Book Read Free

Broken Hearts

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Why not?”

  Her whiny voice was starting to grate on his nerves.

  “You do realize we’re not an exclusive thing? I don’t want you as my old lady. I did tell you this before I fucking left. Are you fucking thick? Do you need me to write it down on a piece of paper for you to understand?” He was losing his temper.

  “I get the damn hint, you bastard.”

  “Do you? Why are you calling me? You can fuck whatever man you want. Your pussy doesn’t belong to me. I don’t want you.”

  “Fuck you, Dick. You weren’t that good in bed anyway.”

  “I wasn’t that good?” he asked, smirking.

  “No, you weren’t.”

  “Then why did you scream like a fucking banshee every time I fucked you? The only reason you’re calling me now is no other man can give you what you want. Fuck you, Lydia, don’t call me again.”

  Turning off his cell, he went back to the grill but caught sight of Martha holding a plate with the steaks on it. Her cheeks had gone pale, and she must have heard the phone call.

  “I’m sorry about what you heard.”

  “It’s nothing. I guess listening in on someone else’s conversation gets you in all kinds of trouble. I thought you didn’t have a girlfriend?”

  “It’s not what it looked like, and I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  She handed him the steaks. “It’s no way to talk to a woman like that.”

  “Lydia’s a whore. She was using me as much as I was using her.”

  “If you use someone, and it’s mutual, you shouldn’t have conversations like that.”

  Dick gritted his teeth. “I fucked her. I thought she was going to be my old lady. She put up with my asshole ways, and gave as good as she got. I don’t know. I thought she was what I deserved for the shit I’ve done in this life.”

  “What changed?”

  “I realized I couldn’t stand her. I can’t be with someone that I can’t fucking stand. Her voice grates on my last nerve.” He hadn’t wanted Martha to find out about Lydia this way.

  “Is that why you came to seek me out? To get away from her?”

  “One of my brothers told me that I deserved better. He believed I was sticking with Lydia as a punishment.”

  “Were you?”

  “I didn’t think I was worthy of anything else. You’re going to wake up one day, and be thankful that I didn’t kiss you earlier,” he said.

  She tilted her head to the side. Color started to seep back into her cheeks, and he wanted to reach out and touch her. He refrained from it. Dick didn’t know how much he could handle, watching her, and not possessing her.

  “So you didn’t kiss me because you don’t think you’re good enough to be kissed?”

  “I’m not good enough for you. I was an addict.”

  “And you wear the battles you’ve been in with pride. You’re not trying to hide who you are.”

  He let out a sigh, staring down at the steaks. They were large, meaty, and looked delicious. “How do you want your steak cooked?”

  “I like mine medium. There’s going to come a point when you’re going to need to wake up. If you don’t, it’s going to be years from now, and everything is going to be too late. You deserve love, Dick. You shouldn’t settle for a woman just because she puts up with you.”

  “Becky put you through hell.”

  She laughed, and even the laugh had his pulse racing. “Dick, I don’t think you’re going to whore yourself out to the men around us. You’re not like her. Never put yourself in the same league as her. You’re two separate people. You’re stronger than she ever was. Don’t put yourself down. I’m so proud of you, and everything you’ve achieved.”

  He turned back to the grill, and put the plate down beside it.

  “I wanted you to kiss me,” she said.

  Spinning back to face her, Dick was shocked to see she was telling him the truth. “What?”

  “I wanted you to kiss me. I was disappointed when you didn’t.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I do. You just don’t understand what I want.” She gave him a sad smile before leaving him alone.

  Go and kiss her.

  Go and show her how damn good it could be between the two of you.

  He couldn’t do either. Placing the steaks onto the grill, Dick kept cursing himself, and the phone call to Lydia.

  Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, he dialed Jessica.

  She answered after the fourth ring.

  “Why are you calling me?”

  “Get Lydia out of my life.”

  “Sorry, buster, that’s not something I can do. You do know I work, right? I’m at the hospital right now. You can’t just order me around.”

  “I don’t want her in my life.”

  “Then get your butt back to Piston County, and get rid of her.”

  “I’ve tried. She’s not taking the hint.”

  He heard her sigh over the line. “Lydia will get the message soon. You’ve just got to be persistent.”

  Dick growled, at which Jessica chuckled.

  “You’re the one who screwed her, and brought her back into our lives. I’m done with her.”

  “You two were great friends.”

  “Exactly. We were great friends. We’re not great friends anymore. I can’t stand her. I don’t want to stand her, and she drives me fucking crazy.”

  He’d been trying to bring the two friends back together. Now he was seeing it was a waste of time. Jessica and Lydia’s friendship was long gone. He’d been wasting his time all along.

  “What do you suggest I do?”

  “Ignore her. Don’t call her. If she calls you, keep telling her the same old shit. The boys know you’re done with her?”

  “Yes, they know.”

  “Then give it time. Lydia will grow bored, and she’ll move on.”

