The Alpha's Heart

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The Alpha's Heart Page 4

by Nana Adu

  What happened?

  "Get me some clothes! Call the pack doctor as well." Kai takes off his shirt and hands it to me. I slip it over her, picking up her cold body.

  I sprint again back to the house, running threw the door and to the in-home clinic.

  The pack doctor waits there already, hurrying over to Eliana as I place her on the bed.

  "Who is this?" Alyssa ask, rushing to get her supplies.

  "Eliana, my mate." She pauses, looking up at me.

  "Ok, what happened to her?" She goes to setting up her tools.

  "I don't know. Just please, help her."

  I let this happen. I can never protect the ones I love.

  Alyssa looks over her, checking her vitals and wiping the blood from her wounds.

  "She seems to be healing already under all this blood. Much faster than...usual."

  Alyssa and I watch as small cuts on Eliana's legs heal, stitching up by themselves as if reversing time.

  "Have you ever seen something like that?" I ask, laying a hand on her arm. Her scent hits her hard and I struggle to lift my grip off her.

  "Some females heal faster during their heat, not this quick though." Alyssa seems unaffected by the pull.

  Must be her heat kicking in now.

  My wolf fights against me, pushing at the boundaries of my control.

  I need to leave.

  "Alyssa, lock this place up good, ok? I'm trusting you to keep all wolves away from her. Especially me." I dig my nails into my arm and sprint out.

  She's here, but I'll have to be locked up to keep away from her.

  "Mom!" I shout, sitting in my office. I hug myself, stuffing my head into the pocket between my head and arms.

  "Yes?" She appears at my door.

  "My mate was found and she's going into her heat. Keep all the guys at their homes outside the pack house for three days."

  She stares at me then nods.

  Maybe I should've told them about my mate when I first met her but that didn't happen.

  I mind link my beta.

  Kai, bring me chains.


  I died.

  I gasp, sitting up quickly.

  Where am I? I look around at the light blue walls surrounding me and down at the white tile floor.

  Am I dead? I fell off a cliff.

  A pain spikes from my sides as events roll into my memory.

  Is this Noah's pack? Did I make it?

  The door creaks open and I press into the wall by my side, covering myself with the blanket around me.

  A middle-aged woman comes in. Her tan skin wrinkles at the sides of her eyes, as she squints to see me. She picks up the glasses hanging from her chest and looks through them at me.

  I can't stop the tremble in my hands, and sweat drips from my forehead.

  I need something. Really bad, right now.

  Mate. My wolf says.

  "Oh-oh, slow down sweetheart, you're still slightly bruises in the ribs and on your legs. Plus, you're two days into your heat." She goes to a small sink by her cabinets.

  "Where am I?" I ask, shrinking away a bit from the burning-ly warm walls.

  I press my legs together and try to find some comfort. Something is wrong with me.

  "You're at Alpha Noah's pack house, you recognize that name, right? I'm the pack doctor, Alyssa Johnson." She hands me a damp paper towel, turning somewhere.

  "This is Noah's pack?" I lean towards the edge of the bed.

  "Yes." She smiles at me.

  I made it. I can't believe I made it.

  Moisture gathers in my eyes as small tears, drip from my eyes.

  I'm free.

  "Honey, are you hungry?" The mention of food makes me aware of the gnawing starvation building with me.

  I nod.

  The paper towel colds my skin. My skin is warm. Too warm,

  "Do I have a fever?" I ask, looking up at Alyssa as she walks back with a bowl of soup.

  "You don't know what a heat is?" She double takes, setting the food down on a small table next to me, stirring it gently.

  I shake my head. Why would they tell me about anything, other then cleaning?

  "It's a natural thing that happens to females once they meet their mate to speed up the mating process." She hands me the bowl on a tray. I unfold my knees and lay the food on my lap, thanking the Moon goddess before devouring it.

  "You mean make kids?" I blow on the soup as the heat between my legs make a little more sense now.

  "Yes, so you get a bad fever that lets out hormones that attract any males near you, except those of your blood relation, and especially your mate." She hands me a packet of crackers and sits on the chair next to me.

  "So why do I feel like this?" I ask. It's a new sensation.

  "Your heat also makes you want to mate, although you're taking it really well for your first one. Most female, even Alpha females, begin searching for their mates to relieve them." She chuckles, shaking her head.

  "So where's Noah?" The heat raises. Thinking of him seems dangerous.

  "Currently he's chained himself to his bed in efforts to stop from marking you."

  "is it really that bad?" A mark is like a brand. A symbol you belong to someone.

  I just want to see him, maybe touch him a little bit.

  "Yeah, it's a miracle he hasn't broke down the door yet, the way you smell to him right now."

  My eyebrows raise.

  Loud knocks at the door, interrupt our conversation.

  "Alyssa, open the damn door!" A growl resounds through the room. My body pulses harder.

  Alyssa laughs and gets up, moving towards the door.


  "I guess it was only a matter of time."


  The knocking stops, but thumping and growls are heard soon after.

  "Are they fighting?" I ask.

