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Six of the Best Spanking Stories - Volume 2

Page 4

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘Stop! Connor, stop!’ When the torture’s end was not immediate, my body reacted against it. My foot lifted itself off the ground to kick Connor right in his pillowy paunch. I heard him make a noise like, ‘ouf!’ as he released my neck from his piercing grasp. My body was too exhausted to lift itself up, but I managed to turn my head to meet the gaze of an apologetic Connor.

  ‘We should have had a safe word,’ he explained.

  ‘We did. It was stop. When I say stop, I mean stop and I mean now. Understood?’

  He looked like he was about to launch into some long winded justification. Instead, he just replied, ‘OK. Sorry.’ Smart man. ‘Did I hurt you?’

  ‘No, but it was getting to that point.’

  ‘Am I still allowed to sleep here tonight?’ he asked.

  ‘Yeah, of course,’ I assured him.

  Connor grabbed the cat’s nail clippers from my bedside table to cut through the dental floss binding my wrists. Free at last, I opened the sheets and crawled into bed. My bum raw and red, I realised I would have to sleep on my belly. It was my turn to play the psychic now. Gazing at my anxious lover standing like a terracotta warrior beside the bed, I said, ‘You’re feeling self-conscious. You don’t want to take off your clothes in front of me.’

  ‘Next to you, I’m a big fat man.’

  My heart pitter-pattered at his darling eccentricities. I’d been so concerned about inviting Connor into my home, and here he was the one feeling exposed. All my earlier trepidations had turned into blind adoration. ‘It’s all relative. You only feel big and fat because I’m short and small. Anyway, I like your body. It’s cushiony.’

  Connor snorted, throwing his head back. ‘Thanks,’ he said flatly.

  ‘No, it’s a good thing. It means I’ll be very comfortable sleeping on you.’

  Leaning across the bed, Connor kissed the nape of my neck. He kissed the trail his fingernails had dug out along my back. He kissed my throbbing ass and my poor red thighs. Strolling out to the front hall, he turned off the light. As he stumbled in relative darkness back to my bedroom, he took off his women’s black cotton turtleneck. I don’t know what I’d been so afraid of. In the moonlight, his chest glowed blue and hairless. Connor was curvaceous like a woman. His black slacks fell to the floor and he climbed into bed beside me.

  ‘You’re not wearing any underwear today,’ I commented, trying to keep my expression flat.

  ‘Why? Should I be?’

  ‘No…’ It’s just that the last time we got together, he’d been wearing frilly girl panties. But no harm, no underwear, no foul. As promised, I cuddled on top of his soft, feminine body. He hugged me carefully, taking care not to compress my war wounds. I breathed him in, the lingering floral scent of his deodorant.

  Picking his spanking instrument up off the night table, Connor finally asked, ‘What the hell is this thing, anyway?’

  I cackled like an evil kitty, kissing Connor’s neck. ‘It’s Bijou’s brush.’

  ‘It’s a what brush?’

  ‘Bijou, my cat. Every morning she curls up beside me and I brush her before I get out of bed. That’s her brush you were smacking me with.’

  ‘Ouch,’ Connor said, gazing apprehensively at the wire bristles. ‘So, each morning you wake up playing with your pussy?’

  Rolling my eyes, I teased, ‘Yeah, but tomorrow you can take a turn if you want.’

  ‘I like the sound of that,’ he whispered into my ear, placing the cat brush back on my night table. ‘I’m much sweeter after a good night’s sleep.’

  Hot For Teacher

  by M Renée

  What a waste!

  Courtney slammed her makeup bag against the bathroom sink. She had driven over an hour on a curvy two lane backroad to the middle of nowhere. Only to find his stupid girlfriend smirking at her from the bleachers – his plain, boring, jeans and T-shirt, no-make-up wearing girlfriend. Why would he want that when he could be getting this?

