Mr. London

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Mr. London Page 4

by Margot Scott

  He clears his throat. “We’ve got a busy day ahead of us. I’ll need you in my office in ten minutes.”

  “Yes, of course, I’ll be there.”

  Alex looks at me, unblinking, his eyes slowly trailing down. I feel the heat in my body rising. “Nice skirt,” he remarks. His gaze lingers, a hint of a smile on his lips.

  “Thanks. Nice suit.” Our eyes lock.

  “Thank you, Katherine,” he replies, teasingly, while turning to leave my office. He seems to be enjoying this. If he wants to banter back and forth, okay, I can do that. But I need to set things straight with him before this goes any further.

  Ten minutes later I enter his office, quietly closing the door behind me. Alex is on the phone, standing in front of his desk. He runs his hand through his hair, obviously frustrated, his voice edgy. He takes a quick glance up at me as I sit down.

  “The site’s cleared, the foundation has been laid. Bloody hell! Why I am just now hearing about this? This has to get remedied immediately. Get moving on it. Call me later with an update.” With that, he pushes a button on his phone, tossing it on his desk.

  He stands for moment before sitting down, looking out of his office window, his blue eyes clouding over. Abruptly he says, “I need last week’s reports – work progress and financial.”

  I’m already prepared with the reports in hand. “Here they are,” I reply, handing them to him. He takes a few minutes to review the reports, flipping back and forth between each one. The silence weighs heavy in the room. Finally, he looks up. “This is good, Katherine. Your reports have given me a lot useful information.” I breathe a sigh of relief.

  He leans back in his chair, placing his arms on the armrests. “Unfortunately, there’s a problem with the site for the Cosmo. The engineers have reported that the ground is too weak in certain places to support the structure. Engineering will have to stabilize those weak points. Which means there will be a delay in schedule.”

  This wasn’t good at all. No developer wants to hear the dreaded D word - delay. No wonder he was on edge.

  “We’re going to the site today. I want to speak face-to-face with the project manager.” He buzzes Sandra. “I need Antonio to drive Katherine and me to the site. Tell him to be here in one hour.”

  Precisely sixty minutes later, Antonio arrives in a dark blue Range Rover, and me and Alex are heading to the location. This is the part I love about my job. To be able to be out, not always stuck behind a desk. It gives me a feeling of freedom. I was looking forward to seeing the progress made, regardless of the current problem.

  We arrive to controlled chaos. Bulldozers, cement mixers, construction workers carrying pipes. Alex speaks to the project manager. “What are we going to have to do, Sam?” he asks irritably.

  “It’s the groundwater level. It’s too high. We’ll have to go in and excavate, pump the water out, then add a layer of cement to seal it.”

  Groundwater issues are a common problem during construction. Common, but a pain in the ass. The structure has to be built ‘in the dry’ with no groundwater present, otherwise it won’t hold up.

  “Ok. How long will this take?” Alex asks, his irritability subsiding a bit.

  “No longer than a week,” Sam responds.

  “Fine. Make it happen.”

  We return to the office several hours later after a full day of discussion with the project manager. We go over the construction timeline and review blueprints of the hotel. By the time we return to the office its six o’clock and everyone has left for the day.

  “I need to talk to you.” I felt foolish saying those words. Typical female words. Words that most men probably don’t wish to hear.

  “Okay,” Alex replies, nonchalantly, as though he has been expecting me to say those exact words. “Let’s sit down over here,” he says walking towards the sitting area of his office. He pours himself a glass of whisky. “Would you like a drink?”

  “No, thank you,” I replied crisply. Alex and alcohol don’t mix well for me.

  He sits down on the small, cream colored sofa, loosening his tie. I sit in a chair across from him.

  “What happened Saturday was wonderful……” I trail off, shifting in my seat. “But, Alex, it was inappropriate.”

  I pause, waiting for his response. He leans back on the sofa, crosses his legs, a tumbler of whisky in hand. He takes a sip of his drink, gently shakes the glass. I hear the tinkling of ice.

