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Big Bad Fake Groom: A Billionaire's Virgin Romance

Page 51

by Tia Siren

  Smiling, Cambry replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Brooks speaks only positively about you." Inwardly she sighed, hoping that Connie and her husband Benjamin would take the news well.

  While they ate, Benjamin opened a bottle of wine and poured some into each of their glasses. When he reached Cambry's, she held her hand up. "I'd actually rather have water," she told him politely.

  "Oh, of course," he said, sitting. She poured herself some water from the pitcher on the table. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Connie staring at her and wondered if her soon-to-be mother-in-law was guessing the reason that Cambry had turned down the wine.

  She chose not to meet her eye, but instead kept her eyes on the food in front of her. Connie waited until Cambry had taken a bite before she said, "I was going to have our chef cook some fish tonight, but then Benjamin decided he'd rather have this dish. It's one of his favorites. Do you eat fish, Cambry?"

  Cambry shot Brooks a look before answering Connie. "Normally I do, yes," she replied, trying to maintain as vague an answer as possible.

  "Tell me, when is your birthday?" Connie asked, abruptly changing the topic.

  "Oh, it's in January," Cambry told her, wondering where she was going with her thinking.

  "Well," Connie said, clapping her hands together. "That's only two months away. If you two are together, we'll have to throw you a big party. What's your favorite cocktail? I'm sure you know Brooks has an incredible talent for making drinks. We'll have him and some of his friends there to make it for everyone."

  Brooks jumped in at that point, hoping to save Cambry from his mother's obvious attempt to get information. "Mom, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. We've only been dating a month. I'm sure Cambry doesn't want a birthday party with all of our family friends there."

  A disappointed look crossed Connie's face for a moment, but it was brief and she quickly brushed it aside. "Well you know how I love to throw a party. I'd love to do this for her."

  "Thank you, but that's not necessary," Cambry said.

  Connie turned to her. "You do drink, don't you?"

  "I sometimes do, yes," Connie said, slowly nodding her head.

  "Mom, do you have something you want to ask?" Brooks said.

  Benjamin had silently watched the interaction between the three of them and still remained quiet when his wife spoke. "Have you gotten that girl pregnant?" Connie asked, pointing a finger at Cambry.

  Brooks sighed and passed his hand over his face. "Well, this isn't how I wanted to tell you, but yes. Cambry is pregnant with my child."

  Connie gasped, dropping her fork and knife onto her plate. Benjamin's face had a stunned look on it and he opened and closed his mouth a few times. Cambry watched as his face turned from a pale white to a bright red in a matter of seconds. Neither one spoke, so Brook began again. "I know we've not been together long, but I've fallen madly in love with Cambry," he said, taking her hand in his. "We want to get married, with just a few family members and friends."

  Benjamin finally spoke. "Absolutely not. We were willing to put up with you seeing other girls for some time, but you are not marrying anybody but Ashley. That's all there is to it." His voice was well controlled, but underneath the surface there was a seething anger that scared Cambry.

  "Dad," Brooks said. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice. Cambry and I will be married."

  "Not if I have anything to say about it," Benjamin said, pounding his clenched fist onto the table.

  "Well you don't have anything to say about it," Brooks told him, standing. He placed his hands on the table. "Cambry and I are going to be married and you're either going to have to accept that or disown me. We'll leave now and when I come in to work tomorrow, we will discuss this like adults." He gently pulled Cambry up and led her out of the house.

  Brooks drove to his apartment in silence. Cambry could tell he was seething with anger, but she didn't know what to say. When they were settled on his couch, she looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry to have messed up your life," she whispered.

  He jerked his head in her direction. "Don't say that," he told her gently. "You didn't mess anything up. For whatever reason, my parents want me to marry Ashley, but they really don't get a say in it. They never have had a say in it; I just didn't let them know that until now. I love you and I want to be with you."

