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Born of Mist and Legend (Highland Legends Book 3)

Page 28

by Kat Bastion

  But ’twas the forceful beatin’ of his heart against hers—the connection of their hearts that she felt through their magicks—that became her ultimate undoin’.

  All the while, a cascade of pleasurable sensations assaulted her from head to toe, catchin’ her breath, quickenin’ her pulse. Energy from her magick? Discharge from her pent-up arousal? And yet Skorpius gave off a similar frenzied energy. ’Twas as if she’d been a banked fire, he’d been the dried log, and tossed together, they’d not only ignited, they twirled up into snappin’ sparks and sizzled into the night air.

  On each next breath, the fire stoked with anticipation and ignited all over again.

  Soft kisses at first asked, like permission, then firmed till they demanded, took, conquered. Fierce lips molded, pushed, and pulled. Hungry tongues glided, danced, then tangled.

  Gentle tugs at the roots of her hair soon intensified. Till he grabbed a fistful of her locks and pulled, causin’ a delightful burn at her scalp, and angled her head up, exposin’ her neck.

  The heat of his breath fogged over the sensitive skin of her throat.

  Shivers wracked through her body and her breath caught.

  When the weight of his body shifted to her side, a keening whimper escaped her lips. For her entire body throbbed at the loss of him, and the need for connection with him to return.

  “Yes?” he murmured against the column of her throat, then placed a coolin’ kiss upon her overheated skin.

  ’Twas another gentled request.

  “Aye.” She’d no idea to what she’d agreed. All of it. Everra part of her he wanted to take. Everra last thing she needed. “Yours,” she murmured, nerves set afire, thoughts incoherent.

  Yet instead of takin’, Skorpius set a course of slow temptation that stoked her every desire.

  In an unhurried pace, he traced circles over her skin with his fingers, skimmin’ over and down her breasts. Pebbled to firm points, risin’ and fallin’ with her ragged breaths, her nipples ached for his touch. But he dinna indulge. Those teasin’ fingers trailed ever lower. Splayed wide over the plane of her belly. Clutched firm at the curve of her hip.

  Till the heat of his mouth descended upon one strainin’ peak.

  And his firm fingers slid along the throbbin’ cleft between her legs.

  An incredible surge of achin’ pressure flared from that intimate point, then burst forth in great ripplin’ waves of pleasure. A keenin’ cry tumbled from her lips at the unexpected intensity.

  In the second it took to draw her next breath, Skorpius shifted back over her and spread her legs wider with his hips while he stared down into her eyes. Then he plunged deep inside. A sharp pinch of acute pain preceded a new kind of pleasure that washed through her. They’d become entangled—whole, body and soul.

  And her heart swelled with joy from the wonder of it.

  Filled completely by him in everra conceivable way, she curved her hips up, seekin’ more. She wrapped her arms around him, slid her hands up his back, then stroked her fingers under the soft feathers at the connection of his wings.

  A low groan rumbled from his throat as he closed his eyes. He dipped his head down and captured her lips in a searin’ kiss. And then their bodies began to move in a rhythmic dance of lovers. At first, slow and sensual. But soon, harder and heated.

  All the while, they kissed. Long. Deep. Scorchin’ right down into her heart. Burnin’ straight through to her soul.

  Another storm of pleasure whipped up with speed inside her. Body tight with ache and need, she clutched him, wrappin’ her legs around his hips as he thrust deeper, spun her higher.

  Clipped whimpers marked her struggle to survive the pressure.

  Tightened muscles and heavy breaths revealed his.

  Till more intense waves of pleasure broke across her body and washed through her.

  Lips locked with his, she screamed into their passionate kiss. While with an echoin’ roar, he thrust one last time and attained his own release, his great pulses mixin’ with hers.

  And with that simultaneous climax, their magicks sparked and flared within them, then exploded through their sphere and out into the streamin’ lights of the timeline.

