren’t there.” Taylor was agitated.

  “Aren’t they?” He wanted to sooth her, he wasn’t going to let her keep ignoring him.

  “What?” She asked giving him a confused look, so he pulled her against him.

  “What they want to see is there.” I just have to make you see it too.” Chad leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I see the guys, so you can go face the inquisition. I think I may face one myself. I’ll be close if you need me.”

  He spun her to face the door they had come out, giving her a gentle nudge to get her started. Before she opened the door, she turned and gave him a dirty look, then disappeared inside. He heard a high-pitched squeal and turned to see Luke tossing a little boy in the air. He’d wondered where all the kids were. He saw a little girl tugging on Luke’s pant leg, and a small boy sitting on a blanket nearby.

  “Hey, Chad, glad you could make it.” Tray said when he got close to the group. “You know everyone here but Chase, right?”

  “I met Chase yesterday, thanks for the help.” Chad said reaching out to shake his hand.

  “Anytime. That woman thinks she is God’s gift.” Chase told the group.

  “Why? She hasn’t bothered her before.” Tray asked confused.

  “Me.” Chad told them.

  “You? What did you do? If you have already hurt her, I would be happy to show you the door.” Tray snapped.

  “Back off, Tray.” Chase said putting a hand on Tray’s shoulder.

  “I wouldn’t hurt her for the record.” Chad reassured them. “That woman came up rubbing against me, talking about how I should be with her, while I was with Taylor.”

  “Poor Taylor.” Tray shook his head.

  “No, not poor Taylor. That girl has claws. It took everything I had to hold on to her hand. She even told her if she could get me to let go, she could have me.” Chad smiled remembering how hard she had fought him.

  “He’s right, she was fighting back, I just finished it up for her.” Chase laughed.

  “So, she agreed to go out with you?” Tray asked him.

  “Not exactly.” Chad shrugged.

  “What does that mean?” Jacob narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

  “After seeing how she shot Tray down, I went with the show and tell method instead of asking her out.” Chad knew he had a smirk on his face.

  “She shot you down?” Luke turned to Tray.

  “Yeah, but she was right.” Tray shrugged.

  “Are you sure she even likes you?” Jacob raised a brow at Chad.

  “She does, she’s just being stubborn like the others.” Tray answered for him.

  “If you hurt her in any way, you will have to deal with all of us, and Cameron, the sheriff.” Chase warned him.

  “Understood.” Chad nodded.

  “Great, who wants a beer?” Luke said passing them around.

  Chapter 6

  Taylor paused just inside the door where the girls couldn’t see her. Her mind had been spinning since she opened the door this morning. The way he had played with her hair had made her knees weak. His eyes had never left her, but he had spaced out a couple of times. She wondered if that was good or bad. His worn wranglers were molded to him like a second skin. She shivered as she thought of the way he kissed her neck. Was it weird that he had kissed her neck and forehead, but not her lips.

  “Quit stalling and get in here.” Chasity called out.

  “How is baby Chris doing?” Taylor asked Lindy, hoping to distract them.

  “Great.” Lindy smiled, but the smile turned evil. “Where have you been hiding the hottie? Did you have him hand cuffed to your bed?” She giggled.

  “Oh lord. We may have to hit her on the head to reboot her.” Callie shook her head.

  “Maybe Luke should knock her up again and see if that fixes it.” Kara chimed in.

  “I’m all for that.” Lindy nodded. “Maybe I should go talk to him.” She started for the door.

  “Freeze! Taylor’s hottie.” Chasity reminded Lindy.

  “Oh right. Spill it.” She turned back to Taylor.

  “Spill what?” Taylor asked innocently.

  “You want to play innocent, fine. We will piece it together.” Chasity nodded. “First time I saw him was yesterday in the bakery, anyone know anything before that? Let’s get a time line.” Chasity asked looking around.

  “He was in the diner the day before.” Kara spoke up.

  “Anything before that?” Chasity asked the group. When everybody shook their heads, she turned back to Kara. “What happened?”

