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Ezekiel's Passion

Page 6

by Bailey West

  “That’s on my to-do list.”

  “Cool, sounds like a full day. Let’s get started.”


  BJ and I met Zanetta at her apartment early Saturday morning. I hadn’t been over yet, but she had given me a tour on Facetime.

  The front desk called up to her apartment before giving me access to the elevators. This building is beautiful. We rode up to her floor and found her standing outside her door.

  “Tee-Tee!” BJ yelled as he ran to meet her.

  “Hey! My most favorite person in the whole wide world!”

  They hugged. Zanetta and I hugged as I entered her apartment.

  “Sissy, this is even more beautiful in person. I love this apartment!”

  “Thank you. I love it too. I have space for BJ to come over and spend time with me. We can have our sleepovers like we used to, remember?”

  “Yea, that’s going to be so much fun. Have you given any more thought about staying here permanently? Don’t have me and BJ get used to you being here only for you to leave and abandon us.”

  “Way to lay on the guilt, Sissy. I’ve been thinking about it, but I haven’t decided yet. I really do like it here so far.”

  “Good, then maybe you will stay. How are the church folks treating you in your new position?”

  “Everyone is nice except for Roman’s secretary, Jocelynn.”

  “She did something to you?”

  I was ready to go to that church and let anyone have it that thought they could cross my sister.

  “No, she’s just like a little dog, nippy. You know she does little petty stuff like not speaking to me but will speak to everyone else.”

  “You need to check that witch before I come up there and do it for you. Does she want Roman or something?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think it's that. I think she feels threatened by me. I don’t know. It's not a big deal. I will talk to her about it at some point.”

  “Yeah tell her you have a sister that don’t care nothing about church or church protocol. I will come up there and drag her ass.”

  “Okay, thanks, Rocky. I will let her know,” she laughed.

  “Anyway, let’s get to these stores. I want to take BJ to the park for a little while to wear him out.”

  “Who will be at your apartment tomorrow?”

  Zanetta and I were sitting at the park watching BJ play. We had just left some home stores and furniture stores shopping for decorations for my house and office.

  “Ezekiel, Paxton, and Roman. Zeke and Paxton are Roman’s brothers.”

  “So, I am going to spend my Sunday with a bunch of church boys? Sounds like so much fun.” I exhaled sharply and rolled my eyes. I was being completely sarcastic. I really didn’t gel well with church people. They were usually uptight, judgmental and always could see what you were doing wrong but was blind to all the things they were doing wrong.

  “Yes, church boys but I think you will like them. Be on your best behavior.”

  “Best behavior? I am not a heathen, Nette. I know how to act…most of the time.”

  “I didn’t call you a heathen. Describing you as a heathen would be like calling an anaconda an earthworm. Heathen is way too mild.”

  I yanked her braid.

  “Ouch, stop!” She pushed my shoulder. “I’m serious. No talk about penises, sex, disgusting dental surgeries gone wrong…I know how you do when you are around people you don’t necessarily care for. You have no filter.”

  “Fine, you want me to sit there mute. I will,” I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Zora, if you come to my house tomorrow and act crazy, I am going to pinch you so hard that it’s going to leave a bruise for weeks.”

  “Okay! Dang, your pinches hurt. I won’t start nothing…” She glared at me. “I won’t end nothing either, dang.”

  I would be at Nette’s apartment for dinner because she is one of the best cooks that I know. I wouldn’t deprive myself of the opportunity to eat her food on the strength of avoiding church people. Now the best behavior part…I can’t promise anything. However, after being threatened with one of her pinches, I will try my best. She will surprise you with a pinch that you will never forget. If she’s threatening with pinches, she’s pulling out the big guns which means this is important to her.

  I got BJ up the next morning and got him prepared to go see his Tee Tee and spend the day with the church boys. I am not looking forward to this at all. Best behavior…best behavior. I keep repeating those words to myself.

