Mr. London

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Mr. London Page 5

by Margot Scott

  “Join me for dinner tonight. Please.”

  There was something about the way he said it that made me stop dead in my tracks. His voice oozed need, not sexual need, but something else. Something more. My hand drops from the doorknob, and I turn around, facing him. His lips, usually smiling a sexy, cocky smile, are slightly parted, a look of anticipation on his face.

  Without thinking, I reply instantly. “Yes.”

  Alex blinks, a surprised look on his face. “Splendid. I’ll collect you at seven o’clock tonight.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you then,” I reply, still surprised at myself for agreeing to have dinner with him. I know this isn’t right, but I can’t help myself.

  “I look forward to it.”

  Alex stands in his massive walk-in closet, his eyes skipping over his collection of designer shirts, tailored trousers, and silk ties. He was thinking about what he would wear tonight for his date with Katherine. He selects a pair of black Armani trousers, a white button down shirt, unbuttoned at the collar, and a black suit jacket with a navy blue paisley pocket square. Polished, but not too much.

  He wonders how the date will go. It’s been awhile since he has been on a proper date. Sure, he meets women, sleeps with them. But, date them? No. Dating was not really his scene. Not until Katherine came along. He didn’t know why she was so unlike all the others, why he felt differently about her, but he did.

  Alex had not felt this way since Michelle. Michelle. Sweet, lovely Michelle. He hadn’t thought of her in awhile. Every so often, something would remind him of her, but he would quickly push her out of his mind, the memories too painful.

  Alex finished and stepped onto his private elevator, the doors closing swiftly, and pushed the button to the underground parking area. He stepped off the elevator, his eyes automatically making a quick sweep of his surroundings. Antonio was there, waiting. He climbs into the Mercedes limo, the soft leather molding to him.

  As Antonio drives towards Katherine’s place, Alex has a feeling that his date with Katherine will be a turning point in their relationship. Alex smiles at the thought. Relationship. This is definitely going to be something different.

  I stand outside the front lobby of my flat. I’m fidgeting, pulling at my skirt, playing with my necklace. I don’t know why. I’ve been out with him before, at the pub, and we’ve kissed twice. This just feels more like a date. I guess it’s because it is a date.

  The night is chilly and I’m wearing a cream colored coat, along with the scarf. I smile, hoping he likes it.

  A sleek, black Mercedes limousine arrives, and Antonio walks around to open the door for me.

  “Miss Harris,” he says, opening the door.

  “Thank you, Antonio,” I reply, while carefully sliding into the vehicle.

  Alex is sitting in the seat next to me, his body turned towards mine, legs crossed, one arm on the back of the leather seat. As soon as I see him I want to fall into him, lay my head on his chest, feel his arms around me. I feel a rush of desire, the sensation ripping up and down my body, making me hot and wet.

  He looks at me, eyes heavy-lidded. “Good evening, Katherine.”

  “Hello.” We hold each other’s gaze for a moment, both feeling the sexual tension mounting between us.

  “You look beautiful tonight. I like your scarf,” he says, reaching out, holding the scarf between his fingers.

  “Why, thank you, Mr. McCall,” I respond, teasingly. He laughs, enjoying the flirtation.

  “You’re welcome, Miss Harris.” He takes my hand, gives it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll be dining at Annabelle’s. Is that alright with you?” he asks.

  “I’m in your hands,” I say, giving him a flirty smile. All thoughts of Alex being my boss have vanished from my mind.

  “Well, in that case, I’d better handle with care.” He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, sending a wave of heat rolling over me.

  We arrive to the restaurant, a non-descript two-story white building. Antonio walks around and opens the door, Alex sliding out of the Mercedes behind me. A doorman opens the door to the restaurant, nodding to Alex. “Good evening, Mr. McCall.”

  The interior of Annabelle’s is like walking into a fantasy world – sumptuous, decadent, and very sexy. Crisp, white linens cover the tables, candles flicker everywhere casting a warm glow. Original paintings are displayed on the walls throughout, each one more colorful and vibrant than the last.

