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AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)

Page 121

by Carmella Jones

  He came in quietly and closed the door. He stood beside a visitor chair at my desk. Even nervous, there was something about him I couldn’t take my eye off of. When I put my hand on his wrist he stepped in place just a little.

  “Is this okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I was just sorting in my head what is about to happen and if I would want to be top or bottom and how to phrase asking about it,” he said.

  I kissed him, and felt him kiss me back deeply and relax. We both stepped closer together surrendering to the kiss more deeply.

  “Don’t think about it. Sex is something where your body can naturally guide itself to pleasure,” I said.

  Chapter 11


  I knew I had made the right choice leaving my date. When I reached the top floor, I saw Tyler at Tina’s desk. He had taken off his tie and jacket, and his top few buttons were undone.

  The arousal I had always imagined I should feel when I slept with a woman flooded me immediately. As he kissed me now, in his office, I felt harder than any time I could remember.

  I was surprised when he touched my dick, and I jumped a little. It was like sparks ran from the head down the shaft. He moved into me more until my hip bumped his desk. As he continued to kiss and stroke me, he guided my movements until I was sitting on the desk.

  He lifted my shirt over my head and unbuttoned his own. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his own cock, rubbing it intently. He took my hand and encouraged me to stroke our dicks, too. He stepped back into me and kissed me. I enjoyed it.

  I liked the scent of the day on him after he had been at the office working. I liked feeling his cock in my hand and occasionally rubbing against my own. As he took my cock in his hand again I felt myself spasm slightly and erupt with a bit of precum.

  He knelt and licked it of the tip of my dick. Then he hoisted me back, pulled my pants off, and tossed them on a chair. Before I could ask what we were doing next he started licking my ass.

  “One of the things I really enjoy is a good ass blow, particularly if I’m receiving. It relaxes me and excites me all at the same time. Luckily for you, I am a bilingual artiste,” Tyler said.

  “I don’t understand any of that,” I said, feeling my ass pulsate with every lick of his tongue and my dick throbbing as we both moved our hands up and down.

  “I enjoy rimming, giving and receiving depending on if I feel like being top or bottom, I’m great at oral, and I’ll blow your cock and your ass,” he said calmly, still working me with both hands.

  I could feel myself starting to rock and want for something.

  “Talk to me,” Tyler said. “Tell me what you want to do. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what you want to experience.

  He slid a finger in my ass and I felt myself tighten and relax. Then I felt myself give way for him to keep playing more and deeper with my ass. He squeezed my dick harder and stroked faster with the hand that held it. The other hand added another finger and pushed deeper at a steady place.

  “I think we should fuck,” I said.

  As soon as the words were out of my mouth, he removed the fingers from my ass, spat at it and pushed himself into me. The room went white in blinding pain. Then things cleared as if my vision heightened with the achievement of some new primal state.

  Chapter 12


  I wasn’t sure if it was because I was his first and he was tight, or because of the connection I had been fighting feeling, but I couldn’t hold myself back once Miles gave me the green light. The experience probably hurt more than it had to, because I didn’t ease into it.

  He didn’t seem to mind though. I could feel his body relax and welcome me more and more with every push. We both still rubbed at his dick between us. I reached to rub both our balls and he moaned and pressed his ass deeper to me.

  I smiled to myself. He was enjoying this as much as I was. This may have been his first time, but it didn’t take long for him to move naturally with me. This was something his body needed, almost yearned for. I was more than happy to give it to him.

  And I did.

  After we had both cum, we lay in the floor of my office.

  “That was different than I had imagined in my head. Not that I had imagined it, but once I knew that was where we were going,” he said.

  “I understand,” I replied.

  “I just didn’t think about the foreplay of it. I always think of gay men as one bent over with the other behind them. There might be a little kissing, but basically just someone being fucked in the ass. The kissing was amazing, but I didn’t realize there were those other areas of foreplay,” Miles continued, thinking out loud.

  “Yeah. There is a sexual equivalent to just about every hetero act you can have, if you wanted to look at it that way. Really, with any sex, it’s just a matter of what two people want to do. Still, if that pleased you this much, I can’t wait to see how you feel once you start getting used to ass play and we can really explore each other. I haven’t even shown you the tip of the iceberg,” I said.

  “Well, for now, maybe you could show me the tip of something else again?” Miles asked.

  I gave him a long look. Here was another look I liked seeing on him. He was pleased, but also wanting. There was an allure and excitement that started in his eyes and radiated from his whole body.

  “Let’s try something different, even for me,” I said.

  “What’s that?” he said, sitting up eagerly.

  “I want you to fuck me. I’ve only been bottom with one other person. The first I was with. My only long-term relationship,” I said.

  I felt vulnerable now for even putting it on the table. Then Miles put me on the table. He was a fast learner.

  Chapter 13


  On Monday, I wanted to do two things. One was with Tyler, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t allowed during office hours. The other was apologize to Marjorie. She actually took it pretty well.

