Taylor's Geek Charming

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Taylor's Geek Charming Page 7

by Angela Franklin

  “Looks pretty interested to me. She kinda looks like Soph, do we need to talk?” Tanner said raising a brow again.

  “No, trust me. I love Soph, but more like a sister.” Chad rolled his eyes.

  “Chad, you just got a text.” Sophia said handing his phone back. His heart skipped a beat hoping it was Taylor.

  “It’s just Tray.” He said then opened the message.

  Tray: Taylor is home.

  Chad: Thanks, I owe you.

  Tray: Anytime, but don’t give up.

  Chad: She made herself very clear.

  Tray: Just don’t give up.

  Chad: I’ll stay away, but she has my number if she needs me.

  “Is everything okay?” Sophia asked him.

  “Yeah, he got Taylor home safe.” Chad forced a smile.

  “You want to stay for dinner?” Tanner asked him.

  “No, thanks, I’m gonna head home.” Chad hugged Sophia, then went to his truck.

  He drove the hour back home in the same mood he had left in. He was off tomorrow, and had wanted to spend the day with Taylor, but that wasn’t going to happen. After tomorrow, his week was pretty full with all the jobs he had lined up. He would get through this the only way he knew how, one day at a time. It would be hard not going near her, but he would do it. No more diner, no more bakery. This was a small town, but if he saw her anywhere, he would turn and go the other way. He could do this, he hoped.


  Taylor’s week had sucked. Good news, she had a few applicants that looked promising. Bad news, she was lonely. The girls called, but she didn’t want to talk. Tray had called, but she never joined him for lunch. She had caught glimpses of Chad a couple of times, but he always turned and went the other way. She knew she had messed up, but maybe Chad didn’t want her like she thought. He was doing great at avoiding her.

  “Taylor.” Tray called as he walked into the library on Friday.

  “Hey.” She forced a smile.

  “We are going to lunch.” Tray declared.

  “Sorry, I’m super busy.” Taylor sighed shuffling some random papers on the counter hoping her believed her.

  “Yeah, I can see that.” Tray said sarcastically. “But it is lunch hour for you.”

  “I brought my lunch today.” Taylor lied.

  “Then I will run to the dinner and grab something, then come back.” Tray called her bluff.

  “That’s too much trouble, I’ll be fine here.” Taylor told him.

  “Fine, but I tried to warn you.” Tray said as he turned to leave.

  “What are you talking about?” Taylor called, but he ignored her. Whatever, she wasn’t in the mood for his cryptic games.

  Ten minutes later she heard the front door open and close. After that person left, she was going to close up for lunch. She’d meant to when Tray left, but hadn’t done it yet.

  “Open this door.” She heard snarled in a voice she knew. Taylor eased around the counter so she could see the door.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked confused.

  “I’m so sorry. Tray dragged me in, then shut the door. Is there a back-way out?” Chad asked without looking at her.

  “Sure, this way.” She led him to the back door.

  “What’s wrong?” Chad asked when she tugged on the door.

  “It won’t open.” She said confused.

  “Let me try.” Chad said and waited for her to move. Taylor’s cell phone rang, she went to answer it.

  “Hello?” She didn’t even bother looking at the caller ID. Maybe whoever it was could get them out.

  “I warned you.” Tray said ominously.

  “Huh?” She asked.

  “Can whoever that is get us out?” Chad asked her.

  “Put the phone on speaker.” Tray demanded. Taylor looked up at Chad.

  “It’s Tray.” She said pressing the button for speaker.

  “Tray, game’s over, let us out.” Chad growled.

  “Nice try, but it’s not going to happen. We decided…” Tray started.

  “We?” Taylor asked.

  “Yes, all of us.” He said and all her friends said hi. “We decided that we were sick of this.”

  “Sick of what?” Chad asked, she could tell he was angry.

  “Sick of you two being whiney babies.” Lindy called out

  “Yeah, what she said.” Callie agreed.

  “So, we are locking you two in till you work this out.” Tray told them.

  “There is nothing to work out, just let us out.” Chad growled.