  I put on my distressed jeans with a black and white striped t-shirt. I wore my long red cardigan over it. I chose to wear my red low top converse so I would be comfortable.

  I arrived at Zanetta’s building and parked in one of the visitor’s parking spaces.

  I grabbed BJ by the hand and entered the building. The man at the front desk informed me that Zanetta had added me to the list so I could go up without being announced. We rode the elevator up to the 12th floor. I rang her doorbell. I could hear her talking to someone on the other side of the door, but I couldn’t make out exactly what was being said. She opened the door.

  “Hey, Sissy.”

  We hugged as BJ, and I entered the apartment.

  “Roman, Paxton and Ezekiel this is my best friend Zora and my little godson, BJ.”

  Roman and Paxton said hello. Each man giving a genuine smile. Ezekiel didn’t say anything, but he nodded. I nodded back.

  “Hi everyone.”

  BJ pried his hand away from mine and walked over to where Ezekiel was sitting.

  “Up,” he lifted his arms in the air indicating he wanted to be picked up.

  Ezekiel looked down at BJ with his arms extended in the air. He didn’t hesitate to pick him up and sit him on his lap.

  BJ speaks in full sentences. Why he chose that one word, I’m not sure. I was shocked at first, but I quickly recovered and said, “I’m sorry.” I reached to get BJ off Ezekiel’s lap, but BJ pushed my hands away. That has never happened.

  “No, he’s fine,” Ezekiel caught me off guard with his golden eyes. They are beautiful.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” he smiled. He is beautiful.

  I looked at BJ again just to be sure. He didn’t even glance over at me.

  “Okay,” I shrugged and followed Zanetta into the kitchen.

  “That was weird, right?” Zanetta asked as soon as we were out of earshot.

  “Yes,” I nodded, “He usually doesn’t take to strangers like that.”

  “I know! He didn’t even speak to me!” Zanetta said with an attitude.

  We laughed.

  I turned around and snuck a peek at each man. “Dayum Sissy, this is your group of friends now? Those men are all delicious!”


  “No for real. Any one of them could get it. Well except Roman cause y’all already booed up. Any way they wanted it. Any time they wanted it. Front, back, side-”

  “Zora!” she whispered interrupting me. “Stop it.”

  “Especially the one holding BJ,” I fanned with my hand.


  “Okay, dang. I’m just saying. Church boy or not, those men in there are fine!”

  “Help me finish up, please.”

  “Come on Sissy! You know I’m on a self-imposed sexual sabbatical. I can’t have a little fun?”

  I hadn’t been kicking it with men since giving birth to BJ. I’d had a little bit here and there, but it was important for me to keep BJ first. I didn’t trust people with him, so I didn’t date.

  “No, not tonight!”

  Nette tried to put on her stern voice, but she knew it was true. Those men in the other room were delicious versions of chocolate. Like a chocolate spectrum. No, like a chocolate rainbow; each one unique but each one delicious in their own way. I wonder if they melt in your mouth or in your hand?

  Roman is the darkest of the three. He is dark like coffee without creamer…which is my favorite way t
o drink coffee-strong and black. All his features are dark except for his eyes. They are the color of worn pennies. I can see why Zanetta is attracted to him.

  Ezekiel’s caramel colored skin is complemented by his dark brown dreadlocks and golden eyes. Paxton is the lightest of the three. He has sand colored skin with auburn hair. I love red heads. He has freckles too.

  “Which one is the oldest?” I asked Zanetta while we were finishing the meal.

  “Roman is the oldest, he and Paxton are the same age. Ezekiel is two years younger than they are.”

  “How are they the same age? Their papa was a rolling stone?”

  She laughed, “No, actually Paxton is their cousin, but they were raised as brothers.”

  “They look like brothers. I wouldn’t have been able to tell that Paxton has different parents.”

  “Ezekiel told me a little of the story back when I was in New York. I believe that Paxton’s father and Bishop are brothers, but Paxton calls Bishop and First Lady; mom and dad.”