  "Are you sure you're not just saying that because I'm pregnant?" she asked, concerned. Even though she had taken the day after pill six weeks before, she had still gotten pregnant and she felt as though she was a problem for him to solve.

  Brooks placed his hand underneath her chin and lifted her head so that she looked into his eyes. "I'm positive," he whispered and placed his lips against hers. She immediately melted and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Their kiss grew heated as Brooks' hand wandered down her stomach and underneath her shirt where he reached up and began to massage her breast. Immediately desire shot through Cambry's loins as his fingers teased her nipple until it was taut. She forgot about all of her concerns for some time while his hands worked over body.

  As his tongue licked her nipples, Cambry reached down and pulled open the button on his pants. He pulled away for just a moment to take his pants off and help her remove hers before he placed himself back in between her legs. Brooks kept his eyes on Cambry's while he lowered his head and began to lick her clit with his tongue.

  For a moment he moved down and swirled circles around her opening before returning his attention to her clit. She moaned, placing her hands in his hair as he stuck his fingers inside of her. Brooks moved them in a "come hither" motion so that he rubbed them against her g-spot.

  "Oh god," she cried as he sucked on her clit at the same time. An orgasm began to build and within moments she was practically screaming in pleasure as waves of the orgasm wracked over her body. Brooks kept going until she her screams had quieted and she pulled him up by his arms.

  With a smile on his face, he pressed his lips against hers. Cambry eagerly opened her mouth. She could taste herself on him as he swept his tongue inside her mouth, which turned her on even more. "I want your cock inside me. Now," she told him between kisses.

  She didn't have to tell him twice. Brooks thrust himself inside of her and she moaned as she felt every inch of him filling her. She moved her hips in motion with his as he pushed in and out of her, wrapping her legs around him and clasping her ankles together.

  Cambry trailed kisses from his ear down to his collarbone, lightly nibbling on his neck. He groaned in pleasure. Each of his thrusts grew rougher and harder until she could feel him slapping against her groin. "God it feels so good," he whispered.

  She smiled and smacked him once on the ass. Brooks raised one eyebrow. "Is that how you want it?" he asked.

  She nodded and he immediately pulled away. Placing his hands on her waist he flipped her over. Cambry stuck her ass out and leaned over the arm of the couch. He placed himself against her opening and thrust inside of her once more, still rough and hard. With each thrust, he smacked her ass. She gasped in pain and pleasure and felt another orgasm building. "Don't stop!" she cried as he spanked her repeatedly.

  Finally, with one last slap, she came again, crying out loud. Her pleasure was Brooks' pleasure and he joined her in an orgasm, pushing himself into her with each spasm. Once he was done, he pulled away and used a towel from the closet to clean them both. Cambry laid on the couch, arms above her head, a satisfied smile crossing her face.

  For the next two weeks, Cambry and Brooks planned their small wedding. His parents seemed to have accepted that they couldn't do anything about it, so Connie helped them with their plans, although a bit reluctantly. It was a Wednesday morning that she was driving to her job as a receptionist at an office building when her brakes went out on her car. She pumped her foot on the pedal, trying to get the car to stop, but it was to no avail. She screamed and blocked her face with her arms as her car slammed into another car in front of her.

; When she came to, she found herself in a hospital room. Brooks slept in the chair to her left and a machine beeped to her right. She remembered what happened and immediately panicked, hoping the baby was all right. "Brooks!" she said, shaking his shoulder. "Brooks! Wake up!"

  His eyes popped open and he leaned forward. "Oh thank god you're all right," he said, taking her hand in his and placing a kiss on it.

  "Is the baby okay?" she asked, unconcerned about anything else.

  Brooks nodded, a smile on his face. "Yes, the baby is fine. You, on the other hand, have been out for hours."

  Cambry adjusted her position in her bed and winced at the pain. Her neck and back were stiff and her right shoulder throbbed. Other than that, though, she felt okay considering she had been in an accident. "Do you know what happened?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "The paramedics said that when they arrived at the scene, you were in your car crying. They got you out and into the ambulance, but you couldn't tell them what hurt. You just kept mumbling, 'They wouldn't work.' You passed out on the way to the hospital and you've been out ever since."