  The maître d’ leads us to a small, softly lit, private room.

  “I hope this meets your expectations. I wanted something……intimate,” Alex says, pulling a chair out for me.

  “Alex, this is lovely,” I murmur softly, seduced by the decor of the restaurant.

  “I’m pleased you like it. I’ve taken the liberty of ordering already.”

  A bottle of Dom Perignon arrives. Alex pops the top, and pours two glasses.

  “A toast,” Alex says, raising his glass. “To new adventures.”

  “To new adventures,” I echo, our champagne flutes lightly clinking together. I take a long sip of the champagne, savoring the sweet taste, the bubbles dancing over my tongue.

  Our food arrives, a slow procession of the most delectable appetizers and entrees. Each one even more delicious than the previous. And then the best part – dessert. We share a chocolate éclair with creamy vanilla custard topped with chocolate glaze.

  “This has been wonderful, Alex,” savoring the last bite of chocolate éclair. “The restaurant, the champagne, the food……….you.” Our eyes lock upon each other, and in that instant the world slowly falls away.

  “Come home with me tonight.” He voice is gruff, full of need and desire.

  “I want to. I do. It’s just…,” I trail off, my voice soft.

  “It’s just what, Katherine. Tell me,” he whispers. There is an urgency to his voice. He strokes my cheek, moving his hand to the back on my neck, pulling me closer to him, our foreheads touching.

  “It’s wrong for us to be together. You are my boss. I’m your employee, your assistant. It’s a boundary we shouldn’t cross. I shouldn’t cross.” I close my eyes, inhale the intoxicating scent of his masculinity, fighting to maintain control.

  He pulls back from me, his hand still lightly caressing the back of my neck. His eyes search mine, searching for a way in, for a way past my guard.

  “The only boundaries that exist are the ones we impose upon ourselves. I won’t live my life with boundaries. That’s not a way to live.”

  “I’m scared, Alex. I don’t want to get hurt.”

  “This is new for me, too. Let me open up a new world for you. Let’s see where it takes us.”

  He kisses me tenderly, and I can feel his passion simmering just under the surface, waiting to erupt in full force. The fight between the rational, logical part of my brain is quickly losing to my overwhelming desire for him. An internal battle of which I know what the outcome will be. I’ve known it the moment I laid eyes on Alex.

  “Yes,” I respond, my voice shaking. He draws me to him, arms wrapped around each other.

  We leave the restaurant, hand in hand, excitement coursing through my veins in anticipation of what the night will bring.

  Chapter 10

  We step off the elevator into Alex’s inner sanctum. His penthouse suite is absolutely stunning. An array of paintings and original artwork line the hallway leading into the living room. Hardwood floors throughout. A beautiful crystal chandelier hangs in the living room. Floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Thames River. The view takes my breath away.

  He guides me into the main living room area. “Here, let me help you,” he says, taking my coat and scarf. His fingers lightly brush the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

  “Please, sit down. Would you like a drink?”

  “Just water. With ice, please.”

  Alex goes to the kitchen. I walk over to the windows, looking out over the city and river. I couldn’t imagine living in a place like this.
  “You have an amazing view,” I say appreciatively.

  “Yes, it’s one of the perks of penthouse living,” he says, grinning. He hands me the water. I take a long drink, grateful for the cool, refreshing liquid.

  “One of many, I’m sure.”

  “Mmm… could say that.” We look at each and start laughing. I notice the sparkle in his eyes, the way his skin crinkles around his eyes when he laughs.

  “I haven’t laughed like that with a woman in a very long time,” he says. “It’s nice.”

  “You don’t usually laugh with the women you date?” I ask.

  “No, I don’t. Not since meeting you.”

  “Is that what we’re doing? Dating?”

  “Is that what you’d like to do, Katherine?” Alex asks.