  "I wouldn't talk much right now if I were you. The more he hears your voice, is the more desperate he will become." Alyssa gets a bottle of something off her counter and holds it, going to the door.

  I gasp. I'll shut up.

  No, we need mate. My wolf whines.

  It must be hard for her. I roll my eyes.

  I pinch myself hard twice, putting my empty bowl to the side table.

  Sparks of pain come from both and remain after.

  I'm awake and not in a basement.

  The growls grow louder and the door is banged against once again.

  "Him being an Alpha makes it worse for him, although he should be able to hold himself back. A bit." Alyssa says.

  "His wolf took over?" I ask. His growl truly resonates Alpha's presence.

  "Yup, and now our she-wolves are trying to fight him off."

  "I just want to see her. I have to see if she's ok." Alyssa lowers her bottle, shaking her head.

  My eyes narrow as she walks back my way. I want to see him too. My wolf barks in agreement.

  "I guess he's just eager to see you." She hands me the bottle. I watch as she walks towards the door.

  Is she going to let him in? I'm not sure if I can control myself either.

  "Let him go, guys! I got it under control here." She shouts, quickly dashing back from the entrance.

  The door burst open and wind blows papers everywhere, along with my thick hair, as the earthy scent follows the breeze.

  Noah stops before my bed, his curly hair falls into his eyes, skin gleaming with sweat. His hands clench into a fist as his eyes switch from black to grey.

  "Do you feel alright?" He grunts out, swallowing.

  My body sends waves of the feeling, stronger now that Noah's close.

  "Yeah," I say.

  His full lips slightly tremble, while his large chest rises and falls quickly.

  I need his lips all over me, now.

  I look away from him. He can't be in here anymore. I won't be able to stop myself from jumping him.

  "Alyssa! I need to go, make me leave." Noah grits out.

; Why does he have to go? Mate is being cruel.

  Shut up.

  Alyssa takes the bottle, my hands grip on to, away and sprays a touch of it right below his nose.

  His face muscles relax so do his hands,

  "I'll see you tomorrow, then we can talk." He leaves the room just as quickly as he came.


  I take a deep breath, as his smell lingers in the room, and Alyssa goes to close the door.

  "I'm sorry that just made it worse for you, didn't it? Your body has been focused on healing so that's probably why your heat isn't as strong right now. Get some more rest and you should be out of bed by tomorrow just in time for you and lover boy's talk." She winks at me and I hide my face under the cover.

  She's really sweet for a stranger.

  Maybe, I've found my home here.

  Noah POV

  My wolf cusses me out internally as my mother straps on a new set of chains to bind me to my bed.

  She looked a lot better. Her bruises had faded and nearly all her cuts had healed.

  I don't think she knows how bad she was a couple of days ago.

  My mood darkens.

  I need to know what happened to her. So I know who to go after.

  "I'm glad to see you so passionate." My mother comments as she tugs the chains in place for a 5th time in 2 days. I shake my head.

  "It's only natural," I respond. She laughs.

  "You didn't even deny it. My poor boy, she's got you smitten." She touches the tip of my nose. I try to cringe back, but the chains stop me.

  "Just look out for her," I ask as she makes her way out the room.

  "I'm already on it." She salutes and shuts the door behind her.

  I sigh.

  I've realized chained to this bed for days, that it's not Eliana I'm confused what to do about. It's me.

  I know I'll want to be by her side constantly, but that's not something I can just do.

  I have responsibilities to my pack and to myself that I have promised to hold above everything. Even a mate.

  Simply seeing her was like scratching a massive itch that I've been ignoring.

  Are these romantic feelings?

  I've always found the mate bond kind of ridiculous. Two wolves just meeting each other and yet they claim to be deeply in love with each other due to an instinctive attraction?


  I don't know what love is supposed to feel like but it can't be something so spontaneous.

  Eliana's touch comes to mind.

  I do want to see her, hold her and make her mine, but I've only met her twice now. We haven't even had a real conversation about ourselves.

  All those wolves who claim to be in love instantly, only probably felt lust and the need to completely know and dominate their mate's life. Like I do now.

  I want to be the one she thinks of before she sleeps, while she dreams and as she awakes.

  I want to be the center figure of her life and make her mine. But I know I have other things to think about. I don't want to let anyone down.

  Not again.

  My wolf urges me to get up and go after Eliana as I try to stuff him lower into my mind.

  I want her to develop on her own and become a great Luna as well.

  All these desires are pulling me in too many directions and I know I can't go in all of them.

  I can't just ignore Eliana and focus on my pack. I'd lose my mind.

  I have to establish a distance we can get used to and is healthy enough for me and her to be okay with, along with our wolves.

  Seeing her sitting on the nurse bed, staring at me doe-eyed makes me know it's going to be hard to just push her to the background of my life so I won't do the impossible.

  But the things I cared about her still exist and they matter just as much as she does.

  I shake my head.

  I can't get so overwhelmed because of this.

  My father has mom and he did the best he could every day for her and the pack, when he was Alpha.

  It's possible I know it is.

  I'm just worried I already care way too much about Eliana.

  I want her in my bed, next to me, kissing down my throat as I explore her body with my hands, her skin and lips pressed on mine.