  “Don’t you think?” I ask expectantly.

  Alex raises an eyebrow. “Don’t I think what, Katherine?”

  “You know what, Alex. That our kiss was inappropriate.” Exasperated, I stand up, walk behind the chair, placing my hands on the back on it.

  Alex looks at me, a sexy, knowing smile spreading across his face. “It’s only natural for two people who are attracted to each other to do something about it.”

  “How do you know I’m attracted to you? Maybe, Alex, it was just the alcohol,” I say defensively. I know that’s bullshit. I’m attracted to him whether I want to admit it or not.

  He knows its bullshit, too, because he laughs which only makes me furious. “Katherine. It wasn’t the alcohol and we both know that.” He then takes another swig of his whisky, staring directly at me. He’s acting as if this is no big deal. And for him, it probably isn’t.

  “Look, I want to preserve my reputation. My career. You’re my boss, Alex. My boss.” I feel conflicted. Confused. Part of me wants to straddle him on that sofa right now, another part of me wants to tell him to go to hell.

  “It was exciting, don’t you think? Maybe just a little?” He tilts his head to the side, slight smile playing on his lips. Those sexy lips.

  I feel a hot flush creeping up my chest. I can still feel his lips on mine. It was exciting. It was exhilarating. It was everything. I am so hot right now I can barely speak.

  “You’re exciting,” Alex says, leaning forward. “And I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  He places his whisky down on the glass-covered coffee table and walks toward me. My heart is pounding, the adrenaline pumping through my body in anticipation of being close to him.

  He takes me in his arms, wrapping me in his warmth. “I want you, Katherine. I wanted you the moment I laid eyes on you.” His strong hands travel up my back, pulling me closer to him.

  My resolve crumbled in that instant. I could feel the burning sensation of my own need. He kisses me deeply, passionately, with an urgency I have never experienced before. I can barely hold myself up, dizzy with desire.

  This man who makes me want to surrender myself to him with complete abandon.

  Slowly, our lips part. I nuzzle my head in the crook of his shoulder, and he wraps his arms around me, strong arms holding me tightly. I close my eyes, trying to savor this moment.

  I pull back from him, smiling ruefully, fully realizing I have no control over myself when I am around him.

  “What is it?” he asks, a curious look on his face.

  I shake my head. “Nothing. It’s getting late. I really should go home.” Not that I really wanted to leave, but knew I needed to before I lost control and devoured him.

  “Are you hungry? We could go grab a bite to eat,” he asks, a hint of eagerness in his voice.

  I shake my head. “Really, I have to go. But thanks anyway.” I give him light peck on his cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Alex.”

  He opens his office door for me, a look of disappointment on his face. “Good night, Katherine,” he says softly.

  I gather my things and head home for the night. I walk out of the building and inhale the refreshing cool air, hear the sounds of the city at night.

  Suddenly, my skin prickles and a tingle runs through me. I can feel him watching me. Glancing over my shoulder, I look up at the building. I see Alex’s silhouette in the window.

  Chapter 8

  Alex gave Antonio the evening off. He decided to walk home tonight instead of being driven. He walks along the sidewalk, his thoughts o
n the Cosmo Hotel. He was not pleased about the delay in progress. However, he had built enough hotels to know things happened. A one week delay was manageable.

  Alex also knew he had a good a team in place. He always employed the best people he could find. It was vital to his company and his brand. He thought about Katherine. In her short time working for him she had proven herself to be a valuable asset to him. Professionally and hopefully, personally.

  Alex knew she was holding back. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He saw the look in her eyes tonight. It was just a matter of time. Alex knew that with Katherine it had to be when she was ready – and only then. That was fine with Alex. He was patient. He could wait. In fact, he was quite enjoying this little waiting game. It made him want her even more. Deep down, he knew she was worth the wait.

  Alex crossed the street to Portobello Market and found the booth he was looking for. Same saleslady sitting there, looking bored. She perked up when she saw Alex. He scanned the tables until his eyes landed upon the scarf. The white cashmere scarf she liked so much. He paid for the scarf and left the market.

