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Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)

Page 18

by Cameo Renae

  “Oh. It’ll be good to see him again,” I yawned.

  Alaine popped out of her office. “You alright Emma?” she asked.

  “Yes, I’m going to get some sleep since I haven’t had any yet. Kade is going to the cottage.”

  “Oh, could you take something to Samuel for me?” she asked.

  “Of course.” He turned to me, “I’ll see you later. Sleep sweet.” He leaned over and gave me a kiss.

  “I will now,” I said, heading up the stairs.

  In my room, I went over to the window, and pulled the curtains shut, instantly blacking out the sun. As the room went dark, the sadness lingered, so I pulled back the curtain back a couple of inches to let some sun in. It was comforting.

  I dropped to my bed, and immediately faded.

  Chapter 23

  I jumped awake to a loud thumping. I glanced at my clock. I had been asleep for five hours. Sitting up, I and walked over to the window. The sun was beginning to make its descent. I figured I’d get up, or else I would throw my whole sleeping schedule off. I went to the bathroom and washed up.

  Dammit. I forgot to email Lia. But I still had a little time, so I clicked on my laptop and finished brushing my hair. While making my bed, I suddenly had a craving for something sweet. After I sent Lia a quick email, letting her know I took a long nap, I decided to head downstairs.

  The house was quiet. Kade must have still been over at the cottage with the others.

  As I made my way to the kitchen, I smelled something sweet. When I entered, there were plates filled with homemade cookies on the counter, but Miss Lilly wasn’t here. She must have been on break. Dinner still wasn’t for a few more hours.

  I ambled closer, drawn to their scent. Fresh baked, chocolate chip cookies. I took one and bit into it.

  It was heaven. Crunchy on the outside, and warm and gooey on the inside. The chocolate melted in my mouth. They were sinful.

  One of the plates was wrapped with cellophane and had a note card attached to it, which read: For Ethon.

  I wondered if I should deliver it to him. It would be a nice gesture - sort of a peace offering. I felt horrible for the way things ended last night. I knew it wasn’t all his fault. The bond had the three of us twisted in knots and on edge. Truth was, if I had bonded to Ethon first, the tables would probably be turned in his favor.

  There was no one around I could tell, but the tower was only a few yards away from the house. I doubted Lucian had eyes on this place every second of the day, and Darkling didn’t even come out in daylight. Once I made it to the tower, I knew Ethon would be there to protect me anyway.

  I carried the warm plate of cookies to the front door, opened it slightly, and peeked out. It looked completely clear. I took in a deep breath of air, and it was fresh and clear. No scent of Fallen at all. I quickly slipped out and ran to the entrance of the tower. Opening the door, I slipped inside. As soon as the door shut I heard a sound which made me freeze. It sounded like painful moans, almost like someone was injured.

  What the?

  I wondered if Ethon was hurt, or maybe it was Bane or Azzah. I was still trying to be certain I was in fact hearing correctly. A distinct sound of rattling chains and moaning came from up the spiraled stairs.

  “Ethon?” I called, but there was no response. I cautiously made my way up.

  I’d never been inside the tower, and always wondered what it was like. Towers seemed so mysterious and magical, but also ominous. I wasn’t protected by the barrier here, so I needed to be extra careful.

  Halfway up, the sounds of the chains and painful groans made the hairs on my skin stand erect.

  “Ethon?” I yelled up the stairwell. Again, there was no answer.

  I heard a loud thumping sound.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Holy crap. Someone is up there, and they must be hurt.

  My gut instinct was to head toward the sound, but I quickly debated whether it would be better to just run away. Ultimately though, if I was hurt, I would want help.

  My heart hammered as I ran up the stairs, accidentally dropping the plate of cookies on my way. The sound of the plate shattering sent a shiver up my spine, but I kept going.

  At the top of the stairs, I stopped in a large circular room. Floor to ceiling windows framed in a total 360 degree view of the grounds. It was breathtaking. I could see how this would be the perfect place for Guardians to be stationed.