  She shook her head. "I don't remember any of that."

  "Do you know what you meant when you said 'They wouldn't work'?" he asked.

  "No," she replied, thinking. "Oh! Maybe my brakes. That's what caused the accident. My brakes wouldn't work. The car wouldn't stop."

  Brooks furrowed his eyebrows. "That's strange. I'll tell the police that, though they'll probably want to talk to you."

  After Cambry had talked to the police and told them everything she knew, the doctor came and evaluated her. He told her he wanted to keep her overnight, just to be safe. Before they left, one of them received a call on his cell phone. Cambry watched the look on his face as he glanced at her with worry and then quickly glanced away. When he hung up the phone, he walked over to her and Brooks.

  "Is everything all right, Officer?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "I'm afraid I've received some bad news. It looks like your brake lines were cut. Do you know anyone who would want to hurt you?"

  Cambry looked at Brooks and they both shook their heads. "No, not that I can think of," she told him.

  The cop pulled a business card out of his pocket. "If you think of anyone, call me on my cell. In the meantime, we'll be considering this a homicide attempt and an investigation will be opened."

  "A homicide attempt?" Cambry exclaimed, sitting up straight.

  Nodding, the officer said, "I'm afraid so. Cutting someone's brake line is serious business. You're lucky you weren't injured more. Try to get some rest and I'll contact you tomorrow."

  He left and Cambry took a hold of Brooks' hand. "Somebody was trying to kill me," she said, her voice shaking. Tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.

  "We'll figure this out," Brooks said calmingly. "I'll spend every minute with you until they figure it out so that you're safe. For now, just try to get some rest, okay?"

  Cambry nodded and closed her eyes. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep for a while, but she at least wanted to try. In the meantime, she was going to wrack her brain to figure out who it was that wanted to hurt her.

  Chapter 5

  The next evening, Cambry and Brooks were at his parent's house discussing plans for the wedding. Connie kept trying to get them to have a bigger reception but neither of them wanted that. She was putting together a guest list for the invitations that were to go out at the end of the week. "We'll of course be inviting Peter, Jessica, and Ashley," Connie said, writing their names down on a legal notepad.

  Brooks shook his head. "Don't you think it might be a bit awkward to have the woman whom both you and her parents wanted me to marry at my wedding to another woman?"

  Connie waved her hand dismissively. "Oh don't worry about that," she said. "It will be fine."

  "Have you known Ashley for long?" Cambry asked as Connie left the room, muttering to herself.

  Brooks nodded. "Most of my life."

  "Were you two ever close?" she prompted. She had been curious about Ashley since the first time Brooks had brought her up, but he had seemed fairly reluctant to talk about her.

  "Not really," he told her, looking at her out of the side of his eye. "We dated for a short time, trying to get things to work for our parents, but neither one of us were really into each other."

  "Is she pretty?" Cambry asked.

  Brooks laughed. "There's probably a picture of her here somewhere, if you'd like to see it. Our families often went on vacations together."

  Cambry nodded eagerly so Brooks pulled a few photo albums from the book shelf in the room. He sat down on the couch with her and flipped through the first album without finding anything. The second album was much thicker and it took a moment to find a picture. "Ah, there she is," he said, pointing to a blonde-haired woman standing next to him in front of a cabin.

  Cambry leaned in studying the picture. Brooks' parents were also in the picture, along with two other people that she assumed were Ashley's parents. Her eyes skimmed across them and then back to Ashley. However, she realized she recognized the man and quickly looked at him again. "Who is that?" she asked, pointing to him.

  "Oh that's Ashley's Dad, Peter," Brooks told her.

  Cambry's stomach dropped. She had stopped at a gas station the morning before on her way to work. She knew she had seen that man at the gas station, because when she came out with her coffee she thought she saw him quickly moving away from her car. She had assumed she was wrong and moved on, but now she wasn't so certain.

