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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

Page 38

by Ahren Sanders

  With two pregnant women, a toddler, and Poppy’s injury, Mom decided to drive golf carts.

  As always with Mom, nothing is ever simple. She rented a larger cart, had it delivered to her house, and insisted all the men decorate them last night. This is why she’s currently somewhere up the street, blaring Christmas music from a loudspeaker with a six-foot lighted shape resembling a tree on the roof.

  I began to bitch until Poppy pulled me aside, kissed me, and left me with whispered promises. Ryanne and her parents were staying with Andrew, leaving the house to ourselves.

  My reward was experiencing firsthand the benefits of her hard work with Jesse the last week. I swear to God, when she took over, I thought I’d explode. It was the first time in months she could fully manage the position, and seeing my words on her flesh while she rode me was almost too much.

  My cock stirs at the memory and what happened next, my mood shifting. If they want to play this game, I’m in. “Who says she’s not already pregnant?”

  Pierce, Miller, Warren, Dozer, Andrew, Austin, and Dad all grin approvingly. Jackson scowls.

  “Is that the secret? Knock them up?”

  Usually, this would be crass, but with this group—it’s exactly what it means. “Find your own woman and we’ll fill you in.”

  “Speaking of that, Andrew, be careful, son. Your mama has grown attached to Ryanne. When her parents left this morning, she exchanged information with Julie. Those two had hearts in their eyes,” Dozer warns while Austin smirks.

  “Fine with me,” Andrew replies neutrally, drinking his beer. “She’ll be here by spring.”

  “That so?” This is the first I’ve heard of the timeline. It is no question Ryanne will move, but there is a lot to consider.

  “That’s my plan.”

  Understanding is clear in his response. He wants her here. “What if Poppy goes back to Cirque?”

  He eyes me carefully. “We will talk when we get to that point.”

  “Holy shit.” Austin side-punches his brother. “You moving her in?”

  “We’ll see.”

  I smile at his reference to Pierce’s now famous ‘game’.

  “Good move,” Miller encourages.

  I drink my beer and listen to them, keeping an eye on Poppy inching slowly through the streets. Tonight is more of the kickoff to a holiday tradition, and it’s Poppy’s informal debut as a Graham. Mom has wanted to throw a party since we arrived, but held off at Poppy’s request. Outside of visits to Darby’s bakery and my office, Poppy hasn’t met many people. That’s going to change soon.

  She stops, angling out. Even without the Christmas lights, she glows. She wobbles on the curb, and I’m ready to move until Cole steps in, holding her elbow to help her along the cobblestone. Someone stops, taking Poppy’s phone and snapping the picture, then Cole resumes helping her back to the driver’s seat.

  Something catches my eye a few houses down. “Shit.” I drop my beer and take off toward them.

  “Oh, fuck,” comes from someone, then Pierce and Miller are at my side.

  We make it to the golf cart in time to hear Connie’s ear-splitting screech, “Who the hell are you?”

  Cole and Maya slink down, but Poppy sits straighter. “Who are you?”

  “These are my children, and I’ve never laid eyes on you in my life. Where is Pierce?”

  “Right here. Lower your voice.” He comes to a stop.

  Her eyes snap to him, brimming with hatred. “Why are my children riding around with two strangers I’ve never met?”

  “Connie, stop making a scene.”

  Her friend, Blaire, and another unknown woman have the decency to look uncomfortable.

  “Connie?” Poppy switches on the saccharine. “We haven’t met. I’m Poppy Graham.”

  At the name, Connie jerks. “You’re Evin’s wife? You have purple hair!”

  “Mom!” Maya cries in humiliation and Pierce growls.

  “Pierce, giving you a warning. I’ve waited a long time for my say to this woman. If she insults my wife again, taking my shot.”

  “Stand down, big guy, she’s got this,” Ryanne says low.

  “Oh, yeah, Evin Graham? You sit high on your moral throne thinking you’re untouchable? After what you did to Rina, you are ...”

