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Doctor Steamy

Page 22

by Kristen Kelly

  A wave of relief passed over me. “Your sister. All right then.” I reached inside my jacket pocket, taking out my wallet. “How much does she need?” I took out several hundreds and held them out to her.

  The way her eyes flew wide, you would think I’d handed her poison.

  “What? No! Patrick... Holy shit. Did you rob a bank or something? I’m...” Her whole face went rigid. “I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am, but I don’t take bribes. I didn’t think you did either.” She stood up, eyes blazing and pushed in her chair so roughly, her empty wine glass tipped over.

  “No, wait,” I cried, trying and failing to grab her arm so I could explain. “You’re jumping to conclusions.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yeah. I’m not taking bribes, Delila. I’m...”

  “Then why all this? It doesn’t make sense, Patrick and I’m not stupid. I doubt with the cost of living here in Boston, you’d be living this high on the hog on a policeman’s salary.”

  I didn’t want to reveal my real finances to her either. People treated one differently when they knew you were filthy rich. It embarrassed me a little too. “It’s not what you think. I promise you. Please. Please sit and let me explain.”

  She bit her lip, shifting from one foot to the other, let out a strangled breath and then sat back down. “This is against my better judgment, Patrick. Okay. Tell me. Tell me what investments you have or better yet, just tell me the truth. That you’re in the mafia or something so I can just break this off right now.”

  “I’m not in the mafia. I just have... some money from my grandfather. That’s all. Just a little more than some people.”

  “Oh.” Her body slackened. “I guess that’s plausible.”

  I took her hand again, this time curving it around my forearm, afraid she would try to run off if I didn’t. “Now why don’t you tell me about your sister.”



  The next morning, I did something I don’t ever remember doing in my life and would probably regret when I went back to work. I called in sick to the Cheesecake Factory for my next shift that started at noon. I still needed the money, but after talking with Patrick, he put me in touch with a lawyer that was just waiting to take on a case like my sister’s and he was going to do it pro bono. Patrick was pretty certain it would go in Susan’s favor. I was so relieved and grateful, I couldn’t stop thanking him the entire night.

  I sat up on my arms, elated and feeling satisfied when he approached the king-sized bed with a cup of coffee. “You got up without me,” I observed. “And you’re in uniform. Does this mean you have to work today?”

  “I do, but not for...” He glanced down at his watch, which was gold I noticed for the first time. Probably only gold tone I told myself. “Two hours yet,” he finished. “I can run down and get us some breakfast danishes or maybe... ice cream?”

  I licked my lips, hoping he would catch on to what I really intended for him to give me for breakfast.

  “You have other things on your mind,” Patrick said.

  I crawled to the end of the bed, losing the blanket along the way until all I had on was my panties. “Uh huh.”

  “Should I ask you what that is, my hot, sexy lass?”

  I knelt along the bed, pulling his waist forward so I could wrap my arms around him. I found myself intoxicated, his scent so overpowering I started to tremble. I jingled the handcuffs on his belt loop next. “Can we play?”

  He glanced down. “You mean with the cuffs?”

  “Is it allowed?”

  “You think anyone is going to stop me?” A sexy grin stretched across his lips as I began unzipping his pants.

  Still kneeling, I slid my hands along his backside, capturing his buttocks. “Why do you get dressed so early?” I asked, unbuttoning his crisply starched shirt next. Once exposed, I nuzzled at his chest, the grayish hairs tickling my nose.

  Patrick laughed. “Are you smelling me?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Well two can play that game.” Before I knew what was happening, he scooped me into his arms, kissed me madly on the lips, and threw me on the bed.


  He quickly took off the uniform, all the while shooting in my direction the most wicked of grins. The kind of grin a beast has right before he corners his unsuspecting prey. Only, I wasn’t that innocent. Not anymore.

  He took the cuffs off his belt loop, swinging them from a finger, dangled before my face.