  I don’t answer his question. Instead, I turn back to the view, taking it all in. I feel surprisingly calm and at ease.

  Turning back towards him, I say, “Thank you for a wonderful evening, Alex. I enjoyed every second of it.”

  “You’re most welcome. And thank you for joining me this evening.” He takes the glass of water from me, putting in on the coffee table. Alex takes my hand, guiding me to the plush sofa.

  “I want you, Katherine. But, I don’t want to do something you’re not ready for. There’s no pressure,” he says solemnly.

  His sincerity, so genuine and real, only makes me want him even more. “I don’t want to wait, Alex. I want you now,” I whisper.

  Alex cups my chin, running his thumb over my bottom lip. He pulls me in closer, our lips locking, his tongue entwining with mine.

  Without a word, he gently picks me up from the couch, carrying me into his bedroom, setting me down on the edge of his bed. He carefully removes my heels, one at a time, then my blouse. He reaches around to unhook my bra, and slowly, taking his time, peels my bra off, exposing my breasts.

  Alex looks at me, lustful eyes brimming with controlled desire. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers.

  I run my hands through his thick hair, grab a handful of it, pulling him closer to me. Our lips touch, mouths opening, wanting more.

  He cups my breasts, my nipples hard and erect, causing me to ache with desire. I can barely control myself, the pleasure almost too much.

  Unbuttoning his shirt, my hands shaking slightly, I run my fingertips over his chest, his muscles, feeling the warmth of his skin.

  I unbuckle his belt, my fingers fumbling slightly. I can feel his hardness pushing through his pants, desperate to be released.

  I lie down on the bed, taking my skirt off and tossing it on the floor. Alex bends down, slowly kissing me, a soft trail of kisses down my body.

  Our lovemaking was slow and sensual at first, a slow burn that gradually ignited into a scorching fire.

  Afterwards, we lay together, side by side, both completely satisfied. Alex gently strokes my body, his hand caressing me as I drift off into a deep slumber.

  Alex awakes a few hours later, rolls over towards Katherine. She is sound asleep, her breathing soft. Alex smiles as he stares at Katherine, savoring this moment. He studies her face, the soft contours and angles, the shape of her lips. He was right – tonight turned out to be a huge turning point in their relationship. The thought of a relationship with Katherine gave him comfort and peace, something he had not felt for a very long time. Alex watches Katherine sleep awhile longer, until eventually, he, too, falls into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 11

  Twelve years ago

  Michelle stood in front of the kitchen stove, spatula in hand, flipping bacon and eggs, placing thick slices of toast in the toaster. She loved cooking, especially breakfast because she knew it was Alex’s favorite meal of the day. Michelle pulled out two plates from the cupboard, placing them on the breakfast table. She hummed softly, a smile on her face. Soon enough she would be cooking for three. She placed a hand over her belly, gently caressing her lower abdomen. She and Alex had been trying to conceive for almost two years, and finally six weeks ago their prayers had been answered.

  Alex strode into the kitchen, the delicious aroma making his mouth water. He walked up behind Michelle, sliding his arms around her waist, lowering his head to kiss the back of her neck.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” he said softly. She turned to face Alex, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Good morning, darling,” she said lovingly, nuzzling her face in the crook of his shoulder, smelling soap and aftershave.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I feel fine. More than fine, actually.” She smiled at Alex, appreciating his concern. Ever since she became pregnant Alex had become very concerned about her overall health and well-being. He begged her to slow down, telling her that she needed to conserve her energy. He felt that she did too much, was too active. Michelle insisted that she felt fine, and was not going to take to the bed unless she absolutely had to.

  They sat down at the table, Alex pouring them each a glass of orange juice. They chatted easily, happily, while they ate breakfast. They had been married for five years, and with each passing year their love grew stronger and stronger. And now with a baby on the way, their life together was complete. Wedded bliss.

  Alex and Michelle met while at Cambridge University, both in their last year of college. He was studying Mathematics, she was studying English Literature. They bonded over a shared love of books, eighties music, and indie films. They were soon inseparable.