  "What?" Brooks asked. He had seen her face turn pale white and was concerned.

  "I saw him yesterday morning at the gas station," she said quietly. "I thought he was hanging around my car, but he moved away when I came out so I decided I was imagining things."

  Brooks inhaled quickly. "Are you sure?" he asked.

  Cambry nodded. "Yes. He stuck out to me because of the way he reacted."

  They stared at the picture for a moment before Brooks set his jaw. "If he tried to kill you, I will kill him," he said.

  Placing a hand on Brooks' shoulder, Cambry said, "Honey, calm down. You don't know that he did. And even if it was him that cut my brake line, we need to let the law take care of it. I'd rather have you around for the future of our child."

  Grimly, Brooks nodded. "Okay. I'm going to call the officer we talked to in the hospital and let him know what you've just realized."

  Two days after that, Cambry and Brooks heard from the policeman. "We've arrested Peter. After we questioned him, we felt like he was acting suspiciously. A judge gave us a court order to check the security cameras at the gas station that Cambry had seen him at. After reviewing the tapes, it was clear that Peter was the one who cut her brake lines. We've arrested him and charged him with attempted homicide."

  "Well that's a relief," Cambry said, placing her hand on her heart. "Did he say why he wanted to get rid of me?"

  She heard the policeman sigh. "These cases are always difficult, but yes, he did. He told us that he needed his daughter to marry your fiancé in order to save his family. I guess they are broke and he was hoping that her marriage to Brooks would save them. When he found out that Brooks was engaged, he thought up the plan to kill you off. Then he was going to send in his daughter to comfort Brooks and get in good with him."

  Cambry almost laughed out loud. She couldn't believe how outrageous Peter's motive was. There were tons of other ways that he could have made money, besides marrying his daughter off to Brooks! When she told him what the officer had told her, he did laugh out loud. "I would never have married Ashley. Your death would ruin me."

  She smiled. "I can't wait to start our lives together."

  Placing his hand on her stomach, Brooks said, "And bring this one in the world together." He pressed his lips against hers and she happily wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling her love for Brooks sweep across her body.



  The Billi
onaire’s Secret Love Child: Nia’s Story

  A BWWM Secret Baby Billionaire Romance

  I knew there was the possibility that I would have to manage personal matters for Mr. Ellis, but this was becoming a daily chore of which I had no interest.

  “Ahem…” I coughed.

  This woman was pretty, a tall leggy blonde with gorgeous skin. Her full figure was sprawled out over the rich silk bedspread, and I couldn’t help but compare her likeness to the girl from the previous night. Mr. Ellis seemed to have a thing for tall blondes. But, then again, there was the redhead last week that stayed for the weekend.

  The girl in the bed stirred and snapped awake after noticing me at the end of the bed.

  “It’s 10:30 am and Mr. Ellis has left for business. Breakfast is available whenever you’d like it and a car is ready to take you wherever you need to go,” I said.

  “Thank you, but I think I’ll stay here until he returns,” she responded condescendingly.

  I picked up a few of her things from the floor and tossed them to the bed.

  “Unfortunately, that won’t be possible as Mr. Ellis will be busy the remainder of the day. We have your number should he fancy your company again.”

  I couldn’t help but feel disdainful of the woman lying comfortably on the bed. She probably hadn’t done much with her life outside of looking attractive. It seemed that she wasn’t enjoying my ogling.

  “Give me a minute to get dressed, and keep your tongue in your mouth. I only prefer men … most of the time.” She said while biting her lip.

  The idea of sleeping with a woman like that seemed reprehensible.

  “Whatever the case, I have business that needs attending. I’ll take my leave.”

  She gave me a snarl while picking up her things. I paid her no mind and left the room.

  The rich marble walls reflected the light passing through the skylight in the main lobby and illuminated the vast entry space. Brent, my driver for the day, stood by the front door with his crisp black suit and driving gloves at the ready.


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