  “Sometimes I come on a little strong, and guys have told me I get attached too quickly,” she said.

  “Yeah, I’ve never talked about fate on a first date,” I joked.

  She laughed a little, but I could tell she was disappointed.

  “Well, we can still see each other here at work and from time to time when everyone goes out,” she said, hoping.

  “We’ll see. I have to get to my floor, though. Lots to do before the meeting,” I said.

  “Yeah, see you at the meeting,” she replied.

  I got back on the elevator and found Chase inside, just arriving to work. He smiled at first. Then he grabbed each of my shoulders and spun me to face him. When the elevator opened, he dragged me to the office by my sleeve. He closed the door and drew his blinds once we were inside.

  “Tell Auntie Chase who the lucky man was who popped your gay cherry,” he said, giving a tiny round of applause.

  “What?” I asked.

  How could he tell?

  “Gays know these things. You’ve crossed over, Mr. I’m Straight. Who? Is it someone in the office?” he asked.

  “I’d rather not say. It’s all still so new,” I said.

  He sat back and looked at me for a moment. Then he shuffled a few things around on his desk and looked at me again.

  “Alright. You can keep your secret, for now. When you are ready, though, I want all the details, even the juicy ones you savor with morning coffee,” he said, smiling.

  “When I’m ready,” I said, returning his smile.

  I returned to my desk space and it took me a few minutes to focus. Just before lunch, I received a call from inside the building. Tina’s voice came over the line.

  “Tyler would like to invite you to join him for lunch today,” she said.

  I couldn’t tell, but there was something in her tone that made it seem she was holding in a joke I didn’t understand.

  When I reached Tyler’s office she saw me in with a knowing smile I didn’t quite understand.

p; “You told her?” I asked Tyler once she returned to her desk.

  “No,” he said.

  The door opened again a moment later. Tina stepped in looking confused. A delivery boy was behind her.

  “Miles, I hope you are hungry. I ordered a lot of food for us. I want to talk to you about the meeting this afternoon. Tina, pay the delivery boy with petty cash. Then excuse us. Miles and I have a lot to discuss before the meeting this afternoon,” Tyler said.

  Once they were gone, he kissed me. Then we got to business – actual business.

  Chapter 14


  I enjoyed having actual lunch with Miles. It was a good change and gave me the opportunity to talk to him before the weekly meeting. When he went back to his office, I had a lot to pull together and set up in the conference room. I finished minutes before the meeting started, so I waited there for everyone to arrive.

  As they did, one by one they looked confused. Then, understanding began to slowly wash over them. When Claudia and Nicholas came in, I began the meeting discussing the project Claudia, Tina, and I had been working on before he could do too much observing on his own.

  “You will all see before you the business plan and first three years of expected projects for a new business venture. Several business ventures, in fact, all rolled into one. With the help of Claudia as silent stockholder and Tina as vice president. I will be branching out over the coming months as a new conglomerate, Pan Humanity,” I said.

  I paused to look around the room. Outside myself, Tina, and Claudia, only a handful of the staff knew what was going on, the handful we had invited to join us at the new company. Those who knew only learned of Pan Humanity Friday or today.

  The one I most wanted to join us, Miles, had only been told hours earlier at lunch, and needed to think about it.

  “Am I to understand this is mutiny? You and my wife are jumping ship?” Nicholas asked, raising his voice.

  “Well, not exactly. Claudia will continue working here. She is entering the venture with me as a silent financial backer. And don’t think of it as joining ship. Think of it as taking all that you have taught me and trying to walk in your footsteps. I see a market, and I want to dominate it from top to bottom as you have,” I said, hoping to win his consideration with flattery.

  He thumbed through the materials I had placed at everyone’s seat in the conference room. I took the opportunity to tell him some of the numbers highlights.

  “Nicholas, you don’t have to do a thing and Sir Name will still run smoothly. Top to bottom only one or two people per floor will be leaving initially. Others will be hired through an interview process. The overlap in market is minor, because Pan Human will target body types and styles of dress and interests that companies like ours often overlook,” Claudia said.

  “Pan Human. Live your life. We’ll help,” Tina said, doing her best Vanna White impersonation beside the display presentation.

  Nicholas Schmidt sat silently for what felt like an eternity. Finally, just as I was starting to feel doubt for the first time in years at work, he spoke.

  “Tyler, you have been a key player in this company for years. My company. You have been a son,” he said.

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  We had been very close.

  “Well, I just think you should know, I have never been more proud than in this moment. It’s about time you step out and run something of your own. I was beginning to wonder if you were just waiting for me to retire or die,” he said, laughing now.

  The tension in the room dissipated into celebration, except for one thing. I still didn’t know if Miles was ready to join me, in business or otherwise.

  Chapter 15


  As the meeting seemed to be ending, aside from those staying to talk about Pan Humanity, I decided to return to my desk. I had a lot of work to do and a lot on my mind.

  “So, it was Tyler,” Chase said, startling me.

