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Risking It All

Page 5

by Max Hudson

  Shutting the door to the front room, Harry saw that Drew had stepped into the house, closing the door behind him. Harry considered pushing the man back out and talking on the porch, but they could be seen. If Alex was watching them, he would see the two of them speaking. If he hadn’t seen Drew come in already. He sighed.

  “Come through to the dining room. We can talk there.”

  Harry’s heart was pounding as he headed through to the dining room. Drew was looking around him with interest as he followed Harry into the room.

  “Nice place. You’ve done well for yourself on a cop’s salary.”

  “I worked hard for my money.” Harry swallowed. “And my wife’s life insurance. That helped us out on a lot of things.”

  “I heard she was killed.” Drew paused. “I’m sorry.”

  “Are you?” Harry folded his arms. “You know who I am. And I’m sure you think I’m involved with all of Alex’s activities.”

  “It’s difficult to see otherwise.”

  Harry had to concede that. If he had been in the same position, he would have seen the familial bond with a criminal as an accomplice. If Harry had to be called an accomplice, he would put in that he wasn’t a willing one. He was just as much a victim as everyone else.

  He had experienced that over the years since Alex was able to talk.

  “Is there any reason why you changed your name?” Drew asked. He leaned against the sliding doors, folding his arms. Muscles bunched in his biceps. “Was it because of Alex or because of something else?”

  Harry snorted.

  “Come on, what do you think. When you’re associated with someone like Alex, do you want people to know you’re related?”

  “You were barely out of high school. That’s pretty extreme.”

  “He was a sadistic bastard, even more. Did you ever see his juvenile record?”

  “No. We just knew his adult record.”

  “Hardly a surprise. His juvie record was wiped clean when he turned eighteen.” Harry shuddered. “Alex had three sexual assaults to his name. Fellow classmates in high school. All of them pressed charged, and Alex was charged but never sent to jail. He was just given probation and community orders because of his age.”

  Drew blinked.

  “Are you serious? How could someone be that stupid as to let a sexual predator, no matter his age, wander around after he’s committed several assaults?”

  “Our dad worked in the courts. He pulled a few favors.” Harry grimaced. There were times when he remembered why he hated his father. “They could see no wrong in Alex. He pulled the wool over his eyes. But I knew what he was. And no one believed me.”

  It had been painful to see his parents side with his brother over something like Alex breaking his favorite toy, telling on Harry whenever he was out past curfew due to studying, while Alex could be out all night and if Harry told his parents, they simply scolded him and said not to tell tales. Harry had seen the obvious favoritism. It was no wonder he wanted to have a fresh start once his parents were dead and high school was over and done with.

  “But he didn’t pull the wool over your eyes.”

  “No, he didn’t. He made everyone at school uncomfortable, but he could talk himself out of anything.”

  “Not everyone. Girls reported him for assaulting them.”

  “He wouldn’t take no for an answer. Girls gave him a wide berth. Something was always off about him.” Harry sighed. “People gave me a wide berth as well once they heard the name. They thought we were the same. How I managed to have any friends, I have no idea, because Alex made sure to chase them away.”

  Drew was frowning hard.

  “It’s hard to imagine that a teenager could behave like that.”

  “You never saw Alex as a teenager. You would understand.” Harry began to pace. Talking about Alex always left a nasty taste in his mouth and his stomach knotting. “He made my life hell. One of those he assaulted was my girlfriend at the time. She didn’t speak to me afterwards. Thought I was in on it.” He glanced at Drew. “You must think I’m involved as well.”

  “You think you’re an expert on what I’m thinking now?”

  “I’m a cop, Martindale. I’m not stupid. I can see where you’re going with this. You think I might be another partner for Alex, using my status as a cop to cover up his crimes. Not a chance. I cut ties with Alex the day we graduated high school. At least, I tried to.” Harry swallowed. “And he wouldn’t let me go that easily.”

  “What does that mean?” Drew tilted his head to the side. “What aren’t you telling me, Bryant?”


  Drew watched as he saw a myriad of emotions pass across Harry’s face. He could understand; his secret was out now, and he didn’t know how to go about it.

  He had asked Mitch for an in-depth search on Harry, which Mitch had given to him on the drive over to Harry’s home on the outskirts of the city. Graduated from the University of Houston in their downtown campus in criminology and psychology, Harry had gone straight to the police academy and nailed the exams. It was what he had worked in ever since. He had married his girlfriend a month after graduating at the courthouse, already a father to twins Jamie and Adam. His wife Andrea had finished off her education while Harry worked. Andrea had been killed three years before in a home invasion.

  Right around the time Callow had vanished from the city. Did that have something to do with Callow, or was it just a coincidence? Drew didn’t like coincidences.

  He had gone to Harry, expecting to have a stand-off. That facade Harry had put on couldn’t be real, could it? But instead, Drew found himself wanting to put his arms around Harry as the man started to crumble and comfort him.

  What was wrong with him? He needed to get his head on straight, or Drew was going to end up chucking this entire case down the drain. He couldn’t afford that now.

  Harry let out a heavy sigh and slumped onto a chair at the table. Resting his elbows on the tabletop, he buried his head in his hands.