  She’s drowned out by Mom’s music as she whips in. Pierce scowls when Darby wobbles from the quick stop. Devin’s so excited he bounces in her arms and lurches upward. A familiar nagging settles in my gut, sensing Darby’s unease about the situation.

  “Everything okay, Connie?” Jill speaks up.

  “No, my children are flying through the streets with women I don’t know. My lawyer is going to love this.”

  At the term lawyer, Cole steps next to his dad and little brother. I’m not the only one that notices. Anger flames in Poppy’s gaze and she’s ready to burst, but the quiet sniffle from Maya changes her expression.

  “Sweet girl, don’t be upset. This is a misunderstanding. I’ll handle it.” She squeezes her shoulder and gets out, steadily walking to Connie.

  Connie scans her from head to toe, scowling in disgust.

  Poppy offers her hand. “Let’s do this the polite way. Hi, I’m Poppy Graham.”

  Connie snarls, but Poppy is undeterred.

  “I hate you had to hear the salacious and farfetched tale of Evin and Rina. It was quite preposterous how she kept chasing after something that would never happen. Such a shame when women choose humility over humbleness.”

  Straight fucking shot to the jugular. Pride fires to the surface and I grin outright.

  “Fuck, she’s a pro,” Miller mutters.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” Poppy continues.

  “I bet you have. Everyone loves to tell the story of the villain.”

  “Actually, Maya and Cole can’t stop talking about your awesome trip to the mountains. I saw all the pictures and videos.”

  Connie’s head jerks in surprise, her gaze traveling between her children. While the kids were out of school the week of the holiday, Connie wanted to take them to the mountains with her family for a few days. It was the first time they’d be away with her for an extended period since the incident years ago. Darby performed a miracle, getting Pierce to agree. Connie knows this, but her animosity is rooted too deep to show gratitude.

  Poppy flicks her hand in the air, dismissing Connie’s refusal to shake. “Anyway, I understand your concern, finding your kids with someone you don’t know. You must have been so worried and scared.” She pours it on thick, and I’m taken back to the confrontation with Rina. “But there’s plenty of room on the cart. You want to jump on and join us for the tour?”

  By the shocked expressions and chuckles, no one saw that coming, especially Connie.

  “Told you she’s got this,” Ryanne declares proudly.

  “Breath-taking, talented, sweet, and witty, I love her.”

  Before I can tell Jackson to fuck off, the nagging feeling turns into sharp awareness. My eyes shoot to Darby, who’s wincing and breathing unevenly.

  “Jesus, Darby! Pierce something’s wrong.”

  Pierce hands Devin off to Cole and squats. “Baby, talk to me.”

  “I… I… I thought it was normal muscles cramping.”

  “How long has it been happening?”

  “On and off all day. When Dev got excited, he kicked down hard and something changed.”

  “Goddammit, I knew you were doing too much.”

  Her hand flies out, fingers twisting in his sweater as she doubles over, flinching.

  “Shit, I recognize that look.” Ashlyn hops off the cart, takes Devin from Cole, and waves a finger through the air. “Someone get Pierce’s truck. Darby needs the hospital. She’s in labor.”

  Pierce tosses his keys blindly, huddling Darby and speaking softly. Miller catches them, sprinting off. I slide in next to her, Mom leans over the seat, and Dad closes in.

  “Honey, is there a lot of pressure like last time?” Mom
asks gently.

  Darby nods.

  “I don’t think her water has broken yet, but it’s close.”

  “Oh, God, I can’t believe this is happening again!” Darby’s head flies up, all signs of pain gone. “My baby boy’s birthday is tomorrow. I can’t have two children on the same day.”

  “Why not? Your dad and I did. Makes birthdays simple.”

  I drop my chin to hide my chuckle.

  “Mom! You had twins.”

  Poppy crawls on my lap, her eyes lit with excitement.

  “Darby, calm down. Your pulse is racing.” Pierce is oddly peaceful.

  “My bag, Runner, Maya, and Cole…” she mumbles.