  “I didn’t realize you left, too,” I said.

  He cleared his throat and folded his arms. He wanted an answer to his question. I looked around and no one was close by.

  “Yes, but it was one time, Friday night. Then he dropped the bomb on me today that not only is he leaving to start Pan Humanity, but he also wants me to leave a job I just started, and enjoy, to join him,” I said.

  It was good to have someone to talk to.

  “Well, you said yes, right?” Chase asked.

  “No, I told him I would think about it,” I said weakly.

  “What’s to think about? A rich top like him wants to whisk you away to romance, a promotion and raise, and a company that has more possibility than your current employer. Gasp, I’m appalled,” he said, feigning disgust.

  “It’s just really sudden, and what makes you so sure I wasn’t top?” I asked, unsure how I felt about being assumed to be bottom.

  I had done both, once.

  “Miles,” Chase said.

  I nodded and focused back on the bigger issues.

  “Did you know he was gay?” I asked Chase.

  “I told you, we can read these things. I don’t think many people here know. He is definitely discreet. I do know that most think he doesn’t even date. Sure, you can look at him and tell he gets laid when he wants to, but if he is actually making some sort of plans with you he really means whatever he is saying. He has had the same assistant since he was able to have an assistant. He also seems to value relationships, because he and the Schmidts have been close for years,” he said.

  “And, he thinks he may love you, but that you both need to take things slow for now,” another voice said, entering the room.

  “Tyler,” I said.

  “Sorry about springing so much on you the past few days. It’s all true, though. You have an effect on people that I want to carry to the new company. You also have an effect on me that I would like to continue as well,” he said, joining our conversation.

  Chase excused himself to his office, but left the door open so he could hear.

  “Well, I think I could come around to the job, but I’m still sorting out how I feel. I’m still processing. Do I come out now? There is so much slang, I already don’t know half of what Chase says to me,” I said.

  My nervous side was showing, and Tyler was staring at me again.

  “Some things you just know, others you learn. I know that I have been living a quiet personal life and focusing on work. Now I know that I want to build something more that bridges the gap with someone important,” he said, stepping closer to me.

  “What if things don’t work out?” I asked.

  “Then I’m sure you can always get hired here again,” he said.

  “I mean you and me,” I said.

  “Oh, well, love is a lot like sex. Your heart will guide itself to pleasure,” he said.

  He stepped forward and kissed me without looking around to see who was there. I felt my heart beat a little faster and kissed him back deeply.

  “Well, I’ll have to speak with HR about interviewing for a new assistant again,” Chase said.

  Bear Hug

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  Chapter 1

  James Vincent was adding apps on his tablet and phone. He had heard about a new one dedicated for gay shifters, of all things, but it fit the bill for what he was looking for, so he decided he wanted to try it out. Even though he was human, he was determined to find a shifter mate. The power, the animal magnetism, drew him in a way that a regular man could not. Where some ran screaming in the other direction when they found out their boyfriends or husbands were shifters, he ran right into their arms. He shivered at the thought. He hadn’t decided what breed of shifter he liked the most yet, but he ’d had some luck finding wolves in the area.

  He lived in California, working as
a server at a cross dressing cocktail bar on Venice beach. He liked the job, the excitement of the nightlife, and the interesting people who came to the place. Sometimes they came to meet up, and sometimes they came to sober up before going home after a night of partying and drinking. James generally worked the overnight from 8 PM to 5 AM shift.

  Meeting lots of interesting people was fun. It’s how he’d learned about this new app he was trying to install. One of the shifters who’d come in the diner, had told him about it. He liked living here and didn’t really miss his family, a bunch of farmers in Montana back home a bunch of farmers in Montana. While he sometimes did miss country life, there were plenty of things in big cities to make up for it.

  Finally getting the app installed, he filled out his profile and added a picture. In it, His smiling face, blue eyes, and curly, blonde hair screamed country boy, especially with the cowboy hat and boots. He might live in California these days, but you couldn’t completely take the country out of a boy. Especially one who lived and breathed farms and ranches his whole life. He loved animals, always had. Maybe this was why he preferred shifters over humans. He wasn’t sure. Maybe he’d just been born to the wrong parents.

  Finishing his shift, he hung up his apron and took off his name tag, putting it in his pocket to go home with him. The servers shared aprons, but each had their own name tag. He was headed out to his little car to drive home when his phone started dinging. He took it out of his back pocket and checked the new app. He had a hit already. The man was good looking, he’d give him that. He was in his mid-thirties. He wondered why a man like him would be interested in a twenty-two-year-old cocktail server from Venice Beach. He hadn’t lied about his job in his profile. He wanted people to know what they were getting into with him. The other man didn’t disclose his profession, but he had a clean-cut appearance and could easily have passed for a model.

  Texting him back, James smiled. The profile didn’t say what kind of shifter he was, but since James was advertising himself as a human looking for a shifter mate, he already knew he wasn’t able to shift.


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