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Mr. London

Page 9

by Margot Scott

  “Ahh…..yess…..” I throw my head back, closing my eyes, the pleasure of his mouth on my nipples bringing me close to ecstasy.

  Removing my bra and slipping out of my jeans, I stand completely naked in front of Alex. I want him to see me, all of me. I unbuckle his belt, remove his jeans, his cock standing to full attention. I get down on my knees, in between his legs, and gently kiss his beautiful cock. Alex leans back and I take him in my mouth, slowly at first, then deeper, deeper.

  “Oh, baby…….that feels so fucking good……” Alex groans, his hands in my hair, trailing down my back.

  I release him from my mouth, Alex panting, his eyes half open slits, heavy with lust, trying to catch his breath. I climb on top of him, guiding him into me. He grabs my hips while I slowly grind on top of him, then moving faster, causing my body to shudder with waves of pleasure.

  “Alex……..” I call out his name, my body convulsing, the intensity unlike anything I have ever experienced before.

  Alex leans forward and I wrap my legs around his waist, taking deep gulps of air as I try to catch my breath.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, pushing my hair back.

  “I think so,” I respond, nodding my head, giving him a weak smile.

  Alex smiles softly, holding me tightly. After a few moments, he releases me, gently kisses my forehead, and walks to the kitchen for a glass of water. Lying back on the couch, I admire his lean, muscular body.

  He returns with two glasses of cold water. Taking the glass from him, I greedily drink the refreshing water, eyeing his cock. Seductively, I reach over and stroke him, taking him by surprise, while he drinks his water.

  “Jesus!” he says, almost spitting out his water.

  I giggle, raising myself up on my knees. I take his glass from him, setting it aside. “What’s the matter, Alex?” I ask, while stroking him. “Is something wrong?” I ask teasingly.

  Alex closes his eyes, letting out a sigh of pleasure. “Nothing’s wrong at all.”

  I continue to stroke him, then take him in my mouth again. I close my eyes and enjoy every second of it.

  Alex releases himself from my mouth, his manhood pulsing. “I want you,” he says, his voice gruff, thick with need.

  He expertly maneuvers my body around, bending me over the couch, taking me from behind.

  “You feel soo good……” Alex groans, his hips bucking, thrusting deeper into me, his pace quickening. I barely hear him, moans of pleasure escaping my lips, my release building.

  We climax together, falling over the edge in unison, calling out each other’s names, lost in a sea of desire.

  Chapter 19

  Caprice stretches luxuriously on her queen sized canopy bed, removes her black silk eye mask off her face, and gazes upwards, looking at herself in the mirrored ceiling. She rolls over to check the time. Two o’clock in the afternoon. Caprice pushes the pink silk sheets aside, hops out of bed, striding to the bathroom, nude. She stands in front of the mirror, admiring herself. Caprice turns on the water, ready for a long, hot shower.

  While showering, Caprice lathers herself up, inhaling the lightly scented soap, taking her time, enjoying the hot, steamy water running over her body. Caprice hums softly, reflecting on the previous nights’ work. She had done not too badly, she thought. In fact, last night was the best she’d ever had at Bellisimo’s. She came home with almost four thousand. Of course, Sergio had arranged it where Caprice didn’t have to hand over the twenty-five percent to the club at the end of the night like the rest of the girls. No, Caprice kept all of her earnings, and Sergio took care of the rest.

  Caprice wondered what to do about Sergio. She was glad when he left the club last night. Caprice sensed he didn’t want to leave, that he wanted to stay and keep watch over her. Caprice felt that he was becoming more of a distraction to her while she worked. Sergio wanted her to quit dancing and have her all to himself. He wanted to lock her up in his villa, a bird in a gilded cage. Caprice didn’t think so.

  She knew he was getting more and more possessive, and that she was going to have to do something. Caprice decided it was time to have a serious discussion with Sergio. She had casually mentioned her acting aspirations to Sergio a couple of times before, but Caprice could tell he didn’t take her seriously.