  “Thanks,” he said.

  They were both silent for a few seconds. Jessica was the one to break that silence. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I’ve not known you very long, Dick, but there’s just something that seems up with you.”

  He released another sigh.

  “See, that’s what I’m talking about. You’re sighing all the time.”

  “It’s nothing.” Was he sighing all the time? He wanted something that he couldn’t have. Martha was driving him crazy, and he wanted to claim her as his own.

  “I don’t know what’s going on with you, but take care.”

  “You’re worried about me now?”

  “You’re part of Snake’s world, and he’s part of my world. Of course I care about you, and I care about him.”

  “It’s nothing. I promise.”

  He turned the meat over and let it cook on the other side.

  “So, where are you?”

  “You’re sticking around to have a conversation now?” he asked.

  “What? It’s my lunch break, and you interrupted me. The least you can do is talk to me.”

  “I’ve met someone.” He cringed even as he said the words. He sounded like a fucking pussy, and he didn’t want to sound like one. The brothers back home would be laughing at him if they saw him now.

  “You’ve met someone.”

  “Well, I knew her when I was in rehab.”

  “She a hottie?”


  I can’t believe I’m talking to another woman about Martha.

  I’m losing my mind.

  There’s no other word for it.

  “Oh, how exciting.”

  “How is that exciting?” he asked.

  “She knows about your drug taking past. She knows you’re an asshole, and she hasn’t kicked you in the balls. She must really like you.”

  Martha wanted me to kiss her.

  She was disappointed that I didn’t kiss her.

  He was disappointed that he hadn’t kissed Martha when he got the c

  He didn’t say anything else to Jessica.

  “Oh, shit. We’ve had an emergency come in. Take care, Dick.”

  “Will do.”

  He hung up the phone, pleased the conversation had come to an abrupt end, and took the steaks off the grill. Martha had handed him two plates, and he pulled the clean plate out, and placed the steaks on top.

  Making his way into the kitchen, he entered to find Martha finishing off her salad.

  “Is this all made with ingredients that you’ve grown?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t turn to look at him.

  Dick walked around behind her, placing the steaks to her right. He locked her into place by putting his hands either side of her, trapping her between him and the counter.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “You wanted me to kiss you?”

  “Go away. Go and enjoy the sun. I’ll be done with this food in a moment. There’s no point us both being stuck indoors.”

  He wasn’t done with her. Pressing his body against her, he made her very aware of how aroused he was.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, breathlessly.

  “I didn’t kiss you because you deserve someone a hell of a lot better than me.”

  Martha spun in his arms, and glared at him. “That’s my choice to make, not yours.”

  “You’re better than I am.”

  She kept shooting him a glare, and no matter what he did or said, she was fighting back. “No, I’m not better than you are. Don’t you see the truth, Dick? We’re both broken in our own ways. I can’t go back to the life before Becky. Men know about her, and I can’t just pretend that half of them didn’t fuck her. I’ve seen some of the men who’ve shown an interest in me, and I’ve seen them going at my sister. She brought them here.”

  He cupped her cheek. “Stop.”

  “No. I’m not going to stop. I’m tired of being told how good I am, or what I should do. This is my life, and I should be the one to make the decision of what I want to happen in my life. Not you, not Becky, not anyone.”

  Tears were filling her eyes, and Dick hated it. Closing the distance between them, he slammed his lips down on hers. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her captive while he devoured her mouth. She tasted amazing, full, ripe, and perfect.

  He’d never been much of a kisser before.

  To him, kisses had been a waste of time when the main event of fucking was so much better. He liked fucking. Martha’s lips were pure perfection.

  Licking along her bottom lip, they moaned together, and Martha opened her lips, giving him access to her mouth. Sliding his tongue inside, he almost jumped back when she met him halfway, tasting him. Her hands slid up his chest, going around his neck.

  With his other hand, he gripped her full hip, drawing her closer to him. This was the first real kiss he’d given a woman.

  By the time he pulled away they were both panting. Martha’s lips were red and swollen.

  “The steaks are probably cold,” she said.

  He chuckled. “I can eat my steaks cold.”


  Later that night Martha touched her lips as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was twenty-eight years old and had been kissed by plenty of men. When she was younger, she’d made out with enough guys that she’d become adept at telling a good kisser from a bad one.

  Dick knew how to kiss. He’d taken her completely by surprise with the way he trapped her against the counter, and now she didn’t know how to think, or even how to feel. She was a ball of sensation. Her nipples were incredibly tight. Her arousal kept spiking, begging for Dick to come storming into her room, and have his wicked way with her.

  Walking back into her bedroom, she was about to leave the room when her cell phone rang.

  When she saw it was Lynne calling, she jumped onto the bed, and answered.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “I was just making sure you were alive.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You never know. You’ve invited a stranger into your life. I was only making sure you’ve made it through the day.”

  “You’re not very nice.”