  “We all have it covered,” Poppy assures her. “Worry about yourself and this little girl.”

  “Pierce, are we ready for this?”

  My chest tightens at the self-doubt in my sister’s tone. She’s unstoppable, fearless, and solid as a rock. This is the first time she’s shown any apprehension.

  He pulls her face to his. “I’ve been ready since the day we met.”

  “Miller’s back,” Dad announces.

  “Please don’t let my water break when I stand.”

  “You’re not standing, I got you.” Pierce swoops her up and she clings to him.

  Her face swings my way, the silent question easy to read.

  “Be there soon. We’ll bring your bag and get Runner settled. Try not to have the baby before we arrive.”


  The moment Pierce leaves, chaos ensues. Familiar faces in the crowd calling out questions and offering to help. Ashlyn and Miller try to organize our family and the plans. Maya and Cole immediately beg Jill and Warren to follow their dad.

  “He carried her to his truck,” Poppy whispers in awe. “That’s one of the most romantic things I’ve ever witnessed.”

  “She’s the love of his life. Building this family with her is all he ever wanted.”

  “At the same time, I have never seen such yearning and heartbreak.”

  My line of sight follows Poppy’s. Connie’s fixated in the direction Pierce drove off. She’s wearing a look of raw devastation I know well.

  “It’s taken almost fourteen years for the karma to slap that bitch right where it hurts.”


  “No, Poppy. That woman carried out an agenda and intentionally inflicted pain on many people. Each time she suffers helps lighten the memory of my sister’s world crashing before it got started. I may be a bastard, but seeing her misery gives me satisfaction.”

  “It’s rough and blunt, but I agree. She doesn’t deserve your sympathy,” Dad says. “Now let’s get these carts loaded on the trailers and back to the house. My granddaughter is excited to meet me.”

  “You wish, it’s me she’s coming early for,” Mom snipes.

  Poppy shimmies on my lap, waving her hands in the air. “It’s baby time!” she shouts unnecessarily loud, earning a chorus of cheers. “How’s that for satisfaction?” Her smile beams brightly.

  I crash my mouth over hers, not caring about our audience. She giggles down my throat, twirling her tongue with mine and linking her fingers at my neck.

  A new round of catcalls and whistles echo in the air as Mom speeds off, shouting her shrill approval of my affection.

  “I’d like to visit Charleston.” Marco drops the news.

  “Took you four fucking days to get to the point.”

  “Was I that obvious?”

  “No news on Tasha, no change with Poppy, and confirming everything is fine. All that can be covered in a text. Yet, you call every day. Idle chit-chat isn’t exactly our style.”

  “Maybe we can change that, find more to talk about. I bet we have a lot in common.”

  “Our relationship revolves around Poppy until she tells me differently.”

  “Understood. That’s why I’d like to visit.”

  “I don’t know if she’s there yet.”

  “Evin, I’ve respected your wishes and done as you asked, caring about her wellbeing from afar. It’s been three months, and she’s on her path to recovery. Now I’d like my chance at repairing our relationship. And that means proving myself. I’m asking for a few hours. We can stretch it over days if that’s better.”

  “Shit.” I rub the back of my neck, actually considering this. “Today’s your lucky day. All the positive energy in the air has me mellow. I’ll mention it to her. No promises.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’ll be later. She’s currently flipping through at least a hundred pictures.”

  “I remember those first birthdays. Although my girls had theirs at home surrounded by family. Not sure I’ve ever heard of one in a hospital.”

  “Mom makes things happen, especially for her grandson.”

  “He sounds like a fortunate little boy.”

  “He’s a badass.”

  “Is Poppy in any of the pictures?”

  “Probably more than my sister. Dev has a thing for her.”

  “I’d love to see one.”

  “Don’t push it. I’ll talk to her about the visit and we’ll be in touch.”

  “Good luck with your sister.”

  “Thanks, keep me updated if you hear anything.” I end the call, going to the couch where Poppy is flanked by Maya and Cole. “Which one of you is moving so I can sit?”