  Well, he would this time, Caprice thought, while stepping out of the shower. If he wanted her to quit the pole, then he would have to finance her acting career. It was as simple as that.

  She massaged some oil into her skin, her body glistening. Besides, she had the ace in the hole. All she had to do was shake her tits and open her mouth, and Sergio would do exactly as she wanted.

  Chapter 20

  I awake the following morning to the most gorgeous pair of sparkling blue eyes. A lazy smile spreads across my face as I gaze into those eyes.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Alex whispers, propping himself up on his elbow.

  “Mmm…..good morning,” I reply, snuggling my face into the crook of his arm. Waking up in Alex’s arms feels like heaven.

  “Still sleepy?” he asks, smoothing down my bedhead hair.

  “A bit,” I say, yawning, while stretching my legs.

  “I know what could help wake you up,” he says, grinning, nibbling on my bottom lip.

  “Oh, really?” I ask, amused.

  “Really. Let me show you.” And with that, he climbs on top of me, gently parting my legs, ready for some morning action.

  “Mmmm……Alex……” I lie back while he takes control, guiding himself into me, my fingers trailing down his back. I draw him closer to me, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  We make love slowly, tenderly, both of us savoring the pleasure of each other’s body.

  The rest of the morning is spent enjoying each other’s company. We chat some about the Cosmo hotel, but mostly just laze about the house, taking things at a slow pace. The calmness of the countryside is so relaxing, it’s difficult not to slow down. It’s a welcome change from the frantic pace of the city.

  After a late lunch, we take a walk, strolling along gravel pathways, stopping to admire the swans gliding gracefully across the pond.

  “This feels like a dream,” I say softly. “I’ve never experienced anything like this, ever. This house……the past two days with you…….it’s been a weekend I’ll never forget.”

  Alex wraps his arms around me, smiling. “I feel the same way. I’ve always enjoyed spending time here, but this visit has been really special. One that I’ll never forget. One that I hope we repeat.”

  “So do I,” I murmur softly.

  Alex takes my hand, leading us back to the house. He unlocks the back gate, opening it up to the pristine swimming pool.

  “Do you fancy a dip?” Alex asks, nodding his head towards the pool, its aquamarine water twinkling in the late afternoon sun.

  “Sure, why not?” I say, the water too inviting to pass up.

  “Brilliant. I’ll go change and get some towels,” he says, heading towards the house.

  Feeling sexy and playful, I decide to forgo the swimsuit, and strip down to my birthday suit instead. I dive in, the water refreshing and invigorating.

  Five minutes later, Alex returns wearing a pair of swimming shorts and carrying a couple of towels. He stops in his tracks when he sees me.

  “I see you’re enjoying the pool,” he responds, unable to take his eyes off me.

  “I am,” I say, laughing. “The water feels incredible!” I swim to shallow end, rising out of the pool, water dripping off my body.

  Alex hands me a towel. Taking it from him, I toss it onto a lounge chair. “I don’t think I’ll be needing that.”

  “Oh? What do you need then?” Alex asks, his voice deep and sexy, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.


  I pull the drawstring on his swimming shorts, pushing them down. He kicks out of his shorts, his eyes still glued to me.

  “You are gorgeous,” Alex says, pulling me closer. He e
mbraces me, his hands grazing down my back, and resting on my ass, squeezing it. “And you have a great ass, too,” he whispers into my ear.

  “Thank you,” I say, tossing my head back, laughing, feeling so carefree.

  We slip into the water, hand in hand. I float onto my back, the water lapping around my naked body. The sun is beginning its descent over the horizon, giving the sky a pinkish glow.

  Alex swims to the deep end of the pool, his muscular body cutting through the water. He leans back, his arms spread out, propping himself up against the pool wall, his hair slicked back. Taking a deep breath I go under, kicking my legs hard, swimming towards Alex. I pop up right beside him, filling my lungs with air. Drawing him to me, I wrap my arms and legs around his body, and we go under together, kissing deeply, passionately, our bodies locked together in a watery embrace.

  The following day, Sunday, we enjoy a light, leisurely breakfast, sipping hot coffee and eating buttery croissants. Afterwards, we pack our bags, both of us not wanting the weekend to come to an end.

