Book Read Free

Risking It All

Page 9

by Max Hudson

  “I can tell.” Harry cupped Drew’s cock and gave it a squeeze. Drew moaned loudly and his cock twitched in his hand. “Would you submit?”

  “I shouldn’t.” Drew reached out, his trembling hands cupping Harry’s head. His eyes were so dark they were almost black. “To hell with anything right now.”

  “To hell with it.” Harry murmured.

  That first kiss was intense. Harry had only meant it to be a gentle brush of lips before easing in, but Drew had other ideas. He took charge immediately, pulling Harry in close, his tongue diving into Harry’s mouth. Whoa, he was as intense as he was in person. Not that Harry was complaining.

  But he was in charge. In the bedroom, Harry didn’t settle for anything less. He gave Drew’s cock a firm squeeze, which had Drew’s body shuddering and he pulled back with a gasp.

  “If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to last long.”

  “You’d better.” Harry nibbled at Drew’s jaw. “Because I’m not done with you. But there are rules.”

  “More rules?” Drew groaned. Then he gasped as Harry squeezed his cock again. “Fucking hell, Harry!”

  “Just so you’re listening.” Harry drew back to see Drew’s eyes. His pupils were so large that they had practically swallowed the color of his eyes. “When it comes to sex, I’m in charge. No arguments. What I say goes. If you don’t like it, you can leave.”

  “You’re telling me to leave when you’ve got my cock in your hand.” Drew panted. “You seriously think I can walk away from that?”

  “Good enough answer.” Giving him a quick kiss, Harry rose to his feet. “I’m going to get something. What I want you to do is get naked and start stroking yourself. I want you ready when I get back.”

  “Easily done.”

  Drew slid his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers and slid them down his legs, getting kicked away from his feet. Then he was sitting there, watching Harry with a lazy smile as he stroked his cock. Harry couldn’t take his eyes off him. His cock was huge, long and thick. Harry felt his gut clenching at the thought of enjoying that cock in a while.

  “I thought you were going to get something.” Drew smirked. “Or have you changed your mind about being in charge?”


  Harry stumbled toward the door and ran up the stairs, heading into his bedroom. The bottom drawer hadn’t been used in a while, but the bottle of lube was there, along with the box of condoms. A quick check of the date, and the condoms were still in date. Perfect.

  Stripping off the rest of his clothes, Harry made his way back downstairs. Drew hadn’t moved as Harry entered the front room, still stroking his cock. Was his cock looking bigger than before? Drew groaned when his eyes drifted over Harry.


  “I hope that was a compliment.”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Harry grinned. He put the condom packet and the lube on the coffee table and knelt one knee on the couch.

  “Suck my cock.”

  “Yes, Officer.” Drew shifted over, a devilish grin in his eyes. “Do you want to arrest me if I don’t do it right?”

  “Don’t tempt me, Agent.”

  Drew chuckled. Then his tongue slid over Harry’s cock. Harry gasped, watching as Drew curled his hand around the shaft, swirling his tongue around his cock. Harry was getting impatient. This felt good, but he needed more. He was about to thrust his cock into Drew’s mouth when Drew closed his lips around his cock. Harry’s breath caught in his chest as he watched this FBI agent practically on his knees sucking Harry’s cock while he stroked his own. If someone had said the two of them would be having sex merely two days after meeting, Harry would have laughed. He didn’t do fast.

  But with Drew, everything regarding proper etiquette and what was sensible went out the window.

  He was going to cum soon if Drew kept this up. And Harry didn’t want that. Not yet. Gripping onto Drew’s hair, he tugged his head back. Drew went obediently, breathing heavily as he stroked Harry’s cock in time with his own.

  “Enough.” Harry picked up the condom packet. “Get on the couch. Face the back. And don’t move.”

  Drew’s eyebrow arched a little as he moved into position.

  “Bossy bastard, aren’t you?”

  “You’re lucky I’m not into kink.” Harry ripped open the packet with his teeth. “I’d have you gagged by now for talking back.”