  “I never wanted to get involved with Alex. I hate him. He knows it. If I could have a choice, I wouldn’t have anything to do with him again.”

  “But you’re clearly having something to do with him.” Drew pointed out. He drew up a chair and sat, keeping himself at the far end of the table. He didn’t trust himself if he got closer, and now was not the time to be thinking about touching the man. “Did you know he was going to be there?”

  “I suspected. He wanted me to leave something in your car while you were distracted.”

  “But there was nothing there.”

  “I know.” Harry lifted his head. “I didn’t leave it. I had decided that I wasn’t going to do it.”

  Alex wanted to leave him something? Drew shuddered to think what it could be. Knowing Alex, it would be a sick taunt that Drew couldn’t keep up with him.

  “Where is that envelope now?”

  “On the hall table with a few extra things.” Harry rubbed his hands over his face. “I was going to drop it in when I went into work. I’m not having it in my possession longer than I have to.”

  Drew needed to look at that envelope. There might be something, anything, that could help close the net around Callow. He peered at Harry, who was looking pale and resigned. This had been a massive burden on his shoulders.

  “Is Rosalie Muleham in on this as well? Was she part of the plan?”

  “Yes.” Harry said bitterly. “I suspect that she was meant to distract you or her guards so whatever Alex wanted me to leave would be placed in the right place without being seen. I don’t know what was going on there, but she’s certainly involved.”

  “I thought there was something strange going on when she started touching herself.” Drew shuddered. “I thought it was because she was stuck in isolation and going mad.”

  Harry gave a wry chuckle.

  “And you weren’t even tempted?”

  “I’m more likely to be distracted if she had been a man.”

  Why had
he said that? Drew kept his sexuality out of his work. Harry arched an eyebrow.

  “You prefer men?”

  “Who wouldn’t?”

  “Fair point.” A smile twitched at Harry’s mouth. “Alex might have succeeded in distracting you if his accomplice was a man.”

  Drew didn’t say anything to that. If Harry certainly was a distraction. He was beginning to say things he would never say to another suspect. Drew needed to watch what he said. Harry might be playing an unwilling accomplice, and Drew wasn’t about to give any further ammunition.

  “I find it hard to believe that a smart woman like Rosalie would find Alex Callow attractive and be willing to follow him.”

  “Sometimes the sweetest of personas end up hiding the deadliest of people.”

  “That’s a deep insight.”

  “Personal experience. I’ve been on the receiving end of his nasty side for years.” Harry said back. “I know Rosalie was in on what happened last night. What they were up to or who the target was, I have no idea. It’s out of character for Alex to do something like that. He doesn’t goad law enforcement.”

  “Have you looked at the envelope?”

  “No, I’m not touching it more than I have to.”

  That was something to take away. Maybe Callow was leaving Drew a message. Seeing as Callow had disappeared for a while, it was a safe bet that Drew was the only one who had seen his face or got close enough to grab him. Callow had to see him as an adversary, either to screw with his head or to get rid of him. Drew was beginning to lean toward the latter. If Callow had been armed, Harry might not have been the target.

  And he would have gone for the head shot.

  “Why does your brother keep contacting you?” Drew sat forward. “And what does he want with you?”

  “Information. Make sure I’m the one in place instead of a cop who would actively chase him if he’s in Houston. Hide him when he needs a few days to lie low. Things like that.” Harry made a face. “With my name change, no one is going to look to me whenever he goes off the radar.”

  Drew stared at him. Harry stared back. Not combative, not proud of it. He was ashamed. The urge to reach out and touch him was growing. Drew pushed it aside.

  “You’re obstructing a federal investigation for a serial killer, Bryant. You do realize that I can arrest you for that?”

  “I know. He’s also forced me to send twenty-percent of my paycheck so he can use money without getting it out of his account.”

  “Why would you even do that? You should have reported this immediately.”

  “I know, and normally I would.”

  “What’s so different about him?” Drew demanded. “That he’s your brother.”

  Harry’s jaw tightened. He looked away.

  “When he first said he needed my help, he was here. In my living room. Told me that I would lose someone very dear to me if I didn’t do as he said. At that point, there were only three people I cared about, and we were all in the same room.”

  “He threatened your family?”

  “Yeah.” Harry closed his eyes. “My children were newborn, and Andrea was recovering from a C-section. I knew Alex wasn’t going to give them a wide berth because of who they were. I’m not sacrificing them.”

  “But you should have said…”

  “Even if I reported it to my captain, there was no guarantee that they would be safe. Alex is very resourceful.” Harry opened his eyes and looked at Drew. He looked like he was about to cry. “I don’t want to risk Jamie and Adam. I’ve lost Andrea, and they’re all I’ve got now.”

  He went about it completely the wrong way. And Harry knew it. But Drew couldn’t see how he would have reacted any differently if he was put in the same position. When someone you loved was being threatened, you did whatever you could to keep them safe. Drew would have laid down his life to protect his ex.

  Then again, considering what his ex-boyfriend had been doing, Drew would have been wasting his time. He ignored that inner thought.

  “We can protect you, Bryant.”

  But Harry was shaking his head.

