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Loving You (Alpha Hero Book 1)

Page 4

by Hope Ford

  When I’m balls deep inside of her, she lifts up and I swear her pussy tightens even more around me.

  She bounces up and down, her body thrusting and hips rotating. She’s perfection. I only wish I could see her breasts swaying and her pussy opening for me. I wrap my hand around her neck, wanting her lips on me.

  When our mouths meet, I kiss her, trying to tell her the only way I know how what she means to me. With every rock of her hips, I get closer and closer to coming. When her thrusts get erratic and uncontrollable, I groan as the orgasm hits me. “Come, Jane. Come for me, baby.”

  And she does. Her pussy spasms and her fingernails dig into my chest. Her body is tight and she jerks atop me until I’m sure I’m going to die from the pleasure.

  When she falls down around me, her head on my chest, we’re both breathing heavily. My arms go around her then. I want to hold her to me and never let her go. I know what she thinks, that this is because of my health problems… or because I can’t see. But it’s not. From that first day when she touched my hand, I’ve known. I know that she belongs to me and I plan on making that forever.



  I knew that if I succumbed to my desires that it would be life-changing. It was. Being with Mack was everything I thought it would be. The stress of the week is finally gone from his face. We no sooner finished making love before we had to shower and go to his appointment. We walked hand in hand to the hospital for his tests. The MRI turned into a cat scan and then more blood work and more scans. That was hours ago. Since then my worry has escalated and we finally got some answers. There’s a mass behind his eye. It’s operable and they assume that is what is causing his vision loss.

  The doctors gave him the option, but highly recommended he have the tumor removed. He didn’t even have to think about it. An hour later he was in surgery and three hours later he is just now getting back to his room.

  The room was full of all his brothers. They eventually had to kick everyone out. I went to go with them, even though I didn’t want to, but the nurse stopped me. “Not you, honey. He’s already asking for you. It’s best if you be here when he gets here.”

  I nodded my head and love filled me.

  As soon as they wheel him in and get him situated, he’s calling my name. His head is bandaged and I can’t see the upper part of his face.

  I grab on to his hand. “Mack, I’m right here.”

  He grabs on to me tightly and pulls me to him, so I kiss his lips. He wraps his hands around my head, holding me to him, his kiss full of promises.

  When we finally break apart, he tells me, “I can feel it, Jane. I just know this worked. I’m going to get my sight back.”

  I laugh, nuzzling his neck. “I hope so, because I don’t think I’ll make it through another surgery.”

  I try to keep the fear out of my voice, but I can’t. The last few hours were hell.


  I hate to think what I’ve already put her through. Some marriages don’t even survive what we’ve already experienced. She’s been quiet since I got out of surgery. I know she was scared. I could feel it when she talked, hell, I can tell by the way she hasn’t left my side since.

  In such a short time, I’ve already fallen in love with her. All I’ve thought about all day is that I hope this worked. After thinking about things, I know that I can’t force this life on her. Always having to take care of me. Hell, at this point, I don’t even have a job or a way to support myself, let alone her. The thought lingered in the back of my mind of what I should do so when this doctor told me there was a possibility, I had to take it.

  I run my fingers through her hair. I finally convinced her to lie on the bed with me. “You okay?”

  She stiffens next to me. “Yes, of course, I’m fine.”

  I almost ask her about it, but then I hear, “Knock, knock” from across the room.

  “Hey, Terry.” My captain and everyone else had already been here and they told me Terry would be stopping in later.

  “Hey, bud. How’s it going?”

  “Good, good. I’ll know more tomorrow.” Jane tries to get off the bed, but I stop her. “No, stay.”

  She pats my chest. “I think I need to stretch my legs. I’ll be back soon.”

  I finally let her go but not until she kisses me.

  When I hear the door shut, Terry slaps me on the shoulder. “You’ll be back fighting fires before you know it.”

  I grimace. “I hope so, man. I’ve been sort of lost without it.”

  He laughs then. “Not too lost from the looks of it.”

  I can’t stop the smile from forming on my face. “Yeah, Jane is perfect. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. So where have you been? None of the guys were talking so I figure something’s up.”

  He’s hesitant when he answers me and since I can’t see his face, I just wait for him to answer.

  “I was just helping April.”

  I sit up on the bed, ignoring the headache I feel from the sudden movement. “April? What’s happened to April?”

  The bed shifts and it sounds like he’s gripping the handrail. “She’s fine. I just helped her move, that’s all.”

