Taylor's Geek Charming

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Taylor's Geek Charming Page 6

by Angela Franklin

“No Chad.” Taylor said lunging for his phone. He kept the phone away from her as he pulled her tight against him.

  “Here Lindy.” He said pulling them up and turning it to her.

  “Wow.” Callie said as he flipped through them. “How did you get her to smile like that?”

  “He’s a dirty rotten trickster.” Taylor huffed.

  “What?” Chasity asked.

  “He doesn’t take pictures when I pose for them. He waits till he gets what he wants.” Taylor turned to glare up at him.

  “Hey.” He grinned down at her as he handed his phone to someone behind her.

  “I told you not to do that.” She grumbled.

  “I’m happy to show my doll off anytime, to anyone.” Chad pulled her closer.

  “I’m not a doll.” She snapped.

  “That’s what you look like, a porcelain doll.” Chad rubbed his thumb across her cheek.

  “I’m too big to be a doll.” Taylor rolled her eyes.

  “You are a goddess.” He whispered. Taylor tilted her head to rest against his chin, and leaned into him.

  “Awe.” The girls sighed.

  “You lied, you said nothing happened.” Callie folded her arms and glared.

  “Ladies, let her have her delusions. I was led to believe you are all stubborn.” Chad defended her.

  “I’m not delusional.” She leaned back to glare at him.

  “Of course, not doll.” He pulled her head, so it rested against his chest again.

  She wanted to argue, but she was pretty comfortable here. Her head was turned so she could see the girls. They were all being held too. The guys were talking and laughing, but she was lulled by the feel of his heart beating against her ear. She could feel his fingers running through her hair as he kept her anchored to him with his other hand.

  “Here’s your phone back. I added a few more for you.” Lindy said walking over to them.

  “Thanks.” Chad smiled and moved it so she could see too. “We should send one to Sophia.”

  “She is going to get tired of you sending pictures of me.” Taylor sighed. Lindy had gotten some really good ones. She hadn’t had her picture taken this much since Chasity and Callie got married.

  “No, she won’t.” Chad reassured her, then sent one.

  Sophia: Y’all look so happy. Can’t wait to meet in person.

  Chad: We are, and we’ll see you soon.

  “We will?” Taylor questioned as he slipped his phone into his back pocket.

  “Yep, maybe we can go and see her next Saturday.” Chad nodded wrapping his arm back around her.

  “I’m busy.” Taylor snapped. She didn’t like anyone making plans for her.

  “Okay. Then maybe Sunday.” Chad shrugged.

  “I’m busy.” Taylor gritted out through clenched teeth.

  “No problem, we can go whenever you want.” Chad smiled at her like all was right with the world.

  “You need to back off.” Taylor said as she pushed away from him. She knew it only worked because she had caught him off guard.

  “Taylor.” Chad called as she stormed off toward the fence where she could see horses grazing in the pasture. “Taylor.” She didn’t stop until she was leaning on the fence watching the beautiful creatures move so majestically.

  “What just happened?” He asked leaning on the fence beside her.

  “You keep pushing me. I never agreed to anything. You act like we have always been together, but I barely know you.” Taylor watched as a chestnut colored horse took off running, it’s black mane waving in the breeze.

  “I will tell you anything you want to know. You haven’t given me a chance. Every move I make closer to you, you push away, and shut down.” He was close enough for her to feel the heat radiating off his body, but she refused to look at him.

  “Ever think maybe you should take the hint.” She snarled.

  “Okay, you want me to keep a distance, I will. You mean more to me that I thought possible, but I can’t make you feel the same.” Chad whispered, then she felt the loss of his body heat as he walked back to their friends.

  Her mind was spinning too fast for her to make sense of what just happened. For some reason, her chest ached. She bit her lip when she felt the sting of tears trying to form in her eyes. There was no reason for them, she was finally getting that space she had been pushing for. The pressure of constantly wondering what he would do next should be gone, so why did it seem to intensify instead? She heard a soft whicker and looked up to see the chestnut colored horse about ten feet away, watching her.