  “That’s a black family for you. We can be confused on the titles, but the love is undeniable.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  We both peeked out of the kitchen from time to time to check on BJ. He was content sitting on Ezekiel’s lap and watching the game on TV with the men. I could hear him holding a conversation with them from time to time.

  “Dinner is served,” Zanetta called into the living room.

  All three men got up and came to the table. I didn’t realize how tall they were since they were sitting. Each man was easily over six feet tall. I love a tall man. Since I am five-foot-nine, I am taller than a lot of men once I put my heels on. Not these men. They are giants!

  I tried to take BJ from Ezekiel, but BJ was not going for it. So, he ended up in the seat between Ezekiel and me. I can’t believe he is playing me for a stranger!

  Roman blessed the food, and we all began eating. Once everyone had a little to eat the conversations started. I was pleasantly surprised by the topics during dinner. I figured with them just coming from church they would want to recap the service or ask me what church I attended. That’s how it always went at the dinner table when I was growing up. These men were different. I talked about my new job and the practice. Ezekiel is a musician. He plays the drums. He talked about his upcoming tour. Paxton added to the conversation here and there. He is more of an observer and not a talker. That’s cool. He did mention that he is an accountant. Roman talked about EZ Blue Sounds, the new recording studio he and Ezekiel built. Nette talked about her ministry at the church. We had great conversation. I quickly forgot that they were church boys. They were completely down to earth and very relatable. They weren’t preachy and judgmental, and I appreciated that.

  We all cleaned up and then watched the last of the football games that were on and caught some of the highlights.

  “Zora, you’re not a Cowgirls fan like Zanetta are you?” Ezekiel asked me while still holding BJ.

  “Cowgirls! I bet she gets indignant when you call them that, doesn’t she?”

  He laughed.

  “She does. I’ve pretty much mastered the ability to push her buttons.”

  We both laughed.

  “To answer your question, no, I’m a Giants fan through and through. Aren’t you?”

  “I’m an Eagles fan.”

  “An Eagles fan! What in the entire world? How in the heck did that happen?”

  “I like the Giants and the Jets too, but the Eagles are my team. I became an Eagles fan because I followed Donovan McNabb’s career since he played for Syracuse. When he was drafted to the team, I followed him there, and I haven’t left.”

  “I’m going to give you a pass because he was a great quarterback and he is black. Outside of that…you trippin’!”

  “I’m a Knicks fan. Does that help?”

  “It would help if the Knicks had won anything in the last decade. But since they haven’t…”

  We laughed.

  He laughed and showcased his beautiful white teeth. They were straight and cavity free from what I could assess. His gums were healthy too. That means he’s a flosser. That’s one of the downfalls of working in the dental profession. The first things I notice about people are their teeth. In just a quick glance I can tell if they brush and floss regularly. Nasty mouths are a turn-off. I checked out all three men’s teeth. They have very pretty teeth and healthy pink gums.

  Eventually, BJ fell asleep on Ezekiel’s lap. I was able to get him away from Ezekiel and lay him down in the guest room.

  I came back out and sat on the couch next to Ezekiel.

  “I’m sorry he was so clingy with you. He’s usually not like that,” I explained.

  “It’s no problem. He’s a cool Lil dude. He said he likes the drums. I could show him some of my drum sets one day if his father wouldn’t mind.”

  “His father is long gone.”

  “Well, your significant other.”

  “BJ is my significant other.”

  I felt like he was fishing for information. I wasn’t just going to give it away that easily. Besides, Sissy asked me to be on my best behavior, and so far, I was doing a great job.

  I turned around to say something to Zanetta, but she and Roman were in the kitchen together. That man is so into her. I love the way that he looks at her. It’s a look of adoration mixed with curiosity. He likes her but tries to figure her out at the same time. She deserves someone that looks at her that way. I turned back around to give them some privacy.

  “How long have you known Zanetta?” Ezekiel questioned.