  After graduation, they married in a church outside of London, a small gathering of friends and family. Alex was offered a job working for the British Government at the Ministry of Defence, while Michelle got a job teaching second grade. Alex’s work was very demanding. He worked long hours, with Michelle sometimes not knowing when he would be home. There were also a lot of phone calls in the middle of the night. This worried Michelle, especially in the beginning, but grew accustomed to their way of life, and she didn’t ask questions. Alex did not talk about his work much, saying he preferred to keep work at work.

  “I’ve got to go, my love,” Alex said while putting on his jacket. He took one last sip of his orange juice, bending down to kiss Michelle goodbye. “I’ll try to be home in good time.”

  Since finding out she was pregnant, she had given up her teaching job, with both she and Alex agreeing that it would be best for her to stay at home during her pregnancy.

  “Okay, darling. I’ll be going out later, I’ve got a few errands to run,” Michelle said, giving Alex a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Ok, but go easy, don’t try to do too much.”

  “I won’t, darling. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Alex closes the door behind him, a quick look over his shoulder, smiling at Michelle as he climbs into his car.

  Michelle cleans up the kitchen, takes a quick shower, and dresses. She decides to take her bicycle out today. She hops on her blue pastel colored bike, happy to be outside on such a beautiful, sunny day. It was Friday, the day of the week she usually goes out. She makes her rounds, first stopping at the bank, then picking up a bouquet of fresh flowers. She parks her bike outside the grocery store, her last stop of the day. Michelle gets what she needs, and returns to her bicycle, placing her items in the basket attached to the front. She begins her journey home, taking her time.

  Michelle peddles on, just another block before reaching home. Suddenly, her ears are filled with the blaring sound of a horn. She immediately looks left, in the direction of the offending noise. All Michelle can see is the massive front-end of a Mack truck. She hears the sound of screeching brakes. Desperately, she tries to maneuver the bike out of the truck’s way, but it’s too late.

  Michelle lies on the street, her body in shock, blood trickling down the side of her face. She whispers, “My baby…..”

  All light fades away and there is nothing but darkness.


  Alex sat at his desk, staring blankly at the computer screen. It had been six months since Michell
e’s death. Alex thought about her every second of every day. He mourned the loss of their unborn child. He was consumed with guilt and anger. Things were not getting better. In fact, they were only getting worse. He was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate at work. At times the grief was so overwhelming, so suffocating, he thought he would go insane. Alex’s supervisor encouraged him to take a leave of absence, but he would not do it. Alex thought that would only give him too much empty time on his hands.

  His guilt gnawed at him constantly. He played the morning over and over in his mind, questioning what he had missed, what he could have done differently. Alex thought he had always done the right thing, the safe thing, by keeping the truth from Michelle. Now he realized what a huge mistake he had made.

  A formal investigation was done officially stating the cause of death was accidental. Alex knew better. Unofficially, it was no accident. In his world there were no accidents. No incidents, no coincidences. Everything was planned and plotted and executed. And this was no different.

  Alex knew they were after him. This was their modus operandi - first take out the target’s family, one by one, then the target. Since Alex had no other living relatives, Michelle was their primary concern. Alex, his supervisor, and their team had completed their own, top-secret investigation. Their findings were exactly as they thought. Alex was next.

  He lived under a constant death threat for the next five years. He moved from one place to another, never staying anywhere very long. Alex never dined at the same restaurant twice. He never sat with his back to the door. Hidden cameras were installed at every flat he lived in. At times, he would alter his appearance – growing a beard, wearing glasses. A new cell phone every few months. A new car as often as could afford it. Paranoia became his best friend. It had to – it was the only way to stay alive.

  After five years, Alex’s supervisor informed him that the death threat had been lifted. The team had located the assassin, captured and executed him along with his three accomplices. The team was confident that Alex’s life was no longer in danger. Alex wasn’t so sure.


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