  Breaths heavy, bodies slicked with a sheen of sweat, he settled down beside her, but tucked close to her body. The warmth of a black wing covered them both.

  After a time, she let out a sigh of satisfaction.

  They’d come together, become one, what she’d known had been true for them on some level from the verra start. Mayhap why she’d fought him so hard.

  And Skorpius had accomplished his goal of protectin’ them. The power of their lovemakin’ fueled the sphere.

  But not all their magick had been expended, had been cast outward. In truth, she found her deep loch of peaceful power had been replenished. And more. The great depths had expanded into immeasurable darkness. The vast shoreline had widened a hundredfold.

  And in a different place within, a bright new black-gold thread had appeared: tied to her heart on one end, connected to his on the other. The energy of it glittered and sparked. Taut and vibrant.

  “Skorpius,” she murmured. “Do you see?” The tie within.

  Arm banded over her chest, his fingers had been strokin’ along her upper arm. Warm lips pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  But somethin’ soft and light landed on her cheek.

  Another faint pressure settled onto the back of her hand.

  Yes. I see, he replied. Then a radiant warmth burst along their hearts’ bond, sizzlin’ from his heart to hers.

  A third softness alighted onto her thigh.

  Curious at the snow-like phenomenon, she fluttered open her eyes, thinkin’ their upside-down snowfall had shifted over the bed. And had reversed course to descend after all.

  Yet what floated down from above turned out to be a most unexpected sight.

  Chapter 30

  “Skorpius! Look!”

  Brigid startled up, jostling him to tuck back his wing. Then she bolted right off the bed.

  Heart pounding, he launched out after her, then tucked her behind him while he scanned out across the energy slipstream. Then he cast probing magick far beyond their sphere, searching for any threat.

  But no tension rippled back to him. And the dual tethers remained docile as well.

  Pulse calming, he exhaled in relief as she entwined her hand with his.

  When he glanced down, he realized she was staring up at the yew tree.

  Tiny creamy pink petals fluttered down from above. Flat dark-green needles emerged along the smaller branches. And little red flowerlike bulbs took shape amid the thickening needles.

  “Och! The yew’s bloomin’. Like we’ve given it a new springtime.” Brigid released his hand, then walked up to the tree to place a hand against its gnarled trunk. She stared high up into its canopy, then dematerialized and reappeared thirty feet up on a flat section of a wide bough.

  Basking in her childlike wonder of the development, Skorpius flashed onto the same branch, only a few feet farther out; he wanted to give her plenty of space to explore.

  As a precaution, he scanned even farther out for their enemy. But still no danger registered.

  So he perched down on a soft furred section of weathered bark, draped his wings back, then dangled his legs off either side. “Maybe we did give it spring. Our discharge fed the tree pure energy before flaring out into the slipstream.”

  The tiny flowers continued to float down, many adorning her hair. And those soft copper ringlets had gone wild from their sex play. Only a few coiled down toward the delectable curves of her breasts. The rest sprang outward in every direction.

  A beautiful pink flush warmed her ivory skin.

  Brightness sparked in her silvery eyes.

  And a golden luminosity exuded from her, magick sparking.

  In all the worlds, over countless millennia of existence, he’d never seen anything lovelier. “You are”—he swallowed hard—“beautiful.” Energy pun
ctuated his meaning, because mere words were inadequate.

  Her blush intensified with a radiant smile. “As are you, angel mine.”

  Unashamed of her nudity, she stalked along the branch toward him. A true goddess of nature, at home in her element.

  “What say you we tup again?” His beloved beauty paused before him. And a shy expression softened her features as she tugged her lower lip in. “Here. Up in the tree.”

  Skorpius flared his wings and held out a hand toward her. “I say: I’m a very lucky male.”

  She gave a slow headshake, taking his hand as she searched his eyes. “Nay. You’re a worthy male. The one for me.” Then her gaze snagged on his growing arousal. “’Tis quite thick and long…and…curved, like a branch.”