  My wolf growls.

  I scoff. I guess I'm not any better than he is.

  This is going to be an interesting week, to say the least.

  And as much as it complicates things, I've never felt as much happiness as now, with her here away from her torturous pack.

  This can be her home now. I can be her home.


  Eliana POV

  Noah sits across from me, behind a desk at I stare at the side of his face.

  The heat thing ended somewhere last night and my injures had healed as well. Just in time for this meeting or whatever Noah's calling it.

  The purple dress Alyssa gave me was an upgrade from whoever's t-shirt I wore for three days in bed.

  Now that I've showered, brushed my teeth, and freshened up a bit, I'm presentable. Alyssa has a ton stuff in her office.

  Noah looks out his window, leaning against the back of his chair and I wait for him to speak.

  My eyes trail down his jaw and his neck, lingering on them before looking up again.

  "I'm going to do something if you keep staring at me like that." He breaks the silence.

  My eyes widen but they don't look away.

  "I'm glad you finally spoke." I say.

  He smiles, turning towards me.

  "I'm sorry, I think too much." He states.

  "You said we needed to talk?" I ask, pulling my chair closer to his desk. He nods.

  "Why did you run away from your pack? You told me not to come get you." He reasons.

  Nausea hits me as I recall the touch of Liam's hands against my legs.

  I need a shower.

  "I wanted to see you again." I half-lie. I did want to see him.

  "That can't be enough to have you running around the forest at night! You almost die-" He stops, breathing heavily.

  I shake my head.

  "I don't want to talk about it." I look to the floor. I don't want to brought back to the past I just escaped from.

  He calms down, nodding.

  "Just give me a name." His middle finger twitches.

  "I-" The nausea increases and my mouth waters.

  Noah stands up, hurrying around his desk to kneel beside me.

  "You don't have to say his name. You don't have to do anything you don't want to here." He puts a hand on my back, rubbing my troubles quiet.

  "Thank you." His face sits inches from mine as I look up. He stares hard at me and I hold my breath.

  He blinks, gaining his composure and stands.

  "I'll show you your room and give you a tour of the house." He looks at the door.

  My room? I get a room.

  The fact he's even letting me stay here, knowing my pack might come after me is enough, but now I get a room. An actually room.

  I'm scared to wake up.

  I nod, grinning as I follow his lead out his office. He turns, walking down the white walled hallway.

  My eyes wander, taking it the art on the side as he takes us further down the path.

  I bump into his back as he stops.

  He sends me a small smile.

  "Your room is across from mine. Don't hesitate to come in." I nod.

  His face turns blank, as I move to enter my room. I halt.

  "Noah?" His head hangs a bit and I reach out to pat his cheek.

  As my hand makes contact with his skin, tingles stronger than before shoot from the spot. How addicting.

  He blinks and his eyebrows rise as he sees my hand against his face. I pull the hand back immediately.

  "Sorry, you kinda went away for a second." I explain.

  He stares at me.

  Shit. I already messed up. Of course.


  Noah's fingers wrap around
my wrist, lifting my hand as I watch. He places my hand back on his cheek.

  "Don't be sorry." He leans in.

  My heart scrambles, going off, as I nod.

  His eyes glaze over again and my hand falls from his hold.

  Is he ok?


  He blinks and shakes his head, coming back.

  "My beta just mind linked, he needs me for something, I'll be back to show you around later, ok? For now, get used to your room."

  He runs off, not giving me a chance to say anything in response, as I catch the sight of his ears tinged pink.

  I smile, opening the door to the room.

  Light purple walls greet me with a white bed, bigger than I've ever been in, sitting in its center. Windows sit on the left and back of the room as I let my finger trail along the wall.

  A beautiful teal bedspread covers the bed and the small white fluffy carpet at the foot of it, tickles my toes.

  This is all mine?

  I fall forward on to the bed, hugging the sheets to my chest, and snuggling my face in them.

  A room this big?

  The wooden floor on the ground gleams at me, as the afternoon sun reflects off it.

  I push off the bed, rolling to the other side. I throw open a window as the cold, clean air embraces me.

  I'm so selfish.

  I walk back, sitting on the edge of the covers.

  I know coming here exposes Noah's pack to Liam and as afraid as the Moonstribe seems of this pack, they've always been unpredictable.

  I shake my head, clutching the soft blankets in my hands.

  I'm here now.

  I jump up from the bed, straightening my back and looking up at the dusk outside.

  I'm here now.


  Noah never came back. Instead, Shallon came and took me around the land.

  He's alpha, it's no surprise he's busy.

  We walk towards the dining room now, as the halls light with cream bulbs.

  Roast beef and pasta fill my nostrils as we past the kitchen. My mouth waters. I've only tasted bits and scraps of it as I cooked.

  "I guess they're going all out because you're here." Alyssa smiles, leading us to a wide room, with a long table stretching from where we stand to the end of the next hall.

  My eyes fall.

  "I don't think so." I don't think I'm even supposed to be here let alone being cooked for.

  Alyssa chuckles and walks to the table, I follow close behind her as she sits and I pull out the chair next to her.


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