The Alpha's Heart

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The Alpha's Heart Page 3

by Nana Adu

  I keep my eyes up again, making eye contact, but remaining silent.

  "You're my toy." He says bluntly.

  I narrow my eyes at him. His toy?

  "Since I was young you've been my toy, perfectly submissive, useful, and it was fun to see you crumble." He pushes off his door and nears me. I swallow.

  "Even now you're being silent like a doll, you know better than to talk back to me." He walks past me but stops before getting too far. His hand appears on my shoulder as I stay still.

  "I told you to reject him. If you had, maybe I wouldn't have to do this. Maybe I wouldn't ever have put a hand on you again, but you didn't." He moves so he's in front of me.

  "I didn't want to reject him," I say.

  Liam stares at me.

  "You're not allowed to want, just stay the toy you always were." He grips my shoulder.

  He actually sees me as some plaything. Why do I even try to have expectations for this pack, my pack? They lower them every time we meet.

  For the short period of time, my mate was here, that dullness that life usually has to it was lifted and for once, I think I saw what it supposed to be like to be alive. It's addicting, even from a small taste. I would've wanted more. I do want more.

  "I don't want to be your toy," I state, clenching my fist.

  "Eliana, I know you're hurt because your mate left but don't get the wrong idea." His grip on my shoulder tightens, as his fingertips press into my joint.

  "I still own you and you still live here, with us, as a slave." He says, pushing me to the ground. I don't look up at him, as his shadow drifts close.

  "I just want you to understand that everything you are," His hand slips on to my thigh, stroking it above the thin barrier of my dress. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach as I fight back my disgust. I push against him, but he holds me down.

  " meant to be used by me." His other hand comes up under my dress. I clench my fist harder and bite the inside of my mouth, struggling against him.

  Not this, anything but this. I promised myself.

  "Get off of me." I breathe out.

  "I said you don't have that cho-"

  "I said get off me!" I shout, and the trembling in my body stops. My vision blurs and the world floats for a moment like it did yesterday but different.

  Liam freezes. His hand under my dress retreats and he gets up, standing a distance away from me. I stare in confusion as he stands with dead eyes as if he's been possessed. I calm my beating heart and shake my head.

  I can be confused later, I just need to get out of his room now.

  I scramble up, pulling down my dress and trying to brush off the urge to vomit. I stalk out the room, shutting the door behind me quietly, and quickly making my way back downstairs.

  I make it to my basement with no confrontation and close the door, leaning against it with racing thoughts at 5 in the morning.

  He froze.


  Eliana POV

  I sit at the end of my bed, leg bouncing on the balls of my foot.

  He stopped, just like that when I told him to stop. How does that happen? He wouldn't just listen to me, especially not like that.

  I take a deep breath and exhale.

  Do you know what happened?

  My wolf shakes her head, just as confused as I am.

  He came on to me, I had this overwhelmingly sick feeling, and I shouted then he just backed away.

  I have no idea what just happened but it saved me.

  I let out a breath as relief spreads through me. He didn't get me, I'm good for now.

  He's never been as direct as today, usually looks and small touches do it for him but today he ambushed me. Vanessa wasn't awake, I wasn't prepared, just what was he planning to do?

  He tells me to reject my mate, goes against his parents to keep me here and now this?

  He'll keep trying now that he's crossed that line, and I don't know what happened earlier but will that always be there to save me?

  I try to tap into the feeling that I had before, squeezing my eyes shut, clenching my fists, and holding my breath.

  I inhale quickly, as nothing occurs. Do I have to be in danger? Or mad? Was that even me?

  There are too many things to be worried about. What if Liam gets stuck like that?

  A sense of relief and terror sneak up on me at the same time.

  He'd be out my life, which sounds amazing but, they would smell me all over him and I'd be fucked.

  I need to leave.

  I can't stay here and potentially be killed or violated. That's the line I won't let them cross. This pack has taken so much of my life away from me, I don't even know if my life is worth running away for. Where would go? How would I live?

  Is life away from here, any better?

  I don't know and I don't know If I'm willing to take a chance on that.

  Oh Goddess, please help me.

  My wolf barks at me to calm down.

  You're right. I need to think.

  I'll stay to see if Liam is moving again then I'll go.

  If I get caught, they'll probably kill me but I don't care. This kind of life isn't worth living.

  It hasn't been worth living for a while.

  Noah showing up changed something in me. Maybe it's the natural instinct after meeting your mate, but I want to be with him. This is bigger than him though, I don't want to succumb to this anymore.

  He set a spark in a gas-filled chamber and I'm ready to explode.

  I look around the room and nod. It's not like there's much to pack, I'll be able to slip away.

  I watch the sunlight's position on my floor. It'll be time for breakfast soon.

  Getting up, I open the door and begin the daily routine. I climb the stairs, use the bathroom, wash my face and hop in the shower for a quick clean up since I'm up a bit early.

  I pat myself down with my towel, which I hide with my underwear, behind the laundry basket. I get dressed and shake out my shrinking kinky hair.

