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AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)

Page 108

by Carmella Jones

  “Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that, Dana. Then that's definitely the problem. You see, dogs are a lot like humans, only they live more in the now, so to speak. What that means is that Spark is grieving.”

  “Oh. Wow. I didn't even think she'd be affected any.”

  “Well, don't beat yourself up over it. Most people would have brought her in as well. The fact is, I'm glad you're a concerned enough doggie parent to do so. Her mood will improve in time, and gradually you'll notice she'll be back to her old self.”

  Alex then pulled closer to Dana and placed her hands on top of the older woman's. She then pointedly said, “I'm sure you'll improve as well.”

  Dana returned Alex's kind smile and said, “In time, I suppose.”

  Alex then removed her hands from the woman's and changed the subject back to Spark. “Take care of her as you would yourself. Or at least I'm hoping you are. Make sure she's still eating and drinking. You may even want to fix her some special treats until her appetite improves, I'd recommend grilled or broiled chicken. Still take her on her daily walks and just be sure she knows she's loved. If you don't see any signs of her improving, by all means bring her back.”

  Alex then gave her a card with her phone number on it. “If you notice any other unexplained symptoms, or vomiting, give me a call. I'll be calling in a couple days just to check on her.”

  “Well, that's very nice. I appreciate that.”

  “I try to keep an eye on my patients. I'll also check to see if you're improving as well.”

  Dana smiled broadly at her joke and took her card. “I appreciate that also.”

  “Well, I have a cockatoo with mommy issues waiting to be seen, so I'll release you and Spark.”

  Dana took Spark's leash and led her out of the vet's office and placed her back in the car. The dog wagged her tail slightly when Alex told her goodbye as they were exiting. Dana started the car and sighed. She couldn't believe she let her emotions get the better of her in the office and showed her vulnerability.

  On the drive home, she couldn't help but think about the kind vet tech who provided her with such comfort. When their hands touched, Dana felt not only younger, she felt lighter, and her stomach shifted with a feeling that could only be described as butterflies. She quickly dismissed the feelings as nerves from her stressful past couple of weeks. When they got home, Spark walked back to her bed and lay down, tired from her excursion. Dana immediately finished packing Steve's items away. Only this time she didn't cry over his shiny, blue gym shorts. She didn't sob while sniffing his t-shirts. She didn't even pause to consider “their” mixed CDs. She just simply acted and packed everything that reminded her of him away. She then addressed the boxes and loaded them in the car to be shipped. Dana then ran herself lavender bubble bath and put on a facial mask. She decided in that moment that Steve would not occupy her thoughts for another moment. She had devoted enough of her time to being sad. She wasn't even angry about him cheating any longer. She mused to herself, while undressing for her bath, that maybe it was really her that got treated at the vet and not Spark.

  Dana pulled Alex's phone number out of her pocket before taking off her jeans, and set it on the sink in her bathroom. She then took off her long-sleeved blouse and bra. She discarded those clothes along with her panties in a small laundry basket she had in the corner of her bathroom. She eased into the tub, stretching out her legs and relaxing her neck against the base of the tub. The steam released the lavender scent and she inhaled and exhaled deeply. The warmth soothed her muscles and she felt their tightness released as well. She thought about all the time that she wasted on Steve. She really thought that every time he said he was working late, that's what he was doing. She couldn't figure out what Steve saw in the women he was seeing on the side. Sure, they were attractive, but Dana had serious doubts about their personalities. She felt she was reasonably attractive. She knew that she was never going to be a runway model, but she also took time to keep up her appearance daily. She plucked her eyebrows and lined her lips, and made sure her hair was never unkempt. What hurt her the most was that Steve never gave any inclination he was unhappy, but looking back on their interactions, he was never particularly affectionate either. There were times when he would kiss her passionately and spontaneously, but most of the time he just seemed to be going through the motions.


