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The Chef at the Water's Edge

Page 4

by Kee Patterbee

  Buster smirked. “If by ‘thing’ you mean I think she’s fine, then yeah. I got a big thing for her. “

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “Men.”

  As the small group entered into the massive structure, Jazlyn led them toward a large, arc-shaped desk manned by a guard in a uniform. He stood as the group approached and nodded as he waved them on by. “Miss Jazlyn,” he said in a deep, rough voice. Jazlyn smiled as she passed by. “Malcolm.”

  Before they reached the door behind the guard, it opened and Vera stepped out. At first, she looked taken aback, but her face changed to a look of annoyance. She then gave Jazlyn an irritated glare.

  “We meet again,” Jazlyn said. She was grinning less than smiling, Hannah considered.

  Vera nodded at Jazlyn but ignored Hannah, Buster, Cate, and Louie as she walked out of the building. Following her every step with his eyes, Louie confessed, “Her likeness to Jules is … amazing.”

  Hannah took the chance to jump on Louie’s comment and pry for information. Trying not to be obvious, she glanced around in every direction but Jazlyn’s, before asking, “Was Julia close to Vera?”

  Jazlyn nodded. Looking back to the young woman, Hannah judged her expression to be somewhere between jealousy and envy. “Yes. She took a personal interest in Vera and groomed her from the beginning. At some point, she became her benefactor, but for the life of me, I never knew why. My aunt had a public persona, and a private one. A peculiar one at times. Vera was part of the latter. Now she works here helping to manage things. Uncle felt it was something that Julia would want, so he honored her. When my aunt died, he found a place for her here. She’s still adjusting, a year after the fact.”

  Hannah thought she detected a note of sarcasm in Jazlyn’s voice, but she was not sure. “Now, who’s ready for a tour?”

  “If it isn’t too much trouble,” Louie answered. “My magazine has asked me to write the details of the company that Julia and Asa created from the ground up. Any access to the inside of Julia’s life would make a much better story.”

  Hannah watched as Louie waited for Jazlyn’s decision. This would be his crowning glory if he were able to pay tribute to Julia now, given how he had known her long before she went to Paris.

  The smile that beamed from Jazlyn gave away her decision before her words. “I can arrange whatever access you need. I think Julia would have liked you to do the honors. Follow me. “

  Jazlyn led the group through the same door Vera had exited. “This is the office floor,” Jazlyn explained, pointing to several entryways. “We call it the ‘cube farm,’” she added. Hannah detected a hint of superiority in her voice. A glance over to Cate revealed that she had the same idea. A large glass window allowed an open view inside, where many cubicles were visible. Workers darted in and out, performing their various duties. “Wow,” Buster said. “I didn’t know it took so much to run a studio.”

  “This is nothing,” Jazlyn answered. “You should see our Atlanta office. That’s where the majority of Karas, Inc., businesses operate out of. We also have offices in New York and Dallas.”

  Buster smiled as he turned to look at Jazlyn. “But your office is here, right?”

  “Yes. Just down the hall, next to my Uncle. Come on. I’ll show you.”

  Jazlyn led the group to two offices that were furthest away from the front of the building. Approaching, she pointed to two massive oak doors. “That’s Uncle’s,” she said. She then pointed to a single oak door. “Here’s mine.” She then opened the door for all to see. It was typical of an office but had touches that, Hannah assessed, served the purpose of making it Jazlyn’s, and Jazlyn’s alone. A framed degree from culinary school. Pictures of her with various other celebrity chefs. A brass trophy composed of a hand thrust upward holding a spoon. Hannah walked over and read the plate, which said, “Second Place: Quinonna Recipe Cook Off.” Not bad, but not perfect, Hannah thought to herself..

  “Let’s move on,” Jazlyn said, as she noticed Hannah at the trophy.

  As they exited, Cate whispered to Hannah, “Not one single picture of Julia in the room. Her Uncle was in various photos. But not one of her aunt. Interesting, huh?”

  Hannah looked back toward the room. “Interesting,” she replied.

