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The Unexpected Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 13

by Paige Cameron

  “No, I wasn’t. My blood is running hot for you and my pussy wants to feel your hard cock inside it.”

  “Soon.” He poured hand cream on the middle of her chest. When he massaged the cool cream into her breasts, she squirmed as his touch transported her into a blissful state. He got her attention again when his teeth grazed across each nipple.

  He continued his exploration of her body and massaged her midriff, her abdomen and around her mound. His fingers rubbed the lotion onto her legs. Her whole body tingled, and a wave of pleasure swept up and over her. She screamed his name.

  Devin spread her legs, tasting her juices on her clit and her lower lips before he surged into her pussy.

  “Darlin’, you are hot, and tight, and so sweet.” He pumped in and out of her pussy as her orgasm shook her body. She screamed out his name and his cock stiffened and pulsated against the walls of her pussy when his orgasm hit him. “Come with me darlin’,” he said, and he moved rapidly a few more times.

  Out of breath with both their hearts beating double-time, Devin lay with Josie on his chest. “Dear sweet Josie, you’ve got my whole heart locked up tight.”

  She gazed at him. “Well, I don’t know. You may have to try a little harder next time before you get the last tiny piece of my heart.”

  He laughed loud and hard. “Baby, you’re going to regret that statement.”

  “Oh, no. I’m anxious to see you meet my challenge.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Their honeymoon week went by too fast. On the plane ride home, Devin leaned close to Josie and whispered, “Did I get that last tiny piece of your heart, darlin’?”

  Josie blushed, and Devin couldn’t resist kissing her sweet mouth. They’d made love numerous times, but they’d also talked for hours. No one knew him as well as she did now. He was surprised how much marriage suited him. The thought had him putting the seat arm between them up and pulling her close.

  Their flight attendant brought the drinks they’d ordered. She smiled. “I remember you two. You were starting your honeymoon.”

  “Yes, it was wonderful,” Josie said.

  “You look very happy. I wish you well.”

  It was early morning and Josie had ordered tomato juice. She sat up out of his arms to drink it. He’d ordered a Bloody Mary. Flying was getting easier, but he didn’t enjoy it.

  They were in first class and had a full breakfast coming. Just then the plane dropped and left Devin’s stomach behind. The pilot came on and announced they were hitting some turbulence.

  “Don’t worry,” Josie said. “It can’t be nearly as bad as the trip to Cheyenne.”

  “Don’t remind me. We still have that one ahead of us.”

  “Here’s the flight attendant with our breakfast. Eat and you’ll feel better.”

  She sat the eggs, sausage, and biscuits in front of him. He gulped and held back the plea to take it away. He refused to look like a coward in front of his lovely wife. But when they got home he had no plans to fly ever again except in an emergency.

  “I’d rather ride the meanest bull in the corral than ride one of these things,” Devin said.

  “It’s because you are in control when you ride the bull. Whatever happens is determined by your skill and the bull’s determination to unseat you. In a plane you have no control.”

  Devin stared at her. “You are exactly right. I do have a need to be in control of my world. I hope I’m not that way with you.”

  “You aren’t, but if you were I’d tell you about it.”

  “I like your spunk. I think you always had spirit. When you were growing up, I’d guess someone encouraged you to hold it in.”

  “Mom and later Alex were often lecturing Lacey and Renee on their behavior. I chose to be the good daughter, but it cost me. Consequently others didn’t see the real me, and for a while I forgot that part of my personality.”

  Devin cuddled her after they ate. “We’re learning more and more about each other and ourselves every day. It’s an adventure.”

  “Do you think we’ll run out of interesting conversation and become one of those couples who don’t talk to each other? They just sit and watch television.”

  “No. If I see it happening to us, I’ll throw out the TV.”

  “I agree wholeheartedly.”

  * * * *

  They arrived in time for Sunday dinner and lots of teasing. Josie found herself blushing constantly until Mrs. Garrison told the family that was enough.

