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Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2)

Page 8

by Anna Hackett

  She followed his gaze and studied the team. They were huddled together, whispering quietly. None of them were smiling. Sakada was waving at one wall of engravings.

  She sidled up beside Cal. “What’s up?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ward, I may not have known you long, but I’m getting pretty good at reading that face of yours.”

  He scraped his fingers over his stubble-covered jaw. “What do you see when you look at them?”

  She turned with a frown. “You mean the team?”

  “Yeah. I guess I expected them to be more…elated. We trekked all this way to find this temple, but they look—”

  “Disappointed.” The word came out of Dani without thinking. She looked down at her camera, flicking through her last few images. She saw the disappointment and frustration she’d caught on their faces.

  Cal nodded and raised his voice. “Dr. Oakley, you want to tell me what the problem is?”

  The archeologist turned, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Sorry? I don’t know what you—”

  Cal pushed away from the wall. “You’re a terrible liar, doc. Tell me why you guys are so disappointed with the lost temple you just discovered.”

  Tiredly, Dr. Oakley nodded and waved the rest of the team over. They all perched on lumps of rock, except for Gemma, who dropped to the stone floor and crossed her legs. Dani leaned against the wall and waited.

  “This is the Temple of the Sacred Linga. From what we have researched…well, we’d hoped to actually find the linga here.”

  Cal raised a brow. “You turning treasure hunter on me, doc? You were really hoping to find some mythical stone with magical powers?”

  “Okay, it sounds stupid when you say it like that.” Dr. Oakley’s tone was dry.

  Gemma leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “There were hints. From the other temples we’ve studied, it seemed there was a good chance the linga was going to be here. From how it’s described, we think it’s some sort of giant pearl. Its value—both historic and monetary—would be immense.”

  Cal’s gaze ran over them. “Dammit, you should have told me about this before. And? There’s something else, isn’t there?”

  Sakada took a deep breath. “We’ve been scouring all the legends of my country, of the Hindu religion. We believe the sacred linga of Mahendraparvata, the stone that possessed the power to create an entire empire, is the cintamani stone.”

  Dani frowned. She’d never heard the word before.

  Cal was frowning too. “What’s the cintamani stone?”

  It was Sakada who answered. “It is a revered stone in Hindu and Buddhist tradition. A fabulous jewel that grants the wishes of whoever holds it.”

  Gemma smiled. “It’s the equivalent of the Philosopher’s stone. Some believe the stones to be one and the same.”

  Cal crossed his arms over his chest. “And you think a fabulous, mystical jewel is sitting in a lost temple in Cambodia?”

  Dr. Oakley leaned forward. “We didn’t set out to prove the Mahendraparvata linga was the famed cintamani. But as we did our research, more and more things fell into place. Once Sakada suggested the linga was actually the cintamani, the more facts we found to confirm it.”

  Gemma leaned back, her face alive with excitement. “The cintamani was said to be in the possession of the naga king.”

  A muscle in Cal’s jaw ticked. “The same naga king whose daughter birthed the Cambodian people?”

  “That’s right,” Jean-Luc said. “The stone is often described as resting on the forehead of a makara.”

  “The sea monster,” Dani said.

  “And,” Dr. Oakley said, “the cintamani stone is said to be a large pearl. Just like the Mahendraparvata linga.”

  Cal shook his head. “I’ve been on a lot of expeditions and provided security for a lot of digs. You guys know this better than me, but most of the time you don’t find much left. What are the chances this valuable jewel would still be here?”

  Dr. Oakley’s smile was a little sad. “Slim. But an archeologist can dream.”

  Gemma stretched her legs out. “Come on, Cal. History says the cintamani can grant your greatest wish…doesn’t it make you want to believe?”

  Cal snorted. “If I want something, I go out and get it. I’m not going to wait around hoping some mystical stone will grant it for me.” Everyone laughed but Cal’s serious face had the laughter dying out. “You should have told me about the cintamani. There’s a chance someone else got wind of it.”

  Dani’s chest hitched. “You’re talking about the attackers.”