  He fought a smile and slid his hands across and down her back, helping to guide her onto his lap. “It would seem you nurture all trees.”

  She placed her hands upon his shoulders, positioned her feet behind his hips, then eased herself down. Halfway there, she crushed her lips against his in a fierce kiss.

  Angling his hips, using her slickness to guide him home, he aligned their bodies together.

  “Only those I wish to”—she gasped, eyes widening as she slid down, her body straining to accommodate him—“climb.”

  Pleasure shot through him as she worked herself downward, taking all he had to give. With a measured exhale, he forced himself not to move. Eyes drifting closed, he touched his forehead to hers. “Climb this tree any time you’d like,” he murmured.

  “So verra hard. So…much…more…” Her breaths shortened into pants with her struggle.

  “It’s the angle.” He kissed her long and deep. “The position.” He pulled his head back a little, opening his eyes. “Is it too much?”

  “Nay.” She shook her head, blowing out a slow breath through pursed lips. “’Tis perfect. I wish to have all of you.” Pressing her hands onto his shoulders, she lifted a little, then lowered further. Once. Twice. Until she’d snugged all the way down. She tipped her head back and let out a long sigh. “’Tis done. I’ve taken the whole of you, crown to root.”

  “Oh, we’re not even close to done, goddess.” He gripped her hips, tilted his pelvis, then thrust up.

  Surprised joy brightened her eyes as she gasped. “Oh.”

  So he tightened his hold of her hips and repeated the movement. Clutching his shoulders, she curved her hips, rocking them together in the duplicated motion.

  And with their renewed sexual excitement, more energy than ever before—far exceeding their consummation on the bed—discharged through their sphere and beyond, propelled them with greater velocity.

  Within seconds, a new branch of the tree developed above them. Brigid reached up to grasp the botanical handhold as it thickened and twisted within reach. Had the goddess manifested the aid? Or had the yew provided? Maybe a little of both. The two created a circle of harmony, the tree supporting Brigid to enable her excited energy-discharge to continue.

  Up in the tree, hidden from the worlds in their own secret bubble, his goddess rode him. Hard.

  And for their second union, Skorpius simply held on, still giving her every angle and thrust he knew she needed while letting her set the pace to take her pleasure.

  Soon her pace quickened.

  Faint gasps and low moans that came from her grew deeper, louder.

  The incredible tightness wrapped around him became slicker and hotter.

  His entire world became filled with her: beautiful body, bright soul, generous heart, golden energy.

  Then Skorpius’s world focused further down into heightened sensation and primal need.





  The ragged breaths and low groans? Were torn from him.

  Skorpius closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and held his body as rigid and immobile as possible. But no amount of his restraint held up against the powerful onslaught of her passion.

  “Surrender,” she urged in low murmur, warm breath fogging over his ear. Then her teeth clamped down on his earlobe.

  And the sharp bite of pain shot through his nerves, igniting a cascade.

  Intense pleasure burst from him, and he growled as the powerful release took hold.

  Brigid stiffened, holding him tight as the first pulses fired free. Then she cried out. A flash of heat flared around him, and her waves of climax joined with his.

  They clung to each other through the ongoing storm of pleasure.

  After blissful seconds, the pulses of their orgasm began to ebb.

  Panting breaths started to slow and deepen.

  Racing hearts stabilized and strengthened.

  After many more seconds dragged forward, once the chaos of their bodies calmed into a tempered peacefulness, Brigid eased back. Soft lips pressed to his.

  Skorpius deepened their kiss, overcome by the moment. Astounded by their lovemaking. Astonished by her ferocious innate sexual appetite. Stunned by Brigid in all her extraordinary splendor.

  When he opened his eyes, a sparking silvery gaze held his. Immense happiness shone in their depths. Then she glanced around.

  The creamy pink petals falling from the yew had thickened. The tree had blossomed again.

  And the insatiable and apparently infatigable Brigid pushed up and leapt up from his lap.

