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The Magical Hunt (Broken Curses Book 3)

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by Dawn Brower



  1. Darkness Rules

  2. White Knight

  3. Escape the Shadows

  4. Endless Curse

  5. Hidden Clues

  6. Luck of the Draw

  7. Treasure Hunt

  8. Cloaked in Secrecy

  9. Amulet of Life

  10. Umercorn

  11. Blood and Thunder

  12. Heaven Dust

  13. Love Begets Love

  14. Soul Kiss

  15. Deep Dark Secret

  16. Princess of the Blood

  Excerpt: A Lady Hoyden’s Secret


  Chapter 1

  About The Author

  Also by Dawn Brower

  Author Logo

  The Magical Hunt

  Dawn Brower

  Monarchal Glenn Press

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The Magical Hunt Copyright © 2018 Dawn Brower

  Cover art and edits by Victoria Miller

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Some heartaches are not so easy to shake. Truthfully, none of them are, but some fuse to your soul and never truly leave. Not a day goes by that those I've lost do not cross my mind. Some were harder than others. Some days they hit me all over again and I find I can't stop the tears. Death, unfortunately, is part of life, and sadly, some die far too young. Either way, losing someone dear to your heart is devastating. You will never truly be "all right". But over time it hurts a little less. Today my heart is heavy. Tomorrow the tears may dry, but I'll never forget. This book is for those that are still alive in my heart: my mom, Monica, my dad, Archal, my brother, Glen, and his daughter, Alison. All four were gone too soon and I miss them.


  As always thanks to my cover artist, Victoria Miller. You are fabulous as always. Also thanks to Elizabeth Evans—you make writing fun. Thank you for helping me and reading all my rough drafts.

  A special thanks to Elizabeth Zelno, my real life Elodie, for having the imagination to create an umerorn. I hope I did your creation justice with the final installment of this trilogy.


  Darkness Rules

  Darkness enveloped her on all sides. The emptiness swallowed Elodie until everything around her ceased to exist. Her mind swarmed with an overwhelming amount of information. She couldn’t pinpoint what any of it meant or if she was reading too much into it. Inside the void, she stopped being Elodie. She’d become nothing, and nothing had grown into her. Escape seemed impossible, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to even try. It would be much easier to give in and accept what fate had bestowed upon her.

  “Yes…” A disembodied voice echoed through the void. She’d believed she was alone, and that voice implied something entirely different. What was it, and what did it want with her. “Give in. Join me,” the ethereal voice coaxed.

  She couldn’t speak. Her whole body remained paralyzed as she struggled to come to terms with her situation. There was no clear way out, and she could barely keep her thoughts straight. As each moment passed, she started to forget her name and her goals. She’d been trying to get somewhere…

  “No need to speak.” That voice reverberated around her again. She didn’t even know if it was male or female—it just was. “Your thoughts are loud enough.”

  That implied she’d not be able to keep any secrets from it. She didn’t have a clue what to call the voice, so it would have to do. The voice thing wanted something from her, and she understood enough to realize she shouldn’t give in to it. She had no voice, but it could hear her.

  “Have you decided?” It asked. She really needed to figure out what to call the voice. Without anything to go by she was at a loss on what the damn thing could be. A voice alone wasn’t much to go by. “Will you become one with me?”

  Elodie struggled to regain control of herself and try to figure a way out of the void. She screamed, but no sound filled her ears. The darkness rolled around her and kept her still. Her body didn’t exist in this place, and without it she couldn’t fight—at least not physically. This wasn’t a battle where she would beat someone and possibly come out bloody. No, this one would be completely inside her head, and she might not be the same once she found her way back to herself. Elodie would not be joining anything, and she’d damn well remain one entity. The voice that spoke to her wanted to swallow her whole until she no longer existed outside of whatever it was.

  “That would be a mistake,” it told her. “There are rules, and breaking them has consequences.”

  Screw the rules… Elodie had been breaking them in one way or another her whole life. She’d never have learned to use her short swords or how to defend herself if she hadn’t gone against the dictates set by Fiona. That was enough for her stubbornness to take root and come out swinging. Slowly, she was becoming more aware and could see the possibility of finding the light. If rules of this dark world existed, then all Elodie had to do was learn them and then the answers would reveal themselves.

  “You might think the consequences are worth your defiance.” The voice sounded rather ominous now. “But trust me, you will come to realize that sometimes the risk isn’t worth it.”