  “We don’t agree. Both of y’all are avoiding us, and we don’t like it.” Luke called out.

  “I’ve been busy.” Chad and Taylor said at the same time.

  “Well, now you can be busy together.” Lindy laughed.

  “Enough.” Taylor snapped. “This is a public library you can’t lock us in.”

  “You are closed for the next hour for lunch.” Callie replied.

  “Fine, we can sit in our own corners till the hour is up.” She whispered to Chad and he nodded.

  “Figured you would say that, so we have put crime scene tape up so no one will come around.” Cameron laughed.

  “Isn’t that illegal.” Chad asked.

  “I’m the sheriff, so I can do what I want. Plus, if y’all kill each other, half my job is already done.” He replied.

  “I don’t even know you, but I don’t like you.” Chad mumbled.

  “I don’t like you either. Y’all are upsetting the group balance, which is upsetting Kara.” Cameron said matter of fact.

  “Chase, if you’re out there, use your daddy voice and reason with them.” Taylor pleaded.

  “Sorry, no can do. I am with the group in this one.” Chase rumbled. “What is the daddy voice?” He asked someone.

  “Jacob, Chasity, please help us.” Taylor begged.

  “Sorry, sweetie, but this is for your own good.” Chasity said softly.

  “Just fix it.” Tray said then hung up.

  “Think, think, think.” Taylor said pacing in front of him. “Got it.” She said turning to Chad.

  “Okay, what’s the solution?” Chad narrowed his eyes.

  “We take a picture that looks like we are together and happy, then send it to them.” Taylor thought it was a brilliant idea.

  “We can try.” Chad agreed, but didn’t look convinced.

  Taylor grabbed her phone and stood in front of him. He leaned toward her and smiled. She flashed a quick smile, then took the picture. She moved away and looked at it. It would probably be more realistic it they were closer together, but she was sure neither of them was willing to get closer. She looked up at him, but he was leaning against the counter staring down at the floor. He didn’t look any happier than she did. She looked at the picture again, then sent it with the caption: all good to Tray.

  Tray: Nope

  Taylor: What? The picture shows we are fine, both smiling!

  Tray sent back a picture from last Saturday.

  Tray: This is fine.

  Taylor: That isn’t going to happen.

  Her phone rang again, and it was Tray.

  “Hey.” Taylor tried to sound happy.

  “Put it on speaker.” Tray demanded. Taylor walked toward Chad, and he looked up at her raising an eyebrow. She showed him the phone, then sat it on the counter between them.

  “What?” Chad barked. Taylor flinched away from him.

  “Yeah, you are so happy.” Tray growled. “I’m not with the others, but you two need to hear what I have to say, are you both listening?”

  “Yes.” Chad and Taylor said in unison.

  “Good. Taylor, you are my best friend, and I believe we are friends too, Chad. That being said, you are both idiots. I feel like I am caught in a loop watching y’all destroy each other.” Tray said bluntly.

  “We haven’t even been near each other.” Chad protested.

  “I know y’all haven’t. You both are avoiding everyone and everything in
order to avoid each other.” Tray pointed out.

  “We have jobs, and have both been busy.” Taylor defended.

  “So busy neither of you have time to answer your phones, or text back if any of us call?” Tray said sarcastically. “Taylor, as long as we have been friends, I have never seen you avoid any of us.”

  “Leave her alone.” Chad growled.

  “Fine, let’s get to you then, shall we. I don’t know you well, but I didn’t take you for the kind of guy to run away.” Tray snapped.

  “Stop it. This is none of your business.” Taylor’s hands were clenched in fists at her side.

  “Oh, but it is. He hurt you. That make this group business.” Tray replied.

  “No, it’s not. I sent him away, you know that. We don’t fit.” Taylor reminded Tray.

  “Bull shit.” She heard them both say.

  “Chad, you are supposed to be on my side helping us get out.” She glared at him.

  “I am trying to give you your space, but since we’re trapped, I can’t do that.” Chad glared back at her.

  “Then help me get us out.” Taylor snapped.