  My heart pounds against my ribcage with every step and thought.

  I get in the kitchen, tying up my drying puff, and start whipping up some pancakes while defrosting the sausages. This meal should take me long enough to bump into the pack, so I can see if Liam is back to normal from there.

  I clench my teeth and tense. The thought of seeing him so soon after that...

  It's ok. I need this. I have to see exactly what the thing that saved me does to its victims. If it's me behind that- power then I want to know what it does.

  I finish up the last of the pancakes, flipping them one by one into three different stacks. I check on my pan warming up for the sausages, and toss them in there, using spices to mix them in with.

  The better it smells is the faster they come down here.

  Leaving them to saute in their oils, I jog over to the fridge and pull out some orange juice, milk, and water., setting them on the dining room table.

  This is the last meal I'll make for the pack so I'll make it good.

  I hear the creak of the stairs and my eyes dart over to the clock. 8:10. They're right on time.

  I pour out the sausages into a bowl and set it and the pancakes down on the table. Their white plates and plastic utensils lay neat and as they like it alongside the food. Washing up the dishes, I'm done.

  "She's here again." I hear someone whine, as the rumble of footsteps gets louder and closer. I hold my hands together to calm the tremble in them.

  "She's so slow." Vanessa draws out.

  I stare at her as she turns the corner.

  She has no idea what her mate is trying to do behind her back, and even if she does know, Liam being the future Alpha makes it hard for anyone to challenge him.

  She might be a bitch but I pity her.

  Her eyes meet mine and she looks away, avoiding my gaze.

  That's a first.

  "Aren't you going to run off and do something? The house needs sweeping. You've been lazy about everything." Th
e Luna says, pulling out a chair as the huge table to sit in.

  I nod, watching the pack file in, searching for Liam.

  Is he actually still frozen?

  Just as the thought passes, Liam turns the corner, catching my eye and glaring at me.

  My body shakes harder. The places he touched feel cold and bring the nausea I had earlier back.

  So whatever that thing was, it works temporarily. Ok.

  He stops, staring at me as he leans against the entrance to the kitchen. With his finger, he motions me to him. He's trying to be discreet and all I want to do is scream.

  I try to swallow my disgust as I pick my feet up and down, nearing him. His arm reaches out for me and I move back, dodging it. His eyes flash green.

  "Eliana, listen-" He whispers through clenched teeth.

  "Honey come eat! I saved you a seat right next to me." Vanessa's voice rings out, breaking through the tense atmosphere between us.

  She looks at me and then her mate, as the smile on her face remains big and bright.

  Liam sucks his teeth and grabs my wrist, squeezing it tight.

  "I don't know what trick you pulled but we'll continue what happened before, later." With that, he releases me and plasters on a mask for his mate and the pack.

  I knew he would try again and next time I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop him.

  And that's exactly why there will be no next time. There won't be a 'later' either.

  After tonight, I'll be gone.


  Eliana POV

  9:30 pm.

  The pack should all be asleep by 10 pm. Even Liam, Vanessa should have him wrapped up then.

  30 more mins.

  Luckily, Liam's been busy with Alpha training and Vanessa and other stuff he does in the day, every day like I knew he would be.

  The 'later' he was talking about could only happen the same time he tried today and I don't know if I'll be gone by then but that's the plan.

  I wipe the floors down as the members head upstairs to rest.

  I take the paper towel and throw it out just as the last person goes upstairs and out of my sight. The silence surrounding me hums but the thump in my chest drowns out even that.

  It's time.

  I jog downstairs, careful to be light on my feet and grab my blanket.

  Sneaking up back up to the kitchen, my hands grasp the handles of the cabinet, swinging them open. I lay out my blanket and throwing bread and snacks on to it.

  I don't know how long it'll be until I find Noah. If I find him. As an Alpha, his scent should stick around for a couple of days.

  I hurry to the fridge and pull out some drinks, tossing them on my pile.

  Tremors in my arms intensify. I rub them down.

  It's now or never. The pack is most distracted when they're putting their kids to bed and having late-night talks. In the dead of the night, they would wake up at the sound of a crow.

  I tie up the sheet and turn towards the door. My eyes glance back at the place I've called home for my whole life. The white hallways I used to run through and the black tile floors stare back at me.

  A sigh escapes me and warmth embraces me. On to better.

  A creaking sound above the stairs halts me before my foot can finish its first step.

  I gasp. Shit.

  I duck behind the kitchen counter as the steps thud down the stairs.

  The tremors from before run up and down my body. It's going to be Liam.

  Why so early? Why now? Did they hear me?

  I inhale, trying to pick up a scent but a strange one makes its way to me.

  This isn't someone from this pack.

  The footsteps enter the kitchen and I hold my breath. It didn't smell like Noah either.

  Footsteps stop next to the counter, I sit under. I'm caught.

  "Eliana?" My heart drops and my body shakes harder. Vanessa.

  My gaze falls on her as I push up against the counter to lift myself.