  He nodded. “And the man who tried to snatch your camera in Siem Reap. A very bad group of people believe your crazy theory is true and are after the cintamani, as well.”

  The archeologists traded glances.

  “We haven’t shared our information with anyone,” Sakada said.

  “Nor have we kept it a secret,” Dr. Oakley added with a frown. “But it doesn’t appear that the stone is here.” He looked around the elaborate walls. “Let’s hope your suspicions are incorrect, Cal, and these people realize there is nothing to find.”

  “Yes, let’s hope.”

  Dani didn’t think Cal sounded that hopeful.

  “Any more secrets I should know about?” Cal asked.

  They all shook their heads.

  “While we don’t have a sacred stone, we still have a fabulous, undocumented temple to investigate and record.” Dr. Oakley clapped his hands together. “I think it’s time we get to work.”

  “Right.” Gemma stood, dusting off her trousers. “We need photos, measurements, translations. And I’m guessing Dani will want some more shots as well.”

  Dani lifted her camera. “Absolutely.”

  “Well, get to work.” Cal looked at his rugged watch. “I’ll keep a watch outside, and get our camp set up.” He shot Dani a look, one that turned hot. “Stay out of trouble.”

  Chapter Seven

  Cal finished setting up the tents. They had a small fire going and most of the archeologists were now sitting around it, talking about the temple, laughing and eating the pre-packaged food they’d brought along. The fire was more for ambience than anything else, casting a warm glow around the camp.

  But as thunder rumbled overhead, and the darkness grew, he figured the fire wasn’t going to last too much longer.

  He’d already organized for each member of the team to take a shift on watch through the night. Their encounter with Silk Road had left him wary. But he was in desperate need of some sleep and couldn’t spend another night awake, so that meant everyone was going to do two-hour shifts. And Cal was keeping his SIG close.

  He watched the firelight flicker over Dani’s face. She was munching on something from her backpack, and nodding at something Gemma was saying to her. The light did magnificent things to her cheekbones, and he found himself staring.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he was so drawn to a particular woman. And it wasn’t just what she looked like. He liked her smart mouth, her talent and dedication for her work, her smile.

  Cal grabbed his bottle of water and took a long drink.

  “So…where did this cintamani stone come from?” Dani asked.

  Dr. Oakley leaned forward, cradling his drink bottle. “No one knows for sure. There are lots of myths.”

  “Buddhist legend says four sacred relics fell from the sky and one was the cintamani,” Sakada said.

  “Another myth says the stone came from the undersea kingdom of the naga,” Jean-Luc added.

  “It has even been linked to Chinese mythology.” Gemma’s voice rose as she told her story. “Some believe that the cintamani came from the mythological Kunlun Mountains. A sacred mountain, dwelling place of the gods and goddesses. It was said to be a place of marvelous, bejeweled plants, gem-like rocks, and strange creatures, perhaps home to the revered Eight Immortals of Chinese legend.”

  Jean-Luc made a scoffing sound. “The Kunlun Mountains
are pure myth. They didn’t really exist.”

  “Oh?” Gemma’s eyes lit up. “And yet the Kunlun Mountains were linked to Mount Meru, sacred mountain mythology revered here in Cambodia. Embodied in that very temple.” She stabbed a finger at the temple looming nearby. “Even Angkor Wat is built in the image of the sacred mountain. Who’s to say that Kunlun Mountain, which is associated with the old Khmer word for King of the Mountains, isn’t linked to Kulen mountain, right here where we are?”

  “Come on, Gemma.” The French archeologist shook his head. “You don’t really believe that.”

  “Maybe I do. There is also the story of the Russian explorer back in the early 1900s who traveled through Asia. He claimed to be gifted a fragment of the cintamani by a high abbot of a monastery.”

  The others all groaned.

  Cal watched Dani, who was watching the exchange with fascination. Good-natured arguments like this were the mainstay of his family. His mother was always going on about the latest crack-pot theory or conspiracy. His father patiently stated the facts. And usually Cal, Dec and Darcy got a few teasing comments in, here and there. Knowing what he did about Dani’s family, he figured this wasn’t something she saw much.