  There was nothing dull or ordinary about the chick staring back at her in the mirror. She was selling the whole high school thing by wearing a red tartan mini skirt that barely skimmed the top of her white thigh-highs with matching come-fuck-me ankle boots. Topped off by a white button down shirt that would have been pristine if she didn’t have it tied up under her breasts to bare her flat midriff and diamond belly ring. Then there was the red bra showing under the white cotton fabric. She had the best set of 36Ds Daddy’s money could buy and she wasn’t afraid to flaunt them. To complete the look her peroxide blonde hair was pulled back into two girly pony tails that grazed the broad shoulders that accented her tapered waist. The girl knew her way around a weight room and she had the body to prove it.

  OK, maybe she was a little over dressed for a stupid little spot show at a high school in the backwoods of Virginia. Not that it mattered since Daddy was the man running the show and that night’s pro wrestling card was obviously the only entertainment in this “nothing happening” town. She could have used her fake ID to have stayed in Kingsport drinking at the hotel bar, waited in air conditioned comfort to snare her prey with a drink in hand.

  Courtney might only be nineteen but she was far from being anywhere close to sweet and innocent. She puckered up to apply a coat of red lipstick, fluffed up her hair and decided it was time to strut her stuff across the floor of the gymnasium. It wasn’t like Darren Dalton possessed the only dick in that dressing room. Courtney could have any man she wanted. The thing was Darren had the dick she was wanting.

  His goofy little girlfriend’s smile would be turned upside down if she only knew about last weekend. Forget about waiting to check into a room, Darren and Courtney had gone at it on the hood of her Corvette in the motel parking lot. That had only been the appetizer to kick off two nights of hot sex. Obviously the best Darren had ever gotten.

  What do you know? There he was at the ring in his younger brother’s corner. Six foot two and two hundred and fifty pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal. He had on a pair of red shiny trunks that barely covered the curve of his tight ass. When he turned around there were those six-pack abs, massive chest and broad shoulders. His long dark hair was loose, distracting from his high cheekbones and dimpled smirk. God if he wasn’t gorgeous – too beautiful to settle for such a less than hot girlfriend.

  Their eyes met as she deliberately walked across the other side of the ring. She paused for just a moment to make sure he got a glimpse of the red bra with the lace hardly covering her already pert nipples. He bit his oh-so-kissable bottom lip and quickly looked back towards the action in the ring. From the way the girlfriend was shooting her daggers, Courtney knew his eyes must have been following her ass as she finished her walk to the backstage area.

  She stood waiting in the hallway where he would have to pass her on his return to the dressing room. The match ended and much to her chagrin those steel grey eyes focused on the floor as he went by her, slamming the dressing room door without giving her a second look. That wasn’t the reaction she had been going for at all. She was about to forget all about her daddy’s admonishments and just barge right in there and help herself when the door opened just a crack.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ It was Darren. ‘I told you last weekend was a one-shot deal.’

  ‘Oh, we’ll see about that.’ She flashed him a devious smile while leaning in for maximum boob exposure.

  ‘You know my girl’s here.’

  ‘Yeah, so what?’ Courtney was not used to taking no for an answer.

  ‘For God’s sake Courtney, stop acting like a ring rat.’

  Her daddy would pick that moment to head towards the dressing room with the cash box from the front door. ‘The gate’s not all that good tonight. If you want her to blow ya take it outside.’ He shoved past Darren without waiting for a response.

  Courtney might be a lot of things but
she sure as hell wasn’t no groupie. It was her quivering lip that got to him. She might put up the tough girl front but that pout reminded Darren of the little girl she used to be. It couldn’t have been easy growing up in a house alone with one of the meanest nastiest SOBs in the wrestling industry.

  ‘He’s right, it’s not like you have to fuck your way backstage. You’re almost one of the boys.’

  Not that she was ever going to be mistaken for a man with that smoking hot body. Without speaking, she simply folded her arms to where it pushed her tits even more out there in his face.

  ‘Follow me.’ His voice was barely a whisper as he stepped around her and headed further down the hallway, away from the roar of the crowd.

  She gladly followed his sculpted ass right into an empty classroom. He slammed the door shut behind them and grabbed her hand when she reached for the light switch. The glass panel in the door provided just enough light to add to the possible risk of getting caught.