  “Hey boy.” She murmured and held out her hand. He came to her, and sniffed her hand. “Sorry, I didn’t bring you a treat.” The horse whickered again, then leaned down to be petted. “Such a sweet boy.” She cooed as she rubbed him.

  “You okay?” Tray asked taking the spot Chad had vacated.

  “Of course, why?” She asked still watching the horses.

  “You have been down here by yourself for half an hour.” Tray said nudging her shoulder.

  “Oh, I guess I lost track of time. This pretty boy needed some lovin’.” She said patting his neck.

  “Yeah, Chase’s horses are spoiled.” Tray agreed. “Want to talk about it?”

  “About spoiled horses?” Taylor gave her best fake laugh.

  “Cut the crap, Taylor. Let’s talk about why I’m taking you home.” Tray’s tone made Taylor stiffen.

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. I can get one of the girls to take me.” She shrugged holding back all the emotion she was feeling.

  “Taylor.” Tray growled. “What happened?”

  “Nothing.” She whispered. The horse walked away, apparently it didn’t like this conversation either.

  “Okay, I will get the girls to straighten this out then.” Tray pushed back from the fence.

  “No.” Taylor reached out to stop him.

  “It’s me or them.” He warned her.

  “Fine, I finally got my point across.” Taylor huffed. She didn’t want to talk to the girls right now.

  “And what point was that?” Tray asked as he spun her around to face him.

  “That I wasn’t interested in Chad.” Taylor bit her lip and kept her eyes on Tray’s chest.

  “I call bull shit.” Tray laughed.

  “Why are you laughing?” Taylor glared finally looking up at him.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t like him.” Tray challenged her.

  “Of course, I like him, as a friend.” She looked away at the end.

  “Liar.” Tray snapped.

  “Excuse me.” Taylor’s eyes snapped back to him. “Did you just call me a liar?”

  “Yep, because you are?” He had the nerve to smile.

  “I am not.” She snarled.

  “You are, you looked away before you finished talking.” Why did Tray have to be so observative?

  “I thought I saw something.” She lied again.

  “Taylor, I thought we were friends.” Hurt crept into his voice.

  “We are.” Taylor said honestly.

  “Then why aren’t you being honest with me?” He asked her softly.

  “I never agreed to go out with him. He never asked, he just forced me into it.” She relented.

  “The way I see it, that was probably the best way to go.” Tray shrugged.

  “How can you think it is okay?” She asked him confused.

  “Taylor, I know you. You never would have agreed to go out with him.” Tray folded his arms across his chest.

  “No, I wouldn’t have, because we don’t fit.” She explained.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it’s obvious.” She said annoyed with this conversation.

  “No, it isn’t, since I don’t understand.” Tray was going to make her say it out loud.

  “He is surfer boy hot.” Taylor pointed out.

  “Okay.” Tray said slowly, stretching the word out. “And?”

  “And… I’m extra plush and
nerdy.” She crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “You mean extra hot and sexy.” Tray nodded. “So, what’s the obvious then.”

  “You’re not listening.” She snapped. “I’m fat and have to wear glasses that I often forget to take off.” She snarled.

  “Dear God, save me from stubborn women.” Tray whispered looking at the shy like he was waiting for divine intervention.

  “Save yourself, just walk away.” She wasn’t in the mood for this.

  “Okay, let’s try a different direction.” Tray suggested.

  “There is no ‘different direction’.” She said using air quotes.

  “Do you think Callie and Chasity are fat?” He asked.

  “Of course not. They are beautiful.” Taylor scoffed.

  “What about Lindy and Kara, are they fat?” Tray asked.

  “If you call any of my friends’ fat, I will get one of the guys to beat you up.” Taylor snarled.

  “I never said they were.” Tray told her.

  “Then what’s your point?” He was getting on her last nerve.