  “You sure you want to do this?”

  Biting my lip, I nodded. I’d never wanted any man so much in my life. Sure, it was physical, but I wanted to believe there was something else. Like an invisible string connecting us. Maybe it was simply primal. A survival of the species sort of thing. I didn’t know what it was, but I was eager to find out.


  “Arms in front,” Patrick said pulling me up straighter on the bed. With a soft click, he snapped both handcuffs on my wrists. “Now raise your arms and bring your elbows out like so.” As he demonstrated I brought my arms down in front, pushing my breasts out further. “Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. “Now stay that way.”

  Cupping both breasts, he lapped hungrily at my nipples and I thought I would go insane with desire to have him inside me.

  I wanted to touch him.

  I wanted to feel his erection.

  The fact that I couldn’t do any of that, made me want him that much more.

  Then his hands slipped through my hair, causing tiny zings of pleasure to sizzle through my scalp as my mouth sought out his.



  Our tongues melding into one.

  Several times I thought I would fall over, but Patrick caught me. It was a little awkward kneeling that way—the bed kept moving—but the kiss was so delicious—the minor discomfort worth it. Especially when his fingers started to do what they did best. “Patrick...Oh God.”

  “Not God. Me, Delila. No one touches you but me from now on.” He hesitated, staring into my eyes.


  “I’m your Samson and you are my queen.” He resumed his ministrations between my legs and I started to keen.

  “Patrick... Oh.”

  “That’s it, baby. Say my name. I want to hear it on that pretty little tongue of yours. Scream as loud as you want.”

  I was breathless, my heart racing and I let out a little sound of disappointment when he suddenly pulled away.

  He put up a finger, indicating he had something more in store for us. “Hold on, baby. I have an idea.” He reached inside a drawer by the bed. When I saw the long silk scarf I was giddy with excitement. I’d heard about blindfolds and how they heightened one’s arousal. Surely, I couldn’t be more aroused than I was at this very moment, though.

  Patrick lowered my arms. “I’ll never tired of looking at you like this,” he said. After suckling each nipple into long stiff peaks, he wrapped the scarf around my head, covering my eyes.

  “What can you see, Delila?”


  “Good.” I felt an arm wrap around me, then gently lower me on my back. He raised my bound arms over my head, resting them behind me. I could feel the headboard beneath my palms.

  I couldn’t see a thing which was a little unsettling. I tried to speak.

  “No talking,” he ordered.

  I couldn’t touch anything except the headboard. I could smell Patrick’s spicy cologne, but it was faint.

  For several minutes, he didn’t talk nor touch me. I was beginning to get a little scared—what was wrong with me—what possessed me to allow a man who obviously had been around and then some, a man I knew next to nothing about—have total control over me? And my body.

  A deep sexy growl splintered the air and then he said, “Dammit, but you’re a gorgeous woman. I think you have me under your spell. I prefer you without these.”

  Then I heard my panties rip in two.

  Tiger. Tiger. Ti
ger. Yes!

  He bent my knees, spread them wide upon the bed. My insides curled with hot anticipation.

  His head dipped between my legs, tickling my inner thighs.

  “Oh God.” It didn’t take me long to start bouncing on the bed. My head swung crazily from side to side.

  I wanted to tell him how wonderful I felt, but I couldn’t make any words come out of my mouth. Hell, I couldn’t even think about anything except praying he didn’t stop.

  The pads of his thumbs pressed my engorged clit and my senses went all haywire. I stuck my tongue out, wanting to taste...




  I wanted to taste him.

  When an orgasm climbed out of my body, my chest heaving with the effort of it. I wrapped my legs around Patrick’s head and screamed.



  The next evening at work was hell, plus I had cramps. The real kind. Worse than any I’d ever had in my life.

  Anything that could go wrong, did. I mixed up three orders. We were down four servers making it literally impossible to serve food in a timely manner, and, I was getting my period.