  “The diner was packed, and Tray and Taylor had just gotten the last booth, but Susie sat him with them. He slid in beside Taylor. Tray left early, then hottie walked her back to the library.” Kara smiled at her. Taylor rolled her eyes.

  “Interesting. Yesterday Taylor came in to the bakery early, dressed like a princess…” Chasity exaggerated.

  “I wasn’t. I explained about the librarian fantasy the day before.” Taylor cut in.

  “Librarian fantasy?” Lindy said giving her a sly smile.

  “Heaven help me.” Taylor murmured. “Tray said I was every man’s librarian fantasy the day before because of how I looked, and Chad agreed. I dressed different so it wouldn’t happen again.”

  “Men.” Callie giggled.

  “Did you get a picture yesterday?” Lindy asked Chasity.

  “No, why would I?” Chasity asked confused.

  “If she looked that good, I would take a picture.” Lindy struggled.

  “Chad took one.” Kara offered.

  “Really?” Callie asked her.

  “Yep, he took it at the diner yesterday. It was beautiful.” Kara smiled.

  “Did you let him take your picture?” Callie tilted her head to the side.

  “He said it was to send his best friend, Sophia, since I saw a picture of her the day before. He also took one of me reading yesterday, and one of both of us this morning.” Taylor snapped.

  “Is she really just a friend?” Lindy asked.

  “Defiantly. I have talked to her twice. She is married with a baby on the way.” Taylor reassured them.

  “Can somebody go get his phone?” Lindy asked. Taylor shot her the evil eye. “I want to see the picture.” She shrugged.

  “After the rest of the story.” Chasity reassured her.

  “There’s more?” Lindy asked leaning on the counter.

  “Shouldn’t we be getting stuff together?” Taylor reminded them.

  “It’s already done.” Callie waved her away. “What else you got Chasity?”

  “After Chad came in and ordered, he went straight to Taylor and sat close beside her. When he noticed the filling on her lip, he swiped it with his thumb and licked it off. I swear the whole place should have burned down. Then
he went to work with her yesterday.” Chasity grinned at her.

  “He had to fix the computer.” Taylor defended. “I offered to let Tray come with us.”

  “Which he refused because he said he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you, and he didn’t think Chad would like that.” Chasity smirked.

  “Wait, Tray wants you too?” Kara asked, confused.

  “Not really, he just wants what y’all have.” Taylor shrugged.

  “What happened at the library?” Callie asked, trying to get them back on track.

  “Nothing.” Taylor snapped.

  “Anything else happen at the diner?” Callie looked at Kara.

  “Other than him calling her beautiful, no.” Kara shrugged.

  “Chase saw them going back to the library.” Callie offered.

  “Crap.” Taylor mumbled. She had hoped Chase wouldn’t tell Callie.

  “He said Chad was hanging on to Taylor for dear life, while Miss Jenkins tried to pull him away.” Callie gave her a smug look.

  “She can have him.” Taylor hissed. “I told her if she could get him to let me go, she could have him.”

  “Chase said he didn’t let go.” Callie shrugged.

  “And he certainly wasn’t letting go this morning.” Lindy grinned. “Now, can we go get his phone?”

  “Leave him alone.” Taylor begged them.

  “Then you go get his phone.” Kara told her.

  “No. His phone is none of my business.” Taylor glared at them.

  “Fine.” Chasity said as they all took off for the door.

  “Run Chad!” She yelled as they charged out. He turned and gave her a curious look.

  “Don’t even think about it, hottie.” Lindy yelled.

  “Lindy.” Luke said grabbing her.

  “Oops.” Lindy giggled.

  “Who are you calling hottie?” Luke narrowed his eyes at Lindy.

  “I love you.” Lindy smiled up at him and he kissed her.

  “But I’m getting his phone.” She pulled back and took off for Chad.

  “Don’t do it.” Taylor called to him.

  “Why do you want my phone?” Chad asked backing away. The twins squealed running after the group.

  “I want to see the pictures.” Lindy advanced on him.

  “Oh, sure.” He said pulling it out.


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