  “You are the same as them. If you think you are fat, you would have to classify them with you. Personally, I think all of you are gorgeous.” Tray said lifting her chin so she had to look at him.

  “It doesn’t matter, we don’t fit.” Taylor sighed.

  “You and me, no. But you fit just right with Chad.” Tray admitted.

  “Tray…” Taylor started.

  “You looked happy until you realized you weren’t fighting it. Why are you fighting yourself?” Tray asked her.

  “I’m not.” She defended.

  “You are. You are keeping yourself from even trying for the happily ever after we both want. The question is why, why are you fighting against what, I am sure, you feel?” Tray asked searching her face.

  “He could hurt me.” Taylor whispered.

  “Maybe, but for that to happen, you have to let him in.” Tray told her.

  “Why is it so hard?” She asked looking into his eyes.

  “Because you are fighting it. This town is backwards. The guys fall hard and fast, but you girls fight tooth and nail to keep us away.” Tray shook his head.

  “We don’t.” Taylor protested. Tray quirked an eyebrow. “Okay, maybe we do, but you don’t understand.

  “Explain it to me.” Tray told her.

  “We are… fluffier than a lot of girls. Most of our lives we have been criticized and called names. Sometimes people would even play tricks on us. We are used to being on guard. When a guy is nice, or shows us attention, we tend to be skeptical.” Taylor explained. Tray pulled her close and wrapped her in his arms.

  “I am so sorry anyone had to go through that. There is no reason for anyone to pick on someone just because they are a little different. But that is one of the things that helped form who you are. You are a strong, sometimes too independent for your own good, woman because of the situations you survived. You seem to think that you are somehow less that other women, but that isn’t true. You are confident, and comfortable in your own skin. It’s only when someone points it out that you waver.” Tray told her. “If you really don’t like him, that’s fine, but don’t push him away out of fear. I’m sure you pushed the others when they wanted to back away, so don’t let yourself back away from what you want.” He squeezed her tighter, and she nodded to let him know she understood. “I’m going to go back to the others. I’ll explain that we have talked this out to the girls so they give you some room. Figure out what you want, and fight for it. You deserve nothing but the best. Come find me when you want to go.” Tray kissed the top of her head, then left her with her thoughts.

  Taylor loved Tray, she couldn’t ask for a better friend. She knew she would have to talk to the girls eventually, but for now she needed to be alone with her thoughts. If Chad had asked Tray to take her home, he had probably left. She felt bad because he had been looking forward to this. He wanted in the group, and she didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t be a part of it because of her.

  Eventually, she wondered up to the group. No one asked her any questions or talked about Chad. She missed him. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt lonely without him. After they ate and she held the baby, she had Tray take her home. She spent the rest of the day reliving every interaction she had with Chad. She had always tried to keep him away. The times she had relaxed and gave in, she had been happier than she could ever remember being. Tray was right, she was being stubborn. Chad didn’t deserve that. She had made a mistake, she just hoped she could fix it.

  Chapter 7

  After Tray had agreed to take Taylor him, he had asked what happened. Chad had made an excuse and left, but he didn’t think Tray believed him. He had been so sure she was in this too, but he was wrong. He should have known better. If a girl was interested, she didn’t fight so hard against him. He had pushed too hard, and he lost her. He had been driving for a while with no destination in mind, but found himself pulling up in front of Sophia’s house. She had warned him, if only he had listened.

  “Chad, what are you doing here?” Sophia called from the porch.

  “You were right. I screwed up.” Chad sighed as he got out of his truck and walked up to her.

  “I’m always right, but what happened? I thought you were at a cookout with Taylor.” Sophia hugged him, before they went and sat on the porch swing.

  “I pushed, and she isn’t interested.” Chad leaned his head back to stare at the roof of the porch. Sophia laughed, and he turned his head to glare at her. “Not funny, Soph.”

  “She looked pretty interested earlier.” Sophia smiled.

  “I thought she was, but I was wrong.” Chad ran his fingers through his hair wishing he could go back to this morning, and stay in the house with her.