  The inside was beautifully decorated in, a somewhat contemporary, red and gold. It was definitely a place one would be comfortable. On one side there was a large flat-screen TV, accompanied by a surround sound system, and a wrap-around couch. Everything was accented in contemporary colors.

  Nothing in the room was over waist height, and everything was away from the windows, all to keep the view completely open.

  There were spotlights set up at each window, a telescope, and a screen which showed all of the cameras views from around the grounds. Places I never knew they had cameras.

  I did a quick scan of the room, only to find it completely empty. There were no signs of Ethon or his goons, but there were empty plates stacked on the counter, next to cases of soda.

  How could the room be empty? I swear I heard someone.

  “Hello?” I called again. “Is anyone here?”

  Another loud clunk made me jump. It was from an area behind me, but when I looked, it was empty. I hadn’t felt this scared in a long time. My heart was pounding so hard it threatened to leave my chest.

  What the hell could be in here and where is it? I stood, silent.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  The floor under my feet shook after each bang, and I screamed. I was standing on a dark gray carpet, and I suddenly realized it was the only thing in the room that looked out of place. It was totally not part of the color scheme. I held my breath, bent over and tugged it out of the way.

  A trap door was revealed… I hated trap doors. The last time I was lured into one, bad things happened. I was still dealing with the side effects of that whole ordeal.

  Was it one of the Fallen? Or a trap? I started second guessing my decision to forge on by myself. I should probably run back down and get help.

  Another deep, painful moan echoed from the door, and I knew that whoever it was, they were in a lot of pain.

  I had to help.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I walked closer. “Hello?”

  There was no answer.

  Grabbing hold of the handle with one hand, I released the latch with the other.

  There was struggle under the door, and I gathered every bit of strength within me to finish opening it. I wanted to run, but something deep inside me wouldn’t let me leave. Whatever it was, kept me there, urging me to open the door.

  I hurried over and grabbed a small knife on the counter, and held it in my grasp - just in case. I wasn’t sure if it would do anything to keep me safe, but I felt better with at least some kind of a weapon in hand.

  The Bloodstone amulet around my neck started to give off a dim glow. I knew, from previous encounters, whenever it glowed, danger was near. But this was different. It was very faint and it kept pulsing, on and off. I didn’t have a clue what it meant, so I made a calculated assumption. Maybe there was some kind of danger, but it wasn’t a great threat. I hoped I was right.

  Twisting the knob, I slowly pushed the door open. I gasped and stepped back. Curled up in a fetal position was a large dark figure. A man. He was naked and covered with old and new blood. His feet and hands were bound, his mouth was gagged. There was blood splattered all over the cell’s walls, and also pooled on the floor where he laid.

  “Hello?” I said softly, noticing his legs were laying in an awkward position.

  Oh my God. They were broken.

  His head snapped up, and his swollen, bloodshot eyes locked onto mine. A gag crossed his mouth and his nose was broken, flopping loosely to the side. He was moaning, as if he wanted to tell me something.

  I carefully stepped dow
n into the box and untied the gag.

  “Thank you,” he said, coughing and taking in large mouthfuls of air. His dark black hair was streaked with white, so I knew he must have been older.

  “Who are you?” I asked, but he didn’t answer. “Who did this to you?” I could smell the smoky aroma associated with the Fallen. “Do you work for Lucian?”

  He exhaled, closed his eyes, and laid his head back on the floor.

  “I am a member of Lucian’s Fallen, and was assigned to be a Watcher. I have no intention of harming anyone, especially you. I’m not a warrior.”

  “Then why are you here?” I asked.

  “A dozen of us were ordered to keep watch over this place. We would report back any and all movement. I had been returning from my watch when I was hit from behind. Next I knew, I was gagged, tied up, and tortured for information.”

  “Who did this?” I asked.

  “The one with Lucifer’s eyes. They call him Ethon.”