  “Oh, really?” Drew leaned forward onto the back of the couch, pushing his backside out. “Maybe I should keep talking. Tempt you into doing it.”

  “Shut up.”

  Harry rolled the condom over his cock. His hands were shaking. Then he reached for the lube, squirting a generous amount onto his hand. He rubbed some over his cock, and then moved behind Drew. He pushed a finger into Drew’s ass, which had Drew tensing. His muscles tightened around Harry’s finger as he moaned.

  “God, that’s good.”

  “You like?”

  “Hell, yes.” Drew shifted a leg, resting his knee on the couch. “Just so you know, hard and fast gets me off.”

  “Good to know.” Harry added another finger, his finger thrusting increasing. “Your ass feels so tight. You want this?”

  “Yes, I do.” Drew was pushing back. “To hell with it.”

  Exactly. To hell with it. Harry withdrew his hand and grasped his cock, tugging at Drew’s hip to keep him still. He pressed the head of his cock against Drew’s ass, which had Drew shuddering. Harry thrust, and sighed loudly as his cock slid easily into Drew’s back passage. God, he was really tight. Harry had to pause a moment before he lost his control. He wanted to get a feel of Drew first before he pounded that ass. Savor this moment.

  But Drew seemed to have other ideas. He was pushing back, making Harry’s cock slide further into his ass.

  “I thought I said hard and fast.” He panted.

  “You’re not the one in charge.” Harry leaned over, his hand closing over Drew’s cock. “I am.”

  He withdrew a little before slamming his hips back. The force sent Drew rocking forward, eliciting a loud moan from him. His cock twitched in Harry’s hand. Harry did it again, building on his thrusting until he was pounding Drew’s ass. He had stopped stroking Drew’s cock, gripping onto the man’s hips. Drew tried to push back, but Harry wouldn’t let him, keeping him still as he fucked him. Drew’s hand moved to his cock, and his moans were getting louder. Harry saw him clutching onto the cushions, a red flush coming up across his body.

  The arousal had built to a very high level. Harry felt it tighten his body, heat threatening to overflow. This felt far too good.

  His orgasm slammed into him, and Harry let out a shout as his cock tightened and twitched, releasing himself into the condom. Moments later, as he was coming down, Drew’s whole body shook. Then he came, his muscles tightening around Harry’s cock so hard that he saw stars. Drew moaned and stiffened a moment, before slumping against the couch. Harry leaned into him, wrapping his arms around Drew’s chest as he eased his cock out. He could feel the man’s heart racing against his cheek. Harry pressed a kiss to his back, licking up a trickle of sweat.


  “Fuck.” Drew’s voice was shaking. He was breathing heavily. “Maybe I shouldn’t have been celibate for so long. That about blew my head off.”

  Harry smiled.

  “Well, you had better find it again. Because I’m going to do it as much as I can.”


  They made love all afternoon, this time moving into the bedroom. Drew liked to consider himself a good lover, but he had nothing on Harry. The man knew exactly what he wanted and he wasn’t afraid to say so. His ex had been on a level with Drew, both liking the other to say what they wanted. Harry didn’t ask. He gave orders. Drew found that more arousing than he expected.

  This shouldn’t have been happening. It was the worst possible time to be sleeping with someone important to a case. But Drew had given up caring once he saw Harry’s shirtless chest. He was ju
st delicious, and Drew had enjoyed exploring that body on Harry’s orders.

  At some point in the early evening, they fell asleep with Harry cuddling Drew’s body from behind. Drew found himself falling asleep quicker than expected. It had been three years since he had slept in the same bed as someone else, and it was like they had been doing it for years. Drew hadn’t thought that would be possible.

  If something happened now, Drew was going to be broken. He hoped this wasn’t just a one-off, that this would happen after today. His insecurities were beginning to come back now, and Drew hated that. Harry was someone he wanted to explore more, and let Harry explore him.

  Hopefully, Harry felt the same or Drew was going to end up in pieces.