  "Vanessa, I was just cleaning up. Do you need something?" I lick my lips. Her eyes narrow and she spots my bundle. She looks back at me.

  "Are you trying to leave?"

  My stomach jumps up to my throat. I open my mouth to answer but no words come out.

  This is it.

  "Get out then."

  My eyes widen and I freeze.

  "What?" I breathe out.

  She bends down and grabs my stuff, thrusting it into my arms. My feet rock back as my finger grip the sheet.

  "Get the fuck out, now. I don't want my mate to ever look at your ugly ass again, so leave. I know what he tried to do to you yesterday... and I hate the thought of him touching anyone other than me." Her hands pinch my side. She turns me around and pushes me toward the door.

  My legs catch up to the words she said before the rest of me does.

  We reach the exit and she urges me to go, waving me out.

  "Thank you." I whisper. She shuts the door in my face.

  "Don't come back." She gives me a small smile through the glass.

  I won't.

  I take a deep breath of the fresh air.

  The scent of flowers in the yard with the herds in the back garden greet me, filling my lungs with their final goodbye.

  A whiff of my mate's smell also lingers in the warm night. I take off running down the driveway, ripping my rubber band out my hair, letting the wind breathe through it. Although not really.

  My wolf nearly howls within me.

  The air whips past me as I reach the main road and turn left, following his earthy scent.

  Once you meet your mate, it's so much more clear to than any other smell.

  My bare feet hit the paved road, lighter than they've ever seemed. My heart pounds hard and my legs burn but they all remind me how alive this all is. How alive I am.

  The burn in my legs wear me out and I slow my sprint to a walk. I guess my wolf's boost can only take me so far.

  My head turns to look at the distance I've covered. It's miles away from my old pack but they can run just as fast as I can.

  My eyes glance at the dark forest that surrounds the road on either side. Their long statures dwarf me but liberate me as well. They're beautiful.

  The night sky twinkles above and the moon watches down on me, smiling.

  A dream couldn't be more real. Maybe, I am dreaming.

  My beating heart calms. I pull a water bottle out of my pouch and take a swing.

  A howl shatters the night and I tense. Liam.

  Coldwater soaks my clothes, the substance tickling as it runs down me. The bottle runs dry.

  I need more than this to hide my scent. fuck.

  I take off sprinting again.

  Pain engulfs me as my bones crack and twist, bending into my wolf.

  Her form would be much faster in the forest than mine.

  I turn into the sea of trees, as my mate's scent grows stronger and stronger.

  I'm getting close.

  A bark catches me off guard as it comes from at least 100 meters away from me. They already caught up.

  Of course, they did. They're trained soldiers and I barely eat.

  They're going to catch me.

  A howl comes from even closer, as my ears ring from the sound.

  I throw my legs forward, breathing quick and hard.

  This can't be it. I just started, I just got out.

  I wanted to see him again.

  The ground beneath my feet vanishes and I fly.

  I glance at the place above me, as wolves line up, growling down at me. Liam's bright green eyes stare at my falling form.

  A smile comes to my face.

  This is better. I'm glad it ended like this.

  I'm sorry, Noah. I tried.

  A stabbing pain shoots through my body, as its pushed side to side on branches.

  I hit the ground and the world so peacefully, fades to black.


  Noah POV

  Someone's breached the bound

  I alert my men as a sit at my desk.

  It seemed like just one wolf so I'm sure they can handle it.

  Tomorrow's the third day since I saw her.

  She'll be going into her heat soon. My fist clenches and my wolf growls within me.

  I can't let that happen while she's still there. My men and I are all ready to go raid the pack and take her.

  I still don't know what I'll do with her here.

  She's already been a huge distraction on me since I met her.

  When I try to work, sleep, anything, she appears in my mind like a rock thrown at me from a pile of other rocks.

  The thoughts are there but I keep trying to put them to the side, but I know that's something I care too much about right now to simply forget about, even for a second.

  She's there with that weird Liam guy. I hate the way he looks at her and how her blood was under his fingernails the first time we met.

  My head falls into my hands.

  Fuck, I really left her there with him.

  How could I? I should've just grabbed her anyway and ran out of the building. That would put much more peace into my heart now then waiting until now.


  Kai mind links me.


  Your mate's smell is all over these woods, You might want to come check it out. The scent of blood is also pretty heavy.


  I dash out of my chair, throwing open my door, and rushing out of the house. My wolf rips out of me, bending my form into its primal state as I sprint towards the men.

  What do you mean my mate?

  I reach Kai before he can answer, transforming back into my naked human form before him.

  The scent hits me as the wind following me clears out.


  I take off, pushing past trees and bushes, ignoring the cuts and bruises as they whip and slice me.


  The soldiers follow close behind me.

  What's happened?

  The smell of blood and honey blossoms fill my lungs as I freeze.

  Eliana lays naked, sprawled out on the forest floor. I hold my breath, taking small steps towards her frail body.


  Blood bleeds out from her arms and sides, coating the ground. My knees fall and I grab her into my arms.


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