  “Ethon?” I whispered to myself. My heart twisted and then anguished. Everything in me began to shake. “Ethon did this to you?” I had to hear it again because my mind just couldn’t accept the fact he was capable of doing something like this.


  “What exactly did he want from you?” I pressed.

  “Information. What Lucian knew about you.”

  “About me?” My mind was spinning.

  “Yes,” he paused and took a couple of labored breaths. “He seemed particularly upset when he found out about Alaine being your Nephilim mother. They know of the prophecy.” He coughed and his eyes rolled back.

  I started hyperventilating. This was worse than I could have ever imagined. Now, I would have both Lucian and Lucifer after me. And what side would Ethon take?

  “I honestly didn’t mean to put you in danger. Ethon has developed cunning ways of torturing information from his captures. You need to leave, and warn the others. You are in grave danger. Lucian will try to get to you before Lucifer does. If he cannot, he said he will kill you. Lucifer will want you alive.”

  I needed to get out of here, but I wasn’t going to leave him here to die. The chains they had bound around him were too tight, and there was no key.

  “I need something to help get you free. I need to get you out of here.”

  “Don’t. Get out before they return.”

  “I won’t leave you here to die.”

  He grabbed my ankle, forcing me to look him in the eye.

  “Save yourself. You need to live. You are the one who can end this senseless war, once and for all. Lucian needs to be stopped. He’s gone mad. His murderous spree is fueled by revenge, but once he’s had it, he will continue. He wants power, and you’re the key.”

  “Lucian has been gathering his army. Once they have assembled, they will strike. You are his end goal. He believes you are the key to him ruling the Otherworlds. Yes, Lucifer may be just as dark and evil, but at least he has a method to his ways.”

  “Well, I hope they realize I am worthless for the next eight months,” I said.

  “Which is why he wants to capture you now, while they still can. Because once you transform…you will have an even greater power.”

  “Look at me, I can’t even get you out of here,” I said, helpless.

  He squeezed my leg a little tighter, and steeled his swollen eyes on mine.

  “I’m done for, child. Go now. Save yourself.”

  I sobbed. I didn’t want to leave him, but I knew there was no way I could break the chains, or carry him out of here. Knowing Ethon did this made me sick.

  “Hurry. They will be back soon.”

  “I’m sorry,” I cried.

  “I’ve lived a hundred lives. To die now will be setting me free. Now, give me the knife, close the door, and run.”

  Tears streamed down my face as I took the knife and placed it in his hands.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  I closed the trap door, bolted it shut, and quickly threw the rug back over it. I turned to run when I saw three figures flying fast toward the tower. I froze as my eyes locked onto Ethon’s red gaze.

  Chapter 24

  I ran for the stairs, but he was too fast. In seconds, he was at the glass door on top of the tower. I wished my feet could run as fast as my heart was beating. My breath quickened to the point I thought I’d pass out.

  “Emma!” he called out. “Emma!”

  “Stay away from me,” I yelled, my feet started pounding down the stairs.

  “What’s the matter?” He sounded concerned.

  The bottom door suddenly opened and Bane’s twisted, angry face stared up at me. He stepped in and closed the door, and started up the stairs.

  “Leave me alone!” I screamed.

  “Emma, please come back up here and tell me what’s wrong. I have promised to never hurt you.”

  I knew I was trapped, and I didn’t want to take my chances with Bane, so I reluctantly made my way back up toward Ethon.

  I stood there, shaking.

  “What were you doing here?” he asked.

  “I came to bring you cookies.” My voice trembled.

  “You did?” He grinned.

  “Yes, but I dropped them down the stairs on the way up.”

  “Are you okay? Did you fall?” he asked, stepping closer to me.

  My pulse started to race.

  “Ethon,” Azzah called. Ethon turned back, and he gave him a look. “She knows.”

  Ethon sighed and closed his eyes.

  “Emma. Why did you lie to me?” His eyes furrowed with concern.

  “About what exactly?” I questioned.