  “Just relax and tell me what happened.” Sophia encouraged him.

  “I’m not really sure. It started after I texted you.” He sighed.

  “Chad, if she doesn’t want us to be friends, are you sure she is the one for you?” Sophia asked leaning against his side. Chad put his arm around her and she snuggled in.

  “I’ve missed you, Soph.”

  “Me too.” She whispered.

  “It’s not that she doesn’t want us to be friends. She said that she barely knew me, and she never agreed to this, to us.” Chad closed his eyes and pictured her face as she stared at the horses.

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, but she’s right.” Sophia told him. He started to pull away. “No, here me out. Since you met her, have you given her a choice in anything?”

  “No, but…” Chad started.

  “No buts. Do you remember how Tanner didn’t give me any options?” She asked.

  “That was different.” Chad countered as he pushed the swing into a slow rock.

  “Some of it was, yes, but some wasn’t.” Sophia told him.

  “What was the same?” Chad asked Sophia. Sophia moved so that she was sitting up looking at him.

  “He didn’t give me a choice about being with him. He did as he wanted and pulled me along.” Sophia was right, Tanner had done that.

  “But you wanted him.” Chad pointed out.

  “True, but I was still scared. I knew him when we were younger, but things change.” Sophia smiled.

  “But I just met Taylor.” Chad pointed out.

  “Exactly. She doesn’t know you. She doesn’t know you are usually very easy going. She doesn’t know that you aren’t all caveman all the time.” Sophia reached out holding his hand.

  “When it comes to her, I don’t know how to pull back. It’s like she is a black hole, and I get sucked in.” He didn’t know how to explain the connection her felt.

  “No woman wants to be called a black hole. Never say that again.” Sophia laughed.

  “You know what I mean.” Chad huffed.

  “I do. So, what happened that brought you here?” Sophia asked cuddling back into him.

  “I told her she never gave me a
chance to get to know her because she always pushes me away, and she said maybe I should take a hint. I told her that I would give her the space she wanted, that I couldn’t make her feel what I do.” It hurt for Chad to remember their last conversation.

  “Maybe she just needs time to get use to the idea of you?” Sophia suggested.

  “Maybe, but I don’t think so.” Chad sighed.

  They sat in silence for a while. His mind kept going over everything that had happened. He was comfortable with Sophia curled up beside him, but he wished it was Taylor. Her body fit so perfectly against his. Sophia was his best friend, but even she couldn’t take away the pain and emptiness he felt. He would give it some time, but he might have to move. He didn’t want to see her all the time knowing her couldn’t have her.

  “Just great, I go to work only to come home and find my wife curled up to another man.” Tanner huffed, teasing them, he knew he had nothing to worry about with Chad.

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” Chad smiled, but it felt forced.

  “Is she okay?” Tanner asked him looking at Sophia.

  “Yeah, she just fell asleep.” Chad reassured him.

  “Good. What brings you up? I thought she said you were going to a cookout with your girl.” Tanner asked him.

  “I went, but I lost the girl.” Chad reassured him.

  “How?” Tanner raised an eyebrow at him.

  “He’s being a caveman.” Sophia said around a yawn. She got up and went to Tanner.

  “Hey baby.” Tanner said, then kissed her. “So, he’s being a normal guy.”

  “No, there is no reason for him to push her in to anything.” Sophia glared at Tanner.

  “Women don’t understand. It’s not something we can control.” Tanner sighed.

  “Well, I will have to. She isn’t interested.” Chad said as he stood and leaned over the porch railing.

  “Ouch, sorry man.” Tanner said.

  “She is too. Chad give me your phone.” Sophia demanded beside him.

  “Why?” His phone had started enough problems for one day.

  “I don’t want to search for mine.” Sophia glared at him.

  “Fine, here.” He said digging it out and handing it to her.

  “Does this look like she isn’t interested?” Sophia said holding his phone up to Tanner.


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