  Both peer up at me, then back to the computer screen, neither of them budging.

  “Poppy, want to help me out?”

  “In a minute, honey, we’re almost done.”

  I cross my arms, rocking back and counting to thirty. At twenty, she taps a button and announces, “Done!”

  “You have ten seconds.”

  “Then what happens?” Cole squints defiantly.

  “I pick her ass up and move in.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  Poppy laughs, sliding the computer to his lap and swinging her arms my way. “Time to stretch my muscles.”

  I tug her to her feet, Maya and Cole scrambling too, their focus behind me. Pierce comes in looking fatigued. The last hour since the birthday celebration ended has not gone his way. “Darby’s decided she’s ready.”

  “Darby decided? Is that how this works?”

  “Apparently, with your sister it is. Don’t know how the hell she did it, but she stalled her progress by eighteen fucking hours.”

  “Don’t think that’s medically possible,” I point out warily. “Maybe the baby wasn’t as ready as we thought.”

  “I didn’t believe it either until she curled into me fifteen minutes ago and said she was ready. Swear to God, I helped her to the bathroom and ten seconds later her water broke. Somehow, she held off.”

  It’s not smart to argue since there is absolutely no logic to this.

  “Dad, can we see her?” Maya grabs the laptop. “Poppy organized an album from the birthday.”

  “That was quick.”

  “All the time hanging in Evin’s office has sharpened my skills,” Poppy brags.

  “Darby will love it. Let’s go show her.”

  “I’ll call Mom.”

  “She and Edward are almost here with Stephanie and Todd. My family is on the way. The Rhodes are keeping Dev at Miller’s place.”

  “We’ll be in there in a minute,” I say, giving him a slice of alone time with the kids and Darby.

  “There’s no rush. This could go on a while.”

  When he and the kids are out of range, Poppy leans into me. “Your sister has magic.”

  “Don’t want to hear it.”

  “There’s a power behind spiritual control. It sounds crazy to you alpha-male, obsessively-driven men, but she knew what she was doing.”

  “Baby, I love your free-spirited way of life. The incense, the flowers, the beads, the oils, the meditation music while you stretch, all of it. But I’m a believer in modern science. The baby wasn’t ready.”

  “Mmhmm, you rely on your science, I’ll keep believing in sp
iritual magic.”

  “You’ve heard the stories, but I’m warning you now. It’s about to get chaotic. Last time, Mom jumped on the bed to restrain Darby when she kept refusing the epidural. We got kicked out of the room.”

  She smiles, her eyes glittering. “Let’s get in there. I want to be in a prime spot if we have a repeat.”

  I give her a quick kiss, take her hand, and go toward the room.

  “It’s cool everyone will have all this experience. It’ll come in handy when it’s our turn.”

  “We’re getting a private room with security. It’s you, the doctors, the nurses, and me. All these crazies can visit after the baby is born.”

  She laughs, bumping my shoulder with her own. “Water birth at home is always an option.”

  I pull her to me, stopping. “You want to try alternative methods, we’ll look into them. If that means putting a tub in the middle of a hospital room, I’ll agree as long as it includes modern medical science.” I grind out the last few words.

  She’s straight-faced for less than a second before she burst into giggles. “You make it too easy.”

  “You’re fucking with me?”

  “Your mom had twins and your sister has a track record of such eager babies that she can’t make it to her due date. I fully intend to take advantage of medical professionals.”

  “The best medical professionals.”

  “With you, it’s nothing but the best.”

  Chapter 36


  “Are you going to be broody the whole lunch?”

  “When I mentioned he wanted to visit, I didn’t think you’d agree so soon.”

  “Why wait?”

  “To make him sweat. It’s been less than a week.”

  “Maybe I was testing his sincerity.”

  “He’s here.” Evin’s voice is terse, his hand tightening around mine.

  Marco stands at our approach, watching me attentively. “Poppy, Evin.” He dips his chin in an uncomfortable greeting.


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