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Deathcreator Book One

Page 23

by John Domus Cruo

  I walked towards the tent to retrieve my bow and shield as Nex followed me. She looked disappointed that I was only going in the tent to get my weapons, yet still followed me out.

  "You should make her your mate as well." She said as she pointed to Liz.

  "She is strong, you need many strong offspring to increase the power of the clan." She said as she gave me a serious look.

  She's almost like a more strait forward Leera.

  "I will, but she has been through a lot. I won't take her until I'm sure she is beyond it." I replied as we walked back towards Reginauld.

  I peered down towards the map. I felt one last surging pull as it stopped at the height of its urgency.

  "We will go directly and take out the archers on our way." I said resolutely.

  My time to prepare was up.

  "Red, Blue, Liz gather up, we need to go!" I yelled.

  I felt the earth shake slightly as my super dense Oni came sprinting over. Liz appeared in front of me almost instantly in a very Bob-like manner her hair and shirt flapping in the breeze as she smiled at me.

  After everyone had gathered together I discussed our anti-archer strategy and went over their capabilities.

  Reginauld informed me that Nex was perhaps the best archer in the village, he felt like he may be more accurate, but she could could fire more arrows at a target then he could.

  The oni would act as shield walls and targets as Liz and Nex set about sniping them at opportune times.

  It was agreed that Nex would ride on Liz's back and take out targets while Liz charged her spells. Reginauld and his children would stay behind the oni and take shots of opportunity while I focused on directing everyone and controlling the battlefield with my spells. In the event of a melee the goblins would climb the oni and cling to their shields firing arrows if they were able.

  The red oni told the blue one to quickly tie some rope together in a small net pattern around the inside top of their shields so that the goblins could have a foothold that they could wrap their legs into or cling onto should things get rough. The blue oni ran off, coming back with a length of rope and hurriedly began tying knots.

  I looked over to Reginauld and asked how far it was if we took the direct route. He informed me that it was less than half a days walk from here. That made me wonder about a few things. Just how long would it take the bandits to notice that their reinforcements from this camp weren't coming and just how long would it take them to start heading back. What if Thads had hopped off in that direction? Could we be running directly into a prepared ambush?

  Chapter 28: Burden - Leera

  As was typical of him John left early yesterday without telling us much of anything. I had noticed that Bob was also gone.

  I woke up yesterday cuddling who I thought was John, just to open my eyes and see the dryad. I was surprised at first but I felt something hot on my stomach which distracted me.

  I looked down to see Lina. I moved her up my body to my chest and whispered her name a few times. She didn't respond.

  I placed my hand on her head. She was burning up! I observed her for a few minutes she was taking fast heavy breaths.

  I sat up and gently cradled her in my arms. Her face was squished up in a labored expression. I breathed my healing mist over her and she seemed to calm down slightly.

  This was bad, where the hell is John?

  After looking around for a while I knew he had left. Luckily Bob had left us most of a bear to eat even though it did smell a little strange.

  I dragged it inside and began taking it apart. I held a piece of it up to Lina's mouth but she didn't wake.

  The dryad sat up and began smacking her lips. She scratched her armpit and then smelled her hand. When she noticed me watching she seemed to blush. She looked around the cave in a panic, then got to her feet and began running around as if frantically searching for something.

  She ran up to me speaking gibberish in an exasperated tone while making overly exaggerated hand movements. All I could make out of that mess was "Gone."

  I just shook my head. She screamed and ran out of the cave.

  Why exactly did John bring her home? He said that he didn't want to mate with her, and that she had even tried to kill him. It didn't make any sense to me.

  I rocked back and forth still cradling Lina in my arms. Her body felt like it was on fire.

  The dryad came running back in and started babbling while shaking my shoulders.

  "I can't understand you!" I said while trying to enunciate as much as possible.

  She sat down and held her chin as if thinking before she tried to speak. "He... Where?" She asked nervously.

  "He, gone." I answered.

  She started pulling her hair while mumbling to herself.

  I looked down to Lina who was now wrapped in her wings with sweat poring down her face.

  I had no idea what I could do for her but she was worrying me. I loved her, there was no way I could ever stomach the idea of losing her. The fact that she was suffering was more than I could bear.

  I breathed some freezing fog on her. I thought, maybe this will help bring down her temperature.

  She began shivering, but she didn't open her eyes.

  The dryad came over and placed a hand on her forehead before looking me in the eye and again running out of the cave.

  There really must be something wrong with that lady.

  I continued to breathe my healing fog over Lina as it seemed like the only thing that brought her comfort.

  The rest of the day passed by quickly with Lina only waking once or twice, and then only taking a bite or two of food.

  I fell asleep with her in my arms. She was an irreplaceable person to me, I desperately wanted her to feel better.

  I awoke again in the morning with the dryad cuddling Lina and myself. Why couldn't she take a hint? I had no love for her and the only reason I even tolerated her presence is because John brought her in.