  “No, you can’t. I don’t trust anyone to protect my kids other than me.”

  “How is that going to work if you’re dead or in jail?”

  At this rate, Drew wouldn’t be surprised if Alex managed to frame Harry for the murders. He had managed to put Marlene in jail; it wouldn’t be too difficult a feat.

  “I can take care of myself.” Harry said with a lift of his chin.

  “And how many times are you going to say that until you believe it?”

  “You think I don’t believe myself?”

  Drew shook his head.

  “No, you don’t. You’re scared, and you feel like you’re backed into a corner.”

  “I was going to come to you about this.”

  “Were you?”

  Harry narrowed his eyes.

  “Yes, I was.”

  He sounded so sure of himself. Drew wanted to believe him. But he could also see Harry withdrawing. He didn’t think anyone could protect him, and his focus was his children.

  “Let me help.”

  “Why?” Harry demanded. “How do I know I’m not going to get arrested at the end?”

  “You don’t. But if you start helping me now, I’m sure I can let everything else slide or be not as harsh.”

  Harry looked skeptical. He sat forward.

  “I’m not sure if I believe you.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you on that. But your best option is to stick with the right side.”

  “Are you the right side?” Harry shot back. “Or are you going to screw me?”

  Screw me. Oh, God. Drew was glad he was sitting down. He was sure his erection would be fairly evident if he was standing. Drew mentally shook himself. He needed to get his mind out of the gutter. It was not helping.


  Drew jumped. One of Harry’s sons had opened the door and was standing by his chair, watching his father as he clutched onto a soft toy. Harry turned from Drew and focused on his kid.

  “What is it, Adam? Can’t this wait?”

  “No, Dad.” Adam shook his head. “When are we having lunch? It’s nearly midday.”

  “Oh, right.” Harry rose to his feet and cast Drew a glance as he reached Adam. “If you don’t mind, Agent Martindale? I’ve got to feed the kids.”

  “Of course.”

  Drew watched Harry shepherd his son into the kitchen. His jeans stretched taut across his backside and around his thighs. The man kept himself in shape. And then Drew saw the gun tucked into his waistband.

  God, if he had come here and Harry had turned on him...Drew didn’t think that would have happened. Not with his children at home. Harry Bryant wasn’t Alex Callow, but Drew had to keep himself aware of the familial bond, even if it was an unwilling bond on one side.

  It took a long moment before his arousal had tampered down enough that Drew could stand without making it obvious that he was walking around with an erection. The sudden and intense attraction toward Harry was unnerving. Drew hadn’t experienced it before. It was like his body was just not listening to the reason why getting involved with the man was not a good idea. It was making it sound like a good idea.

  Swallowing hard, Drew headed into the kitchen. Both boys were sitting at the center counter and Harry was getting bacon, eggs and tomatoes ready beside the hob, on which lay a frying pan. Drew cleared his throat and brought out one of his business cards.

  “Here’s my card.” He placed it on the counter. “If you find out anything at all, you must call me.”

  Harry grunted, not looking at him as he turned on the hob under the frying pan and poured some oil into it. Drew waited a moment, and then he headed toward the door, only to be stopped when Harry spoke.

  “Martindale?” Harry didn’t look up as he cracked eggs into the pan. “There’s an envelope with a folder in the drawer of the hall table. I think you’ll find it interesting.”
br />   The envelope. Drew had almost forgotten about it. He nodded and looked toward the twins, who were watching him nervously. Giving them a friendly smile and a wave, he left the room. The hall table was near the front door, and the envelope was lying on top. The folder was in there as well. Drew took both and had a quick glance through the folder. It looked like a lot of receipts and bank statements. Were they Callow’s?

  Only one way to find out. Drew tucked the folder under his arm and let himself out.

  Chapter Five

  “Can we have another story, Dad?” Jamie asked.

  Harry chuckled as he put the book aside.

  “No, you can’t. You need to sleep. So does Dad.” He yawned loudly. “See? You’ve worn me out.”

  “Fibber!” Jamie declared. “You’re never sleepy!”

  “You want to try it out? Bed.”

  Jamie pouted. Eight years old and he still thought pouting would get him what he wanted.

  “But I want another story!” Jamie whined.

  “How old are you?” Harry picked up the book and dropped it on Jamie’s bed. “Read it yourself.”

  Jamie grumbled, but he picked up the book and rolled onto his belly. The boy was incredibly bright, and he could easily read Lord of the Rings cover to cover without any problems, but he was also lazy. If it could be done by someone else, he wanted it that way. Harry had a massive struggle trying to keep him on the path of doing things himself.

  That was one boy sorted. Harry knelt and checked on Adam on the lower bunk bed. Adam was the most sensitive of the two, quieter and liked to work things out himself. He was also a worrier, which was more like Harry than he cared to admit.

  “You okay, buddy?”

  “Dad?” Adam took his thumb out of his mouth. “Do you think we’re going to get sick?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Harry shuffled closer. “We’re going to be just fine as long as we stay away from everyone.”

  “Except Kate.”

  “Except Kate, that’s right.”

  Adam whimpered.

  “I don’t want to die, Dad.”


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