  A couple days passed and Spark's attitude did improve some. She began to eat more and enjoyed being spoiled with boiled chicken and rice. Dana improved also. She refocused her energy and redecorated her bedroom, buying new sheets. She even took the time to wash all her pillows and change her curtains. She moved the bed and centered it in the room. She wanted to erase all traces of Steve's existence. After changing her bed linens, she took down all of the photos they had taken together that she had hung above the bed. While she was in the process of removing the last photograph, the phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket, not recognizing the number. She cordially answered, “Hello.”

  “Hi. This is Alex from your vet's office. I just wanted to check and see how you were doing. I mean, I wanted to check and see how Spark is.” Her voice was soft and had a warmth to it that was comforting and friendly. Dana couldn't help but smile at her linguistic misstep and responded, “Oh. Well thanks for calling. I forgot you said you were going to. Spark is doing much better and enjoying getting spoiled.” She cleared her throat and softened her voice some, a blush rising to her cheeks. “I'm doing much better also.”

  “Oh. That's very good to hear. So, she's playing now?”

  “Who? Oh, Spark. Yes, she's doing much better.”

  “So, um, I have to take my dogs out here soon. Do you maybe wanna go for a walk together with me at the park? I'll feel better seeing Spark again too.”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “Give me half an hour or so. I'll meet you by the entrance. Look for a German Shepard. And me, of course.”

  “Okay, sounds good.”

  Dana ended the call and added Alex to her contact list. She liked the vet tech and thought they might be good friends one day. As she slid the phone back in her pocket, she couldn't get the silly grin off of her face. She took Steve's photograph off the wall and slammed it hard on the nightstand, taking great joy in the sound of the cracking glass.


  Alex turned to her German Shepard, Bubbles, and smiled. She was excited to meet Dana outside of her job. She found the older lady quite attractive. “Bubbles, we're going to meet a special lady today, so you need to be on your best behavior.”

  Bubbles sat down obediently and gave a small woof of approval. “I'm glad you agree it's time we moved on and started seeing new people. Come on and you can help me pick out an outfit.” The dog followed her to her large hallway closet. Alex opened it frowned. She didn't have a very large wardrobe to choose from. Most of her selection was scrubs to work in. She also had a few pairs of jeans, some sweats, and multiple hoodies. She also had a variety of sports team jerseys and t-shirts. For their walk, she decided that she would be more causal and opted for a pair of jeans and one of her favorite hockey jerseys. Bubbles grumbled and sighed while lying down in front of the closet. “What? You always grumble when I choose this outfit. Are you not a Blue Devils fan any longer? Well, the color looks good on me.” Bubbles just slunk down and shook her head at the choice while Alex laughed at her reaction.

  Alex went into her bathroom and took off her work scrubs, letting them fall to the tiled floor. She decided since she was going to be walking with Bubbles and exercising, she would forego the shower and simply freshen up. She did so, but took extra care also making sure she didn't smell like dog or cat, applying extra deodorant and also some sweet smelling perfume she kept in her medicine cabinet for special occasions. This was certainly a special occasion. Her heart had thudded hard in her chest when she looked into Dana's kind, sad eyes. She remembered the softness of the woman's skin as their fingers were on top of each other for a few moments during their exc
hange at the office. She couldn't help but be drawn to the woman's lips as she was discussing Spark's issues. She didn't even know her, but she wanted to kiss those lips badly. She didn't know if the lady had any attraction to the same sex or not, but this would be a way for her to get to know Dana at least. If there wasn't any chemistry between them, they could always be friends. Alex had felt some electricity pass between them at the office, though. She only hoped that Dana felt the same way.

  Grabbing Bubbles’ leash, she pocketed her keys and the pair hopped in Alex's red Jeep. It was a short drive to the dog park across town and she smiled at Bubbles hanging her head out the window being carefree. Alex was anything but carefree, though, as she felt the butterflies growing in the pit of her stomach. What if Dana didn't care that much about her? What if she did? She considered the latter of those possibilities as she pulled the Jeep into the park and found a space under a pine tree to park. It had been years since she dated another woman. She had been in a long-term relationship with a woman who claimed she wanted to settle down and have a family. The only problem with that was the woman, Kelli, had lied. She didn't want to settle down, and was having an affair with one of her coworkers. Alex was devastated. She was planning a future while Kelli was planning her next fling. So Alex definitely understood the pain in Dana's break up. She wanted to make her forget anyone else ever existed.