  As they continued their tour, Jazlyn showed them two studios. In both, three cameras pointed toward the kitchen counter island. Huge monitors hung from the ceiling above each, which Jazlyn explained were Teleprompters. Above these, there was an open grid of studio lights. As the group looked around, Buster appeared confused. He stared at each set. Both rested against different color back drops. The back wall of one was green, the other one blue. “This is the set?” Buster inquired with curiosity. “I thought there would be a full kitchen. And what’s with the background?”

  Again, Jazlyn produced a charming smile that Hannah noted appeared whenever Buster spoke. “New technology. Uncle had everything updated and revamped. We will digitally insert the rest of the kitchen. On green days, no wearing green. On blue days, no wearing blue. Otherwise, you won’t show up!” she stated with a short laugh while looking at Buster.

  Cate leaned over once again to Hannah. “I may be marrying into culinary royalty by relation,” she quipped. Hannah let out a furtive giggle before she covered it with a fake cough.

  Jazlyn introduced the group to the director, and the different technicians around the studio. She then led them back into the outside hall where a multitude of photos lined the walls. One was a picture of Julia and Asa standing on the studio steps on their wedding day.

  “I remember this,” Hannah said. “They got married on the set. She made the cake and everything leading up to the day. It was huge. First time anybody had ever done anything like that.”

  “That was Uncle’s idea,” Jazlyn said. “Speaking of my Uncle…” Looking back down the hall. “There he is now. Would you like to meet him?”

  “Of course,” Louie said in a strained voice.

  All eyes followed her over toward the man who had helped Julia get to the top of the culinary world. As he approached, Hannah noted details about the man, making mental notes, which she clicked off like a list in her head. Sharply dressed, per his station. Fit. Impressive, with a confident, determined posture and walk. Appears around 5’10”. Deep blue eyes. Graying, thick but short-cut hair. Focused. Attuned to his surroundings. Hannah followed Asa’s gaze. He focused on Louie. He apparently disapproved of the interloper.

  Stopping before the group, the man looked around at the group before speaking in a deep, rich voice. “Greetings.” He then turned to Jazlyn. “I was unaware we had guests today.” His tone was calm but restrained as he continued. “I would have hoped to have a proper welcome for an old friend of Julia’s.” With that said, he let his eyes look at Louie. “I recognize you from Julia’s description … and from all the photos. But I’ve never had the actual pleasure.” He then extended his hand to Louie.

  Taking it as offered, Louie smiled in a somewhat awkward manner. “No, we haven’t. But long overdue, wouldn’t you say?”

  Hannah read the two men’s body language as that of silent gladiators. All put forward a face of cordiality but under the surface, there was tension that was almost palpable.

  Jazlyn interjected herself into the situation but held a nervous, uncomfortable smile. “This was just an impromptu thing. I met them over at the media tent and recognized Mr. Woolridge.” She reached out and drew her Uncle in to hug him. “And I knew you were busy, so … but please, don’t let us change your schedule,” she said, stepping back but hanging onto one of his hands. Hannah watched as, within seconds, his body relaxed. He gazed down into Jazlyn’s eyes with clear devotion to her. Once again, Cate whispered to Hannah, “Somebody’s got somebody wrapped around her little finger. Man. I bet she gets away with murder around him.” Hannah bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud at her friend’s joking innuendo, but considered the possibilities of it. She watched with fascination, studying the emotions that flitter
ed across Asa’s face. In a short span of time, he had gone from a man trying to intimidate and guard his territory to one willing to agree to the wishes of his niece. This led her to wonder about the extent of the relationship. She did not have long to consider the possibilities before Asa interrupted her thoughts with his booming voice.

  “All right, then, I’ll leave you to your short tour. But remember, you’ve got a lot to do before tomorrow.”

  Both Hannah and Cate caught the emphasis. He then leaned down to kiss Jazlyn on the cheek. “I’ve got to run into town. I have a meeting with the mayor, the governor, and then some journalists at the town hall. Everyone wants something today. I’ll be late. Good luck with the run.” Asa turned to the group. “If you will all excuse me.” With a brief nod, he turned and headed toward his office. Reaching the massive oak doors, he opened both sides to enter and disappeared through the center. Power play, Hannah thought to herself.