  “Let me get this for you,” Alex says, picking up my bag, tossing it into the back of the Porsche. I hop in the car, while Alex locks up the house.

  “All set,” he says, getting into the car. He puts on his aviator sunglasses, leans over, giving me a light kiss. As Alex pulls out of the driveway, I look over my shoulder at the house, already thinking about the next visit.

  Chapter 21

  Alex zooms along the road, handling the Porsche with confidence. He felt calm yet exhilarated at the same time. The time he’d spent with Katherine over the weekend had given him a feeling of renewal, as though he’d been given a second chance.

  He dropped Katherine off at her flat, and reluctantly said goodbye. Although, he reminded himself, he would see her tomorrow at work. Alex smiled. He was surprised, shocked even, at how much he looked forward to seeing her.

  Alex reflected on their weekend together. He had a feeling she was going to love his country house, and she did. Alex loved the house as well – there was something very special about it. The house, the location – it was perfect. And with Katherine there, the house was complete. Alex allowed his mind to wander, thinking about the future and what might be……

  He shook his head. Best not to think too far ahead. Take it easy, McCall, he thought. Don’t rush this.

  Alex thought about how much more spontaneous and carefree Katherine seemed over the weekend while at his country home. He was pleasantly surprised to see this side of her personality, it definitely turned him on. He sensed it was there all along, just under the surface, needing, wanting to be brought out.

  Their lovemaking was sensational, Alex thought, his lips curving into a sexy grin. He had a feeling it was only going to get better.

  “Would you like anything else, sir?” the butler asked. Sergio looked down at his plate of linguini and clams, inspecting his food to ensure it was up to his standards. He takes a bite of the pasta, chews slowly, then swallows. The butler waits patiently, his hands placed behind his back.

  “No grazie,” Sergio said. He decides he is satisfied with his meal, and waves the butler away. Caprice takes a sip of wine, watching Sergio as he ate. Caprice had important things to discuss with him. She pondered how to approach Sergio, and felt it was best to take the safe route. She would play to his ego, making him feel like a big, macho man, helping poor little Caprice. She knew he had plenty of connections in the entertainment business, and was friends with various movie producers and studio heads. Surely, thought Caprice with hopeful confidence, he would help with her acting ambitions.

  “Sergio, I need to talk to you,” Caprice said tentatively. “I want to stop dancing.”

  Sergio licked pasta sauce off his mouth, his lips smacking. He didn’t have the best of manners. He takes a long drink of red wine. Then another. Caprice watched him, anxiously waiting for his response.

  “Well, what do you think about that?” Caprice asked impatiently, tired of waiting for his response. She knew that’s what he wanted her to do anyway.

  Sergio put his fork down, wiped his mouth with his cloth napkin. “I think it would be the best thing to do, mia bella. For both of us,” he said, pleased that she had finally come around. Now, he would move her into his villa, permanently, and she would be his. All his, all the time. Just as it should be.

  Caprice took a deep breath and continued. “Yes, I agree. But I don’t want to just sit around the house. I have dreams, aspirations.” Caprice paused for effect, in full-on actress mode. “Sergio, I want to become a professional actress. And I need you to help me,” she said dramatically, looking him in the eye.

  Sergio was confused. Caprice was a stripper. She didn’t have dreams or aspirations. An actress? Sergio didn’t understand why Caprice wasn’t satisfied with simply being with him, making him happy. Women were around to please men. Wasn’t that what women were there for?

  “An actress? Caprice, that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” Sergio said laughing.

  “It’s not ridiculous! And I don’t appreciate you laughing at me, either,” Caprice sniffed, her voice rising with anger. How dare he laugh at her!

  In an instant, Sergio grabbed her arm, jerking her towards him, taking Caprice by surprise. “I don’t care what you appreciate,” he hissed through clenched teeth, his black eyes burning into hers. “I’ve put up with you showing your tits and ass, put up with it for far too long. Disrespecting me! No more! You will do as I say, do you understand me, mia bella?!” He twisted her arm as he spoke, causing Caprice to whimper in pain, tears stinging her eyes.