  As if she’d trust something that barely existed... Nothing in the curse world thus far had been there to help her. She’d had to struggle every step of the way, and those she’d believed were aiding her turned out to be against her. Her mind was slowly recovering, and in turn, her memories flooded her mind. An image of a fluttering bird with silver tipped wings bounced around at the edge of her imagination. Something about it was important, but she couldn’t pinpoint what. She scrunched her eyes together, or at least she thought she did, but it was more likely she’d not moved at all. Her body didn’t exist, and she couldn’t feel anything. The bird floated away, and she still hadn’t figured out what it meant. Why were the white and silver wings important? What did it all mean?

  “Ah.” If a voice could grin, this one did in that one word. Elodie grew more and more frustrated with each passing moment. “You’re starting to remember. I do believe you are stronger than I anticipated. That won’t do—no, it won’t…”

  Good. She didn’t want to make anything easy for the thing that held her captive. She had to reach deep down into her soul and use that strength to survive through this ordeal. It was going to be a long road, but as long as she believed in herself she’d find her way out. Giving in was not an option.

  “There is no escaping.” The singsong of the voice irritated her and reminded her of something. If she could remember…

  No. There had to be a way to break free. There was—someone. An image of a male made its presence known, but she didn’t know who he was. He was important somehow. The effort to decipher her fleeting thoughts was difficult. The darkness clouded her mind, and each step forward took her a dozen back. Discouragement filled her and shaking it off proved impossible.

  “Good.” The more the voice spoke to her, she started to form an image of what it could look like in her mind. That word was the personification of a sneer. “You will be mine soon.”

  The hell she would. Elodie didn’t belong to anyone, and she wouldn’t become some weird voice’s property. She pushed back until buzzing rang through her and drowned out what little sound s
he had around her. Of course, the only thing that had been making noise was the thing speaking to her. The hum gave her a reprieve from its seduction routine.

  “Do you think it is that easy?”

  Damn it. The irritating voice had found another way in. So now she had the noise she created, and it to contend with. Wait… There had been no sound before except for the voice. What did this mean?

  “You’re breaking the rules.”

  And what exactly are these laws you keep reminding me exist? How could she follow them if she didn’t know what they were? Not that she was clamoring to comply with them, but she should have some idea of what they were. Information would help her situation, and if she found a way out she could go back to—him. Whoever he was… She—she loved him. Elodie didn’t quite understand why, but that surprised her. Something about the male she barely remembered was important. He was the only one she could ever find happiness with, yet she didn’t think he realized that fact. Maybe he had, and it was she who was blind to it… The entire thing bewildered her.

  “Confusion works.” If it wanted her in a state of chaos, then she better find the way to enlightenment. The voice seemed to thrive on pandemonium. Sadly, Elodie was a tight ball of unyielding discord.

  Strength didn’t grow on trees—at least the kind she needed to survive long enough to escape the clutches of the evil that held her hostage. Uncertainty of every variety flowed through her in wave upon wave of turmoil. Each breath brought on a new flood of despair waiting to rise up and overcome her indecision. One inch in the wrong direction and she would indeed belong to the evil that stood by, ready to claim her. Elodie would never be anyone’s property. She might be unsure about everything in the dark world, but she was confident fighting her way through could be her only choice. Do your worst. Elodie taunted the creature the only way she knew how. In the end you will not win. She had to believe that to be the truth. Someone was waiting for her…

  “You’re wrong.” She’d finally managed to speak, but it wasn’t like talking at all. The sound shot out of her mind, not her mouth. The sensation was odd and almost scalded her from the inside out. The effort to say that much nearly undid what was left of her existence. She’d have to use that form of communication wisely.

  Silence echoed on silence. The absence of sound shot pinpricks of pain through her head, and if she could feel enough to lift her hands to coax the agony away, she would have. She didn’t think she even had a body in this world. Her mind had drifted somehow and left her without a corporeal form.

  “No,” Elodie practically screamed the word and the backlash burst through her. She would cry from the exertion if she were capable of it. I’m not. It’s you that is misguided. I don’t belong here.

  “Ah, you are filled with fire.” It sounded almost—pleased. Didn’t it want her to give up? Wasn’t that the point of this whole exercise? “You will find that useful where you’re going.”

  I’m not staying? It had been inching Elodie to that since the moment she’d become aware. Now it was changing its tune? Had she been wrong all along? I don’t understand.

  “As I said, confusion is useful. It’s best you don’t fully grasp anything, or you’ll be nothing.”

  That made even less sense than it had before. If it was attempting to drive Elodie to the state of insanity—well, then, mission accomplished. Elodie couldn’t recall a time when she was more perplexed than she was at that moment. She had to remember… If she could discern who waited for her, maybe the rest would start to become clear. Who was it she loved, and did she believe he loved her? The one thing she did understand was he existed. Figuring out who the unidentified male was… That issue wasn’t so easy to separate into something her brain could handle. Maybe if she could discover how she’d come to the darkness she could find a way back. It was time to start asking questions instead of following the evil thing’s lead.