  “I met her when we were in elementary school. During our first conversation, I forced her to be my best friend. She can’t get away from me. We went to the same college, and now we are living in the same state again.”

  “You went to college in New York?”

  “Yes, we both attended Columbia.”

  “Did you ever come to church with her? I’m sure I would have remembered you.”

  “Hell, no. I’m allergic to church. I break out in hives and everything.”

  We laughed.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yep. I keep Calamine lotion stocked just in case someone mentions it to me. I’m itching now,” I scratched my arm for dramatic effect.

  “Calamine lotion! That thick pink crap that was like putting Pepto-Bismol on your skin? You couldn’t just wipe it off, you needed soap and water. You’re not old enough to remember calamine lotion.”

  That’s interesting how he switched topics. Most church people that hear that I don’t go to church try to get me saved and back in church. He didn’t even dwell on it.

  “I’m twenty-six and yes I do remember it. My parents kept that crap in the house. My brothers and I always got into poison ivy or something that would make us itch.”

  “I remember Calamine lotion because Blue, Pax and I all had chicken pox at the same time. Blue came home one day from school. I think I was about eight so he was ten. He said, “I think I’m going through puberty because I have a pimple.” We had just watched that film about growing pubic hair and getting acne. You know the one they made us watch in health class.”

  “Yes, I remember,” I laughed.

  “Well, Blue said he was going to pop the pimple. Me being the ever-helpful little brother, I volunteered to assist.”

  I listened to his story while observing his full lips, outlined in a perfectly manicured mustache and goatee. His eyes are so hazel that they take on a golden hue. His locs are braided, and the length of the braid is resting on his back. I nodded as he continued.

  “Paxton and I watched him take a needle and pop that pimple not realizing it was his first chicken pox. By the next morning, he had them everywhere! Paxton and I had them also. We all had to sleep in the same room to ‘contain the outbreak,'” he used his quotation fingers. “The only thing we had on were our underwear, and each of us had our own bottle of calamine lotion. We sat for days itching to death and using that stupid loti

  I laughed so hard at his story.

  “That’s a funny story. I don’t remember having chicken pox.”

  “Maybe you were lucky enough not to get them. That was a hard few days for us!”

  I threw my head back laughing. I stopped laughing and noticed he was smiling and staring at me.

  “How often do people ask you if you’re wearing contacts?” Ezekiel asked.

  “All the time. How often do they ask you?”

  “Not nearly as much as they ask you, I would assume.”

  “How do you know they aren’t contacts?”

  “I peeped your vibe. I know your eyes, your hair and everything else is real.”

  He looked at me from head to toe then back up to my eyes.

  “Oh yeah?”


  I leaned in, “Is that one of your standard pick-up lines?”

  He leaned in too. I could smell his cologne. It wasn’t overpowering. It was pleasant and created a small puddle between my legs. It’s been too long since I’ve had sex if this Lil church boy is making me wet.

  “No, I created a new one just for you,” he winked.

  “Zeke, you ready to go?” Roman was walking out of the kitchen holding Zanetta’s hand.

  Ezekiel looked at me for a minute before he answered, “Yeah, I’m ready.” He stood from his seat, “It was nice meeting you, Doctor Chambers.”

  “It was interesting meeting you, Mr. Bluette.”

  He smiled.

  They collected a sleeping Paxton and left the apartment.

  “Did you see how BJ was with him? I have never seen him act like that. He didn’t even want to be with his Tee Tee. That was weird, huh?” I looked at Zanetta.

  “It was weird.”

  BJ has never reacted to anyone the way he reacted to Ezekiel. He is usually very clingy to me when we are around people that he doesn’t know. I couldn’t get him away from Ezekiel the entire evening. Once he fell asleep and I had a chance to talk to Ezekiel, I could see why BJ didn’t want to leave him. He’s a charmer for sure.

  “What did you think of the church boys?” Nette asked after sitting next to me on the couch.


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