  “Heath, I’m glad you’re here so we can thank you for the use of the cabin. It has fantastic views and the lady who takes care of the place had the refrigerator packed with delicious food. We only went out to eat lunch three times.”

  “We were satisfying our appetite in other ways,” Devin said, and grinned when Josie flushed red again.

  She hit his leg. “Stop or my face may turn a permanent red color.”

  He leaned back and surveyed her face and down her body. “It wouldn’t matter. I’d still love you.”

  “Ah, listen to our lovesick Devin,” Justyn said, and laughed.

  “Watch out, one of you will be next. I’ve put my hex on one of you, and I won’t say which one,” their mother said.

  “Oh, gosh.” Joel pretended to gasp. “We’re all going to fall like bowling pins at a bowling alley.”

  “You’d better believe it, young man,” his mom said, a devious expression on her face.

  When the whole family joined in the laughter, Josie glanced around the table. She’s been so fortunate to be included as part of this group. Her hand slipped into Devin’s. He smiled down at her.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  Josie moved into the stadium with Lacey and Hunter, Cort, Heath and Fletch. The twins had a previous engagement or they’d have been there. Once seated between Lacey and Heath, Josie saw the barrel men. Devin had explained how they entertained the crowd with impromptu dance routines and comical dialogue with the event’s announcers.

  There was a background roar from the many people talking and laughing. If she hadn’t been worried about Devin she’d have enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

  “How many bulls is Devin riding today?” Fletch asked.

  “He told me he had signed up for three rides,” Josie said. Her voice sounded shaky to her.

  Heath put his arm around her. “Don’t worry. Devin’s very good at this.”

  “I know, but I’ll still be glad when it’s over.”

  “Did you ask him to quit?” Heath asked her.

  “At first I did. Later I told him I wanted him to be happy and to continue if he wants to. He says this is his last rodeo.” Josie bit the side of her lip. “It’s up to him. I love him too much to take this away if he really wants it.”

  “That’s where Mom got to, but she doesn’t come see him ride anymore. She said it makes her too nervous.” Heath squeezed her hand. “Here we go. It’s about to start. Devin’s in the first chute this ride.”

  With her heart in her throat, Josie stared at the steel box called a chute. The whistle blew and the bull and man came out quickly. Her hand went to her throat. Devin and the bull were a sight to see. With every buck Josie was certain Devin would fly through the air, but he held on until the eight-second time was up. The bullfighter distracted the bull while Devin ran for cover.

  She took a deep breath and sat back. Heath chuckled beside her. “Only two more rides. But I expect you’ll be as tired as Devin when this is over.”

  “Probably, it was the longest eight seconds of my life. He does look wonderful out there. Still, I can’t forget the fact he’s the man I love and want to live with for at least the next fifty years.”

  “You’re shaking. I’ll go get you a cup of coffee.”

  “Make it sweet iced tea, if you don’t mind.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back.”

  “He really looks sexy on that bull,” Lacey whispered to Josie.

  “I heard that, and I’d look s
exy on a bull, too. If I was crazy enough to get on one,” Hunter said in a jest.

  Lacey kissed him. “I agree, honey. You’d be even sexier looking because I love you.”

  “Good, butter me up. You almost wounded my male ego for a second.”

  “Well it’s big enough to take a few small blows,” Lacey said.

  They had Josie laughing. “Thanks, I needed a good laugh before the next event.”

  The barrelmen were busy entertaining the crowd and others had gone to the concession stands. Heath got back just as they prepared for the next ride.

  “He’s number five this time,” Heath said. He handed her and Lacey tea and coffee for Cort, Fletch, and him.

  This time Josie watched the others ride. The first ride she was so relieved Devin was through she hadn’t paid much attention to the others. Three of the four before him stayed on.

  “They’re all very good,” Josie said to Heath.

  “Yes, it’s a close competition.”