  After spilling coffee on an elderly gentleman’s pancakes, I apologized profusely, offering free dessert and whatever else he wanted from the menu, before rushing off with my tail between my legs. When I reached the kitchen my stomach was in knots. The last thing I expected to see was one of the waitresses tucked in the corner talking on the phone.

  “Celia, I’m on break,” I barked, much snottier than I’d meant to but really, that girl was always on a break. A smoke one. The rest of us, nonsmokers had to pick up the slack. Today was not the day to piss me off about all that.

  I tore off my apron, threw it at her and said, “Table five needs new pancakes. The full stack.” I gave her a look that said don’t you dare mess with me. Then I rushed off for the little girl’s room, certain I would find blood in my panties.

  It was kind of strange that I was getting my period when I hadn’t had one in such long time. Close to a year if my calculations were right on. One of the perks of having a sister who was a nurse. She suggested I use an IUD, the best contraception on the planet. “Set it and forget it,” she’d told me.

  I closed the door behind me and checked my underwear, finding no blood at all.

  Just as I was going to exit the stall, I doubled over in so much agony, I fell on the floor.

  After that everything went blank.

  THE FIRST PERSON I saw when I woke up was my four-year-old niece, standing at the foot of the bed, her hair in pigtails with bright blue bows, and a dress that had My Little Ponies printed on the front.


  She looked terrified. Aileen didn’t do hospitals. She refused to visit when Susan gave birth to her baby brother, but judging by my sister chasing Peter across the room, she’d not had a choice but to bring Aileen with her.

  “Hi ya kiddo,” I said, trying to sound chipper. I actually felt like I’d been run over by a truck. “I’m okay, honey. Really.”

  Her little face brightened a bit as she hugged her Rainbow Dash Bear tighter. “Mamma...?”

  Susan was at my side within minutes, holding a squirming Peter on her lap. She also looked like hell, as if she’d not slept in a week. “Oh my God, Delly. I’m so glad you’re awake.”

  “What happened? All I remember was going into the bathroom at the restaurant and now I’m here.”

  “The doctors say you have an infection.”

  “An infection?”

  “Yeah. In your pelvis. They say your IUD moved. It perforated your uterus. It’s extremely rare but it does occur and...”

  “Want down,” Peter yelled.

  “Okay, but play with the toys I brought you and leave those flowers alone, do you hear me?”

  Peter dropped from his mother’s lap and took a few Matchbox cars she handed him. He sat on the floor by the bed.

  Susan took a deep breath, staring off into space.

  “There’s something else you’re not telling me, isn’t there?”

  She stared back at me, brow furrowed and nodded.

  “Delly, you were pregnant.”

  “Pregnant! I thought you said IUDs were fool-proof.”

  She shrugged. “I thought so too. Look at me.”

  “Susan, you have three kids.”

  “Yes, but I don’t have four or five, do I?”

  A baby? Then that meant...

  “What happened?”

  “It was an ectopic pregnancy.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “The baby was in the wrong place. It couldn’t survive. Neither of you could have. They had to take one of your fallopian tubes.”


  I was still in shock, half elated at having carried Patrick’s baby and half scared to death.

  “It would have killed you had we not found out in time, Delly.”

  “But I still have one tube, right? I can still have kids.”




  “Okay.” I couldn’t help the tears that threatened to spill, but when I saw the scared look on Aileen, I wiped them away fiercely. “I’m okay, Aileen and soon as I’m better we’ll go to Build-a-Bear. Get Rainbow Dash another outfit, okay?”

  She nodded mutely.

  “Susan, I don’t want anyone else to know about this, okay?

  “Delly, its nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I know, but it’s a little embarrassing.”

  “Are you going to tell...him?”

  “Tell Patrick? I...I don’t know. It’s not like we’re... Actually, I’m not sure what we are, but I don’t want him blaming me for losing his... I just want to forget all this. Is that wrong?”