  Alex was looking forward to going home. Home was a two-level penthouse suite at the Whitmore Plaza, one of his developments, of course. He liked living there. Beautiful, yet understated, without a lot of the glitz of his other properties. And it also had the added benefit of being highly secure. More secure than Fort Knox. He built the property with the intention of living there, so he took the liberty of adding extra precautions – an underground tunnel, his own private elevator, and bullet proof glass windows.

  Security was of the utmost importance to Alex. It had to be. If it wasn’t, it could cost him his life. It was how he had been trained.


  “So, do you feel you’re settling in?” Sandra asks, sipping her tea. It’s Sunday afternoon, and Sandra and I decide to get together. We’re enjoying the wonderful British tradition of afternoon tea at a nearby outdoor café.

  “I do. I’ve been so busy with work, trying to learn the ropes. I feel like I’ve just now had a chance to catch my breath.”

  “And what do you think of London?”

  “It’s lovely. I feel incredibly lucky to be here. I know a lot of people would love to be in my shoes.”

  “Well, you deserve it. Working for Alex is not always a walk in the park.”

  I hesitated before asking. “Sandra, you’ve worked for Alex for a long time. What do you know about him?” I ventured.

  “Honestly, not that much,” she replies, shrugging her shoulders. “All I know is that he was in some part of the military before he started building hotels.” She looks down for a moment. “He’s very private. No one really knows much about him. A bit mysterious, really.” Sandra leans forward, ready to divulge a juicy tidbit of information. “You know, he has a reputation for screwing anything in a skirt and heels. I’m sure you’ve heard.”

  “Yeah, I have. I just chalked it up to rumor,” I reply.

  Sandra gives me a look. “Rumor? Please. He is most definitely a skirt chaser. He’s screwed half the women in London. He is gorgeous, though.”

  I look down at my coffee, unable to hide my emotions.

  “Oh, shit,” Sandra says, a concerned look on her face.


  “You slept with him?” she asks, eyes wide. It was more of a statement than a question.

  “No…..” I reply sheepishly, my cheeks burning. “We just kissed. Twice.”

  Sandra groans. “No, Katherine. Not you, too.” She looks at me, shaking her head. “Personally, I think he started the hotel business just so he could have a place to shag women and not have to bring them back to his place. I can’t tell you how many women he’s been through during the time I’ve worked for him. Too many to count,” she says, making a face. “Look, I know the man is take-your-breath-away gorgeous,” Sandra continues, “but he’s trouble.”

  This is not the first time I’ve heard someone describe Alex as trouble.

  “And he’s your boss,” she says. I can hear the disapproval in her voice.

  “Thanks for reminding me,” I say dryly.

  “I’m sorry, Katherine. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” She reaches over and squeezes my hand. I know she means well.

  “I know. And I agree with you. But, when I’m around him, I lose all willpower. He has this way about him – he’s irresistible.”

  “Yeah. I know.” She pauses, lost in thought for a moment. “I mean, there is something about him,” she says quickly.

  I lean back, place my hands in my lap. “What should I do?”

  Sandra suddenly sits up, eyes shining bright. “I know! I could introduce you to Harry’s co-worker, Dean. He’s the nicest chap. I’ll have a dinner party, invite a few people. You need to get your mind off Alex and onto someone new.”

  “You’re right. This is exactly what I need,” I replied, nodding in agreement.

  “Brilliant!” Sandra says, beaming. “How does next Saturday sound, around six?”

  “That sounds great, Sandra. And thank you.”

  We stand and hug each other goodbye. Sandra’s right. I do need to get my mind off Alex, and meeting some new people would probably help. I tell myself to get excited about new possibilities, and push thoughts of Alex out of my mind. At least for now.

