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by Shae York

  One of them looked me over with a look of confusion. I could relate since that was all I felt. No, that wasn’t true. I also felt completely out of place. My dark denim jeans, a rock concert T-shirt, and my Chucks didn’t exactly scream “fluffer.” Shit, this was a mistake of epic proportions.

  “Molly?” My thundering pulse practically drowned out Trent’s voice.

  God, he was gorgeous with his short dark perfectly styled hair and not to mention, those brilliant green eyes that looked more pronounced than normal as he stared at me. He looked so relaxed and laid back in his basketball shorts and a T-shirt. Meanwhile, I was already throbbing with need at the sight of him, and I was still in the parking lot. How the hell was I going to handle what would soon happen inside that studio?

  “I can’t do this.”

  He lunged toward me and gripped my arm. “Just come in and see the set. You’ll see it’s all just pretend. Please, the director already told me today was my last shot. The crew has other obligations. If I can’t perform, then I’ll be in breach of contract. I know you don’t owe me anything, but if you could please do this for me, I’ll owe you.”

  The turmoil in his eyes would have a nun agreeing. “Fine, but do I need to watch? I mean, once you’re... you know, why do I need to be there?”

  “You don’t. If it’s too much to handle, feel free to look away at any time once Raven and I start having sex. You can walk around after the first scene, but don’t leave the set because we have two scenes to shoot today.”

  “Okay, fine,” I conceded just wanting to get it over with. A few hours of my life, and then I could put this behind me.

  “Really?” he asked, surprised.

  “Don’t make me reconsider.” If I could’ve dragged my ass any slower, I’d be moving backward.

  A devious smirk spread as Trent took my hand in his and let me toward the building. “By the way, you’re my girlfriend.” His body jolted when I stopped moving.

  “What? Why?”

  “It’s the only way to get you on set without having the proper clearance.”

  The space resembled what I imagined a sitcom studio would look like. Really, it was just one big warehouse holding different sets that ranged from a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and even a mock bathroom.

  Who knew so much went into making a porno? I wouldn’t go as far as saying I was impressed with the operation, more so surprised by the professionalism displayed so far. I wasn’t sure what I expected. Yes, you could hear the moans and groans filtering through the air. And yes, there were plenty of scantily dressed men and women milling around either waiting to be filmed or having just been filmed. But for the most part, except for the sex happening it felt like we could be at any big-budget Hollywood studio making a movie.

  The deeper we walked into the monstrous space, the more activity there seemed to be. Trent pointed to the “Quiet on Set” sign flashing on the wall before we paused in front of a classroom set up complete with a naughty teacher slowly removing her clothes before a dozen or so college-aged male students all eagerly watching. On the chalkboard were the words, Sex Education 101. The teacher asked for one volunteer, prompting every one of their arms to shoot up in the air, only for her to end up picking three of them.

  While my eyes were transfixed on the hot scene that unfolded a few feet away, I could feel Trent’s eyes on me. Because of it, every cell below my belly button tingled traitorously.

  Just as the guys began removing the teacher’s clothing, Trent resumed walking, and I tried not to harp on the disappointment I felt over not watching the rest of that scene. He led us down a long narrow hallway, his fingers tightening around mine when a muscular handsome man approached from the opposite direction.

  His gaze cut to my face. “On second thought, don’t wander on your own. Just stay close to me, and you’ll be fine,” he said, squeezing my hand before turning toward the man. “Jett.”

  “Trent,” the Adonis responded with a nod. “And who’s this pretty little thing,” he added, leering over my body like I was going to be his lunch.

  “This is Molly, my girlfriend.”

  Jett’s one eyebrow lifted in a sinister expression. “Girlfriend? Since when? Weren’t you just fucking Suzi a few days ago?”

  “I have to be on set,” Trent responded, ignoring his question. He dragged me away from Jett calling over his shoulder, “Break a leg...” And then much lower where only I could hear him, he mumbled, “You prick.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Jett Stream.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his ridiculous name. “Jett Stream?”