  Arriving at the park, Dana urged Spark out of her car. The dog loved their time at the park and immediately sniffed the air, scenting other canines and the surrounding trees. As they walked toward the entrance she saw Alex standing there with her leash in one hand and the other hand in her pocket. She looked relaxed and comfortable. Dana walked Spark down the hill to where Alex was standing and Spark's tail wagged furiously in recognition. Dana knew that Spark just wanted to see if she could sweet talk Alex out of some more biscuits, but she also thought the interaction with another dog would be good for her condition.

  Dana gave Alex a wave of recognition and saw the younger woman smile broadly as her dog stood patiently by her side. As they approached Alex, the dog sat up and perked her ears up as if on high alert, but didn't show any aggression. Dana surmised that Alex had trained the dog to heel unless there was some type of threat. Alex smiled and gave a small wave back to Dana. She couldn't help but think how radiant Dana looked today. She warmly greeted her as the two dogs sniffed one another cautiously. “Hi. It's so good to see you. How are you doing?”

  “I'm good today. I'm glad you asked me to come on this walk. Spark and I were starting to go a little stir crazy in the apartment.”

  “Well, it looks like she's improved quite a bit.”

  Alex knelt down to pet Spark, while Bubbles remained motionless, even though the leash was slack.

  “It's incredible how well you have her trained.”

  “Oh, yeah, Bubbles is very good on the leash. We have a connection for certain.”

  She gave Dana a knowing glance, thinking to herself that she hoped Dana would pick up on their connection as well.

  They started walking through the park and the conversation mostly revolved around the dogs, and their jobs. As they crossed over a small stream with a tiny wooden bridge spanning it, the dogs stopped for a few moments to sniff and roll around in the grass. Alex turned to Dana and smiled, looking into her deep blue eyes. “I meant to tell you earlier you look good today.”

  “Well, thank you. I don't think so, but I appreciate it. It's been a rough couple of weeks.”

  “I can tell. You seem to be improving though.”

  “Well, after some TLC and burning a few things, I think I'm good now.”

  They both chuckled at Dana's joke and then the conversation turned serious once again. The dogs started walking again and Alex lightly brushed Dana's hand. Dana reddened at the contact and felt a flush rising up in her cheeks. Alex said, “Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to get in your bubble.”

  “That's okay, it's fine.”

  Their leisurely stroll ended when the pair decided to sit for a few moments on a bench on the edge of the park to rest and have some water. Through the laps around the park, Alex discovered that Dana was educated and had a master's degree in accounting, yet didn't pursue teaching or any other high-level positions within a company. She had to put her career on hold while taking care of her sick mother before she passed away of breast cancer. She took a job at a local insurance company afterwards just to pay a few bills, but was still trying to figure out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life following her loss. Alex also learned that Dana thought that she and Steve had a future together. With that over, Dana was now at a point in her life where she was considering starting a different path. Dana discovered that Alex was at one point engaged to a woman and had many hobbies and interests that fascinated her. In her spare time, when not rescuing animals, Alex secretly took ballroom dancing classes and was a wine aficionado.

  Alex studied Dana's reaction closely when she told her about her engagement with Kelli. Dana didn't seem to have any outward hostility towards the relationship, but she didn't comment on it either. Her expression gave no indication of whether or not she was opposed to the idea, but Alex did notice a slight blush on her cheeks.

  Sitting on the bench, looking at the passing clouds, Dana inhaled deeply and smiled. “This has been a great evening. We should do this more often, don't you think?”

  Alex's sparkling green eyes glimmered when Dana uttered those words. She had hoped this meant Dana was interested in more than Bubbles. Alex responded, “Yeah. I had a great time. Though I think it's time we take these two back. They look pretty relaxed and tuckered out.”