  “No, of course not.” A sad smile spread across Susan’s face. “That’s perfectly fine besides, you’re young. No sense in dwelling on the past.”

  “Exactly. By the way, did you call that lawyer I told you about?”

  “Not yet. I’m too busy trying to keep my head afloat.”

  “I can see that.” I pulled a lock of hair from her face, giving her an accusatory look.

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve looked better.”

  “You’re still worried.”

  “I am. If I don’t figure this out soon, they’ve threatened to repossess my car. My car, dammit! I’ve already canceled pre-K for Aileen and we’re getting half our groceries at the Food Cupboard. I can probably hold off the bank for three months on the mortgage, but how can I survive without my car?” She burst into tears, attempting to hide her face so the children wouldn’t see.

  “Susan, call the lawyer.”



  Something was off between Delila and me. I’d grown used to her daily calls and I couldn’t for the life of me decide why they’d suddenly stopped. We still met up twice a week at McGuire’s Pub, but lately she’d become distant, like there was something...or someone, between us. The shine in her smile was gone too.

  “You sure you’re okay?” I asked one night.

  “Just tired. I’ve been working hard lately.”

  Working hard was an understatement. She hadn’t had a day off in two full weeks. It was beginning to take its toll. On both of us.

  “Right. I can help you with that you know? You could move in with me and you wouldn’t even have to pay rent.” I pulled her into my arms, resting my chin upon her head.

  She broke away gently, giving me the nastiest of looks. “Patrick, I do not need you to take care of me.” Then, she perched herself on a bar stool.

  “I know that, but...” To me it made perfect sense. I hated where she lived, and she knew that. Her apartment was not in the best part of town. In fact, I’d arrested quite a lot of junkies there in recent weeks.

  “I like my apartment,” she said as if reading my mind.

  Before I realized what I was doing, sh
e was mirroring the look on my face.

  “What? You don’t think it’s as good as your fancy place? I assure you, it has all the amenities necessary for my comfort. I’m perfectly happy there, thank you very much.”

  “I just thought maybe you could focus on your studies more, if you didn’t have such a big burden called rent you could...”

  “What? Let you take care of me?”

  “Not what I meant and you know it.” It would have given me such pleasure to put her over my knee and spank that pretty pout off her face until she saw reason. Then again, she’d probably love that. Stubborn woman. I began massaging her neck instead. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to argue with you.”

  She placed her beer bottle on the bar and turned to look at me, the pretty spark in her eyes dormant. “I’m sorry too. I don’t mean to be snappy. It’s just, I’m pretty independent.”

  “I can see that.”

  “I get a little crazy when a guy gets too possessive.”

  “I wasn’t...” I cleared my throat of the sour taste in my mouth. When had I come off as controlling? That wasn’t me. Not with women especially. “Never mind. Will you at least, let me give you a loan or something?”

  Her brows knit together and her lips thinned.

  Okay, I guess this could be called, controlling. But controlling a situation. Not, her!

  “A loan? Are you serious?”

  I threw my hands up, defensive. “Okay. Let’s talk about something else.”

  “Sorry. I’m just under a lot of stress.”

  “I can help with the stress.” I began massaging her shoulders. At first, she stiffened more, but then she relaxed, moaning and cooing while I kneading the tight knots. “Good?”

  “Mmmm, yes.”

  The sweet fragrance that was pure Delila swept through my brain. Add that to the balmy heat radiating from her body and I was a goner. The fact that tonight I was closing up again for Jake, and... I recalled the first time I’d tasted this forbidden fruit.

  No. It wouldn’t be right.

  I needed to treat Delila the way she deserved. The fact that I’d stolen her virginity in the back room of McGuire’s Pub wasn’t just wrong. It was unacceptable. Suddenly, I saw how I must be treating her. Was I really that insensitive? Maybe she’d been going over that night in her head with disgust. I didn’t think so and she hadn’t said so herself but, what else could it be?


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