  Trent’s irritation dissipated and a stunning smile spread over his lips. “Welcome to my world.”

  The moment we turned the corner, if I didn’t know better I would’ve thought we were at a romantic campsite. My mouth hung open in awe at how real the setting seemed. The moonlit night, the sound of a babbling brook and crickets chirping in the distance, along with lush greenery and thick tree trunks tricked my logic into believing we were truly outdoors on a warm summer night.

  “Wow. Are the sets always this detailed?”

  “No. The lower budget films stick to the sets we passed on the way in. The higher the budget, the more elaborate the set. Most of this film will be shot at a log cabin in Yosemite, but we don’t secure that location until next week. Some of the scenes will be filmed here, so we don’t waste production time.”

  It all sounded so... Hollywood, for lack of a better word. “So this isn’t just for a porno to be seen on the internet?”

  Trent chuckled with a shake of his head. “No. This is a movie for DVD distribution and premium cable pay channels. It has a plot, a storyline, and it just so happens to show the sex instead of fading to black.”


  Trent greeted the men scattered around the large space never releasing his hold on my hand. No one asked who I was, or offered introductions, including Trent.

  “Is Raven here?”

  “She’s in makeup,” the man adjusting a metal stand holding a microphone said without looking away from his task. “We’re rolling in ten.”

  It was only then Trent finally released my hand. He pulled a chair from the corner, waving his hand at it. “You can sit here for now. I need to get to wardrobe and change.”

  “Okay.” I plopped my ass down. I wasn’t sure if it was adrenaline, horniness, or anxiety that had me feeling winded and antsy. Or why I pushed my thighs together as intense pulsing took hold of my crotch.

  Chapter 5


  Christ, just having her at my workplace had me cocked and ready to go... literally. I couldn’t help but feel she’d be running at any moment. As soon as I changed into my costume which consisted of tight jeans, work boots, and an unbuttoned red and black plaid flannel shirt, I made my way back onto the set.

  Jerry, the director of the film, walked beside me. As soon as his eyes landed on Molly, he turned his gaze toward me. “Is that your fluffer?”

  “Yeah. Her name is Molly.”

  “Hmm... never heard of her or have seen her before. Is she any good?”

  “Good at what?” Molly asked. Her eyes were as wide as plates as we approached her.

  Ignoring his question, I said, “Molly, this is our director, Jerry. Jerry, this is Molly.”

  Jerry cupped his chin and raked his eyes over her from head-to-toe. “Are you a stand-in as well or simply prep?”

  Molly’s cute nose crinkled. “Stand-in? I have no idea what you mean?”

  “What I mean sweetheart is are you here to just get him hard on the sidelines or do you plan on being on your back... under him? If need be.”

  Oh shit. In slow motion, I watched Molly’s mouth gape open in shock. Before she turned to bolt out of the building, I answered for her. “Prep. That’s all she’ll be needed for.”

  “Fine,” Jerry stated a matter-of-factly. “Then let’s get rolling... Raven!” he barked, and Molly jumped a foot in t
he air. “Where the hell is she?”

  Jerry hustled off the set giving me the opportunity to say, “You’re here to do just what I asked you to. Watch me have sex. That’s all I need. Okay?” On her slow nod, I threw her a wink and a reassuring smile.

  The commotion behind us could only mean hotshot Raven entered the room. She hadn’t taken two steps in when her eyes found Molly and a sneer spread over her face. “Who the fuck is she?”

  “She’s with me. No one for you to worry about.”

  A sinister laugh tumbled out of her. “She... is what you need to get it up?”

  If Molly’s jaw remained slack, she was going to get hired on the spot. Rather than respond to my costar, I took Molly’s hands in mine. “Don’t let her get to you.” I leaned forward until my lips brushed the shell of her ear. “She’s just jealous that she couldn’t do it for me. So, relax... and close your mouth.” Molly’s jaw clamped shut on my command, and I shot her another wink.