  “She had to move?” The guilt that I thought had left me resurfaces.

  He pats my shoulder. “She’s fine, Mack. You have my promise, I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

  There’s something in his voice. I want to ask him about it, but I don’t. I simply nod my head.

  He flips on the television and he starts doing commentary of the basketball game that’s on.

  I half listen, but I can’t get my mind off April or what’s bothering Jane.

  I don’t feel right again until I hear her come back into the room. She tries to stand off to the side, but I don’t let her. I beckon to her and when she gets close, I pull her to me, asking her to lie down beside me.

  Only when her curvy body is pressed to my side does the beating of my heart return to normal.

  An hour later, Terry leaves. The nurses come in and offer to bring in a rollaway bed. But I shoot them down. From this point forward, I don’t ever plan on sleeping away from Jane again.

  When the room is quiet and I’m about to fall asleep, I finally ask her again, “What’s wrong, Jane? You haven’t said much.”

  She sniffs and it’s then I know she’s crying. “Why are you crying?”

  “Nothing. Really. I’m fine. It’s just been a stressful day.”

  I hold back my yawn. I’m really tired all of a sudden and I know it’s because of the surgery. “I’m sorry, but I need you to promise me something.”

  She doesn’t hesitate. “Anything.”

  “Promise me… you won’t ever leave me.”



  I want to ask him the thing that’s been on my mind all day. What if he sees me and decides I’m not the one for him? But I don’t. I can hear the drowsiness in his voice, even his words are slurring.

  “I promise,” I tell him.

  He squeezes me. “No, say it.”

  I whisper to him, “I promise… I won’t ever leave you.”

  He kisses the top of my head and I lie back down on his chest. He’s softly snoring only moments later.

  I lie awake most of the night and when the doctor comes in the next morning, I sleep through Mack getting out of bed. When I wake up he’s sitting on a chair in the corner of the room.

  “So how you doing today, Mack?”

  “Good, Doc. Let’s get these bandages off,” he says impatiently.

  “Let’s talk first.”

  I excuse myself to the bathroom and come back quickly, not wanting to miss anything important.

  “Now listen, Mack. I’m pretty sure that we got it all. I did a rush job on it and the mass was benign. So no cancer. No radiation, no chemo. However, I do want to tell you that the eyes are tricky. You may leave here with your sight intact. You might have some floaters that I stirred up and it may be hazy for a few days. I al
so feel the need to make sure you’re aware that there is always the possibility that this could come back. You will need to come back for scans and tests.”

  The longer the doctor talks, I can see Mack’s confidence wavering. I’m so nervous I feel like I can be sick. I want him to get his sight back. But I can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen between us if it does.

  I sit on the edge of the bed and watch as the doctor undoes the bandages. I’m scared, and the pit of my stomach is burning.

  “Miss, will you turn down the lights?” the doctor asks.

  I go to the light switch and flip it off. The only light in the room is coming from the open curtain on the window. I go to close it and Mack reaches out for me, touching my leg. I grab on to his hand then, knowing how scary this is for him.

  When the bandage is removed, Mack’s eyes are closed.

  The doctor pats his knee. “Take your time, Mack. Open them when you’re ready.”

  He opens them then. But I can’t tell from his reaction if he can see or not.

  The doctor points a light at his eyes and he closes them, indicating that he can see something. The doctor runs a few more tests and it’s obvious the longer time goes by that Mack did in fact get his eyesight back.

  I’m holding my breath, waiting for him to look over at me. I’m scared and I feel it in every breath of my body.

  The doctor asks him to focus on something across the room and has him read it. When Mack does, the doctor responds with, “Good, good.” Then he starts writing something down in his notebook.

  It’s then that Mack looks over at me. I know my eyes are wide and I couldn’t hide the fear on my face if I tried to.

  He’s staring at me and not saying a word. When it starts to get uncomfortable, I start to fidget. I pull back my hand. “I’ll be right back.”

  “No!” he tells me and the doctor’s head whips up.

  “Doc, can you give us a minute?”

  The doctor looks between us and it’s only then that he notices that there’s something happening in the room. He nods his head and gets up, but before he walks out, he looks at me pointedly. “He doesn’t need stress right now. And don’t let him up until I’ve had a chance to evaluate him further.”

  I nod my head and look down at our combined hands. Mack tugs me until I’m facing him, standing between his seated legs.