  Dr. Oakley smiled. “Next, you’ll claim it was created by aliens.”

  Gemma sniffed. “That explorer said he was told the cintamani was linked to the Eight Immortals from the Kunlun Mountains.”

  “Hogwash,” Jean-Luc said.

  “No one actually uses hogwash, Jean-Luc,” Gemma said.

  “It’s all really fascinating,” Dani said. “Whatever the truth, that there can be this much history and mystery around one stone is amazing.”

  Cal felt a fat drop of water land on his hand. He looked up as a huge lightning strike lit the sky beyond the trees. “Hope no one minds getting wet.”

  There were good-natured grumbles. Sam snatched up his tablet and made a bee-line for his tent. The archeologists grabbed their things and followed suit. Jean-Luc nodded at Cal. “I’ll be ready to do the first watch tonight.”

  “Thanks, Jean-Luc. If you see or hear anything that worries you, wake me.”

  Dani pulled a lightweight, waterproof coat on and made sure her camera was covered. She grabbed one of the battery-powered lanterns but didn’t head for her tent.

  “Where are you going?”

  She looked back over her shoulder. “I want to get a few more shots inside the temple. Don’t worry, Dad, I won’t go far.”

  “It’ll be too dark in the temple for photos.”

  She lifted the lantern. “I want to get some creative shots in the lantern light.” As the rain started to thunder down, she broke into a jog.

  Cal did a quick lap of the camp, and checked that everyone was safely settled for the night. He was pretty certain the Silk Road goons they’d tangled with would be too busy taking care of their injuries to risk following them. Still, he’d be happier when Logan and Morgan arrived.

  By the time he ducked inside the temple, his hair was saturated, his wet shirt clinging to his skin. When he stepped into the main area, the lantern cast a golden glow in the space. Dani looked up and lowered her camera. “Rain’s coming down?”

  At that moment, thunder crashed overhead. “You could say that.” When her gaze lingered on his chest, he was more than pleased. He felt his pulse spike.

  She looked back at the engraved wall. “It’s just so beautiful. I don’t know…something about it just calls to me. I wanted to make sure I captured all the carvings on the four walls.” She reached out and touched the image of a naga. The fierce, snake-like creature was coiled on the bottom, its head rearing up.

  “Something about you has been calling to me ever since you were rude to me at Angkor Wat.”

  She turned slowly and he saw her hands clench on her camera. Their eyes locked. The space between them seemed to throb and Cal felt a ball of desire ignite in his gut.


  He stalked toward her. She was as still as the carvings on the wall, watching him come.

  He stopped a foot away. “Moment of truth, Dani. You going to keep running, or let me have you?” He closed another few inches, until her camera bumped against his chest. “Are you going to stop denying what you feel, and follow your instincts?”

  He kept his gaze on her. Wanting to watch every emotion skitter across her face.

  She pulled in a shaky breath. “I’ve spent my life following my head…”

  Cal reached out and gripped the camera. Gently, he lifted it over her head and set it down on a nearby block of stone. “No camera, Dani. No shield. No ghosts from the past.” He backed her up against the wall, until his chest was pressed hard against hers. Desire was a primal need pounding through him, matching the drumming of the wild storm he heard outside. He tangled his fingers with hers. “Just feel.”

  The kiss was desperate, hungry, with an edge that had them both moaning. Then Dani made a hot, eager sound, and Cal felt her hands tugging his wet shirt out of the waistband of his trousers. God, that sound made him harder.

  She jerked her head back. “Skin. I want skin.”

  He helped her, and then felt the slide of her palms up his abdomen, the scrape of her nails on his chest.

  He attacked the fastening on her trousers, and her mouth slid along his jaw, her teeth sinking into his earlobe. He growled against her.

  “This is crazy,” she murmured. “But God, I want you.”

  It was crazy. Desire was a huge, reckless rush inside him. Finally, he worked his hand inside her trousers. He slipped past the elastic of her panties and cupped the damp warmth of her.

  “God, Dani, you’re so wet.”