  As I sat up her arm hit the ground and my hand slipped. I landed back on her arm with a weird crunch sound. I think I may have accidentally broken her elbow. She rose up screaming with tears in her eyes. I breathed my healing fog on her and her wailing stopped.

  She smiled at me and flexed her arm before running over to a pile of plants that she had gathered. She bagan shoveling the plants into her mouth. I guessed that she was an herbivore. She hurried back over to me and looked down at Lina while still chewing.

  "I... Fix." She said with her mouth full while gesturing at Lina.

  I looked at her questioningly as she pressed her lips to Lina's mouth. She moved her hand up rubbing Lina's throat as she kissed her.

  Lina's heat seemed to normalize as the dryad fed her something.

  "She... unlock... infernal." She spoke before continuing her gibberish.

  "She what!?" I asked while staring at the dryad.

  She paused her unintelligible monologue and responded in a mix of bad english and goblin. "She... magic... Trapt inside."

  Lina opened her bright green eyes and looked at me.

  "Lina! Lina my sweet, you need to use some of your fog, not the paralyzing kind, but just blow some out. It may help you feel better." I said while stroking her hair.

  I helped her sit up and she exhaled.

  It was hot, really hot! I used self heal on myself as I could feel the skin on my arms burning. It was like she was exhaling super-heated steam.

  The dryad screamed as she was accidentally in the path of it and ran across the room clutching her face.

  Lina stopped exhaling and started taking even breaths. Her body felt a little cooler now. She stood up and walked towards the exit of the cave and flashed me an apologetic expression.

  She began breathing out steam once more. I watched as her steam gradually changed forms becoming more like smoke. The smoke thickened and began to take on a human shape, a familiar shape. It was eerily similar to John. The smoke man leaned down and hugged her. As they embraced the smoke man picke
d her up in it's arms as two amber orbs formed in it's head resembling John's eyes when he used life sense.

  The smoke man carried her over and sat her down by me before dispersing in the air. Lina sighed as it dispersed.

  "I miss him." she said in a sad voice.

  "Don't worry, we'll see him again soon!" I said to try to comfort her.

  I walked over to the cowering dryad and breathed a thick gout of my healing mist. The blisters on her face disappeared and she sighed a breath of relief before energetically hugging me. She really needs some clothes. It's not like I'm opposed to her sexually, but she isn't in our family and she really needs to calm down. It's like she's never really interacted with anyone before and has no filter on her actions. She's manic and selfish. I can understand why John didn't want her, but maybe I can do something about that. Help her grow up a little.

  Not now, but in time I might be able to turn her around and let her see that reality is about more than her. Could that be why John brought her to me? She did help Lina and I'm grateful to her for that. If she wasn't here I'm not sure what I would have done.

  I hugged her back. She was a little more than a foot taller than me and my head rested between her breasts as she hugged me in close and sighed a happy sigh on my shoulder.

  I think she is afraid of being alone, of rejection. It's like she needs to be close to someone. I more than most can understand that after all those years I spent in isolation.

  Dryads had never appeared for me before, but I knew about their existence from the stories I had heard here and there in my travels. They are almost always bound to a tree, but somehow John had severed her link. Maybe that is the cause of her current behavior. It must be hard for someone who was always part of something bigger to suddenly be alone. I think that is why she was so inseparable from John that first night.

  I pushed her back from me despite her protests. She really was weak compared to Lina, John or myself. John had made our muscles strong, but I'm guessing he had left her as she was.

  My mother once told me a scary story. It was about how paradise falcons, where often captured and kept as pets. She told me they would sow our eyes shut and make us depend on them for everything for a while in order to train us to be subservient to them.

  I doubt that was John's intentions, but maybe I can use that here to help her.

  I reached out and grabbed the sides of her head. She tried to pull away as a look of fear spread across her face. I pulled her in and kissed her. She seemed to protest for a few seconds before relaxing and excepting it. I could still taste the herbs in her mouth as my tongue played with hers.

  I released her and she lingered for a few moments as we continued to kiss.

  I finally broke it off and moved my head away while searching her face for a reaction. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyebrows where knit as if unsure what to do.

  I reached my small arms around her and held her body close to mine again. I could hear her heart beating through her chest as I lay my ear on it. I released her and moved away as she hugged herself and sat down.

  Yes, I was sure of it now. She could be changed. She longed for someone the same way I did before I met John.

  I would begin immediately. In time she may become part of our flock.

  Chapter 29: Crusade

  I had been in Theross for only a few days and I had already amassed a large group of followers. Commoners came by the droves, seeking glory and fearing condemnation.

  Knights, guardsmen and even third sons of nobles joined me. The nobles proper would not meet with me out of fear that they may be compelled by the sigil to join my cause.

  "I've brought a large number of clergy my champion!" Barneth said to me as he bowed humbly.

  I never thought I would see the day when a high priest bowed to a paladin. I felt truly blessed as I reveled in the glory of Therossa.