  He’s looking up at me and I still can’t read his face. I’ve never been so nervous in all my life. What I feel for him was not something I was counting on in such a short time. But I know with everything that’s inside me, I don’t want to disappoint him right now.

  When he doesn’t say anything, I finally break the silence. “It might be better if I left now.”


  I should let her walk away. With me there’s no guarantee of what the future may hold. If I was a better man, I would let her walk out the door right now… But I can’t.

  I pull her down until she’s sitting on my lap. She struggles, but I don’t let her up. “You promised me that you would never leave me.”

  Her eyes are wide and I can see the stubbornness in them. I’ve recognized it in her personality, but actually seeing it is a whole other thing. I can’t help but smile.

  “Can I be honest with you?”

  I nod my head at her, still not believing how beautiful she is.

  “I’m fine with me. I like me. But I know I’m not the typical girl you date. I’ve seen pictures of you online at fundraisers, and well, I don’t look anything like those women. I don’t want to do a relationship… with someone that feels like they’re stuck with me because of what happened when they couldn’t see.”

  I can tell she tried to hold it back, but she couldn’t. A lone tear slides down her cheek and I lean in and kiss it away.

  I nuzzle my nose against her. “You’re crazy, Jane. You’re hot. I want you… and God knows I should let you walk away from me because you deserve better, but I can’t let you go. I fell in love with your heart a week ago. I fell in love with your body yesterday. And I fell in love with your beautiful face today. You’re mine, Jane. You promised you wouldn’t leave me, and I’m holding you to it.”



  The doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I immediately moved Jane into my house and we haven’t spent a night apart since. She had some explaining to do with her boss, but when I told him we were getting married, he seemed to have cut her some slack.

  As we’re walking back to the car, she turns to me and I can tell she’s mad. “Really, Mack. You didn’t need to lie to him to save my job. I could have found another one.”

  I hit the keys to unlock my truck and open the door for her. “I wasn’t lying to him. We are getting married.”

  Her mouth drops open. “What?” When the shock subsides, her stubborn ass cocks her hip out and mouths off to me. “Really, don’t you think you should ask me first?”

  I drop to my knee. I had planned to ask her at dinner tonight, but honestly, I can’t hold back. If I could make her my wife today, I would do it.

  I take the little box out of my pocket, open it and hold it up to her. “Jane, I love you. You are the most beautiful, caring, loving woman I’ve ever known. I would be honored if you would agree to be my wife.”

  Before I even finish, tears are rolling down her face. She’s looking from the ring in my hand to my face, back and forth. “Yes, yes, yes!” she cries, falling to her knees and wrapping her arms around me.

  I kiss the tears from her face and slide the ring on her finger. Until the day I die, I will remind her that she promised to never leave me.

  Epilogue 2

  Two weeks later


  I’m standing in the buffet line at Mack and Jane’s engagement party. I’ve looked everywhere for her…. April. I know she’s coming. She wouldn’t miss it.

  When I look around the room, I finally spot her. She’s leaning against the wall next to the bathrooms and even from here her face looks pasty and white.

  I set my empty plate on a table and walk over to her. Her eyes won’t meet mine.

  She’s been this way ever since I helped her move back into her mom’s house a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know if she’s embarrassed or what, but I want her to know that I’m here to help her.

  “Nice party, huh?” I ask her.

  She nods her head and looks around the room. “Yeah, Mack seems happy. He’ll be a good husband.”

  As soon as she says it, I can tell she wishes she could take it back. Everyone, including me, knows that her husband wasn’t the best to her. He was my ‘brother’ and I wish he was still alive, but I don’t agree with what he did.

  “So how are you doing?” I ask her.

  She rolls her eyes. “Do you know how many times I get asked that in a day? I’m fine, Terry. My husband, who was an alcoholic and cheated on me, is dead. Nobody knows and I’d rather they didn’t, but we had been planning a divorce for a couple of weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him. God knows I loved him, but he’d been different the last few years. And well… Oh God, forget my rambling.”

  “April, wait,” I tell her. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she looks up at me and then before I know it, her hand is over her mouth and she races into the bathroom.

  I stand there, waiting for her to come out. I watch the clock and when ten minutes go by – I go in after her.

  For Terry and April’s story, check out Falling For you, the second book in the Alpha Hero series.

  Click here for up-to-date series information.



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  About the Author

  Bestselling short romance author Hope Ford writes short, steamy, sweet romances. She loves tattooed, alpha men, instant love stories, and ALWAYS happily ever afters. She has over 60 books and they are all available on Amazon.

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