  She moaned against him, her mouth pressed to his chest now. Her hips moved against his hand, and he worked one finger through her curls and slid it inside her.

  Chest heaving, he kept sliding inside her, and moved his thumb until he found her clit. He watched, drinking in the emotions on her face as she arched back and cried out.

  “Do you like that, beautiful?”

  “Yes.” It came out a hiss.

  This time, he slid a second finger inside her. Damn, she was tight. “Tell me how it feels.”

  “Full.” Her chest hitched. “Stretched.”

  “You’ll feel it more when my cock’s inside you. But right now, I want to watch you come, Dani.”

  He worked her harder, faster, was rougher than he wanted to be. With his other hand, he yanked the tie from her hair and watched her dark curls spill around her shoulders.

  That look on her face, the flush on her cheeks, the rapid rise and fall of her chest…he felt the insane and unfamiliar urge to take, possess, and own.

  He pinched her clit between his fingers and she cried out, her body shuddering through her orgasm.

  Cal had never seen anything more perfect. “Damn, I want to be inside you.”

  A breath shuddered out of her, and her eyes were still a little unfocused. “I want you inside me, too.”

  Cal’s cock throbbed, almost painful. He groaned. “Not here, beautiful.” Not in the dust and dirt. “When we get back to Siem Reap, I’m going to show you how good it can be. Stretched out on a big bed with clean sheets. I’m not taking you hard and fast against some stone wall.” He cupped her face, pushing her hair back. He could smell the musky scent of her on his fingers. “Soon. You’d better be ready.”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  He groaned and forced himself to take a step back. “Come on, we should get back before I fuck you here in the dirt.”

  He saw a shiver go through her, and she glanced at the temple doorway. “It’s still bucketing down.” Her gaze came back to him, before flicking downward.

  He knew she couldn’t miss the hard outline of his cock straining against the front of his trousers.

  She licked her lips.

  He groaned. “God…don’t look at me like that. I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  This time, it was Dani who nudged
him back, with a surprisingly strong push. He felt rock hit the back of his knees and sat down on a large stone block. Next thing he knew, her hands were at his belt. Vicious need raked his gut and more blood surged into his cock. “Dani—”

  “Shh. I’ll keep you to the promise of that big bed. But that doesn’t mean I can’t help you out right now.”

  “Just because I made you come doesn’t mean you have to return the favor, Dani. I didn’t do it for that reason.”

  Those unique bi-colored eyes met his. “I know. I want to touch you.”

  Cal let out a tortured groan. “You mean bring me to my knees. I’m already there, beautiful.”

  The smile she shot him went straight to his cock. It was all secrets and sex. “You’re not there yet, Cal. But you will be.”

  She reached inside his trousers and boxers and pulled out his cock. She made a humming sound.

  Shit, he was in trouble. She wrapped her hands around him and started stroking. No hesitation or delicacy. Soon, his hips were jerking up toward her firm touch. He gritted his teeth against the wild sensation. God, he really wanted to tear her clothes off and take her, like some primitive caveman staking his claim.

  His blood pounded through his veins. “Dani—”

  Suddenly her hands were gone. He barely swallowed back his protest. She stepped back a little, her face flushed, her chest rising and falling. “Touch yourself.” A sensual whisper. “Show me how you do it.”

  He circled his cock with a firm grip and pumped. He didn’t look down, instead, he watched the way her gaze was glued to his movements, the way her lips parted and more color filled her cheeks. Yeah, his girl was getting off on this.

  “Are you getting wet again?”

  Her gaze flicked up to his face. “Yes.”

  “You want me inside you, don’t you? You want this—” he slid his hand down, baring the swollen head of his cock “—inside you. Filling up that slick wetness?”

  She licked her lips again. “Yes.” Her hand moved over his, and together, they pumped his cock. Cal could feel his orgasm growing like a fire at the base of his spine.

  She moved her hand over the head of his cock, her finger moving through the slit and smearing his pre-come over his sensitive skin. His hips jerked again, completely out of his control. His breathing was labored, and he kept his gaze on those slim fingers stroking him.


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