  If I am not to stay here, where must I go?

  “To the Shadowlands,” it said. “There you can find your rightful place.”

  Shadowlands? That’s not where I am?

  “Rules are harsher here, and much darker,” it answered. “There are gray areas in the Shadowlands. There, you can either belong to the darkness or find an in-between that needs you more.”

  She decided as long as the entity was communicating with her, she’d urge it on, but she wouldn’t speak aloud again. It didn’t seem to have a problem reading her thoughts. The exertion to actually vocalize was too painful to bother with it. She’d not let it bring out her worse tendencies and make Elodie weaker in the process.

  Rules… You mentioned them earlier, but I don’t know what they are.

  “You won’t be here long enough to figure them out, but you might break the wrong ones trying to escape.”

  That didn’t answer her question. This thing… It reminded her of something. She couldn’t stop thinking about it, but she couldn’t quite untangle the webs in her brain to uncover the truth of why. Ever since it started talking to her, it had seemed familiar—a mix of good in evil—mostly evil though. Almost as if it couldn’t decide which side of the line it fell on, but indentified with everything bad more often than not. A flash of silver gleaming in the light—almost blinding… She had to unravel it. Somehow, she thought if she didn’t, it could be her undoing, as if; her very life depended upon it.

  Maybe if you explained them I might exit the darkness unscathed. She had to try to reason with the entity. Or would you rather I didn’t?

  “Undecided.” That one word explained everything to Elodie. That fine line—very much a reality. The entity didn’t know if it wanted her to live or die, and any help it gave could kill her. Did she listen to the advice it bestowed and hope for the best, or did she forge her own path? Either way, it was a gamble, and she might lose before she reached the end.

  What can you tell me?

  “That your fate is unknown,” it began. “One way will lead to your happiness, and the other to your ultimate doom.”

  Elodie almost asked it to tell her something she didn’t know. The happiness part was too ambiguous to take seriously. The doom part—almost certainly would happen. Something about the words rang true. Like she’d heard something similar before—much like the creature speaking to her, it too was familiar. There was one thing she needed from it to start. Where do I begin?

  “With this.”

  A smack of light paralyzed her when she didn’t think she could be frozen any more than she was. But she lost all ability to think and reason; however, the light brought clarity. Images passed through her mind like paintings in constant motion. People she recognized, yet didn’t. They meant something to her. Invoking emotions of every variety from anger, joy, and on to sadness—even love. Two male faces flooded her with the latter. They both were important to her, but in different ways. She cared…

  “Yes.” The creature’s voice seemed farther away now. “You care for them both, but which one truly holds your heart? That is the key to finding your way back. Remember.”

  Winds came from nowhere and swirled around her. They seemed to be pushing her somewhere. As the darkness started to fade and the world changed before her eyes, she had a sudden realization why the creature had seemed so familiar. Elodie knew exactly who’d been talking to her, and she understood why trusting her was a risky prospect.

  “Lulu,” she ground out. Forgetting she didn’t want to make actual sound. Trust the damn bird to manage that feat. Sparks flashed inside her mind as pain seethed deep down, and she almost became numb from it—almost. It still existed, and there was no ignoring the outpour.

  “Ah,” Lulu responded. “It has begun. See you on the other side, princess…”

  With those words the wicked silver and white bird left Elodie alone. She was now the master of her fate. She’d learned the truth of Lulu’s treachery too late. Now she had to find a way out of the Shadowlands—to the two males waiting for her. One golden and the other dark, but both held a piece of her heart.
If Lulu was to be believed… In remembering them, she’d find her salvation.

  She wasn’t so sure she could take the bird’s advice to heart. The rotten creature might want her to take the wrong path. If she could uncover Lulu’s motives maybe she’d have a chance at surviving. Unfortunately, deciphering Lulu was akin to putting a puzzle together with all the wrong pieces. Elodie might be heading toward disaster, but all she could do was take a step forward and pray she made the right decision.

  No time like the present… Elodie closed her eyes and began searching her soul for the answers to her situation. Lulu said to remember, and damn it, she would even if it killed her.


  White Knight

  Light illuminated him on all sides. He stared into the brightness, welcoming its warmth and prayed it had the answers he sought. Concentrating took all of his energy, yet it yielded no results. Elodie had told him to embrace the magic within him. She’d wanted him to save the knight—the man she truly loved. Daire loved her enough to do anything to secure her happiness—even heal Cale. The knight didn’t deserve her love. All right, perhaps he did. He had been there when Daire hadn’t. He’d trained her and helped build her into the breathtaking woman she’d grown into. As much as he wanted to hate Cale—he couldn’t. At least not completely…

  How could he not have some form of loathing for him though?


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