  “Fine. Tray, old bubby old pal, everything is fine.” Chad said in a sickly-sweet voice.

  “Sure, it is, then ask Taylor why she says you two don’t fit.” Tray wasn’t giving up.

  “Tray, what we talked about was between us, how can you use it against me?” Taylor asked truly hurt.

  “I am doing this for your own good.” Tray tried to reassure her.

  “Taylor?” Chad said his concern clear in his voice.

  “Please don’t.” Taylor whispered as she felt a tear slip down her cheek.

  “Honey, you have left me no choice.” Tray whispered back.

  “Just stop, nothing is worth watching the tears rolling down her cheeks.” Chad gritted out. She could see his hands fisted at his sides through her tears.

  “I’m sorry, but this has to be done.” Tray said taking a deep breath.

  “I’m begging you not to do this.” Taylor said swallowing the lump in her throat.

  “Chad, she called you surfer boy hot. But she said she was and I quote ‘fat and nerdy’.” Tray told him. Taylor turned her back, and slid down the panel on the front of the counter.

  “Enough.” Chad barked picking up the phone.

  “Fix it.” She heard Tray say.

  Taylor heard her phone being sat on the counter, but at this point, she wanted to throw it across the room and watch it shatter. She felt Chad slide down beside her, but her mind was whirling with the way Tray just betrayed her. She had told him how she saw herself, only to have him announce it to the person she never wanted to know. She never wanted to see the disgust she was sure would now be in Chad’s eyes every time he looked at her. Her tears continued to silently stream down her face as she sat there. After they had started to slow, a Kleenex appeared in her line of sight. She took it being careful not to touch him, or look at him.

  “Taylor, is what he said true?” Chad asked her softly. She couldn’t look at him, but she could feel his eyes on her. She nodded, keeping her head down. “You’re wrong.” He whispered scooting closer to her.

  She leaned her head on her arms where they rested on top of her knees. The last few tears dripped down and were absorbed by her jeans. Her hair fell around her face shielding her from the world. If it wasn’t for Chad’s body heat, she could have been in her own world. She took several deep breaths to calm herself. She was afraid if she looked up, she would break down again. She didn’t know how long they had sat there when she felt his hand pull the curtain of her hair back and push it over her shoulder. Taylor ignored him and kept her eyes closed tight. His fingers started lazily combing through her dark hair. When he reached the end of her hair, she felt the warmth of his hands as he rubbed slow circles on her back. Her body shivered in reaction to his touch.

  “You’re wrong.” He whispered. “I am a Greek god.” Taylor couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped. “Do you think if I grew out my hair I could be the next Thor?” Taylor giggled and turned her head to the side to look at him. “You’re right.” He sighed dramatically. “The hammer could be an issue, and I’m sure those leather pants would probably chaff.”

  “Sounds painful.” She whispered smiling at him.

  “There’s my girl.” He said as he raised his hand and cupped her cheek. She tried to turn her head, but he held her so she couldn’t. “Please don’t hide from me.”

  Taylor closed her eyes and held still. His face looked so soft. She knew he was trying to draw her out, but she had to admit it had felt good to laugh. The sting of Tray’s betrayal was still there. In some corner of her mind she understood he was trying to help, but it hurt that he had done it all the same. The group would get their way, after what Tray said she knew Chad would make her talk. She squashed the tiny burst of hope that tried to creep up. This man wasn’t hers.

  “Are you ready to talk now?” Chad asked as his thumb rubbed across her cheek. She shrugged. “Open those pretty green eyes.” He coaxed her. When she looked at him, he sighed. “Is there anything about you that isn’t perfect?” Taylor snorted at his absurdity. “See, even that is perfect.”

  “What?” She asked confused.

  “That snort. Your eyes are bright after those tears. They look like new leaves in the spring with dew on them.” His thumb moved to stroke across her lower lip.

  “You’re wrong, poetic but wrong. They look dark brown, and they are probably blood shot.” She huffed knowing she wasn’t a pretty crier.

  “Maybe from a distance with only a quick glance they look dark, but they are a beautiful green.” He whispered.