  “Quiet on the set!” Jerry shouted. “Places, everyone.”

  I watched Molly work down a swallow. “Just stand in my sightline but out of the camera’s shot.”

  Molly glanced around the set. “How will I know where that is? Trent, I’m nervous. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”

  I once again took her hands in mine. “See the black tape markings on the floor?”

  Her eyes glanced down and to the left then right. “Yes.”

  “Stand behind those, and you’ll be fine. The camera is going to be moving, but so will my eyes.” What she didn’t realize was just having her in the room while I fuck another woman would probably be more than enough. Did I want her to watch? Fuck, yeah. And after witnessing her subtle shutter while watching my DVD, there was no doubt in my mind that she wouldn’t be. It took a major effort on my part not to push the envelope and proposition her in a physical way.

  I strode over to my mark, Raven did the same, and a few seconds later Jerry yelled, “Action.”

  For obvious reasons, there wasn’t much dialogue in this scene. This marked the first time our characters would have sex in the film, so our chemistry needed to set the tone for the viewer. If they didn’t believe in our attraction right off the bat, we’d lose them.

  Raven stepped before me, cupped my face, and brought her lips closer to meet mine. My eyes slid shut on contact, but behind them, I could vividly imagine Molly as the one I kissed. With each pass of my tongue over Raven’s, it was Molly’s tongue I felt. My cock swelled without issue... success.

  Raven moaned when I pressed against her hips, her hands traveled over my body removing my shirt, unbuttoning my jeans. And all the while, I envisioned the sexy brunette who stood only a few feet away.

  “Cut!” Jerry yelled. “There’s a shadow on Trent.” Like a choreographed dance, cameramen shifted, the lighting crew repositioned spotlights, and seconds later Jerry called out, “Action!”

  This went on no less than a dozen times during our scene. It took twenty minutes before we were finally naked and horizontal. Thank Christ, I remained hard the entire time. Again, that had never been a problem for me, but for some reason, Raven was kryptonite to my dick. And for some unexplainable reason, having Molly on set luckily repelled Raven’s power.

  The last interruption from Jerry allowed for condom application, as that always killed the momentum of a sex scene on film. “Molly, wrap him up.”

  “I can handle it,” I said to Jerry. Normally, a fluffer would be the one to apply the condom. To be honest, just the thought of Molly’s fingers rolling on that latex shield had my cock throbbing in need of release.

  I quickly glanced at Molly as I rolled it over my length. The look on her face forced me to demand, “Let’s roll, I’m close.”

  “You better get this in one take as scripted, Trent. Or you’re going again whether you want to or not.” Fuck. The script called for a full fifteen minutes of fucking in a total of six positions.

  That meant, if I came too soon, my fluffer would have to get me hard again. I wasn’t sure my attraction to Molly would be enough to get me ready under those circumstances. It was one thing to be hard, but another to be prepped enough to go again minutes later without some form of contact.

  In hindsight, I probably should have warned her that the possibility of actual touching could happen. Then again, if I had she probably wouldn’t have been there to begin with.

  With a bored expression, Raven lay on the sleeping bag, completely naked and spread eagle. My cock pointed straight for her pussy as I knelt between her legs. I was so ready to come, I feared the minute I plunged into her it would be over. I seriously needed to focus by using all my energy to stop the inevitable.

  And then, I made the mistake of glancing at Molly. Her wide-eyed expression didn’t hold fear or even disgust. She was turned on. I could tell by the flush on her cheeks and the way she licked her lips. I could tell by the outline of two pebbled nipples under her thin cotton T-shirt. I could tell by the way her breasts rose and fell with each shaky breath she took.

  “Action!” On Jerry’s call, I slid into Raven, managed a few long deep thrusts, and came seconds later.

  Fuck. What the hell was happening to me?

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Raven asked, with acid dripping on every word.