  “Do you understand me?!?” he yelled. Sergio stood over her, grabbed the back of her head, a handful of Caprice’s long dark locks in one hand, the other hand ready to strike. His eyes were wild with rage.

  “Yes, Sergio, I understand you, please let me go,” Caprice begged, squeezing her eyes shut tightly, terrified he was going to hit her.

  Sergio released Caprice in a huff, returned to his seat, grabbed his glass of wine and downed it.

  “We will have no more talk of this, Caprice. No more. Adesso basta.” The hot-blooded rage that Caprice had heard only seconds before was replaced with a controlled coldness. Caprice felt a shiver of fear run up her spine. She quickly wiped the tears away from the corner of her eyes, and fixed a smile upon her face.

  “Whatever you want, Sergio,” Caprice said, her voice shaking. “Whatever you want.”

  Chapter 22

  He sat in a small, black Ford Fiesta, lowering his body in the seat, inching down as slowly as possible as to not bring any attention his way. The man peered out, his beady eyes just above the steering wheel, observing the scene. He watched with calculating, vengeful eyes as Alex opened the door for the blonde. He observed as they walked to her flat, and a few moments later, watched as McCall exited the building, hopping into his car.

  He always did have a thing for old cars, the man thought, eyeing the vintage Porsche.

  After McCall drove off, the man slowly raised himself up, placing his black leather gloved hands on the steering wheel. Suddenly, and without warning, he gripped the steering wheel as tightly as he could, screamed out “Fuck!” slamming his palms down on the wheel.

  This surprised him, usually he kept his emotions under such strict control. He had been trained to do so. Maintaining control over oneself had been engrained in him. But that was a long time ago, many years and many lives ago.

  He knew why his emotions were slipping. This job was different. It was personal.

  London, England, 2001

  Nick Stone had always dreamed of being a hero. As a child, he would pretend he was the good cop out to get the bad guys. As a teenager, he wanted to be a firefighter, rescuing people from burning buildings. By the time he graduated from university, he knew what he wanted do. He decided he would dedicate his life to protecting and preserving the national security of the United Kingdom. Nick wanted to work for the British government at the Security Service, commonly
known as MI-5, the country’s counter-intelligence and security agency. The thought excited him, images of James Bond flashing through his mind. He knew this was where he belonged. Nick submitted an application to the agency, went through several interviews, including an in-depth psychological profile, and was hired as a field operative. Nick was ecstatic.

  Around the time of Nick’s job offer to join MI-5, he met Nicole, a kind, beautiful woman who Nick fell in love with instantly. Nick couldn’t believe his good luck. Acceptance to MI-5 and meeting the woman of his dreams. He felt life couldn’t get any better. Sometimes Nick would abruptly wake up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, terrified that something horrible would happen to shatter his perfect life. Nicole would console him, assuring him that everything was okay, and eventually Nick would drift off back to sleep.

  Nick completed the MI-5 training, an intensive program, where he learned the skills of intelligence gathering, surveillance, and data analysis. He loved every second of it and strove to be the best he could. And he was – Nick graduated top of his class along with another student, Alex McCall.

  Nick and Alex became close friends as well as partners, working on top-level, highly classified, covert operations. Secrecy, discretion, and double lives were part of the job. Many of the operations were dangerous, putting both their lives at risk. One such operation was the Vincent Rossi case, code name Operation Roman Holiday. It was a case that MI-5 had put a tremendous amount of time and effort into, involving as it did the USA and Italian governments. Nick and Alex had hours and hours of surveillance on Vincent, observing his actions and daily routine. Alex had even gone undercover, posing as a salesman at the department store Vinnie worked at, befriending him in an attempt to gain incriminating evidence of his past Mafia life.

  Enough evidence was obtained, and MI-5 was given clearance to issue an arrest and bring Vincent Rossi in for interrogation. The plan was to do it quietly, discreetly, in the dead of night, before Vincent had a chance to flee again. It was a night Nick would never forget.


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