  “They're not the only ones. I think I'm a little tuckered out also. I'm definitely not as young as I used to be.”

  “You talk like you're ancient. You can't be that much older than I am. I just have one of these baby faces. When I go to purchase my wines, I get carded all the time. People never believe I'm old enough to drink.”

  “Well, I have to say you do look awfully young. Either that or you use a really great concealer I need to know about. What's your secret?”

  Now it was Alex's turn to blush. She turned a deep red as she answered Dana. “I don't wear makeup at all. This is natural. Sometimes I'll put on a little lip gloss, when I feel my lips are chapped, but that's it.”

  “Oh. Wow. You have a gorgeous complexion then.”

  “So, are you doing anything later tonight, after you take Spark back?”

  “No. My big plans for the evening include my couch, some cuddle time with Spark, and some horrible television.”

  Alex intentionally brushed Dana's hand once more and lowered her voice. “I notice those plans didn't include eating. As I'm a trusted member of the health care community, I think that's pretty essential to live.”

  “I heard that somewhere, I believe.”

  “So, would you like to go out to dinner? I know a great place on the other side of town that has a fantastic menu and even better wine list.”

  Dana blushed heavily and looked downward. “I think that sounds like something I would enjoy very much.”


  The pair separated and went back to their individual apartments. Dana didn't know what type of place they were going to, but since Alex mentioned they had a wine list, she was assuming it was nicer than a casual dining restaurant and wanted to be on the safe side with her wardrobe selection. She flipped through her closet once more and found a nice black dress in the back. It had spaghetti straps and was cut lower in the front. It accentuated her cleavage, and part of her hoped Alex would notice. She had never had these feelings for another woman before. She couldn't be a lesbian. She didn't even know the meaning of that word until she went to college and found there was a sorority in which the sisters were more than sisters. She wasn't appalled at the idea. It didn't make her physically ill, but she just never considered it a possibility until now. She thought all lesbians had short hair, drove pick-up trucks, and wore f
lannel. Alex was different though.

  There was a light in Alex's eyes that just made her feel warm inside. She knew that she was probably just lonely since her break up with Steve, but she was confused. The thought of kissing Alex made her, for lack of a better work, happy. The thought of it also excited her quite a bit. All her life, she was told to date men, and she grew up doing that. She had planned her dream wedding when she was a little girl, and her Prince Charming was indeed a prince, and not a princess. She spritzed perfume on both sides of her neck and took her time pulling her hair up and making sure it was in a smooth bun. She then applied her makeup. She was at an age where she wasn't old, per se, but she did find it necessary to use foundation every day, and also concealer to hide some of the lines that had formed under her eyes and around the corners of her lips. She applied her mascara, which brought out her eyes even more, and also used a shade of eye shadow called gun metal, to give the lid a smoky look. With a light blush then applied, Dana looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. For the first time in over a decade she felt that she looked good.


  Alex waited at the restaurant and sipped some water from the water glass. She had told the host to make sure that when Dana arrived she was seated with her. She was hoping that Dana still decided to show up for dinner. She had gone home and immediately showered and changed. She put on a cream-colored sweater that hugged her curves in the right places and a pair of black slacks with black flats. She took the time to take down her long hair and make sure it was in place before she left. Alex even put on some perfume. It had been a long time since she had dated, and she wanted to make sure that Dana knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was a date. She even left a bit earlier and bought some flowers for Dana. Not knowing which were her favorites, she settled for a bouquet of multicolored roses.

  When the host brought Dana to the table where Alex was seated, her mouth dropped. She looked absolutely stunning with her hair perfectly in place and in a dress that made Alex salivate. Alex stood up to greet her and pulled out her chair, helping her get seated. Alex walked back around to her side of the table as the waiter came up and Dana extended her hand, deferring to her for ordering the wine. Once the waiter left, Alex pushed the flower arrangement towards Dana and smiled. “These are for you. I thought they would give the table and the restaurant a bit more class and beauty. Then I saw you. There's definitely no comparison there.”


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