  “Cut!” Jerry stormed over in a fury. “Goddamnit, Hudson! Your fluffer has ten minutes, or I’m kicking both your asses out.”


  Did he just say I had ten minutes? What the hell have I gotten myself into? On one hand, I’d never been so aroused in my entire life. I could only imagine how I would feel if it were my lips Trent kissed, my hips he gripped as he slid inside me. Yet, my brain wouldn’t stop screaming how wrong the whole thing was.

  Damn Tommy for talking me into this. Damn Trent for asking. I needed to get the hell out of there. As the director continued to bark orders at everyone around him, I glanced toward the door planning to slip out. I could be halfway to the parking lot before they even noticed I was gone.

  Unfortunately, I hesitated long enough for Trent to be beside me in two long strides. “Don’t Molly,” Trent said, gripping my upper arm like he knew my thoughts.

  “You lied. You said all I had to do was sit here.” My eyes shifted down to his large cock as it hung between his legs. “Can you put clothes on?”

  “I can’t. I only have ten minutes before we roll again. Look, I’m sorry. I have no idea what’s happening, but I do know there’s something about you that helps me.” He looked down, and like a magic trick, he had already hardened in a few seconds. “Makeout with me.”

  Even though his command caused a surge of heat to settle in my belly, I twisted from his grip and through clenched teeth whispered, “What? Are you insane?” I wasn’t a prude by any means... no matter what Tommy said. I had my needs, and I liked to consider myself a sexual woman. But I did have my boundaries... ones that had been tested since the moment I officially met Trent Hudson.

  “I’m not asking you to give me a handjob or to even touch me below the waist. Just kiss me. I know that will get me where I need to be.” At my hesitancy, he dipped his head until his lips met my ear. “I’m a really good kisser,” he said before placing a long open-mouthed kiss on my neck sucking the tender spot that sent shivers down my spine. He then brought his face nose-to-nose with mine, waited a pause, and gave me a panty-wetting smile. “Yes?”

  On its own accord, my head bobbed in silent agreement. There was no delay when Trent wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me flush against his naked body, and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss began slow and methodical but became a torrent of heat and passion that stole my breath and weakened my knees.

  One hand molded on my ass, the other gripped my thigh where he hitched my leg around his hip aligning his hardness between my legs. Like a switch that has been flipped, having this sexy as fuck porn star naked against me unleashed my inner slut. The arousal that had been building within me all damn day needed to be relea
sed. I felt it everywhere. And at that moment I wondered if I was needed to touch him in other ways, could I still refuse? Hell, if he needed me to fuck him on that sleeping bag, and begged me to, I may have even agreed to that.

  “Told you so,” he teased against my lips forcing my eyes to fly open.

  Leaving me speechless, he was first to pull away sporting a smug grin, and when he did applause erupted on set. My daze was so heavy, I failed to realize it was us they were clapping for.

  “Damn, kids. You sure she isn’t a professional?” Jerry’s eyes cut to Raven, who stood glaring at us with hands on hips. “Maybe I should have the script rewritten into a threesome love triangle? The viewers would eat that shit up.”

  Reality quickly set in, and I could feel the blood blazing red in my cheeks. Jerry had to be joking because there was no way on God’s green Earth that I would even remotely consider such a thing... right?

  Shit, what the hell was he doing to me?

  When Trent looked down at me, his smug smile quickly turned into a devious one. “Not into a threesome with her...” he whispered with a flick of his head toward Raven. “But if we were anywhere else right now, I would have a hard time stopping myself from fucking you.”

  And I’d have a hard time saying no.

  Chapter 6


  Trent and Raven finished the scene without further issue, and I needed a cold shower. Actually, what I really needed was to get home and masturbate.

  Dressed in only a robe and flip-flops, Trent walked me out to the lot. The silence between us meant we were both caught up in our own thoughts. I had no idea what was on his mind, but I couldn’t stop remembering his lips on mine, his hands on my body, and wondering what it would feel like with his dick inside me.


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