  When chute five opened Josie held her breath. Devin made it look easy as he rode this bull until after the eight second time. Her heart pounded, and she realized she’d been holding her breath the whole time until he strode fast to safety.

  “One more to go,” she said to Heath.

  “The women are going to show us some trick riding on horses before the final round. Then after the last round they’ll check the scores, and we’ll see who wins,” Heath explained.

  Josie realized she was enjoying herself, but knew she’d never relax when Devin was riding. He was skilled and had won many times. Yet, it took only one mistake and he might be injured badly.

  I will not let him know I’m so concerned. It has to be his decision. I hope he meant it when he said this was his last rodeo.

  On the last race Devin was the number six, the last one to ride. “He’s riding Devil’s Mate,” Cort said.

  “Yeah, but he’s done well on him before,” Fletch added.

  “If he lasts eight seconds on that bull he’ll be the champion. He’s the meanest bull in this territory,” Hunter added.

  “Guys,” Heath snapped and nodded at Josie. She’d gone white.

  “We’re sorry,” Hunter said. “We forgot you might still be frightened.”

  “No, I’m fine, really. I have to get used to all of this.”

  When the chute opened, Josie leaned forward. It was obvious the man and beast were well-matched. The bull tried very hard to unseat Devin, but Devin was as determined to stay on his back. Time stood still as the crowd roared and the rider kept a tight grip on the rope. When the buzzer sounded, Josie jumped and then sank into her seat.

  Devin’s brothers were shouting and clapping and all the audience were on their feet. Heath pulled Josie up with him. “Wave, he’s looking this way.”

  Josie smiled and shook her arm vigorously. “Thanks,” she said to Heath. “I was wiped out after watching him with that particular bull.”

  “You did well. He’s grinning.”

  * * * *

  Later that night after a celebration dinner and much teasing and good cheer, they’d come home. “Do you feel like lying on the rug by the fireplace?” Devin asked. “I’ll start a small fire if you do.”

  “I’d like that very much. I’ll hurry to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Then while you bathe, I’ll make us some hot chocolate.”

  “Why not bathe together?” Devin asked.

  “We’d never end up in front of the fire.”

  “You’re probably right. Run on and when you’re finished and go to the kitchen I’ll shower.”

  Josie hurried with her bath and put on a sexy blue gown and negligee. She’d found it in a little shop in town. A spritz of perfume and she waved at Devin on the way to the kitchen. He had a small fire crackling in the fireplace.

  She heated the milk and got out the chocolate and marshmallows. Devin had surprised her when he didn’t ask why they were having hot chocolate instead of wine. But she’d gotten the report yesterday from the gynecologist she saw when Devin was at work. She was pregnant. Joy vibrated within her.

  It had been difficult to not tell Devin last night, but she didn’t want his mind off of the rides today. Tonight, she’d surprise him.

  When she had their drinks made, she went into the family room. Devin sat in front of the fire in his pajama bottoms. The light from the flames cast a glow over his tanned arms and chest.

  “This is my special drink,” Josie said as she handed Devin his cup.

  “I like all the small marshmallows in it. I’m surprised you didn’t suggest wine. Did you think I’d already had enough alcohol?”

  “No. I noticed you drank very little all evening,” Josie said.

  “You drank iced tea.”

  “So we were both watching each other.” Josie sat beside him and they sipped on their hot drink.

  “Do you like the music I put on?” Devin nodded to the speakers where a soft ballad played.

  “It’s a perfect ending to a lovely day, or almost perfect day. I can think of only one thing that would make it a fabulous day.” Josie sat her drink aside and faced Devin. Her hand caressed the side of his face.

  Devin kissed the inside of her hand. “Is it for me to tell you this was my last hurrah? I’ve quit the circuit.”

  “You didn’t have to do that. I understand how exciting it must be for you.”

  “Being with you is more exciting. I don’t need to prove myself anymore.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “I told you I’d decided weeks ago.”