  As it stood I had a large number of supporters, however they were not fighters. They would die in glory but I feared the dark god may be tied to necromancy as all dark things are.

  I couldn't risk having these honorable souls charging to their death only to be resurrected to kill their brethren. I would not fight a war of attrition. I would fight one of overwhelming force and certain victory.

  I would need the knights and the nobles to train them in our sacred arts of divine swordsmanship. I would induct them all as honorary paladins and have them go through the basic physical training at the very least. I would need to take some time to get them combat ready. Time that Therossa had not given me, but I saw no way around it.

  In the mean time I would take a trip to the outlaying camps, the slums and the poor quarter. It would be a good opportunity to rid this kingdom of crime and the fetid poor who bring it with them. The beggars, the drunkards, the physically incapable, the injured and the ill, they are like leeches to this glorious kingdom. I will use my sigil on each and every one I find sending all that don't agree to the plains of suffering. I'll spit on their souls. These fools are a blight lacking the will to kill themselves to spare the kingdom of their weakness.

  I had fought against the Garanthians in the last war and quite a bit of that had rubbed off on me. They may have been savages, but their capital was spotless and grand.

  Now that I had the power I would not let it go to waste. I had even heard tales of a slaver's market in the slums. The slaves would not be affected by my sigil as they were not followers of Therossa but the masters surely would be. I would free them and add their number to my crusade. Their evil deeds would feed my good cause.

  I have no idea of what this dark god may amass but it will pale in comparison to my forces when we meet. I will see to that.

  Barneth seemed to be beaming as he looked out at our camp outside of the capital. He had suggested that we also visit the orphanages and conscript the children. I didn't see any value in that until he explained that they could all be taught the art of divine healing by his own hand.

  That was truly a great honor. Usually training by the high priest was reserved only for nobility, but he explained to me that these were turbulent times and we must take in every person we can if they can be of service in our upcoming battle.

  Things where definitely coming together nicely. Though I knew it was wrong of me, I felt excited. I would soon lead the largest army this continent had seen in the past thousand years.

  By the end of this I may even be a king.

  Chapter 30: Forest Run - John

  We rushed through the forest heading towards the goblin camp. It however became quickly apparent that I was falling behind fast. The Oni took long strides that ate up the distance, while Liz darted quickly between trees at an amazing speed, having to stop and wait every now and then for everyone else to catch up.

  I felt like an anchor that was dragging everyone else down.

  "Liz, I have an awkward request." I said as I cought up with her.

  She stopped and eyed me suspiciously.

  "Would you let me ride you?" I asked awkwardly between breaths.

  Her thin lips curled into a mocking smile as I cought up with her.

  "Can you what?" She said teasingly with a hint of a blush on her face.

  Oh no, I had been down this road once already. As much fun as it would be to tease Liz here, Nex has a determined expression. I can tell she is worried about her village.

  "My dear lady, I would humbly like to ask permission to sit atop your back as you run." I said as formally as I could.

  Liz's smile faded into a timid expression as her brows knitted together and she fidgeted with her staff.

  "No one has ever been this polite to me before, I'm not sure how to react." She said in a somber tone.

  She averted her eyes from me, and seemed to be deep in thought.

  I hope I didn't trigger any bad memories. I wasn't trying to make her sad and we needed to get going again. I looked at her body. She was roughly the same height as me, maybe a little taller. Her deer half was only slightly above my
waistline. If I rode on her back I would have to pull my feet up to avoid hitting the ground every other step.

  She nervously turned her rear towards me. "Get on, I trust you." She said as she covered her lady parts with her tail.

  "Thank you milady." I said as I did an awkward little hop to throw my leg around her back. That's the first time I ever called a woman milady and they didn't scoff.

  I moved up to the front and pressed up behind Nex. I reached my arms forward to grab Liz's waist to steady myself while locking Nex between us.

  I heard her intake a long breath as if to ready herself and we were off.

  With me on her back her speed dropped substantially, we were now running just faster the the oni.

  I told her to drop back to the rear, as I could see the trees thinning out. It was better to let the Oni take point from here on.

  They stood out like sore thumbs in this forest while she could blend in. She may have to worry about hunters at some point however.

  We continued until we were at the treeline. I called a stop when the road was at the edge of my vision.

  I inhaled deeply trying to sniff out any men who might be hiding. The wind was not in my favor and I could only smell traces of their presence. Which means either they are here or they've been here, but it doesn't provide me with an idea of where they may be.

  I activated Life sense. I saw several small blobs in the distance, but it was too far to make out what they could be.

  I dismounted Liz and looked up to the trees. Strange there aren't any birds around here, maybe we made too much of a ruckus. If that's the case, then any enemies around may also be aware of our presence.

  I searched the ground around me. I saw one of those bushy tailed mice that Bob and Lina used to eat peeking out of the hollow of a nearby tree.

  I walked slowly towards it. It eyed me for the briefest of moments, which was enough. I used coerce.


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