  “He’s something, isn’t he?” Jazlyn said in a near-cooing voice as she led the group in the opposite direction.

  “Yes. Something,” Louie whispered to Hannah as Buster and Cate walked ahead with Jazlyn. “I think I may have stirred the beehive a bit.”

  Hannah nodded in agreement, but said nothing. Security cameras were everywhere. She had the feeling that whoever was watching monitored every movement with scrutiny. She made a concerted effort not to peer up at every camera they passed so as not to draw attention to her suspicions. She had no particular reason to believe this. There was nothing to affirm her theory. These two facts alone made her feel all the more disturbed.

  As the group moved along the way to their next stop, Louie continued his quiet accusations. “The biggest mistake of Julia’s life was marrying that man. If it weren’t for him, she might still be alive,” he insisted.

  Hannah measured Louie’s words. Granted, Asa was a force of nature. He was impressive, powerful, and aware of both facts. A man who had absolute control over every aspect of his world. That much was clear. Though he had not been welcoming, Hannah had seen nothing that suggested he would hurt Julia. She was, after all, an asset and a moneymaker. It would be interesting to know if the two were as committed to each other in private as they were in public.

  Nevertheless, Hannah could see Louie’s jealousy boiling over. Asa had taken Julia from him. There were old wounds here. This type of pain never heals in the presence of the person who Louie perceived as causing it. He would not approve of any man for Julia, other than himself. Thus, his advice would prove jaded and not helpful in the investigation.

  Making their way down a long corridor, Jazlyn came to a stop before a large door. The words ‘Studio One’ stenciled in black on the outside stood out. “I would ask that you please be careful not to touch or move anything. We’ve preserved everything just as it was,” she said as she opened the doors and led everyone inside.

  “Uncle decided to keep Julia’s original set as it was when she was alive. We’re opening tomorrow’s show with an opening shot from here, then changing to digital using the new set. Uncle feels it will be cathartic for the old fans. It pays homage to Julia and then moves on to me.”

  “Smart,” whispered Cate to Hannah, both of whom were looking over the original kitchen. “Lure ‘em in with the original look, then move on. Sort of shock treatment.”

  “Umm,” was the affirmation that Hannah gave. She focused on everyone’s place in the operation, running everything through cycles in her mind.

  After a brief history of the original show, Jazlyn led the group through a massive, oak door to the rear of the studio. “This was Julia’s personal studio office,” she explained. “She liked to be close to the set, for some reason. Just a quirk I guess. She spent a lot of time in here picking out the recipes and deciding on what featured guests to bring in. The room has not changed since the accident. Uncle and I are the only people allowed in here. Oh, and the staff who dust the room every now and then.” She then turned to Louie. “I wanted you to get a glimpse of her style and grace. This place is Julia. I figured you might like a look for your article.”

  Louie took out his cell phone. As he surveyed the room, he spoke with a subdued voice into the device, making notes so as not to miss any details. Hannah watched and wondered what was going through his mind. She knew that for him, this chance would never present itself again. She wondered why Jazlyn was risking the anger of her uncle by letting him in. It was clear that this was a sacred place to Asa. This much, Louie and his rival had in common.

  Hannah’s curiosity was peaked further when Louie closed his eyes. Was he imagining his love sitting at her desk? Could just make out her smile as she worked.

  When Louie opened his eyes, he stared down at the assortment of pink accessories which adorned the large, ebony desk.

  “Pink. Of course,” he mumbled. He was just audible enough that Hannah and Cate could hear, but not Buster and Jazlyn, who were now engaged in a quiet conversation.

  Cate’s voice brought him out of his semi-trance like state, when she addressed the particular color. “She had a thing for pink, didn’t she?”

  “That was her color,” Louie explained. “That or some shade of it. I don’t recall ever seeing her without something pink. A ribbon in her hair. A purse. Shoes.”

  It was at that moment when Louie’s eyes fell on the hot pink high heels sitting on the floor next to a large black couch with pink cushions. He let out a gasp.

  “Something wrong?” Hannah asked.