  “Alaine…who you really are,” he said softly. Stepping forward, he looked like he was going to hold my hands, but decided against it at the last minute.

  “I never lied to you. I just didn’t tell you. There’s a difference. And, believe me, I’m nothing special. Just a simple girl trying to stay alive in a crazy, murderous world.”

  “All I have wanted to do is protect you, since the moment we touched. How can I do that when you keep such things from me? This information changes a lot of things.” He was starting to get upset.

  “Why? Why would it change things? And why the hell do you have that person chained and gagged under the floor, Ethon?” I asked, getting a little emotional.

  “He works for Lucian. We found him snooping around the property. He was watching your every move, Emma. We were only trying to protect you.” Ethon looked confused as to why I’d be so upset.

  “Protect me by torturing him?” My voice became shrill near the end.

  “He’s immortal. He’ll heal in a few days.”

  “Holy crap, Ethon,” I exhaled.

  I had a hard time trying to wrap my head around torturing someone for information. And by the look of things, he had absolutely no issues with his methods. I suddenly began to wonder why the bond had connected us.

  I saw the damage he did to that man, and it was wrong. He beat the man to a bloody mess, and broke both of his legs. I would maybe be a little more understanding if the person tried to kill them, or had intentions of harming anyone, but he was a Watcher. At least that’s what he said.

  “Emma, listen,” Ethon said, hesitating slightly before grabbing my arms. The shock caused me to jump, but I fought the bond. It was trying to subdue my fears, and I needed to keep my mind strong. The facts could not be muted.

  “First, I’m sorry about touching you. I’m not trying to control you, the bond is just begging me to calm you down – soothe your soul. Second, my father found out about you, and it wasn’t by me, or Bane, or Azzah. He has a damn network of reliable and not-so-reliable sources. Because you failed to tell me the truth, I had to find out for myself. I’m sorry if the method seems brutal, but I needed to know everything before I met with my father. He can’t believe I was oblivious to everything going on around me. I needed to have answers to save you, Emma. I told you, before, and I will say it again, you can trus
t me. I live now for only one reason, to keep you safe and happy. If you would have told me, we wouldn’t have resorted to this.”

  I shook my head. I was so confused. One part of me wanted to trust him; to believe he really wanted to save me, and actually possessed good inside of him. The other part felt Ethon was evil and there was no escaping it. I just had a hard time seeing past the blood and broken bones.

  “He’s coming.” Ethon said, ominously.

  “When?” I gasped.

  “Right now.”

  “Shit. Is he going to kill me?” I asked.

  “No. Of course not. I would never allow him to harm you,” he said, pulling me close.

  I fell into his arms, and was comforted - but didn’t hug him back. My heart was aching, and my head was turning in a mad whirlwind, tossing and bashing me into confusion. I wasn’t ready to see Lucifer. I knew he was coming for a purpose. He wouldn’t leave the Underworld to see me if it wasn’t something worth his time.

  Without my Guardians, I was left with the only other person I knew who could keep me from Lucifer. I had to put trust in him. At this point I had no other choice.

  I wrapped my arms around Ethon, resting my head on his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around me, and I instantly felt protected.

  “What does he want?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, Emma. I would tell you if I knew. He wanted us to find a way to bring you, but to my surprise, you were already here and alone. I guess it was fate.”

  Yeah, and it sucked to be me right now.

  There was nothing I could do. If I tried to get away, scream for help, or fight…things would end badly. I didn’t want to put any of the others in danger. Especially, Kade. I knew for a fact he would rush to my rescue, and die fighting for me.

  I had only been missing for about ten minutes, and everyone thought I was safely in my room. So, everyone should be fine.

  Danyel once told me if Lucifer ever found out my past, he would use me as a pawn. But ultimately, if the prophecy was true, I’d be the one with the power. Why should they be able to use me, if I had the power to defeat them?

  I’d need to be smart and play his game. I would make him believe I was going along with whatever plans he had.


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