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Risking It All

Page 11

by Max Hudson

  Drew didn’t stop to question anything. Once Harry was in his dominant mode, he wasn’t one to be swayed. Drew loved it. He hadn’t realized how much he needed a dominant man in the bedroom.

  He hurried upstairs and found the bottle of lube and the box of condoms on the bedside cabinet where Harry had left them. The lube was almost empty, so Drew dug around in the bottom drawer. Thankfully, there was another one. Two, in fact. Drew snatched one of them and the box of condoms before going back downstairs.

  And stopped in the doorway. Harry had stripped down and was sitting naked on his couch stroking his cock. Drew took a moment to take him in. Dear God, the man looked like a God. So sleek and yet so solid. Big all over.

  And all his.

  “Drew.” Harry shook his head. “You’re supposed to be getting naked as well, not staring at me.”


  Drew hadn’t realized that he had been openly staring. Putting the condoms and lube on the coffee table, he tugged off his clothes, tossing them all around the room. His holstered gun was laid on the table, along with his cell phone and pager. Harry glanced at them.

  “Nobody’s going to call you, are they?”

  “I hope not.” Drew knelt between Harry’s splayed thighs and took Harry’s cock. He started stroking it, licking the head. “Because I won’t want this to stop.”

  “Good. Because I won’t let you stop.” Harry’s face had tightened and his hands were clenched into fists on the cushions. “I don’t think I’ll last too long if you do that.”

  “No time for foreplay?”

  “Not right now. I just need you. Now.” Harry swallowed. “Get me ready.”

  Drew didn’t need to ask what he meant. He reached for a condom and ripped it open. Harry whimpered as Drew rolled the condom over him.

  “Have you ever heard of instant attraction?” He asked.

  Drew glanced up at him. Harry’s eyes were fixed on him. He swallowed.

  “I’ve heard of it. I think I’ve been experiencing it the last couple of days.”

  “I didn’t think it was possible.”

  “Are you saying you’re beginning to soften toward me?”

  Harry growled and thrust up into Drew’s hand.

  “A part of me is certainly not softening toward you.”

  Drew chuckled.

  “Fair point.”

  He grabbed the lube and trickled some into his hand, which he rubbed all over the condom. He gave Harry’s cock a firm squeeze before tossing the lube aside.

  “Where do you want me?”

  “Stand up and turn around.” Harry was breathing heavily, but his voice was steady. “Straddle my legs.”

  Drew did as he was told. As if he was going to argue. He turned and stepped over Harry’s thighs. Then Harry’s hands were on his waist, urging him back into his lap.

  “Put yourself on my cock. Now.”

  Drew was panting as he reached between them and grasped Harry’s cock. Harry tugged him into position as Drew placed his cock at his ass. Then Harry was pressing him down. He slid in easily, and Drew almost forgot how to breathe as Harry filled and stretched him. Harry’s hands tightened on his waist.

  “Now bring your feet up and put them on the couch.”

  Drew felt his body reacting of its own accord, bringing his feet up onto the couch. That made Harry slide in deeper, and Drew shuddered. His own orgasm started making its presence known, which seemed to heat up his entire body. He hadn’t even moved yet.

  Then Harry was urging him to move, moving him to bounce on his cock. Drew let him guide him, moaning as Harry’s cock seemed to fill him even more. God, this was heaven. He couldn’t see himself walking away from this. Not when he had a man like Harry Bryant in charge of it all.

  Harry seemed to think he wasn’t moving fast enough, because he tightened his hands on Drew’s waist to stop him, shuffling a little down the cushions. Then he was pounding Drew’s ass, his cock moving so fast that Drew saw stars. The pleasure was intense, and he could feel it curling around the base of his spine at a faster rate than Drew was used to. He could only hold himself up leaning on Harry’s shoulders and hold on. Harry gave him no freedom of movement.

  And he loved it.

  His pleasure exploded as Drew came, making him feel like his head was exploding. Everything went black for a moment before swimming back into view. More pleasure curled up his body, and Drew could feel goosebumps on his skin. Beneath him, Harry was moaning and his body was jerking. His fingers tightened into Drew’s waist as he came, his cock twitching in his release deep inside Drew’s ass. That just made Drew shudder even more.

  He was struggling to keep himself upright. He slumped to the side, and Harry shifted over. His cock slipped from Drew’s ass, and he allowed Drew to lie on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. Harry took off the condom and rolled it into a tissue before dropping it into the trash can by the couch. Then he crawled up over Drew with a smile. Drew returned the smile.


  “Much.” Harry kissed him. “I love that you’re so submissive.”

  “I’m always in charge at work.” Drew wrapped his arms around Harry as he lowered himself onto Drew. “The bedroom I just want to hand it over.”

  “I’ve noticed.” Harry chuckled. “And I’m glad. We can’t have two dominants in the bedroom.”

  “That would be disastrous.” Drew drawled.

  Harry laughed. Drew could get used to this. Cuddled up on the couch and exploring each other at a lazy pace. There was so much he wanted to do. But only if Harry wanted it. Drew wasn’t even sure this was merely a phase for him or it was something else. Attraction was one thing, but would it go beyond their current situation? Drew believed it would, but Harry might not think the same way.

  “You’re thinking too much again.” Harry tapped Drew’s head. “You need to stop doing that.”

  “Sorry.” Drew sighed and stared at the ceiling. “I was just thinking that I wouldn’t mind doing this a bit more often. It’s been a very long time since I’ve done this.”

  “I can tell.” Harry grinned. He kissed him, shifting to lie next to Drew. The couch was wide enough that both of them could lie on it without falling off. “Of course, it’s not something I’m going to do in front of Jamie and Adam. Certainly not naked.”

  “Can’t have them scarred, can we?” Drew smiled. Then he realized what Harry had said. “Wait, what?”

  “I could guess what you were thinking.” Harry stroked Drew’s head. “You thought this would be a passing phase for me. Get the attraction out of my system and then we would go our separate ways once this is over.”

  “I…” Drew looked away. “You shouldn’t look into someone’s head like that.”

  “But that’s what you were thinking, wasn’t it?”

  Drew didn’t respond. Harry sighed, urging Drew’s head back around. He kissed him softly.

  “I know I’ve been on a permanent status of single with a few one-night stands thrown in lately, but I know a relationship when I see one. This is probably the worst timing and not the best circumstances, but I’m determined to make the most of it and see where it goes.” He wrapped an arm around Drew’s waist and tucked him against Harry’s chest. “An attraction like ours isn’t something that’s going to go away with something short-term. I know that much.”

  Drew stared. Was he actually suggesting…?

  “You want something out of this?”

  “Don’t you?”

  “Of course, but like you said, this is bad timing. And we could chalk it up to adrenaline in the moment.”

  Harry shook his head.

  “I don’t think so. I think that there’s something more, and you know it, too.” He paused. “But only if you’re okay with me having my sons as well. I’m not giving them up for anyone, even if I’m halfway in love with them.”

  He was falling for Drew? Drew had to wait a moment to let that sink in. He smiled and kissed him.

  “I can han
dle a couple of children. As long as we get moments like this.”

  “Good.” Harry tangled his legs with Drew’s, sliding his hand down Drew’s hip. “When my heart gets involved, it’s in for the long haul. And it’s yours if you want it.”

  “Want mine in return?” Drew bit back a gasp as Harry brushed his fingers over his cock, which was starting to stiffen again. “Fair swap?”

  Harry was smiling as he wrapped his fingers around Drew’s cock.

  “Sounds like an idea I can get behind.”




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