  “But I thought today might have changed your mind.”

  “No, actually it was a relief.”

  “Well, maybe this will make up for your sacrifice.”

  “I keep telling you it wasn’t a big deal. I think I was looking for a good excuse to get out of it.”

  “Besides our marriage, you have another excuse. Why do you think I avoided alcohol today?”

  Devin looked into her eyes. “Are we pregnant?” Joy shone on his face.

  “I am pregnant, and you will be a daddy in about seven and a half months.”

  Devin gathered her close. “Our baby, our family, I’m so happy, and,” he added, “Mom will be ecstatic.”

  He laid her gently on the floor by the fire. “This is a lovely gown and negligee, but it has to go.” Devin carefully pulled it over her head. Then he gazed at her body and leaned over to softly kiss her abdomen.

  Josie saw the wonderment in his eyes when he smiled at her. Almost reverently, he kissed her mouth, her shoulder, and her breasts.

  “They look fuller,” he mumbled against her skin.

  “I’m not going to break,” Josie told him. “Make love to me.”

  “I am, darlin’. But tonight I teach you about taking our time.” His lips kissed all over her front side and then she lay on her stomach and he traced her spine with his kisses.

  Her body soared with delight and joy. It was as though they’d reached a higher peak, and when he turned her and slowly slipped inside her pussy, she sighed with pleasure.

  His hard cock moved in and out and ripples of desire raced in her veins. She raised her hips to meet his thrust, and they climbed up and up until their bubble burst into a shower of rapturous delight. Devin held her close and she closed her arms around his neck. Later they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


  Four months later at the doctor’s office, Devin and Josie watched as the tech and doctor studied the sonogram. “Look here.” The doctor pointed to a spot. “I believe you are going to have a girl.”

  Devin beamed. “I wanted a girl first. I’m not sure why, but I did. I can’t wait to hold her in my arms.”

  Josie smiled. She hadn’t cared which as long as the baby was healthy, but Devin had preferred a girl. This had surprised her, but she looked forward to seeing her large husband holding their tiny daughter.

  Later that day, when they were driving to the home place to celebrate Devin�
�s birthday, he asked, “Is it all right if we tell the family tonight that we’re having a girl? Mom’s been so excited that Hunter and Lacey are going to have a boy. She’ll be overjoyed to have a girl and boy grandchild to spoil.”

  Josie chuckled. “I knew you’d never be able to wait two days to tell them at Sunday dinner. Go ahead, it’s your party.”

  Justyn and Joel started teasing when they came in the door. “You two are always late. Haven’t you gotten over the honeymoon stage yet?”

  “Never,” Devin said. “Wait until you’re married, you’ll see.”

  “Ah, I’m not going to let any woman lasso me,” Justyn said.

  “Be careful what you say,” his mom warned. “It may come true.”

  “You’re out of luck now,” Joel laughed. “Mom’s putting her spell on you.”

  “Happy Birthday, Devin,” his mom said, and hugged him. “You look especially happy and lovely tonight,” she said to Josie.

  “That’s because we have two reasons to celebrate,” Devin said, and grinned.

  “He can’t wait a moment to tell you,” Josie said. “He’s like a little kid when it comes to surprises. He can’t keep them.”

  “You said I could tell them.”

  “Well for goodness’ sake, do. You have all our attention.” His mother led them into the center of the room.

  “We’re going to have a baby girl. Mom, you’ll have a boy and a girl to spoil.”

  Mrs. Garrison held her hands to her chest and tears came into her eyes. Her husband walked to her and held her close.

  “Give her a moment,” he said, and smiled. “She’s overcome with joy. Here’s a hanky, darlin’,” Mr. Garrison said.

  She wiped her eyes and looked around at the family. “The next generation of Garrisons will be arriving this year, and we’ll finally have a girl, not that our boy won’t be just as special.” Her face softened when she looked at her daughter-in-laws.


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