  “Chad, stop. I can’t be what you need.” She told him honestly.

  “Why do you say that?” He asked her softly.

  “Duh, you heard Tray.” It made her skin crawl to point out the flaws Tray had already exposed.

  “He doesn’t believe that any more that I do.” Chad shook his head.

  “It’s true.” Taylor huffed.

  “Hang on.” Chad pulled away and dug his phone out of his pocket. She saw him pushing buttons, but didn’t know what he was doing. His phone dinged a second later. “This is me in high school.” Chad turned the phone to show her a picture of a younger version on him with glasses.

  “You don’t wear glasses.” She said confused.

  “I wear contacts now. I have glasses, but don’t wear them often.” He smiled at her.

  “Oh, well that’s not a big deal.” She shrugged. She missed the feel of his hand against her skin.

  “I also have a large collection of comic books and graphic novels.” He said seriously.

  “And I have lots of romance novels, so.” She wasn’t sure what his point was.

  “And I work on computers.” He shrugged.

  “I know, you fixed mine. What’s your point?” Taylor lifted her head to look him in the eye.

  “I am the very definition of a nerd.” He smiled.

  “Oh, you poor thing. You are a nerd trapped in a surfer’s body.” Taylor rolled her eyes.

  “And you’re a nerd disguised as a luscious porcelain doll.” Chad said seriously.

  “Did you forget your contacts, or is it time for an eye exam?” She looked away to hide her face.

  “Nope, I just got new ones.” Chad told her, and she snorted. “Look at me Taylor.” He said cupping her face and turning it toward him. “You are so beautiful.”

  “I don’t need you to lie to me.” Taylor frowned.

  “I’m not. I dated a girl once that collected porcelain dolls. They were in glass cases everywhere. Sure, they were pretty, but she had so many it was creepy. It felt like they were staring at me.” Chad shivered.

  “And you are comparing me to an ex-girlfriend’s creepy dolls.” Taylor’s voice showed her indignation.

  “That didn’t come out right, just hear me out. Your skin is pale and flawless, your hair is sleek and shiny and reflects the light. Your eyes look
like dark colored emeralds, and your lips are shaped in a perfect pout.” He said tracing her lips with his thumb.

  “You’re missing one very important detail.” She whispered, her lips catching on his thumb.

  “Of course, I am, your perfect little button nose.” He moved his thumb up to trace the slope of her nose.

  “Be serious.” She puffed and pulled back.

  “I am very serious.” Chad’s eyes had gotten dark as he stared at her.

  “No, you’re not. You are forgetting all the fat and rolls.” She snapped as her heart pounded.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I see is lush curves made to be molded in a man’s hands. Thick thighs meant to cradle a man. Voluptuous hips meant to bear and carry children. I see a body meant to be worshipped by a man, by me.” Chad hushed, his eyes locked on hers. Taylor gasped at his words, and his eyes dropped to her lips. “I have to taste these.”

  Chapter 8

  Taylor’s heart warned her to pull away, but her body swayed closer. She licked her lips and he growled. She expected a quick brush of his lips against hers, but she was wrong. He pressed his lips to hers softly. Then traced her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. Without thought, her mouth opened to him. He started slow, lightly flicking his tongue against hers. She couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped from her throat. Chad growled and the soft kiss turned demanding. The hand on her cheek moved to the back of her head and tangled in her hair. His free hand went to her waist and he jerked her closer. Had she been wearing a skirt, she would have had carpet burns on her legs. Taylor shifted on her knees to ease the pull on her neck from the height difference. She ran her hands up his neck and fisted them in his hair. She had never been kissed like this. This kiss became the center of her world, her own personal addiction. The hand on her waist slid around her back and down to cup her butt. Needing to be closer to him, she moved one knee across his legs so that she was straddling him. His hand moved under the hem on the back of her shirt. She felt the slightly rough texture of his hand as he slid it over her lower back. His heat scorched her as he touched her bare skin. Chad tilted his head back, but she followed not ready to give him up. He bit her lip softly, and used his hand in her hair to keep her from following as he pulled back to look at her.


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