  He leaned back against the ancient wooden teacher’s desk. This time he actually gave her a genuine smile. ‘What’s with the school girl get up?’

  ‘What, you don’t like me all sweet and innocent?’ She did a little twirl to show off her long legs in contrast to the flared skirt.’

  ‘You couldn’t work a jailbait gimmick even when you were supposed to be off limits.’ He laughed but didn’t take his eyes off her or stop her from popping the last buttons on her shirt. She untied the ends of the shirt and dropped it to the floor with a strippers flourish.

  ‘You were – what, 14 – when I caught you blowing my 13-year-old kid brother in the back of the ring truck?’

  She ran a long red fingernail down his chest, playfully popping the waistband of his trunks, before tracing his erection through the shiny fabric. There was no hiding a hard on in tight spandex.

  ‘You’re nothing but trouble.’ He gasped but didn’t move to stop her when she boldly reached into his trunks and grabbed a handful of dick.

  ‘With a capital T.’ She pressed her breasts against his chest and kissed her way up his neck to whisper in his ear. ‘Did you ever sit in a boring class fantasising about doing it on the teacher’s desk?’

  ‘If any of my teachers had a body like yours.’ He pulled away the lacy cups of her bra to expose the pink flesh of her jutting nipples. ‘I would have volunteered to stay after school for some private tutoring.’

  ‘Is that how you always got straight As?’ she asked while stroking his cock. ‘You would have lost your scholarships getting caught with your pants down like this.’

  ‘Then it’s a good thing I was already off at college when you started high school. You never would have gotten any homework done juggling me, on top of my brother and Dad.’

  ‘Just shut up and kiss me already.’

  ‘Wipe off that lipstick first. I’m not going home with red lip prints on me.’

  She squatted down to retrieve her shirt, making sure to flash him a shot of her bare ass before she stood and wiped her mouth on the white sleeve.

  ‘No panties.’ Yeah, he noticed all right. ‘You’re such a bad girl.’

  ‘Oops, I knew I forgot something.’ She leaned over the desk, swishing the skirt up to offer her bare ass for his inspection. ‘Mr. Teacher, please don’t spank me,’ she teased before letting the skirt drop down into place.

  ‘Did I give you permission to speak?’ He went along with the role-playing. ‘Now I’m going to have to punish you for speaking without raising your hand…bend over.’

  She hesitated for just a moment for more teasing.

  ‘I said bend over…now!’

  She did as he demanded, leaning seductively over the desk. He grabbed her ass and pulled the skirt up around her waist. He playfully swatted each butt cheek. ‘Do not move. The more you squirm the harder I am going to have to spank you.’

  ‘Aah,’ she sighed after his hand smacked against her bare skin just hard enough to leave a pleasant sting.

  ‘My brother is standing at the door checking out your ass.’ He moved aside to allow a clear view from the window in the door.

  ‘I know.’ She blew a kiss towards the door.

  ‘Oh, do you, now?’ He spanked her a little harder, trailing his finger further down between her slightly spread legs. ‘You’re getting wet from letting him watch. That calls for more punishment.’ His hand popped off her ass just a little harder.

  ‘Harder please.’ She offered him her turned up bottom. ‘Save the niceness for your boring little girlfriend.’

  He whacked her left butt check so hard his hand stung and she still didn’t as much as flinch.

  ‘Do me harder.’ She taunted.

  ‘OK, you asked for it.’ He walloped her upturned butt check so hard he was sure it would leave a mark.

  She responded with a satisfied little moan, still standing solid on those stiletto high heels.

  The palm of his hand was a perfect fit in the curve of her ass. He smacked until it burned then bent to run his tongue over where the bruise would be the next day. He kissed away the sting, before sinking his teeth hard into her backside, autographing her bottom with a chewed up hickey. His tongue slid down a little lower to get a taste of her wetness. She spread her legs wider, wanting more, grinding into his face. He slid a finger inside her and popped his free hand across her bottom for good measure. Now he was making her squirm. Two more inserted fingers and some tongue action on her clit. Soon she was squealing, giving in to the first orgasm.