  “I’m a very nice woman, Martha. I’m just a realist, and know the world is full of awful people who want to fuck you over.”

  Rolling her eyes, Martha sat up. “Why did you call?”

  “I don’t know. He seemed different to you.”

  “He is different.” Running fingers through her hair, Martha tried to think of the right words. “He makes me feel alive, Lynne. I’ve never felt like this with a man, never.”

  “This isn’t because of Becky, is it?”

  Growling, Martha started to pace. “Not every part of my life is about her. She’s my sister, and I loved her, but I’ve got to move on.”

  “I know you do, honey. I’m just worried about you. You’ve not got much in life.”

  I’ve got nothing.

  “If this is a call to warn me, then please stop. I’m not going to do anything stupid. You’ve known me a long time. I like Dick. He’s nice, and even though you don’t get it, I do.”

  “I know. I know.”

  “I don’t even know how long he’s staying. I’m sure when he gets bored he’ll move on, and I won’t have anything to worry about.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  Martha smiled. “Don’t be sorry. Just try not to freak out and worry too much about me. I’d call you if I had anything to worry about.”


  After a couple more minutes of catching up, Martha hung up, leaving her phone by her bed. She walked downstairs to find Dick was already washed and sitting, watching the television.

  “Hey,” she said, walking into the room.

  “Hey. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’ve had a call from Lynne. She wanted to make sure I was still alive.” She gave a chuckle, making her way toward the sofa. Martha sat down, giving them enough distance. Her lips seemed to throb at the memory of what they’d shared in the kitchen. They hadn’t talked about what happened between them. After the kiss, she’d finished preparing the salad. Then they’d gone outside, and she’d talked about her garden. They had shared a good dinner, and she loved the way he made her feel. It was natural between them, not false.

  “She wanted to make sure I hadn’t hurt you?” he asked.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I know friends like Lynne. It’s good that she’s worried.”

  Resting her head on the sofa, she stared back at him. “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Has anyone called to tell you that they’re worried?”

  “Besides Lydia, I’ve done all the calling.”

  The mention of the women he’d been with chilled her arousal and wiped away any happiness out of her mind. He was with someone already. Why would he want her when he had another woman calling him up? “You’ve been with Lydia a long time?”


  “If you can’t stand her why did you even let her into your life?”

  “You’re all about the questions tonight, aren’t you?”

  “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

  He reached across the sofa, and took her hand, locking their fingers together. “Lydia did something awful to her friend. I’m not going to get into it. I felt bad for her. I figured if I was with her, she’d make friends with the woman again.”

  “It didn’t work that way?”

  “No. It wasn’t even close.”

  Martha licked her lips, wondering what to say.

  “Stop doing that,” he said.

  “Stop doing what?”

  “Licking those lips.”


  “You know why.”

  “I don’t. I don’t know what’s wrong with licking my lips.”

  He moved a little closer to her, and Martha’s pulse raced. His thumb glide
d across her bottom lip, and her pulse went into overdrive.

  “You make me think about kissing you.”

  “I liked our kiss. I liked it a lot.”

  “You can have anyone you want.”

  “And yet, I want you.”

  He growled once again, and she couldn’t help but smile. “You’re playing with fire.”

  “Then burn me, Dick.” For too long she’d been playing the game of life being all safe, and always getting hurt. She no longer wanted to play it safe. Martha wanted to know what it was like to be desired, to be fueled by nothing but need.

  Dick released her face, but before she had a chance to mourn the loss of his touch, he gripped her hips, and tugged her over his lap. She squealed, holding onto the back of the sofa as he placed her in position.

  “At any time you want to stop, you tell me.”

  “I don’t want to stop.”

  His hands moved from her hips gliding down to her ass.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”

  “I’ve been wanting to do this from the first moment I met you.” Sinking her fingers into his hair, she tugged the length back, making him lean back into her touch. Slamming his lips down on his, she moaned as she took possession of his mouth, kissing, and ravishing his mouth. Her pussy grew slick with need, and it was all need for him, consuming her.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, kissing down to her neck. One of his hands stayed on her ass while the other found its way into her hair, tugging her back.

  Within seconds he had her on her back, and was staring down at her. He took over the kiss, commanding her with his presence, which surrounded her.

  She was wearing a crop top, and he pushed the strap down off her shoulder, licking and sucking on her flesh.

  “When I fuck you, you become mine,” he said.


  “You’ll always be fucking mine.”

  Martha gasped as he pulled the shirt down, exposing her breast. She screamed out as he sucked her bud into his mouth. Pleasure exploded through every part of her being, and she held onto him tightly.

  She tugged his shirt up over his body, and ran her hands all over him, loving the way he filled her hands. He was all hard muscle, a dangerous biker with his ink. She’d seen the one on his left shoulder, the skull and crossbones that seemed to her to relate more to pirates.

  “Fuck, I wasn’t going to do this,” Dick said, suddenly pulling away.


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