  When Drew awoke, he was alone in the bed. For a moment, he lay there wondering if what had happened a few hours before had actually happened, or had it been a wonderful dream. Then he heard Harry’s voice outside the room, speaking quietly but enough that his voice rumbled through the walls. A moment later, Harry stopped talking and he came into the room, still completely naked. Even not erect, his cock was magnificent. Drew couldn’t take his eyes off his lover’s manhood.

  Lover. That felt like a strange title. Drew hadn’t used that for years.

  “I thought you left me.” He teased.

  “Not a chance.” Harry sat on the bed and kissed him. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Was that Alex?”

  Harry sighed.

  “Not initially. I spoke to the boys first. Kate says they’re doing okay but they’re missing me. I promised that we would be back together soon. Then, just as I hung up, Alex called.”

  Drew sat up.

  “What did he say?”

  “He said that we needed to discuss this further so I knew exactly what was expected of me.” Harry looked toward the window. “We’re to meet at midnight in the garden. It was going to be in the house, but I said he wasn’t allowed in and the key wasn’t going to work, so we’re going to be out in the open.”

  Drew could feel his pulse picking up. Finally, they were going to get Callow. The bastard had been slippery for years, and now he was in Drew’s reach.

  “I’m going to call it in. Our backup will be here in less than half an hour.”


  Harry’s response was faint, staring into space. Drew shuffled forward, cupping Harry’s jaw in his hand.

  “Harry? You okay?”

  “I don’t know.” Harry swallowed. “Knowing that I’m going to finally have my brother out of my life for good is like an adrenaline rush. He’s a bad guy and I want him to leave me alone. It’s what he deserves. But I’m also scared that it’s going to go wrong.”

  “It’s not going to go wrong.”

  “Alex is a slippery bugger.” Harry’s eyes flickered down to Drew’s chest. “And you know that he’s not above shooting a federal agent.”

  “Well, he’s not going to do it again.” Drew leaned forward and kissed him. “I won’t let him get away this time. Or hurt you.”

  Harry closed his eyes, resting his forehead against Drew’s. The confident, dominant man in the bedroom was slowly seeping away. Drew wondered when the last time was he had let his guard down completely. The man was open to him. That was rather humbling.

  “What did you mean earlier?”


  “When you said I was trying to seduce you?” Harry eased back, a slight twitch at his mouth. “Did you think I was trying to pull a Rosalie Muleham on you?”

  Drew chuckled.

  “Interesting way to put it.”

  “Well, it needed a name.”

  “Suits it.” Drew moved his hand to Harry’s shoulder, sliding down his arm as he felt the muscles tighten and flex under his touch. “I thought you might have been trying to seduce me as a distraction so Callow could come in and kill me when I had my guard lowered.”

  “With your trousers down, literally.”

  “Pretty much.” Drew grimaced. “You succeeded where Rosalie didn’t. I practically ran out of her house that night.”



  Harry stared. Then he started laughing. Drew scowled.

  “Don’t laugh. It isn’t funny.”

  “I think it is. You’re scared of a woman flirting with you?”

  “It sounds stupid, but when a woman makes a pass at me, I don’t know what to do. I can’t exactly blurt out that I’m gay, as they would go back to my bosses. I haven’t disclosed my sexuality at work, what with some colleagues being very uncomfortable with a gay FBI agent working with them.”

  “This isn’t the 1950s.”

  “They make it feel like that at times.” The FBI weren’t as liberal in their opinions as people thought. “Besides, too many girls accusing me of something I never did because I refused them has scared me into silence.”

  Harry looked stunned.

  “That’s really happened?”


  “Where have you been hanging out? Because I suggest you find a better class of people.”

  “Tell me about it.” Drew sighed. “I’m just saying that when it comes to my own sex, I’m okay. But women...I can do without the hassle.”

  Harry was still looking bewildered. He tilted his head to the side.

  “I can’t see you as unconfident.”

  “I’m only willing to admit it to a very select few.”

  “In that case, I’m flattered.”

  “Anyway, back to your question.” Drew laid his hand over Harry’s, linking their fingers. “I did think you were pulling a ‘Rosalie Muleham’ on me. But only for a brief moment.”