  The man sat a few tables over from the blonde woman, pretending to read a newspaper. He had followed her to the café, discretely watched her while she waited for the brunette to arrive. He had first seen the woman a few weeks ago while she was with Alex McCall. He had been tracking Alex for weeks, making sure to remain hidden in the shadows. He changed his appearance frequently to ensure he would not be noticed. He wasn’t. He was an expert at blending in with the crowd. It was how he’d been trained.

  He had followed Alex and the blonde throughout Portobello Market, making sure to keep a safe distance. Then watched them make their way the pub. He was going to follow them into the restaurant, but changed his mind when he saw that Alex had suddenly become alert. He chuckled. Alex had temporarily let his guard down when he was with the blonde, all of his attention focused on her. Which was exactly what he wanted. All it took was for a target to let their guard down, only for a second, and they were his. He decided not to take his chances, and had slowly, quietly walked by, and then disappeared into the crowded street.

  He listened to the blonde woman chatting to her friend. She was obviously American. He could hear snippets of their conversation, listening, acquiring information about her as she spoke. The man could hear what sounded like a Southern accent, her words slightly drawn out, vowels emphasized. He planned to do a complete profile on her.

  He would also continue to do surveillance on McCall. He would watch and wait. And when the time was right, Alex McCall would be his.

  I return home to find a box outside my door. That’s strange, I thought. I’m not expecting any deliveries. Probably a care package from Mom, I thought, smiling at her thoughtfulness. Picking up the box, I notice how light it is.

  I walk into the flat, put the box aside, and immediately pull the drapes back. Sunshine fills the space, giving it a warm glow. I decide I need to get some plants for the flat, maybe a few pieces of art to hang on the walls, too.

  My stomach rumbles, it’s time to eat. Cooking has always been a pleasure for me. I know some people find it to be a hassle, especially if they live alone, but not me. Not that I’m a gourmet cook. Far from it. But I do enjoy it. I begin chopping up an onion and open a package of ground beef. Thirty minutes later, I’m eating a comforting meal of meatloaf and mashed potatoes, the flavors reminding me of home.

  After eating and then checking my email, I pick up the package. I gently shake it, hear a slight rustle. Finding a pair of scissors, I carefully begin to open it. Inside is a white box with ornate silver scrolls delicately drawn along the sides of the box. Lifting the top off, I see a small notecard lying atop white tissue paper.

  ‘A beautiful woman deserves
a beautiful scarf.’


  The cashmere scarf from Portobello Market. I slowly remove it from the box, feeling the softness of the fabric between my fingers. It’s even more beautiful than I remember, so simple and elegant. I’m reminded of our Saturday together, how surprised I was to see him, and how much I enjoyed the day with him. I place the scarf back in the box, debating whether I should accept this gift from Alex. Alex – my boss. I have to keep reminding myself of this simple fact.

  It’s just a scarf, not a ring! Most women would love a gift like this. Yes, he is your boss. But, you love this scarf and it was kind of him to buy it for you. You should be thankful.

  I’ve talked myself into it - I’ll accept the gift. After all, it would be rude not to.

  Chapter 9

  Progress has finally resumed on the Cosmopolitan Hotel. With the groundwater problem resolved, it was full speed ahead. The foundations of the hotel have been completed and now steel frames are being put into place. It never gets old watching the birth of a building.

  Alex had been in his office all day, either on the phone or on conference calls. I wanted to thank him for the scarf. I knock on his office door, hoping he has a moment to spare.

  “Come in.”

  I open the door wide enough to poke my head through. “I need to talk to you, if you have a minute.”

  He looks away from his computer, pauses when he sees me.

  “Of course.” He closes his laptop.

  I walk into his office, closing the door behind me. “I want to thank you for the scarf. It’s beautiful. And very thoughtful of you.”

  He looks at me with those deep blue eyes. I think I could lose myself in those eyes. Eyes that penetrate into me, down into my innermost self. “I hope you’ll be happy to wear it.”

  I look away from his gaze, trying to gather my thoughts. “Okay. That’s all I wanted to tell you. I know you’re really busy, so I’ll be in my office if you need me.” I turn to leave, my hand on the doorknob, when his voice stops me.


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