  She turned to face him, shoving him back on the desk, shimmying down to her knees to return the favour. There was nothing quiet or passive about Courtney. Nothing like what he was used to. Her mouth was on his dick like it was the best thing she’d ever tasted. She took him right to the edge then slowed down. She looked up at him, licking her lips while rubbing her tits all over his cock, stroking him with one hand for guidance.

  Now she was back in control. She hadn’t expected him to go down on her like that. He had no idea that she’d sank to her knees to regain her composure. Courtney loved the power she had over him almost as much as the way he’d just gotten him off. She teasingly ran her tongue down his shaft, gently lapping until she took his entire erection in her mouth.

  It was such a struggle not to come in her pretty little face. She was hotter than any woman had any right to be to. He had to grab her by the pony tails and pull her to her feet to get her mouth off his hard on. Their lips finally met. Their tongues clashed. He kissed her ruthlessly. She gave it right back and then some, digging her fingernails into his ass as she mouth-fucked him with her tongue.

  Coming up for air, he nibbled down her neck before biting into the soft flesh over her heart. He cupped her breasts in both hands, thumbing her nipples. He ran his tongue over the top of each tan areola before sucking her nipple into his mouth, burying his face in her cleavage.

  ‘Please tell me you’ve got condoms in your purse.’

  ‘That didn’t stop you last time.’

  ‘I told you there’s not going to be another last time.’

  She pulled away from him long enough to dig out a condom.

  ‘Time to give your baby brother a shot of what he’s not getting any more.’

  She bent over the desk, legs spread, giving both brothers an eyeful of wet pussy.

  ‘You’re such a slut.’ He smacked her ass again.

  ‘And you’re loving every minute of it.’

  ‘I hope you’re not expecting me to tag him in.’

  ‘No…I’ve got what I want right here.’

  ‘Good answer.’ He smacked her ass one more time before taking her hard and fast from behind.

  ‘Shut up and fuck me,’ she demanded.

  Their bodies merged, falling into perfect rhythm. Her gyrating hips meeting his, thrust for thrust. She broug
ht out his dark side, stood eye to eye with that beast, and embraced its fury. More, always wanting, asking, and demanding more.

  ‘Do me harder.’

  She wasn’t shy about taking his hand, guiding him to finger her clit as he pounded her from behind. His other hand cupped her breast, pinching her nipple in a delicious mix of pleasure and pain.

  An orgasm roared through her body, washing her mind free of any cares or worries. Sex was her drug of choice and he was giving it to her but good. Wave upon wave, rippled through her throbbing pussy – sending him falling over the edge with her.

  ‘You’re all mine. You belong to me and no one else. It’s mine...mine…mine…mine…mine!’ He bit down into her shoulder to stifle his screaming orgasm.

  He tossed the used condom into the trash, giving her one last passionate kiss before adjusting his trucks.

  ‘Class dismissed.’

  Making it happen

  by Fulani

  Working in a petrol station is not a career, Lisa reminds herself for the twentieth time that day. It’s a way of paying the bills until she finds a more interesting life.

  She doesn’t know how more interesting is going to happen. Just has faith it will, sooner or later.

  Lisa has a lot of faith.

  When she first started the job, she’d been new to what the supervisor grandly called ‘customer-facing work’. She’d been amused at first by the number of customers who tried to hit on her: several men each day, and every so often a woman.

  ‘Imagine your hair flying in the wind in my convertible.’

  Yeah, right. Imagine giving a blowjob to a middle-aged guy driving a penis substitute, probably in the lay-by a mile down the road. No thanks.

  After a while, facing the customers meant selectively ignoring what they said, or for the more persistent ones, the snide put-down.

  There were compensations. Standing behind the counter, all the customers could see was her face and the tabard that passed for a uniform. She took to wearing shorter and shorter skirts, or sports shorts, or hot-pants. The fan-heater under the counter kept her legs warm. And she liked it that the guys with the bad pick-up lines never knew what she was wearing.


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