  “You trusted me enough to give in?”

  “I did.” Drew swallowed. “I know this is incredibly fast, Harry - hell, we only met a couple of days ago. We barely know each other, but I always follow my gut when it comes to people.”

  “And what is your gut saying about me?”

  Drew smiled, squeezing Harry’s hand.

  “That I would be a fool to walk away from you now. What do you think?”

  “What do I think?” Harry rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t do fast. And this is faster than I’m comfortable with. But I know when it’s there, you don’t want to let it go.”

  That was something. At least they were on the same page. Drew leaned forward and kissed Harry’s shoulder.

  “How about we slow this down a little once Alex Callow is arrested? Start it properly as a relationship should?”

  “I think I can handle that.” Harry paused. “You think you could get used to being with me knowing who I am?”

  Drew hadn’t forgotten who Harry was. It was always in his mind. But Harry wasn’t Alex Callow. He was a different man. A good man. Aside from their familial connection, Harry shouldn’t be tarnished with the same brush. Drew smiled.

  “I’m willing to give it a go.”

  “Thank God for that.” Harry tugged Drew’s head up and kissed him. “Because if you walked away from me once Alex is arrested, you’re going to have another Callow to deal with.”

  “I don’t walk away from what’s been started.” Drew wrapped his arms around Harry. “So you don’t need to worry about that.”

  “Good.” Harry kissed him again before easing back. “We’ve got two hours before we have to meet. I need a shower.”

  “And I need to call the office.” Drew grinned as he slipped out of bed. “Want someone to scrub your back when I’m done?”

  “If you do that, we won’t be ready on time.” Harry’s eyes drifted over Drew’s body, pausing on his very erect cock. “Especially if you’re standing there like that.”

  “Won’t know until we find out.” Drew tugged Harry close, grasping his cock and stroking, which had Harry groaning. “I’ll call them after we’ve had a shower.”

  “When you said you were confident, I didn’t realize you meant arrogant.”

  Drew grinned.

You like it really.”

  “It’ll take some getting used to.” Harry stepped back, taking Drew’s hand as he tugged toward the en suite bathroom. “Let’s see if I can bring that ego down to size.”

  Chapter Eight

  Their backup arrived thirty minutes before Harry was due to meet Alex at the bottom of their backyard. About ten minutes after Harry and Drew finally stepped out of the shower. The water had long gone cold, but neither wanted to stop. They didn’t seem to be able to keep their hands off each other.

  Harry didn’t want any of it to stop. But they had to come back to reality at some point. And they were so close to finally dealing with Alex. Harry couldn’t wait, even if the anticipation was making him nervous. If this went wrong, then Harry could lose a lot more than his children. He could end up losing Drew.

  Harry could see his new lover getting edgy. Drew had cornered Alex before and had failed to contain him. He had almost died as a result. Harry didn’t want that to happen this time.

  While Drew was briefing the agents, who were going to spread out around the street and in various gardens, ready to close in if and when Alex reacted, Harry went into the kitchen and checked that he was prepared. He cleaned his gun, making sure it was working, and shrugged on a sweater. It was getting cooler outside, and the bulky sweater would make it easier to hide a weapon and the radio at his belt. He was fixing a listening device into his ear when Drew entered the kitchen. Fully dressed, his coat and tie were off and he was wearing an FBI bulletproof vest, which hugged his chest. The agent part of him was back, and he looked ready for a fight.

  “You good to go?” Drew asked as he reached Harry.

  “I think so.” Harry fed the clip into his gun and put a bullet into the chamber. “I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I do know that I’m not letting him get away.”

  Alex was going to talk about things Harry had done, he was sure of it. And it would be relayed to everyone listening in. Harry would have to hold his head up afterwards, knowing that everyone had heard what he had done.

  “Harry.” Harry glanced over. Drew was watching him closely. “Don’t kill him. I know it’s tempting, but we need him alive.”

  “What makes you think I want to kill him?”


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