  “I gave her those,” Louie said, pointing to the footwear. “Years ago. For graduation. I had them special made. One of a kind.” He gulped and cleared his throat. He brought his hand to his mouth and held it there before continuing.

  “They cost me more money than I could afforded at the time.”

  He stiffened and shrugged back his shoulders, as if he were shaking something off. Blinking several time, he said, “I was going to tell her how I felt about her. But she was busy, so I waited. And then…” His words dropped off. Hannah could guess the rest. Julia left. Asa appeared in her life. And all Louie was left with was a sour memory. That memory’s changed, thought Hannah. The sight of those shoes is a sign that she never forgot him. She kept them to remember him.

  Trying to ease his pain, Hannah asked, “Can we get a picture of a few items for a personal collection?”

  Jazlyn’s started to decline. But Hannah motioned with her head toward Louie. She saw the welled tears in his eyes, and looked to where he was staring. She relented. Why, Hannah could not quite make out, but Jazlyn agreed nonetheless.

  “Of course. Just give me your word you will not publish them. Uncle would be furious.”

  Louie responded with a meek but appreciative smile, then nodded. He dropped the bag he carried, pulled out a small camera, and began his work.

  Trying to break the sudden somber mood, Hannah pointed to the door to the rear of the room. “Mind me asking where that leads?”

  “Her private room. She would dress there before the show, but sometimes she would rest after a taping. As you can imagine, it took its toll on her. It’s the one room no one, including me, can enter. Just Uncle. Her personal effects are still in place, per his order. Her clothes, jewelry, makeup, hairbrushes. Everything is as if she walked out yesterday and will return tomorrow,” Jazlyn explained. “That room is to stand as is until the studio is dust.”

  Cate smiled and understood the implications of that remark. “Being here, in this room, it’s … well, just unbelievable. Overwhelming.”

  Jazlyn agreed with a nod, and then pulled out a key. She led everyone to another door opposite Julia’s private room.

  “This was her personal research library. The number of cookbooks will amaze you,” she explained. “She and Vera spent hours in here preparing,” Jazlyn recalled. Smiling, Jazlyn said, “I had never been inside the ‘sanctum sanctorum’ until I got a call from Uncle. It was right after I completed my degree in Germany. I had never dreamed that he wanted me to replace Julia. I
figured Vera would.”

  “You didn’t have a clue?” Cate asked.

  “Not a one,” Jazlyn said with an innocence that did not quite ring true for Hannah. “This whole event came about because the company has lost a tremendous amount of money since the accident.”

  Hannah noticed the occasional tone of sarcasm in her voice changed to one of jealousy. This cleared up any uncertainty about the nature of Jazlyn and Vera’s relationship. It was an unhealthy one. Julia favored one. Asa favored the other.

  “I see what you mean. In the end, it always comes down to business, doesn’t it?” Hannah commented as she turned to study Jazlyn’s face. Her statement had been harsh and pointed, but it was not random. It was to get a reaction, which it had.

  Jazlyn’s face soured. “I suppose it does,” she said in a cool tone. “Now, let’s move on?”

  Hannah judged the young woman’s response as being somewhere between annoyed and angry. The query had made Jazlyn uncomfortable. Now the question was why. Was it because Hannah had, without intent, questioned her talents as a chef? Or was it because it suggested something about the relationship between the niece and the uncle? In either case, Hannah would spend time later considering all this. But for now, she just continued along.

  As the tour continued, Hannah once again became lost in her thoughts about the day. It was bizarre how it all came about. How gracious Jazlyn was, but the reasons for it all were still a mystery. It all left Hannah feeling suspicious. Jazlyn may have been projecting nothing but acceptance and kindness toward Louie. But it was obvious her uncle would have something to say later in private.

  Chapter 5

  Jazlyn led the group back through the main corridor. A tall, rough looking, heavy man entered the hall from the office door. The man reminded Hannah of a misplaced actor when he grinned through near-perfect white teeth. He drew many eyes to him, with his short brown hair showing from beneath a black drover’s hat. A day’s worth of facial growth covered his face. Brown eyes matched his worn leather jacket. And all this, set against a black shirt, black cowboy boots, and blue jeans, led Hannah to consider him attractive.


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