  “Och!” With wonder, she held on to an upper branch and stalked farther out on their wide bough as she scanned their fifty-foot sphere. Then she glanced back over her shoulder, gaze landing on him. “The…rush. ’Tis amazin’”

  “Indeed.” Hard to argue. Similar endorphins elevated him.

  “’Twill it always be like this?”

  As amazing as their stolen moments, she meant. Could they hope to have more, she hadn’t said. More time. Some kind of future.

  Skorpius swallowed hard, unable to break the enchanting spell they’d fallen under. He stood and stalked after her.

  But her perceptive gaze held his for a beat. Then her expression sobered and turned to stare out at the streaming lights beyond their protective sphere.

  “We tupped in a tree.”

  “We did.”

  “Do you think we could…fly…within the sphere?”

  Her true question lay rooted in physics.

  They were passengers inside the sphere, as was everything within it. The forces that propelled the sphere propelled its contents at the same speed. From a physics standpoint, they were one unit. For them to “fly” within the sphere, without breaking through its protective barrier, they’d have to disengage, become something separate. And yet, at the same time, they’d need to propel themselves with matching velocity. As if weightless.

  “With magick, anything we want becomes possible.”

  “While tuppin’?” Mischief sparked in her eyes.

  Then she spun, sprinted the last few steps along their branch, and leapt into the air above their bed.

  Skorpius launched right as she went airborne. Gaining speed with a heavy flap of his wings, he caught her by the hips. With a burst of his magick, he disentangled their propulsion from the sphere’s. Then he spread her thighs with his knees and thrust forward, making them one.

  “Oh, yes.” Pleasure speared through him. “I so want.”

  For they weren’t guaranteed an always. But they definitely had their spectacular now.

  Chapter 31

  Before those amazin’ intimate moments—down in the bed, up in the tree, flyin’ with the magick energy stream—all within their private sphere, Brigid had never before known such wild excitement, such incredible pleasure.

  She’d become a woman.

  Nay. More than a woman.

  A goddess. But she failed to imagine becomin’ so without the one male who’d chosen to be with her. In spite of his obligation. Come what may.

  And with the trials to come, which she sensed drew near, if she never had another chance to be with Skorpius again, the wee bi
t of bliss they’d captured for themselves had been worth it.

  Skorpius began to stir beside her.

  One silken wing remained draped across her bare body, warm and comfortin’.

  Yet on his next breath, he gasped, twisted, then bolted up out of bed.

  She remained on the tangled linens and admired his splendid backside.

  Those glorious black wings flared, and he ran a hand through his tousled hair. Ever her protector first, he scanned through the wall of their sphere, pacin’ the perimeter.

  His gaze landed back on her when he returned to the bedside. Concern tightened his features. “I slept.”


  “For how long?”

  She clasped his hand and tugged him back down, cravin’ the heat of his body, his touch. “Three hours, mayhap four.”

  “But—” His brow furrowed, and he stared out at the blur of pure energy streamin’ by again. “How are we still moving at such speed?” Then he narrowed his eyes at her, before examinin’ her from head to toe. “Are you all right? Did you do this?”

  “Aye. We did. And I’m fine.”

  “We?” Puzzlement flickered over his face. “My internal check shows no energy depletion. In fact, I feel energized. But how?”

  “I doona know. I awoke and sensed us slowin’. When our old glade began to appear again, I reached out to the energy stream itself and asked it to provide the fuel we needed.”

  “Asked.” His expression slackened.


  “The energy stream.”

  “Aye.” She placed a hand to his forehead. “Are you well? You’re repeatin’ my words.”

  Muscles stiffenin’, he sat up.

  She sighed, pushed up from their bed, then sat beside him. She nudged her shoulder into his. “What ails you?”

  “That shouldn’t be possible. The energy stream, the timeline, has no awareness. Yet you act like it understood you.”

  “Aye, it did.”


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